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Iyi calismalar
Hi There,
I'am web scrapt & data entry expert.
I'm ready to get your data and give you in required file format or upload in your page.
I have 15 years experiance. I'm using my own script for get data, my scrapt limit is 30000 website in a hour ( writeing scripts is depents of site, it take 2-5 hours normaly for be ready to start scrapt)
Please view my feedback for completing
Please contact with me over via chat for more details and see example works.
What i need: 1- Target site or file.
2- Get a screenshot step by step what u want me get and mark them on picture.
Prosses: 1- I will get all your data.
2- You will create milistone and award me your project.
Complate: You will relace your project end of job and complate.
Time isue: Time is depents of priduct picture size (if you required pictures too).
Extras: My price is only for 1 domain.
Thu Apr 18 2019 18:43:26 GMT+0700