Web data extraction csv işler
Project Description: We need a web-based tool that will compare football odds from the following websites: • • • Betfair Exchange The system should compare the odds from these sites and identify the differences based on a percentage difference filter. The comparison should cover the entire sports schedule (fixture) and refresh every 5 seconds to ensure up-to-date data. This system should function similarly to platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to understand the expected functionality. Scope and Key Features 1. Websites to Compare: • (Football odds) • (Football odds) • Betfair Exchange (Football odds) 2. Odds Types to Compare: • Full-time Result (Home - Draw - Away)
...several tasks and help me in developing an exemplary web application that will be adopted for basic usage involving ASP.NET Core Web Api & Vue.js. Key Responsibilities Include: - Domain Driven Design (project must be seperated by related Class Lib) - Developing the backend of the web application using .NET Core & Web Api - Frontend development using Vue.js - Efficient integration of APIs throughout the application - In - there are various historical data as formatted csv. I want import Historical Trades to PostgreSQL database, Daily spot and USDM CSV files can be downloaded. I want Vue.JS front end page for upload these downloaded csv files. Backend should be asp.net Core Web api. Sample CSV File Co...
Csv olarak gelen verileri yine farklı bir şablona csv olarak uyarlamak. şablona göre makro ve vsb bilgisi
Benim ingilis dili contentim var. Onu ingilisceden turkceye tercume isterim. Toplam, 4770 soz ve 4770 cumle var. bir excel CSV formatinda gondericem, ayni weyleri uzerinde degishiklik yaparaq geri atmasi lazim bana.
...linkle veri alıyorum, sonra da excel dosyasını python ile okuyabiliyorum ve CSV’ye yazabiliyorum, ama bu istediğim şey değil). Biliyorum DDE eski bir veri noktasıdır, ancak MTX'ten veri almanın başka bir yolu -yani TCPI veya başka bir yöntem- olup olmadığını bilmiyorum. Eğer DDE dışında bulabilirseniz ona da OK’im. 2. Verileri bir yere zaman serisi şeklinde kaydetmek. Bu yer, access veritabanı, txt, csv olabilir ama tercihen biraz daha hızlı bir yol çünkü birçok hisse senedine ait gün içi verileri ile ilgileneceğiz ve daha sonra dinamik ve gerçek zamanlı grafik yapmak için o verileri okumamız gerekiyor). Ayrıca belki bir sonraki aşamada gün içi analiz yapmak için bu verileri okuyacağız... ...
Sayin Ufuk Bey, Benim Prestashop Websitem var ve Reklam icin idealo ve icin CSV Export Files e ihtiyacim var bunu yapabilirmisiniz? mümkünse otomatik güncellemeli. Toplam 43 makalem var. Siz bi bakarsiniz fiyatini siz gördükten sonra anlasabiliriz.
Sarı sayfalardan Şirket isimleri, açıklamaları, adresleri, telefon numaraları ve sitede bulunan tüm şirketlere ait bilgileri csv formatında talep ediyoruz
Belirlediğimiz sarı sayfalardan Şirket isimleri, açıklamaları, adresleri, telefon numaraları ve sitede bulunan şirketlere ait bilgileri csv formatında talep ediyoruz
App, kullanici secimleri dogrultusunda kisiye alert gonderecek. Ana fikir bu. App icerigini kendimin yazdigi bir algoritma ile guncellemeyi dusunuyorum. Ilgili yazilim duzenli olarak(gunluk haftalik vs) otomatik istedigim lokasyona icerik dokumanlari uretecek, xlsx veya csv. App bu lari alip icerisindeki icerikleri guncelleyecek. Veya belirli bir moderator platformu olur ben yuklemesini yaparim. Ama icerik baya yuklu olacagi icin, otomasyon daha guzel olur. Bu sekilde bir app in yapimi hakkinda destek aramaktayim.
AiT Themes Directory + Firma rehberi olarak kullanmak istiyoruz. Acik bir databasadan kendi rehberimize sehir, kategoriler ve firmalari indirmek istiyoruz. Acik databasa JSON ve CSV destegi olup cok bir gelismis API destek sayfasi vardir. Bu transferi gerceklestirecek bir plugin aldik CSV-import-export Bu pluginin calismasi icin kaynak ve yerel databasa tabelalarinin uyusmasini gerceklestirmek lazim. Rehberimize JSON veya CSV uzerinde yukleme yapabilecek bu Plugini bize uygun hala getirebilirmisiniz? Daha detayli bilgiler icin lutfen beni arayin...
Magentoda sisteme csv ile ürün yüklemeye çalışıyoruz ancak hata veriyor 1 gün içerisinde çözülmesi gerekiyor.
(Sadece Türkçe Konuşan Freelancer'lar için) Ekte verdiğim csv dosyasında her satırda bir Wikipedia makalesine link bulunmakta. Sizden istediğim linke tıklayıp makaleye konu olan kişinin doğum ve ölüm yılını bulmanız ve dosyadaki ilgili sütuna yazmanız. Eğer doğum veya ölüm yılı metinde açıkça belirtilmiyorsa ama kişinin 1910'dan önce doğduğu anlaşılıyorsa (mesela 1905'te mezun olduysa) ya da 1935'ten sonra öldüğü anlaşılıyorsa (mesela 1955'te emekli olduysa) ilgili sütunlara "Evet" yazmalısınız. Bu adımı doğum ve ölüm yılı açıkça belirtilen kişiler için yapmanız gerekmiyor.
(Sadece Türkçe Konuşan Freelancer'lar için) Ekte verdiğim csv dosyasında her satırda bir Wikipedia makalesine link bulunmakta. Sizden istediğim linke tıklayıp makaleye konu olan kişinin doğum ve ölüm yılını bulmanız ve dosyadaki ilgili sütuna yazmanız. Eğer doğum veya ölüm yılı metinde açıkça belirtilmiyorsa ama kişinin 1910'dan önce doğduğu anlaşılıyorsa (mesela 1905'te mezun olduysa) ya da 1935'ten sonra öldüğü anlaşılıyorsa (mesela 1955'te emekli olduysa) ilgili sütunlara "Evet" yazmalısınız. Bu adımı doğum ve ölüm yılı açıkça belirtilen kişiler için yapmanız gerekmiyor.
Bir otobüs firmasının rezervasyon ve bilet kayıtlarını ...herşeyi yapabilme seçenekleri (gerek veriler gerekse kullanıcılar ile ilgili) sunulsun. 7- Senaryonun özelliğine göre kendi seçeceğiniz, veritabanından kayıt silme işlemlerini gerçekleştirecek ve silinen kayıtları da “Silinmiş X Kayıtları” isimli bir tabloya yazacak olan işlemleri tasarlayınız. 8- Kendi senaryonuza özgü olarak belirleyeceğiniz bir, “veri import/export” uygulaması tasarlayarak txt/csv/xls… gibi örnek bir uzantılı dosyadan veri alma (import) ve veri verme (export) uygulaması yapınız. 9- “Yedekle” ve “Yedekten Dön” şeklinde iki butonla, projenizde kullandığınız veritabanınızın (en az 3 tablo i&cced...
Merhaba, Bir projede kullanmak ...siteleri disindaki tum konular olabilir) Kadin-Moda-Guzellik siteleri (Giyim-Kusam, Taki, Kozmetik, forum, tartisma...) Seri Ilanlar (Her turlu ilanlar) Elaman - Is Arama siteleri Sektorel Ilanlar (Sirket ilanlari, bilgileri, usta arayanlar, meslek gruplari) Sikayet Siteleri Yerel Siteler (Ozellikle belirli bir sehre ait her turlu data: eleman arama, seri ilanlar, forum...) Film-Muzik verileri gibi veritabani ortaminda: resimli, detayli MYSQL / CSV bilgilere ihtiyac var. Yani yukaridaki konulari kapsayan icleri DOLU veritabani lazim. Bu veritabanlari SADECE bazi testler icin kullanilacaktir. Aktif satis vs icin kullanilmayacaktir. Elinde bu tarz veri olanlarin baglantiya gecmesini bekliyoruz. Veriler icin odeme yapilacak...
iş şu, bir web sitesinden (asp.net ajax dopostback kullanıyor) veri çekilecek
İşin Tanımı: Şirketimiz bünyesinde gerçekleştirilen ODOO (OPEN ERP) kurulum sürecini, IT yöneticimizle birlikte yürütecek yazılım uzmanı aranmaktadır. Bu süreçte; dataların transferi, Xml rapor tasarımının yapılması, "KEY USER" olarak şirket çalışanlarına eğitim verilmesi, ve aşağıdaki işlerden oluşur. - XML, HTML mimarisini kullanarak rapor ve sayfa tasarımı yapılması - SQL-EXCEL-CSV ile data ayıklama ve aktarımı - Python ile modul geliştirilmesi. - Bilgisayar kullanıcılarına temel eğitimlerin verilmesi. (odoo eğitimleri) - Diğer kullanıcıların karşılaştığı sorunlarda donanımsal ve yazılımsal destek. Aranan Nitelikler : *Yazılım konusunda En az 2 yıl tecrübeye programlara algoritmasına sahip olmal...
Gelirortakları'ndan aldığım csv ürünlerinin çıktısını siteye import etmesini bilen birisini arıyorum.ürünlerden birine tıklandığında affilete product gelirortakları linki ürün sitesine yö wordpress
...import sistemini geliştirmek istiyoruz. 2. XML harici dosya formatı olarak CSV import seçeneği de eklemek istiyoruz. 3. Eklenen bu dosyaların belirlenen sürelere göre düzenli olarak taranarak mevcut güncelleştirmeleri yapmasını istiyoruz. 4. Dosya ile eklenen ürünleri düzenli olarak karşılaştırarak dosyada silinen ürünlerin silinmesini, varsa yeni eklenen ürünlerin de eklenmesini istiyoruz. <-- Özet Akış Şeması ---> 1. Sitemizde ürünlerini listelemek isteyen mağazalar sisteme kayıt oluyor. 2. Mağaza yönetim panellerinden XML/CSV dosyalarını yüklüyorlar veya URL olarak giriş yapıyorlar. (örnek : veya ) 3. Admin panelden yüklenen XML vey...
İşin Tanımı: Şirketimiz bünyesinde gerçekleştirilen ODOO (OPEN ERP) kurulum sürecini, IT yöneticimizle birlikte yürütecek yazılım uzmanı aranmaktadır. Bu süreçte; dataların transferi, Xml rapor tasarımının yapılması, "KEY USER" olarak şirket çalışanlarına eğitim verilmesi, ve aşağıdaki işlerden oluşur. - XML, HTML mimarisini kullanarak rapor ve sayfa tasarımı yapılması - SQL-EXCEL-CSV ile data ayıklama ve aktarımı - Python ile modul geliştirilmesi. - Bilgisayar kullanıcılarına temel eğitimlerin verilmesi. (odoo eğitimleri) - Diğer kullanıcıların karşılaştığı sorunlarda donanımsal ve yazılımsal destek. Aranan Nitelikler : *Yazılım konusunda En az 2 yıl tecrübeye programlara algoritmasına sahip olmal...
usb kart okuyucu eimza ile pdf ,doc,xlsx,xls,csv ve html dosya imzalayacak ve imza doğrulayacak asp.net MVC projesine java applete veya .net projesi
2048*2048 sensörlü platformdan ayak basınç verileri elde edilmektedir. bu veriler belirli oranlarda bölünmesi gerekmektedir topuk ayağın ortası vs.... buna uygun br arayüz ve algoritma geliştirecek yazılımcı aranmaktadır
...its own separate Excel sheet and corresponding Google Drive folder for storing photos. The product name on the photo and in the Excel sheet must match. Additionally, we will need to find barcodes for all products, as none are provided in the link. The total number of products is approximately 2,600. Steps to Complete the Project Data Extraction: Visit the provided link to extract product information, including: Product Name Price Weight Category Organize this data in an initial spreadsheet format. Create Excel Sheets: For each product category identified, create a separate Excel sheet with the following columns: Product Name Price Photo (link to the corresponding photo in Google Drive) Weight Category Barcode Photo Editing: Download product images from the web...
...website. The goal is to create 4000 entirely new, unique, and plagiarism-free articles for publication on our website. The rewritten content must maintain the original meaning and factual accuracy of the source material while sounding natural, engaging, and human-written. We want to avoid any robotic or AI-generated tone. Project Scope: Content Volume: 4000 articles Source Material: Provided in CSV format (containing article titles and content). Deliverables: 4000 rewritten articles in a specified format (e.g., .docx, .txt, or directly into a WordPress staging environment – to be discussed). Content Requirements: Uniqueness: 100% original content, free from plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain the factual accuracy and core message of ...
I need a professional to convert a JPG into a PSD for layer extraction purposes. The PSD should have separate layers for text, images, and shapes/graphics. Additional Requirements: - The freelancer should also be able to make some improvements to the design, as I would like the final PSD to be enhanced compared to the original JPG. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop - Strong graphic design skills - Experience in converting JPGs to layered PSDs - Ability to improve upon existing designs
I need assistance pulling all followers from my business Instagram account. Specifically, I'm looking for their username, email, and name (if available). Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in data extraction and web scraping - Familiarity with Instagram's platform and its data privacy rules - Experience in data presentation using Excel or CSV formats Please bid only if you can deliver the data as a neatly organized spreadsheet (Excel, CSV).
...for specific customers. • Develop a bulk-ordering system with functionality to offer free units for large purchases instead of percentage discounts. 3. Product Management Assistance • We will provide product images and text content. • We will assist with uploading the initial SKUs to expedite the process. • Ensure the platform includes features for bulk uploading and editing SKUs (e.g., via CSV files or inventory integration) to allow us to independently add new SKUs as inventory becomes available. 4. UI/UX Design • Design a clean, professional, and intuitive interface tailored for dental labs. 5. Additional Integrations • Payment gateway and tax calculators specific to U.S. orders. • Shipping rate calculators for accurate delivery pri...
I need a comprehensive dataset prepared for Tableau that encompasses a variety of data types including sales, customer, and financial information. The data is currently in Excel/CSV format. Key Requirements: - Transform and clean various data types (sales, customer, financial) from Excel/CSV for Tableau - Prepare the dataset to allow for a variety of analyses and insights, including but not limited to sales trends over time, customer demographics, and expense versus revenue tracking. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel/CSV data handling - Expertise in data preparation for Tableau - Strong analytical skills to understand and anticipate necessary data transformations for desired insights Please note that the final dataset sho...
I'm in need of a proficient web scraper who can assist in generating sales leads through data extraction. The primary task involves scraping contact information from company websites. Key Requirements: - Extracting and compiling data into an organized list - Data should include Email addresses, Phone numbers, and Physical addresses Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping tools and software - Experience in data analysis and lead generation - Attention to detail and commitment to data accuracy Please submit your proposal if you have the necessary skills and experience.
I'm looking for a professional who can validate a list of 5500 emails for me. The validation should check if the emails are valid, using a batch validation tool. The final output of the validated emails should be in a CSV format. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency with batch validation tools - Experience with email validation - Ability to deliver in the requested format Please ensure that you can deliver a thorough and accurate validation.
We are looking for an experienced Python developer to create a web scraping script using Scrapy. The script should scrape property data from Idealista and extract detailed information for all types of properties. Framework: The project must use the Python framework Scrapy. Key Data to Scrape: - Title of the listing - Price of the property - Location (address, neighborhood, city) - Property features (size, bedrooms, bathrooms, type, orientation, floor) - Description of the property - Highlighted features (year of construction, energy rating, heating, elevator) - Image URLs - Floor plan (image or URL if available) - Extras (storage, garage, pool, common areas) - Contact information (name or agency and contact details) - Environment (proximity to transport, schools, pa...
I need a script urgently that can read a PDF file, extract data from a CSV, and generate a new PDF with the extracted data. budget: 50$
...allow users to manually input messages through data entry fields, as well as support uploading PDF files for messages, with automatic organization into local folders. The focus is on ease of use, security, and flexibility in managing data and files. Core Requirements: 1. User Interface: - A simple and user-friendly design utilizing tabs, where each tab represents a specific type of message with dedicated input fields and tables. - Support for searching messages based on entered data (e.g., sender's name, job title, message date, etc.) for easy browsing. - Two separate drag-and-drop windows for adding PDF files ("Incoming" and "Outgoing"), with automatic saving of files to a local folder. 2. Core Features: - Manual message recording via ...
...solution for future brand or model imports via CLI. We can provide CSV files for vehicle manufacturers and models. The primary focus of this project will be improving ease of navigation for our users, so prior experience in UX design will be a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Magento2 and Hyva Theme - Experienced with Elastic Suite - Full stack development capabilities - Prior UX design experience - Ability to work with CSV data files - Expertise in scalable system design 5. Questions and Answers Question 1: Why must a dedicated table be created to store vehicle data? Answer: Creating a dedicated table provides greater flexibility and efficiency when managing vehicle data. This approach makes it easy to expand or modify the data structur...
I'm looking for an expert in data scraping who can extract specific user information from a Facebook group for me. Key Requirements: - Scrape user names and profile links - Extract user email addresses Deliverables: - All scraped data should be compiled into a CSV file Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data scraping tools and techniques - Understanding of data privacy and ethical considerations - Experience with data organization into CSV files Please, only apply if you can guarantee the confidentiality of the data and comply with Facebook's terms of service.
I'm looking for a freelancer to extract 950 geocodes from online maps. The extracted geocodes should be delivered in an Excel format and include the latitude and longitude for each geocode. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in data extraction from online maps - Excel skills - Attention to detail to ensure all geocodes are accurately recorded. 450-500 addresses are available, for others, I will let you know.
...platform's limits. The goal is to create a 24/7 with near realtime data and create either an application dashboard or simple csv with pivot/histogram for an easy visualization. Someone who already worked on similar request is preferred to avoid number being blocked so scheduled breaks are required in the code. Request is only to get the content and put in the easy readable format, no adding the members or sending requests or creating bot. Key Requirements: - Scraping content from a specific Telegram group - Building a dashboard that is capable of sorting data and creating pivot tables - Ensuring the dashboard runs 24/7 with scheduled breaks - Making the dashboard seamless for real-time or near realtime data viewing Key Data to be Scraped: - Conte...
I'm looking for an expert in data scraping who can extract specific user information from a Facebook group for me. Key Requirements: - Scrape user names and profile links - Extract user email addresses Deliverables: - All scraped data should be compiled into a CSV file Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data scraping tools and techniques - Understanding of data privacy and ethical considerations - Experience with data organization into CSV files Please, only apply if you can guarantee the confidentiality of the data and comply with Facebook's terms of service.
I need a skilled web scraper to assist with my real estate business. This involves scraping a real estate website that updates daily with 2,000–3,000 listings. The goal is to extract and match the data with realtor needs from my internal database. Requirements: - Daily scraping of 2,000–3,000 listings. - Extract relevant data such as price, property type, location, realtor name, contact info, and more. - Basic matching for a specific region. Budget: I’m ready to pay $40/month for this service. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web scraping techniques and tools. - Experience in data extraction and analysis. - Familiarity with real estate data is a plus. - Able to perform basic data matching. Note: Please be aware tha...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can manage the data extraction from a PDF file. The task involves working primarily with text data. Key Responsibilities: - Extracting text data from a given PDF - Organising the data in a way that is suitable for analysis - Delivering the final data in an Excel format Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data extraction and data analysis - Strong attention to detail - Excellent Excel skills It’s important that the freelancer has experience with this type of work. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in the past.
I need a data entry specialist who can extract text data from PDF documents for me. The type of data will mainly consist of paragraphs and sentences. Skills and experience ideal for this job: - Proficiency in data entry - Excellent attention to detail - Experience in handling and processing PDF documents - Ability to accurately extract and transcribe text
I require assistance in enhancing my existing Woocommerce site, which currently has a partially imported database of car m...models. It is essential that the two pages are independent of each other. Specifically, page 1 should display car models, while page 2 displays phone models. Additionally, in the filters, brands should be presented separately on each page, rather than being mixed. 3. Importing a comprehensive database of phones. This should encompass all phone models released after 2018. The data for both cars and phones is in CSV format. The auto database has already been partially imported. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with Woocommerce and database management. I am looking for someone who can complete this project efficientl...
I am seeking a qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers and the Institution of Fire Engineers to assist in designing a smoke extraction system for a commercial building. Key Responsibilities: - Consult on the most effective smoke extraction system for retail spaces within the building. - Oversee the project to ensure adherence to design specifications and safety standards. Ideal Candidate: - Must be a member of the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers and the Institution of Fire Engineers. - Extensive experience in smoke extraction design. - Previous work in designing systems for commercial buildings, specifically retail spaces. - Capable of writing detailed reports and providing consultation throughout the project.
...with Exceptions: Configurable soft limit (e.g., submission deadlines). Users can submit claims past the limit, but they will require admin approval. Admin Notifications: Alerts for pending claims requiring approval. 6. Integration with Data Analytics Real-Time Descriptive Analytics: Link to Power BI or equivalent tools. Dashboard for system admins to view analytics like: Number of submissions. Trends over time (e.g., monthly claims). User activity metrics. Data Extraction: Export data to Excel for custom statistical analysis. Configurable filters for selecting data to export. URL to requirements:
...metadata - Additional metadata Currently, all the scraped data is stored in a CSV file. I am looking for a developer who has expertise in python / scraping and postgres to do the following: [Phase / Milestone 1] 1. Convert the existing scraper (code attached - /site-packages removed for space) to load the data in a postgres database. 2. Scrape reviews of products from the (CWH) website and store them in the database. 3. Look up the availability of the product in specific stores and write the boolean value in the postgres database. (code attached - ) [Phase / Milestone 2] 4. Once this data is scraped, I then move it to a Google Sheet where I run a script to enrich the data using ChatGPT. I want to reduce these steps or make them
I need someone to convert my 28 page bank statement from PDF to Excel. - You will need to extract all details from the bank statement. - The data should be formatted into a standard table format on Excel. - No further data processing is required after extraction. Ideal candidates will have: - Experience in data entry and PDF to Excel conversion - Attention to detail to ensure all information is accurately captured. check sample
I need an expert in image processing and medical imaging formats. The project involves extraction of underlying tile data from .mdxs images (a variant of TIFF) for image processing tasks. Key Requirements: - Extract tile data from .mdxs images - Convert images from .mdxs to open formats like TIFF Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in image processing - Experience with medical image formats - Familiarity with TIFF and JPEG formats
...skilled data professional to compile a comprehensive database of recently registered domain names along with relevant ownership or business details for the purpose of targeted outreach and lead generation for website development services. Database Scope: Collect domain registration data with a focus on recently registered domains (last 6-12 months preferred). Include data points such as: Domain Name Date of Registration Registrar Name Business/Registrant Name (if available) Contact Email or Phone (if publicly available) Country/Location Expiry Date (if accessible) Data Collection Methods: Utilize legitimate sources such as WHOIS databases, expired domain lists, and domain auction sites. No data collection that violates GDPR, CCPA, or similar da...
I need someone to convert my 28 page bank statement from PDF to Excel. - You will need to extract all details from the bank statement. - The data should be formatted into a standard table format on Excel. - No further data processing is required after extraction. Ideal candidates will have: - Experience in data entry and PDF to Excel conversion - Attention to detail to ensure all information is accurately captured. check sample
I'm looking for a professional data entry specialist to copy contact information from a specific website () into a Google Sheets document. The data I need includes: - Company - Address - Name - Title - Phone number - Email - Website - Products The freelancer should have prior experience in data extraction and be proficient with Google Sheets. Skills and Experience: - Data Extraction - Google Sheets Expertise - Attention to Detail - Previous Experience with Data Entry