Dear Sir/Madam
My name is Sinem YILMAZ SİPAHİ. I have graduated PhD of Physics degree student at İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University. I am the one of the few scientists expertise in the field of ultrafast optics and laser technology including their application areas with almost 7 years work experience. In this years, I have given several oral presentations at technologically and scientifically important, high impact conferences and published many papers in scientifically important journals besides my master and PhD theses. Additionally, I took some courses during my education like social physiology and humanity including writing various essay types about ideas of Freud and Nietzsche. Therefore, I have found a chance to fully understand the basics of writing documents. Additionally, starting from my Master degree, I have been engaged to write proposals for funding from high profile grants, periodic reports to government and private funding agencies. Therefore, my background in generating innovative ideas and strategies have been improved with a deeper understanding of how to implement various ideas into essays.
I wrote this bid in English because I wanted you to see my english level as a start.
Thank you for your time.
PS: Currently, I am living in Seoul but I am a Turkish citizen.