Zen cart customer based pricing levels işler
bu rapor turnitin sistemine yüklenilecektir, alıntı yüzde 10 geçmeyecektir .teslim süresi 1 haftadır
Open Cart Vitrin Modülü Ekteki resimlerdekine benzer bir vitrin çalışması yapılacak. Vitrin kategori ve mağaza bazlı çalışacak. Kategorinin en çok satanları, yeni ürünler, en çok gezilenler ve kampanyaları bulunacak. Ayrıca kategorinin Sizin için seçtiklerimiz bölümü olacak. Ana kategorinin alt kategorilerinden seçilenler vitrine eklenebilecek. Ekteki resimde gözüktüğü gibi vitrinde bannerlar olacak.
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Build a php form to generate reports for 3 levels of administration'
PAYNET ödeme sistemi için CS-Cart 4.3.4 sürümü ile çalışacak taksitli modüle ihtiyacım var. Gerekli bilgileri adresinden alabilirsiniz.
We have a quick sale software created with C# .NET Software functions mastar cards (product, werehouse, customer, cashier user, etc.) stock entry; Product card product groups Fast Sales screen Cash, Credit Card payment buttons, etc. To learn weighing information weighing devices will link (information will be given) Sample Image is attached. It will be rewritten as Android. Türkçe Açıklama: C#. Net olarak yazılımış olan mevcut hızlı satış yazılımımızın android olarak yeniden yazılması gerekmektedir, yazılım içerisine malzeme kartı tanımlama, depo tanımlama, kasiyer tanımlama vb. işlemler yapılmaktadır. Hızlı satış ekranın da, ürünler malzeme gruplarına göre listelenir, üzerine tıklanan ürünler ekl...
Cs-cart yazılımı konusunda bilgili PHP yazılımcısı arıyorum. İstediğim geliştirmeler iyi bir PHP ve Cs-Cart bilgisi gerektirmektedir.
Web sitemize open cart kurulumu yaptık, fakat ufak bir kaç detay değiştirmek istiyoruz. Opencart konusunda deneyimli bir freelancer ile çalışmak isteriz, 1 gün içerisinde rahatlıkla yapılabilecek bir iş, çok ufak bir kaç değişiklik yapacağız sadece.
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Logo for a Real Estate company based in Istanbul'
Open Cart panel e-ticaret sitemizde yapılacak font değişimi, giriş sayfası ve tasarımsal bazı değişiklikler için çalışabileceğimiz birini arıyoruz.
...so you need to be available to work as a freelancer right now. /// Adaylar üzerinden hızlıca geçip uygun kişiye hemen kontratlı olarak başlatacağız. Yakın gelecekte full-time çalışma perspektifi olacaktır. Seçildiğiniz takdirde İstanbul'daki geliştirme takımımızla beraber hemen başlayacaksınız, bu bakımdan şu an çalışmaya müsait olmanız gerekmektedir. The product you will work on is a web-based analytics interface comprised of dashboards and reports built on top of the .Net platform with Knockout JS as the JavaScript framework. The data the reports pull come from MS SQL Server. Although the Java platform is not utilized at the moment, we would like you to be well versed with Java as there will be a switch to the Java platform in th...
...com/) because most of the payments will be via this system this must be in our web site. Paytrail has already mentioned on its website that it supports WooCommerce. If pay cash can be realized apart from that, pay system via credit card and paybyway (this can be discussed in terms of security and certificates to get) 2. As soon as the customer opens order, having invoice print from the printer at the restaurant (having, place to go, the customer name and the price etc. as order information) ( I can make the physical configuration of the printer) 3. The membership for the customers and this membership can be possible to make via social platforms such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter. 4. Order status informative mail for customers when they ordered (for exam...
web site Bank CVV Cart Checker System Wanted Checker sistemi Yapılmasını istiyoruz
Merhaba arkadaşlar, Bir scripte ihtiyacım var. Scriptin aranılan özellikleri; Kullanmış olduğum Cs-Cart scripti ve WP scriptleri için, 1-Var olan makaleleri içeri boz scripti içine import ettiğimde, belirlenen gün ve saate kendi kendine post edebilecek, 2- Diğer makale sitelerinden, haber sitelerinden, portal sitelerin makaleleri alacak seçtiğim kelimeleri belirlediğim kelimelerle replace edecek ve post edecek bir PHP tabanlı açık kaynak kodlu geliştirmeye açık yazılıma ihtiyacım var! Bütçe 250-350 TL arasındadır.
Temizlik dikeyinde örnek: örneğinde yer alan tasarım için open cart temasına ihtiyaç duymaktayız.
merhaba Tansel Kaya bey, Biz su anda ekmek uretim yapan bir firmayiz. Firmamizdaki mevcut sistem atil kalmaktadir. Bu sistemi gelistirmek program express invoice'dir (). bu sisteme gunluk uretim tablosu entegre edip siparis veya faturalari bu tablodan alinti yaparak kesmek istiyoruz. Customer--->order production table---->invoice/order Ekte excel formatindaki production tablosu vardir. Tablo gunluk siparisleri icermektedir. Buradaki degerleri bahsi gecen express invoice programina aktariyoruz. Oradan siparis veya fatura ciktisi aliyoruz. ister mevcutta kullandigimiz programa ilave edin isterseniz yepyeni bir program yapin. Bu tamamiyle size kalmis. Tarafima projeyi yapip yapamiyacaginizi bildirirseniz sevinirim. Ozer Depsen Euro
Merhaba, Daha önce bir mesaj atmıştım. CS-Cart projesi ile ilgili sizinle görüşmek isteriz. Olumlu veya olumsuz bilgi verebilirseniz seviniriz. Teşekkürler, Sinem
Merhaba, Daha önce bir mesaj atmıştım. CS-Cart projesi ile ilgili sizinle görüşmek isteriz. Olumlu veya olumsuz bilgi verebilirseniz seviniriz. Teşekkürler, Sinem
Hi we are a company that works on ecommerce sotware and data center. We want to software to dress model while customer doing online shopping. This work will begin on textile. For example: While customers doing online-shopping, they can change dress' colour on model and can see how it looks like. Off course every data(colour, size ext...) already posted on system. Merhaba, E-ticaret yazılımları üreten bir firmayız ve bir yazılım istiyoruz. Bu yazılım e-ticaret sistemimize entegre olacak ve bu sayede alışveriş yapan müşteriler alacakları ürünlerin özelliklerini görsel olarak değiştirerek görebilecekler. Örnek olarak t-shirt almak istiyorsunuz. Öncelikle bu tshirt standart beyaz olarak çıkıyor. Siz mavi renk almak istiyorsunu...
Handrail & Balustrade Fabricati...per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality and structure of the website shopping cart. We wish to continue this process which includes uploading of pricing, pictures, videos (yet to be filmed) postage...
Handrail & Balustrade Fabricati...per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality and structure of the website shopping cart. We wish to continue this process which includes uploading of pricing, pictures, videos (yet to be filmed) postage...
cs-cart eticaret sisteminde ürünlere iki fiyat belirleyebilmek istiyoruz. Örneğin bir ürünü siteye eklerken cs-cart ın standart ürün ekleme sayfasında fiyat kısmının altına ek olarak havale ile fiyatı alanı olsun. Müşteri alışverişini yapıp ödeme sayfasına geldiğinde ödeme yöntemi olarak havale seçerse sepet içeriği havale fiyatı üzerinden hesaplansın. cs-cart ta ödeme yöntemlerine % bazlı indirim veya ek ücret tanımlanabiliyor. Biz ise belli bir yüzde ile değil her üründe havale yada adını ne koyarsak diğer ödeme yönteminde 2. fiyat üzerinden siparişin tamamlanmasını istiyoruz. Bu sipariş yönteminde herhangi bir online ödeme işlemcisi k...
CRM ile ilgili yazdığım türkçe makalenin İngilizceye çevrilmesine ihtiyacım var. Ortalama 1500-1600 Kelime.
Cs-Cart sanal mağaza scripti için; 1- dış tedarikçilerden (hangi tedarikçi olursa olsun xml urlsi ve şifresi girilince import edebilecek) ürün çekecek, siteye ürünü clone mantığında atıp sonra toplu belirlenecek kategori, fiyat vb ayarlamalar yapıldıktan sonra ekleyecek. 2-Otomatik tetikleyiciler ile gün içerisinde belirli saatlerde xml sağlayıcıları kontrol edip stok fiyat güncellemesi yapılabilecek 3- Filtreleme opsiyonlarıyla ürünler yada kategoriler bazlı %yüzdelik yada belirlenen bedel artışı fiyat artışları sağlayabilecek. 4- akıllı ve karmaşık olmayan bir arayüze sahip 5- AÇIK KAYNAK KOD TESLİM EDECEK Bir profesyonel arkadaş arıyoruz. Beklentimiz işini başarıyla teslim ...
...internet recognized several sites advertising on when given a visually well-crafted product is very good values can take on the world market shed we as a version that can be sold is becoming so this work as a specialist nominal prices for you on the world market can get you about 50 verebli as advertising on the site and include loans that we make to you within 3 days, hundreds of partners based on customer I find I finished my job is the marketing faculty and have a career that is rising interest are kindly requested to ___Інтернет-маркетинг є найбільш поширеним способом продажу в один з більш інтернет визнані кілька сайтів реклама на коли дано візуально добре продуманої продукт дуже хороші значення може приймати на світовому ринку пролити ми, як версії, які можу...
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin adresine daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini email atmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin adresine daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini email atmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini ve email'lerini yazmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
Merhaba, Ana sayfa tasarımı ve halihazırda user dashboard un üzerinde değişiklikler yapılması için HTML5 ve CSS bilen developerlara ihtiyacımız var. Websitemiz 'a benzer bir işleve sahip. Bu site için hem mainpage hem de customer dashboard'ın üzerinde tasarımsal değişiklikler yapılması gerekiyor. İstanbulda bulunan developerlar ile birebir çalışmak istiyoruz. Kısa süreli bir proje.
...newly designed website and pricing matrix as a reference, you will be responsible for inputting all the features, packages, and pricing details into our Blesta system. Requirements: Experience with Blesta: You must have hands-on experience with configuring and managing services, packages, configurable options, and pricing in Blesta. Strong attention to detail: Accuracy is essential to ensure all data is correctly entered and functional within Blesta. Data entry skills: Ability to efficiently input, organize, and validate data. Good communication skills: You’ll need to stay in touch with us to clarify details and confirm requirements. Deliverables: Accurately set up all features and packages in Blesta based on the information provided. Ensure all pack...
...Unlimited Outbound And Inbound Calls Like Aircall Ai. Features Required Batch Calling For Outbound Calls Thats Allows To Do Bulk Calling At The Same Time. Call History Monitoring: Access detailed records of all calls, complete with statuses and outcomes. Advanced filtering options enable users to sort calls based on success rates, latency, and user sentiment, facilitating the swift identification of failed calls and performance bottlenecks. Post-Call Analysis: Automatically analyze customer conversations post-interaction to extract valuable insights. The system supports various data types—Boolean, text, number, and selector—allowing for customized analyses tailored to specific business requirements. Customizable Dashboards: Create personalized dashboards...
...storefront can be managed independently with unique product catalogs and branding. Multi-Currency Integration: Enable support for multiple currencies, with automatic conversion based on the customer’s location. Ensure proper formatting and pricing rules for each currency. Payment Gateway Customization: Integrate multiple payment gateways (e.g., PayPal, Stripe, local gateways). Add the ability to enable/disable certain payment methods based on: Customer's country. Cart value thresholds. Dynamic Delivery Charges: Add extra delivery charges dynamically based on the selected delivery method or destination country. Provide clear pricing details to customers during checkout. Responsive Design: Ensure all features work seamlessly on desk...
...Paradice Perfumes is a leading India-based perfume brand offering high-quality fragrances for everyday use. As we continue to expand our reach, we’re looking for an experienced and driven tele-calling executive to help promote and sell our products. ✨ Key Responsibilities: Extract and compile contact details of gift shops and cosmetic wholesalers from JustDial and other online platforms. Reach out to potential clients, introduce Paradice Perfumes, and promote our product range. Effectively communicate product benefits, features, and pricing to potential customers. Build and maintain strong relationships with clients to encourage repeat business. Record and track sales interactions and follow-ups accurately. ? Requirements: Female candidates only (India-based...
I'm seeking a skilled videographer/editor to help bring my brand story to life and compile a series of customer testimonials into a montage-style video. Key Requirements: - Crafting a compelling brand narrative through video - Editing customer testimonials into a montage of clips - Ensuring all content is suitable for YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook Ideal Skills: - Experience with brand story video creation - Expertise in montage-style editing - Understanding of different social media platform requirements Please apply if you have a portfolio that demonstrates relevant experience.
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
Hello Kahmid, As discussed, we are still having "Customer Jobs" being added automatically by the web connector in Quickbooks, when syncing orders. There should be NO CUSTOMER JOBS,
I'm in need of an experienced application developer to create an Android-based e-commerce application for my business. The primary focus of this app is to improve customer engagement and drive sales. Key Requirements: - Expert knowledge in Android app development. - Previous experience in creating e-commerce applications is highly desirable. - Skills in UI/UX design to ensure a user-friendly interface. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone who can create a robust, engaging, and easy-to-navigate e-commerce application that can help propel my business to new heights. Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal.
Step 1: Key Variables Include the following inputs and calculations: Dates: Check-Out and Check-In Pricing: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, 3-Month Rates Charges: Fuel Surcharge, Damages, Cancellation Fee Mileage: Allowance, Actual Mileage, Excess Mileage Charge Payment: Deposit, Payment Amount, Card Fee Outputs: Total Cost, Refund/Outstanding Amount Step 2: Excel Layout Design an Excel sheet with the following structure: Description Input Formula/Explanation Check-Out Date 01/10/2025 User input Check-In Date 01/25/2025 User input Rental Duration (Days) =B3-B2 Rental Type Daily/Weekly/Monthly/3-Month Dropdown using Data Validation Daily Rate $50 User input Weekly Rate $300 User input Monthly Rate $1,000 User input 3-Month Rate $2,800 User input Rental Cost Formula depends on rental type...
I am looking for a digital marketing expert who can assist in reaching out to potential customers, enhancing visibility, and ultimately driving customer acquisition for the companies I work with. Key Responsibilities: - Implement effective social media marketing strategies primarily on Facebook and Instagram. - Conduct targeted email marketing campaigns. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing and email marketing. - Excellent understanding of the digital marketing landscape. - Previous work with customer acquisition is a plus. - Creative thinking and ability to develop engaging content.
...that offers a seamless shopping experience for customers. • Backend Management: Develop and manage the backend infrastructure to handle product listings, customer data, order processing, and inventory management. • ERP Integration: Integrate the online platform with our existing ERP system to synchronize data such as inventory levels, pricing, and order information in real-time. This integration is crucial for streamlining operations and ensuring data accuracy. • System Integration: Ensure compatibility and seamless communication between the online platform and other existing systems, such as payment gateways, shipping services, and customer relationship management (CRM) tools. • Email Marketing Strategy: Develop and execute an email m...
...resonate with architects and designers. USe professional terminology and design aesthetics that appeal to there sense of style and functionality. Emphasize benefits. Clearly outline the benfits of the shelving solutions such as enhancing aesthetics , displaying art , providing a modern touch to any bar, spa, library .... Call to action . Include a strong call to action, encouraging potential customer to contact for more info, request quote or visit website to see more designs. Visual appeal Create a modern , sleek design that reflects the aesthetic of the product. Use a clean layout attractive typogrophy, and a harmonious color scheme that aligns with the brand image. Contact info. Ensure the contact info is prominently displayed and easy to read, making it simple for intere...
I'm seeking commission-based sales specialists to attract clients for my video editing agency, focusing primarily on the Entertainment and Media sector. The target market is national. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize cold calling and emailing to reach potential clients - Leverage social media for client acquisition - Attend networking events to generate leads Your compensation will be purely commission-based initially, with the potential for bonuses if you deliver results.
...effectively closing sales while delivering outstanding customer service. This role requires strong communication skills, and the ability to manage multiple accounts and projects. Key Responsibilities: Business Development: Identify and generate new business opportunities by researching and targeting potential clients in various industries . Develop and maintain a strong pipeline of leads and prospects. Sales & Account Management: Qualify leads and manage the entire sales cycle from initial contact to closing. Present our CNC machining and laser cutting capabilities, explaining the technical aspects and benefits of our services. Prepare and deliver accurate quotes, proposals, and contracts based on customer requirements. Negotiate terms and pricing...
I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in WooCommerce to build an E-commerce site for me. The site needs to be designed with user-friendly navigation and be fully optimized for customer transactions. Key Features: - An intuitive and engaging interface - Secure payment gateway integration - Mobile responsive design - SEO optimized to enhance visibility and reach - User Registration functionality to build a customer base - Social Media Integration for easy sharing and brand promotion The ideal candidate will have a solid portfolio of similar projects, with evidence of successful SEO strategies and secure, user-friendly E-commerce sites. Please include examples of your work with WooCommerce in your proposal.
I'm seeking a designer to create a sleek, modern, and minimalist e-commerce website for me in my budget. The site will need to...of the site will include: - A comprehensive product catalog, showcasing a range of items in an organized and visually appealing manner. - An efficient shopping cart system, allowing for easy addition and removal of items, as well as a smooth checkout process. - A section for customer reviews, fostering a sense of community and trust among shoppers. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience in e-commerce web design, with a strong portfolio of modern and minimalist sites. Proficiency in integrating diverse payment gateways is essential, as is a keen understanding of user-friendly design. Knowledge of customer re...
I'm seeking a highly skilled mobile app developer with a strong background in E-commerce app development for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Product Catalog: An intuitive and easy-to-navigate product catalog is a must. - Shopping Cart: The app should have a smooth and user-friendly shopping cart experience. - Payment Gateway Integration: Experience with secure and reliable payment gateway integration is essential. - Account Management: The app needs a comprehensive account management system for users. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in developing E-commerce mobile apps. - Proficiency in cross-platform app development. - Excellent understanding of user experience and interface design. - Strong skills in payment gateway integration. - Experience wi...
I'm seeking a freelancer experienced with Notion who can help me create a comprehensive business snapshot. This will include a Financial Overview, and Project Milestones. Key Sections: - Financ...Milestones: This section should track our Completed Projects, Upcoming Deadlines, and Ongoing Tasks. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Notion - Financial Analysis - Project Management - Data Visualization - Business Acumen I'm looking for someone who can not only input data but also present it in a clear and engaging way. The software platforms we use for sales are Clover POS, Shopify, and Quickbooks. Customer Data Collection comes from our reservation system Hostme, Brevo Email Marketing & Form Submission, and Shopify. Business development and project management is conducted...
Hello Ahmed, I hope you're doing well! I have another customer hat needs their art file revised. Same as the others it should be all black, high-resolution with a transparent background & 5 inches in height. Since there is some shading and gray in the art I trust you'll use your expertise to decide which aspects should be solid black and which should just be outlined. Please let me know if you have any questions or need more information. - Fida Arnous
I'm looking to build a comprehensive multi-restaurant food delivery and grocery application. This will include a customer app for both Android and iOS, a rider app, a vendor app, an admin panel, and a vendor panel for managing their restaurant and store. Customer App Features: - Real-time tracking - Payment gateway integration - Customer reviews - Multi Restaurant functionality - Customer Wallet feature - Loyalty Point system - Super Fast service - Better UI / UX Vendor App Features: - Order management - Analytics and reporting - Menu Management Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience in cross-platform mobile app development - Proficient in developing real-time tracking systems and integrating payment gateways - Ability ...
...property ratings. The goal is to integrate various external data sources, process and clean the data, and generate ratings based on multiple key metrics. These ratings will assist in matching properties with clients based on their unique investment preferences. Key Features: 1. Data Integration: • Pull data from external sources related to property market trends, pricing, yields, growth potential, and more. 2. Data Cleaning and Processing: • Clean and process the data to ensure it’s ready for analysis and reporting. 3. Property Rating Calculation: • Calculate property ratings using multiple factors (e.g., price, yield, demand, growth potential, etc.). • Customize ratings based on individual client preferences (e.g., focusing ...
...developer with exceptional skills to create an e-commerce website for me. This site will also feature a personal blog where I will share stories from my life. Key Features of the E-commerce Site: - A comprehensive product catalog showcasing various items for sale - A section for customer reviews to enhance user engagement and trust - Seamless integration of a reliable payment gateway for smooth transactions Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in building e-commerce websites - Proficiency in integrating customer review sections and payment gateways - Strong understanding of SEO and blog integration within e-commerce sites - Exceptional design skills to create a user-friendly site The goal of this project is to create a fully operational, engaging and secure e-commerce w...