I am very interested in writing an 11 page e-book for you on the Top 9 Travel and Shopping Destinations You Never Heard Of. With over eight (8) years of solid experience in content writing and development (five years of which as a full time freelance writer), my track record speaks for itself.
Writing is more than just cleverly arranging and polishing words. It is a serious job that requires passion, dedication, love for the written word, and respect for the client. As a buyer and a business owner, I know you deserve to get the best content for the advancement of your professional and business endeavors. Believe me, inexperienced people can only aspire to produce quality content. Beware of those people who charge very little, they may also give you less than your expectations.
I invite you to review my samples in my Portfolio section. I included a rich variety of works, which include articles, web content, e-books, white papers, reports, and many more. If you are looking for a specific work, please let me know so I can send more samples.
If you have questions, please contact me anytime.