Integrate SDK to swift project using cocoapods
€6-12 EUR / saat
I created a capacitor plugin which uses 3rd party Objective-C SDK.
When I install the plugin to my Ionic project, the SDK is not found.
Help please
Proje NO: #31363163
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Bu iş için 6 freelancer ortalamada €12/saat teklif veriyor
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hello Zbignev, Hope you are doing well. I have read about your opportunity and my skills are matching your requirements and I have 5+ years of relevant experience in required skill Daha Fazla
Hello! I will surely resolve your issue in a short time, having 10+ years of experience in Mobile app development with solid knowledge Ionic framework, Cordova, iOS, Swift, Objective-C, and more. Let's discuss more, Daha Fazla
Staying free at home these days and i can make it done your work soon as possible so, dont worry about it Let me handle the situation I have a Beng(hons) Software Engineering too Be Happy to give me your project