Web header design examples işler
...of the AI bot and anti-cheat system. Please provide an hourly or monthly rate for this ongoing support. Potential Partnership (Optional): I am open to discussing a potential long-term partnership or equity sharing with a highly motivated and skilled developer who demonstrates exceptional capabilities and a strong interest in the project's long-term success. Additional Information: * Provide examples of previous AI game projects and anti-cheat implementations. * Clearly explain your proposed approach for the Okey 101 bot and anti-cheat system. * Access to the game's API documentation, codebase, and a test server will be provided upon agreement. Keywords: AI, Game AI, Okey 101, Turkish Rummy, Bot Development, Machine Learning, MCTS, Minimax, Reinforcement Learning, ...
...and incorporate a background video that is relevant to the news script. Subtitle Addition: Add the news script as synchronized subtitles to the final video. Project Duration: 3 weeks Budget: Please submit your bids considering the scope and timeline. Additional Information: The project requires parallel processing of tasks to ensure timely delivery. Applicants should provide references and examples of previous work relevant to this project. Familiarity with the AI models, software, and technologies to be used in this project is expected....
site html sitedeki menüler sadece toplam 5 sayfadan oluşuyor sitenin header ve footer kısımlarına dokunulmayacak bütün değişiklikler body kısmında yapılacak yani yaptığınız dashboard panelinde her sayfada resim yazı video eklenip çıkartılabilecek bu 5 sayfalık html sitede bir dashboard paneli istiyoruz bunu yapıp siteye import edecek birini arıyorum fiyatlarınızı bekliyor
...klasörü altında ftp'ye yüklediğimde 404 hatası alıyorum. Şablonun kendi example template sayfalarında 404 hatası vermiyor, ancak javascript geçişleri de yok. İhtiyacım olan: Mevcut örnek şablonları kullanarak bir taslak sayfa oluşturulması (kendi css'i mevcut, sadece yazı ve görselleri değiştireceğiz) ve bu sayfayı istediğim link ile açabilmek. Örneğin: ı.com/assets/examples/carousel/ bu sayfa kendi taslak şablonlarından birisi ve URL kısmına girildiğinde açılıyor. Ancak ben başka bir sayfa oluşturduğumda URL kısmına yazarak girersem anasayfadaki 'nin css'ler yüklenmemiş halini açıyor. Anasayfadaki linkler üzerinden tıklarsam 404 hatası veriyor: ı.com/benim-sayfam/ gibi mesela. Bu sorunl...
ile...yapılan ödemelerde sipariş özeti "thank you page" gözükmeden önce müşteriye havale yapabileceği hesapları listeleyip geri sayım ile xx sürede ödeme yaparsanız indiriminiz geçerli olacaktır yazacak. Ödeme yaptım dedikten sonra dekont yükleme alanı koyulacak ve müşteri pdf yükleyebilecek. Ve sonrasında hesabım veya siparişler sayfasına erişebilecek. Eğer ki ödeme yapmadıysa müşteri o sayfadan çıkarsa header de topbar olarak ödenmemiş (x) adet faturanız xxxx $ tutarında mevcut dediğinde yine tekrar o ekrana ından bu veriler admin panelinde ayrı bir eklenti üzerinde gelen pdf dekontları ve ödeme yapanların listesini, ödediği tutarı ve "günlük,haftalık,ay...
Hello, let us present you our special web designs and examples of the researches we have designed and deliver the design you liked in a beautiful way. And if you want, you can take advantage of our content such as Hosting (Site Hosting), we can help you with an appropriate budget and site support for 6 months is for you, and if you want, you can make a contract with you until a certain year
havaalanı transfer html site tasarımı yaptırılacak Merhaba arkadaşlar, Mevcut web sitemizin ön yüzünü değiştirerek daha esnek, kullanışlı ve mobil uyumluluğu yüksek, mobil hızı daha iyi olan bir tasarım yaptırmak istiyoruz. Freelance tasarımcılardan isteğimiz, mevcut web sitemizin ve istediğimiz web sayfasının incelenmesidir. İstediğimiz site gibidir. Tarafımıza sadece html,js,css,resim dosyaları iletilmelidir. Back-end tarafı kesinlikle istenmeyecektir. Front-end tarafında tecrübeli ve referansına güvenen tasarımcı arkadaşlar teklif iletebilirler. 1- Anasayfa 2- Araç Seçim Sayfası 3- Yolcu Bilgi Giriş Ekranı 4- Ödeme Ekranı 5- Onay Sayfası Temel olarak bu 5 sayfaya ihtiyacımız vardır. 6- Tüm elementle...
Turkish : Counter Strike Global Offensive İsimli oyunun kasa açma sitesini kurmak istiyorum.İnternet üzerinde skin sitelerinin örnekleri bulunmakta. English : I want to set up the case opening site of the game called Counter Strike Global Offensive. There are examples of skin sites on the internet.
İçeriği dinamik olarak doldurulacak. Header ve Footer olan. İçerik sayfalarında div, p, span, bar ,pie chart olan. div ya da p yarım kaldığında diğer sayfaya o bölümü kesmeden otomatik olarak geçiren, tarayıcı bağımsız printable bir html + css sayfası ihtiyacımız var. Javascript, bootstrap vb. kullanılabilir. Header and footer yazdırıldığında her sayfada olacak. Görsel de farketmez.
...want to buy articles. They give some information about the article's name, what the article will be about, and select to authors. Authors are people who write articles. They give information about themselves. The authors will determine the price themselves. For example, 1$/100 words. There are many sample sites in our country. For example icerik. net, makale. net, icerikal. com sites are examples of this. Especially a site structure similar to icerik. net site will meet my expectations. In this context, the necessary sales system, membership system, blog location to prevent spam of the site, tracking system features to warn against giving personal information such as phone, e-mail during messaging between buyer and seller, as well as e-commerce that we consider and ...
Burp suite intruder ve turbo intruder den daha hızlı post gönderecek programa ihtiyaç var. Post gönderirken cookie vs header bilgileri de eklenecek. Post gönderdikten sonra sunucudan yanıt beklenmeyecek (no response).Program Java olabilir ya da ssh üzerinden.
...finds the right terapist, sets the appointment, pays the fee and waits for the appointment date and time. After the appointment patients can score and comment for the therapist. Appointment will be online and via videochat. Videochat can be integrated as API. After appointment if there is no problem, marketplace will make the payment to therapist after deduction of comission. There are many examples for online consultation marketplaces regardless of its content; you can check , , to see how it works. Our marketplace will be much more simple and should be look like; with different style. If you think you are capable to do it please send your purposal....
Merhaba, Tema'da anasayfa, ürün gösterim ve diğer bir kaç alan için ufak tefek değişiklikler yapılması gerekiyor. Komple tema değişikliği şeklinde değildir. Örneğin ana sayfaya isteğimize uygun header-up eklenmesi ya da ürün gösterim sayfasında ürün çerçevelerinin düzenlenmesi vs. gibi. İlgilenen arkadaşların tekliflerini alabiliriz. Css ve html bilgisi gereklidir. İyi günler dilerim.
Html, css ve javascript kullanarak sayfa yazdım nacak bunu kendi e-ticaret sitemin header kısmına kodlar ile ekleyemedim. Bu konuda yardım istiyorum.
Laravel ile oluşturulmuş web sitemize algolia kurulacak ve front end bölümünde istediğimiz yerlere eklenecektir. Sitemizin header bölümüne üst menü yapılarak giriş-kayıt bölümünün taşınması ve arama bölümünün buraya entegre edilmesi gerekiyor. Görüş ve önerileride alabiliriz. Yani hem algolia kurulumu, optimize edilmesi, hem de sitenin header bölümünün tasarım ve düzenlenmesini içeriyor. Uzaktan bağlantı yoluyla ya da Maltepedeki ofisimizde çalışabilecek olanlar tercih sebebidir.
Merhabalar. bu sitenin tasarımsal olarak benzerini Magento alt yapılı bir e-ticaret sitesine uyarlamamız gerekmektedir. Sanırsam css ile bu iş çözülebilir. Header, Content ve Footer kısımları aynen yapılırsa tamamdır. Bu projeden başka farklı projelerimiz daha mevcut şayet anlaşırsak diğer projelerimizide akabinde yaptıracağız. !!!Şuan bu proje için bütçemiz kısıtlıdır. Lütfen belirlediğimiz bütçeye göre fiyat veriniz. Teşekkür ederim, iyi çalışmalar.
. PCB Boyutu 19 cm genişlik, 13cm yükseklik 2. ATMEGA 2560 Micro İşlemci Kullanılacak 3. Çift Katlı PCB isteniyor 4. Güç katı 12 V DC giriş 5 V ve 3.3 V luk çıkış beslemleri olacak. 5. I2C üzerinden ekran bağlanacak. Bu yüzden I2C için GND,VCC,SDA,SCL uçları olan header konacak. 6. Işlemcinin RX3 ve TX3 çıkışları bir jumper aracılığıyla wifi module veya gsm module gidecek. Jumper hangi tarafta ise karta o dizilecek ve çalıştırılacaktır. 7. Wifi için "ESP8266F" modülün kart üzerine konması yeterlidir. 8. GSM için QUECTEL M95 Module kullanılacaktır. Bu modul, sim connectorleri, anten konnektörleri ve gerekli componentler dizilecektir...
... metin sayısı 10 adet. .............German Deutsch wird als schriftliche Texte in deutsch gesprochen werden. Zuerst; Beispiele des Willens ist eine Demo-Aufnahme-Sound. Später Texte in deutscher Sprache verfasst werden in deutscher Sprache gesprochen Gesamtzahl der Text 10. .......................English German will be spoken as written texts in German. Firstly; Examples of the will is a demo recording sound. Later texts written in German will be spoken in total number of text 10....
RestTemplate den dönen değerin değiştirilmesi header ın
1. Anasayfa 2. Hakkımızda 3. Hizmetlerimiz 4. Referanslarımız 5. İletişim 6. Dükkan (Online satış sayfası) Bu sayfalar içerisinde Tasarım istediğimiz hususlar 1. Yazı tipleri 2. Resim ajaxları 3. Lightbox 4. Genel Layoutlar 5. Renkler 6. Header ve Footer düzenlemeleri. Aynı tasarımı 2 dilde kaydedeceğimiz için düzenlenen tema buna uygun olmalı.
///////////////// Login Bilgileri ///////////////// Mail aracılığı ile bildirildi. ///////////////// Uygulama Bölümleri ///////////////// - Kayıt, Giriş, Şifremi Unuttum, Facebook Login - Ana Menü, P...Etkinlikler Kısmı - Açılış Splash Ekran Uygulama iOS ve Android platformları için, cordova/phonegap ile hazırlanacaktır. Webservisler php/mysql ile hazırlanacaktır. Tasarım adresindeki tasarım olacaktır. Uygulama olabildiğince optimize edilmiş ve geliştirilmeye açık olacak. İlerleyene zamanlarda uygulama istekler doğrultusunda geliştirilebilecek. Tema bileşenleri (Header Menü, Temel css ve js dosyaları gibi bileşenler) mümkünse uygulama içine gömülecek. Uygulama tasarımı görünt&uu...
hello to everyone I am zafer. I am from turkey, I want to make a website Examples of the website is additional, This site will be the same as the internal software design will be changed I would like to receive bids for this project will be the main language Turkish web sitesinin ana şablonu gibi olacak three-dimensional design of the product pools that can be done example web site: can be taken online offers example: second language will be English I would offer to take urgent thanks
...bazıları, sosyal paylaşım butonları, yorum alanı, vine sahibinin kısa bir bilgi alanı. 4. Arama ve Listeleme Arama yapıldığında çıkacak sonuçlar için listeleme sayfası, Çıkan sonuçlar için 2 farklı görüntü olacak; 1. kullanıcı sonuçları. 2. vine sonuçları 5. Boş bir sayfa İçine hakkımızda gibi dökümanları ekleyebileceğim boş bir sayfa modeli. Bunların yanı sıra tasarım üzerinde header kısmında logo alanı, menü ve arama formu bulunacak. Tasarıma reklam yerleşimleri için yerler ayarlanmış olacak. Tasarım mobil uyumlu ( responsive ) şekilde olacak. Tasarımın renk tonlaması ağırlıklı olarak Vine yeşili olacak. İstediğim şey tam anlamıyla, siteye giren kişini...
I'm seeking a professional to create a functional and visually appealing WordPress WooCommerce website that prioritises simplicity and usability. The design should reflect a light, fun, and cohesive style, aligned with the branding as informed by the provided logo. Important Requirement: - No Elementor or Similar Builders: The website must be built using the native WordPress builder (Gutenberg) and free plugins only. Avoid any page builders that lock the website into their system or require ongoing subscriptions. Ideal Skills: - eCommerce website development - Proficient in CMS like Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, etc. - Knowledge of digital product delivery systems - Strong SEO and digital marketing skills Key Responsibilities: - Develop a user-friendly, professional eCommer...
...create a mini games / horror game designed for VR. Key components of the game include an interactive game should have a design aesthetic reminiscent of 'Scary Baboon’ or ‘Monkiverse’. I would also like for you to add a player model like scary should be a room for the lobby mini games , shop and horror. The games name is called Munka Bunka so it will be underground. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Unity and VR development - Proven track record in creating engaging mini-games - Strong understanding of horror game mechanics - Ability to design an interactive shop within the game - Extensive work in blender Please provide examples of your previous work, particularly any VR or horror-themed games. Looking forward to collaboratin...
...looking for a professional who can create a compelling PowerPoint pitch deck for my startup. This presentation should primarily emphasize the market opportunity. Key Responsibilities: - Design a clear, engaging, and persuasive pitch deck. - Highlight the market opportunity in a compelling way. - Ensure the presentation is suitable for PowerPoint. Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating startup pitch decks. - Strong understanding of identifying and presenting market opportunities and Business Model - Proficient in PowerPoint. Your proposal should demonstrate your relevant experience and include examples of pitch decks you've created in the past. Note: details of the ideas and proposed business models. Indian government laws and regulations regarding renewable energ...
I'm seeking a proficient writer with experience in Wikipedia page creation. The subject of the page is a public figure known for their involvement in politics. Ideal candidates should: - Have a solid understanding of Wikipedia's content guidelines and notability...Wikipedia page creation. The subject of the page is a public figure known for their involvement in politics. Ideal candidates should: - Have a solid understanding of Wikipedia's content guidelines and notability standards. - Possess excellent writing and editing skills. - Be able to conduct thorough research to provide accurate and comprehensive information about the subject. Please provide examples of previous Wikipedia pages you have created or contributed to, particularly those related to public figu...
I'm in need of a web developer to create a website for my new property development. The main function of the site will be providing project updates to potential buyers and investors. Key Requirements: - The site will need to showcase property details through photos and descriptions - An easy to navigate layout with clear updates on the project's progress Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in real estate website development - Proficient in SEO and lead generation strategies - Strong understanding of responsive design and user experience principles. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
I'm in need of a skilled Python developer who can help me scrape a specific Justdial page. The data I need includes contact information and business descriptions of plumbers listed on the site. I need data for business in below format 1. Business name , person name... Business name , person name , phone no , Lat and long , address Eg Mathaji Electrical & Electronic,08971685605,"Door No 19, 3rd Cross, 27th Main Somasundarapalya HSR LAYOUT, Hsr Layout, Bangalore - 560102 (Near Madeena Masjid)",12.907439,77.649223 Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python and web scraping tools. - Experience with data extraction from Justdial or similar platforms. - Strong attention to detail to ensure all relevant data is captured. Please include examples of ...
I'm seeking a talented designer with a knack for modern aesthetics to revamp my ...to revamp my living room and bedroom. The perfect candidate should have experience in modern home design and a strong portfolio showcasing similar projects. Design Needs: - Living Room: A modern twist with functional yet stylish elements. - Bedroom: A serene, modern sanctuary. Color Scheme: - The design should predominantly use neutral tones complemented by pastel shades. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in modern design principles. - Strong understanding and ability to work with neutral and pastel color schemes. - Creativity in designing functional yet stylish spaces. - Proven track record with modern living room and bedroom designs. Please share your portfolio ...
I'm looking for an experienced videographer and editor with a strong background in creating serious and professional tone commercials. Key responsibilities include: - Directing and shooting a commercial aimed for social media with a serious and professional tone. - Incorporating cinematic techniques to elevate the production value. - Editing the footage to create a poli...media with a serious and professional tone. - Incorporating cinematic techniques to elevate the production value. - Editing the footage to create a polished final product. Ideal candidates will have a portfolio showcasing similar work, particularly commercials intended for social media. Strong understanding of social media's visual and stylistic trends is a plus. Please include your previous work examples...
...is a must. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with legal or intellectual property-related matters. Past success in reactivating Amazon accounts. Familiarity with Amazon Brand Registry and other tools for managing IP issues. How to Apply: Please submit your proposal, including your relevant experience with Amazon account reactivation, particularly with IP violations. We would appreciate any examples of similar work you’ve done in the past....
I'm seeking a Data Analyst proficient in Hadoop, Hive, and Flume to analyze Movielens data. The primary objective is to uncover trends and patterns within the dataset. Key Requirements: - Experience with Big Data tools, specifically Hadoop, Hive, and Flume - Strong data analysis skills - Ability to identify trends and patterns from ...Experience with Big Data tools, specifically Hadoop, Hive, and Flume - Strong data analysis skills - Ability to identify trends and patterns from complex data sets - Previous experience with Movielens data is a plus The ideal freelancer for this project will have a solid understanding of the Movielens dataset, with the ability to use Big Data tools to generate significant insights. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can create custom minimalist style map images for me. Examples attached below. Please share any previous work done here. Key Requirements: - Proficiency with map design and visualization software - Strong understanding and experience with minimalist design principles - Ability to accurately represent and highlight specified routes and boundaries on the maps You will be provided with specific points and details on Google Map. Your task will be to create visually appealing, easy-to-read maps that fit with the minimalist aesthetic. Experience with web-based graphic design is a plus, as you will need to ensure the maps are optimized for online viewing.
Project Description: I’m look...Collaborate on creative ideas to make the content exciting for a younger audience. Requirements: • Experience in video editing (YouTube-specific experience is a plus). • Proficiency in editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar. • Strong storytelling and visual design skills. • Ability to deliver edits on time. Project Details: • Video length: Typically 5–15 minutes per video. • Frequency: 1–2 videos per tyle: Fun, vibrant, and cinematic (targeting kids and families). Please provide: 1. Examples of previous work. 2. Your pricing structure (per video or hourly). 3. Your availability for ongoing projects. We’re excited to work with someone who can bring The Princes...
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer who can help me generate a sketch for packaging. The sketch needs to be simplified to a minimalist style, while retaining the main outlines and detaile...me generate a sketch for packaging. The sketch needs to be simplified to a minimalist style, while retaining the main outlines and detailed features. Key tasks: - Editing the sketch: Removing unnecessary lines and simplifying the design - Style adaptation: Transforming the sketch into a minimalist design You won't have to work in isolation; we will discuss which lines need to be removed. Your understanding of packaging design and minimalist aesthetics will be crucial for this project. Please provide examples of previous packaging design work or...
We're in search of a Social Media Marketer with a strong focus on video ads. Your main role will be managing and scaling our campaigns across TikTok, Google Ads, Instagram, and Snapchat with the primary goal of boosting sales. Key Responsibilities: - Creation and optimization of video-centric ad campaigns. - In-depth analysis of performance met...campaigns. - In-depth analysis of performance metrics to refine strategies. - Development of innovative techniques for audience engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in social media marketing, particularly with video ads. - Strong analytical skills for performance metric evaluation. - Creative mindset for strategizing audience engagement. Please include your portfolio and examples of successful campaigns in...
I'm looking for a developer to create a Windows-based desktop application that can: - Copy and paste links into Chrome - Register using a WhatsApp number and email - Complete tasks for new users - Integrate with WhatsApp - Link with an account for withdrawals The application needs to be user-friendly and efficient. Skills in desktop app ...into Chrome - Register using a WhatsApp number and email - Complete tasks for new users - Integrate with WhatsApp - Link with an account for withdrawals The application needs to be user-friendly and efficient. Skills in desktop app development, specifically for Windows, are essential. Experience with WhatsApp and account withdrawal integrations will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...
I'm in need of an email marketing expert to help promote my services with the primary goal being to increase sales. Your strategies should be aimed at boosting engagement and ultimately converting leads into clients. The success of the campaign will be measured primarily by: - Open Rate: Your subject lines and preheaders should be compelling eno...email interactions turning into sales. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven track record in email marketing, particularly for service-based businesses. - Excellent copywriting skills to create engaging content. - Strong analytical skills to assess campaign performance and make necessary adjustments. - Familiarity with email marketing platforms and tools. Please include examples of previous successful campaig...
We need a skilled UI/UX designer to create professional screens for Android mobile app. (2...need a skilled UI/UX designer to create professional screens for Android mobile app. (2 Screens for now-apply if you can work on it it today) Key Requirements: - Use a modern, professional and corporate style - Deliver designs that are user-friendly and intuitively navigable Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in design software e.g Adobe XD - Previous experience in designing Android mobile apps - Strong understanding of UX principles and mobile design best practices Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid. (experience in designing for Govt. organization is preferred. Let me know cost for 2 screens in proposal. We will need PSD files upon approval. Looking for...
I'm looking for a talented UI/UX designer to join as a freelancer. Your experience in t...freelancer. Your experience in the field will be crucial in helping me understand if we are a good fit for collaboration. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in UI/UX design principles - Experience with design tools such as Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, etc. - Ability to create user-centered designs - Understanding of responsive and adaptive design Please include in your application: - A detailed summary of your experience in UI/UX design - Examples of past work that showcase your design skills and creativity - Your approach to user-centered design and how you implement it in your work Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on a variety of ...
I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer with expertise in Elementor to address some design layout issues on my website. Key Tasks: - Fixing the header and navigation menu - Correcting content alignment and spacing - Creating some new sections - Resolving mobile issues with the header and navigation menu Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in WordPress and Elementor - Strong design sensibility - Experience with mobile site optimization - Able to create new sections as needed Please reach out if you can help with these WordPress website fixes.
I'm seeking a project management professional with expertise in Gen AI and agent frameworks like Crew AI and to enhance my team's skills in key areas of project management. Key Focus Areas: - Planning and Scheduling - Risk Management - Resource Allocation The training should be: - Primarily focused on skill en...professional with expertise in Gen AI and agent frameworks like Crew AI and to enhance my team's skills in key areas of project management. Key Focus Areas: - Planning and Scheduling - Risk Management - Resource Allocation The training should be: - Primarily focused on skill enhancement - Hands-on in nature, providing practical, real-world applications of the concepts Please provide examples of your previous experience and how you would structure the ...
I'm looking to create a comprehensive lottery system website and an accompanying mobile app for both iOS and Android. Key Requirements: - The app should facilitate ticket purchas...backend to manage agents, admins and other users Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in developing eCommerce and lottery specific applications - Expertise in cross-platform mobile app development - Knowledge of integrating real-time notification systems and diverse payment options - Familiarity with automated number selection systems in lottery games Please ensure your bid includes examples of similar projects you've completed. You must speak very good english. Please note that i will take my time to engage with any developer that i am interested in before hiring as this...
...Loan Management System (LMS) and Loan Origination Software (LOS) with SaaS Capabilities We are seeking a skilled development team to create two robust, scalable, and user-friendly SaaS platforms: 1) a Loan Management System (LMS) and 2) a Loan Origination System (LOS). Both platforms will be cloud-based, offering subscription models to end-users, with a focus on seamless functionality, intuitive design, and compliance with industry standards. The LMS will include features such as loan portfolio management, payment tracking, automated reminders for payments, delinquency monitoring, reporting and analytics dashboards, secure data storage, and role-based user access (Admin, Borrower, Lender/Investor). Integration with payment gateways, CRM systems, and accounting software (e.g., Q...
I created a e-commerce website. I am unable to update my website heda logo. I use Motta theme. If anyone can update header logo then contact me.
I'm looking for an experienced app developer who can create a communication app similar to Astrotalk. The app should support text chat, voice calls, and video calls, and be available on both iOS and Android platforms. Key features of the app: - Text chat: Users should be able to send and receive text messages in real time. - Voice call: The app sh...features of the app: - Text chat: Users should be able to send and receive text messages in real time. - Voice call: The app should support high-quality voice calls. - Video call: Users should be able to initiate and participate in video calls. The app should have a user-friendly interface and offer seamless communication. Prior experience in developing similar apps will be a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work in...
I'm in need of a website for my detailing business. The primary purpose of the site will be to facilitate booking appointments. Key Features: - A user-friendly appointment booking system. - A modern and clean design aesthetic. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in web development with a focus on creating interactive booking systems. - Strong design skills, with a portfolio that demonstrates a modern and clean design style. - Experience with SEO and responsive design is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...professional, lead-generating content that fits the unique tone of private banking. All this in just 1.5 hours a week—because brilliance doesn’t always take all day. What You Bring to the Table: Coachable Attitude: You take feedback and make it gold. Private Banking Know-How: You understand this isn’t retail banking; it’s about building relationships, not selling products. Proven Results: You have examples of content you’ve created that generated leads and tangible business outcomes. Confidentiality Expertise: You respect and understand the importance of privacy in every piece of content. Technical Chops: You know your way around Canva, ChatGPT, and YouTube SEO tools like a pro. The Deal: This is a remote, part-time role with highly flexible hours ...
I'm seeking a talented designer who can create an engaging mixed-media video ad for the launch of my personal care pro...engaging mixed-media video ad for the launch of my personal care products. The video should highlight the innovative features of the products in a captivating way. Key Requirements: - Design a mixed-media video ad - Emphasize the innovative aspects of the products - Include thought overlays (تراكبات الافكار) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in creating mixed-media video ads - Strong understanding of product marketing - Creativity in showcasing product features - Proficiency in designing engaging thought overlays - Experience with personal care product launches is a plus Please include examples of similar projects you've done...