Web based cron gui işler
Doğu Kazakistan ve Almatı bölgelerinde küçük hidroelektrik santrallerinin (SHPPs) inşası için arazilerin belirlenmesi
Project Description: We need a web-based tool that will compare football odds from the following websites: • • • Betfair Exchange The system should compare the odds from these sites and identify the differences based on a percentage difference filter. The comparison should cover the entire sports schedule (fixture) and refresh every 5 seconds to ensure up-to-date data. This system should function similarly to platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to understand the expected functionality. Scope and Key Features 1. Websites to Compare: • (Football odds) • (Football odds) • Betfair Exchange (Football odds) 2. Odds Types to Compare: • Full-time Result (Home - Draw - Away)
I am looking for a digital marketing intern who can assist me with SEO optimization for my website. The ideal candidate should have experience in SEO techniques and strategies. Tasks: - Conduct a thorough analysis of ...optimized but needs improvement Skills and experience required: - Strong understanding of SEO techniques and best practices - Experience with keyword research and optimization - Familiarity with SEO tools and analytics platforms - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills - Knowledge of social media management and paid advertising campaigns is a plus The internship will be performance-based, with a payout based on the achievement of the defined goals. This is a great opportunity for someone looking to gain hands-on experience in digital marketing and ...
Bir Python Kodunu hem windows hem mac os ta çalıştıracak gui tasarımı ve uygulamaya çevrilmesi Gui design and translation of a Python Code to run on windows and mac os
Merhaba Yılmaz Bey, Web tabanlı bir Okey 101 oyunu yaptırmak istiyorum. 2d template Unity. Web yönetim paneli olacak. Mümkünse olan bir oyunun Reskin'i olacak. Yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
Bitlife tarzında içerikleri belirlenmiş ancak bazı noktalarda tecrübeli birinin eklentilerine ihtiyaç olan, IOS için metin tabanlı bir oyun projem var. Bu projeyi yazabilecek birine ihtiyaç duyuyorum. Bitlife'a benzeyen ancak farklılıkları olan bir oyun. Ortaçağ oyunu, ses gerektirmiyor yalnızca arkaplan müziği yeterli. Hayat simulasyonu oyunu, hayat değerleri var, yetenekler meslekler eğitim gibi bir çok kategori var. İlişkiler ve aktiviteler var. Basit life simulator oyunlarından istemiyorum bitlife tarzında gelişmiş bir oyun istiyorum. Rastgele olaylar doğabilecek bir oyun istiyorum. Türkçe ve ingilizce seçenekleri istiyorum. İkisinide ben çeviririm. İçeriklerin çoğu hazır istenen içe...
Birbirine çok benzeyen iki görüntünün aslında birbirinden Farklı olduğunu sayısal olarak ispatlayacak GUI tabanlı bir uygulama geliştirilmesi.
İhtiyacım olan botta olması gereken özellikler : Residental proxy sağlayan belirlediğimiz bir siteden proxy alıp ip değiştirme işlemi yapacak. Belirlenen link için random user agent oluşturup tarayıcı açacak ve belirlediğim bölgeye tıklayacak. Tıklanacak yer genellikle link kısaltma sitelerindeki reklamı geç butonu olac...özellikler : Residental proxy sağlayan belirlediğimiz bir siteden proxy alıp ip değiştirme işlemi yapacak. Belirlenen link için random user agent oluşturup tarayıcı açacak ve belirlediğim bölgeye tıklayacak. Tıklanacak yer genellikle link kısaltma sitelerindeki reklamı geç butonu olacak. (tıklanacak butonu kendim düzenleyebilmeliyim) Hangi dili kullanarak yaptığınız önemli değildir. Herhangi bir ...
Multiplayer turn-based mobil bi kart oyunu yazabilecek yazılımcı arıyorum. iOS ve android.
Arkadaşlar projemiz müşterilerimizin ürünlerimizi seçmesinde yardımcı olacağı bir yazılımdır, müşteri iş yerimize gelir ve dokunmatik monitör ile kendi ürününü tasarlar. Görselde ve video da detaylı anlatım mevcuttur gerçekten yapabilecek arkadaşlar ulaşsınlar. istediğimiz uygulama detaylı video yu izleyebilirsiniz aynısını istiyoruz. Friends are the software to choose our products for our project, the customer comes to our workplace and designs his own product with a touch monitor. There is a detailed explanation in the visual and video.
TCPyle yazılmış turn based oyunumuz için maintanence ve bug çözümleri
Merhaba istedigim proje öncelikli olarak gui icermeli ve Matlab ta olur ise benim icin cok daha iyi olacaktir. Proje yapay sinir agi kullanilarak iki sesin yani bir kaynak sesin diger sese cevrilmesi islemi olarak söylenebilir. Asagida iki tane örnek verdim ama Program yapay sinir agi sequenz to sequenz calisir ise daha iyi sonuc alinabiliyormus. Yardimlariniz icin simdiden tesekkür ederim.
Merhaba, Python üzerinden bir cyrptoexchange trading bot yapma isteğim( iki farklı exchange için )var. Konsept yukarıdaki gibi, ilgilenirseniz dönüş yapmanızı rica ederim.
Platfrom temelinde online satış mağazası oluşturmak.
bu rapor turnitin sistemine yüklenilecektir, alıntı yüzde 10 geçmeyecektir .teslim süresi 1 haftadır
Bizim halihazırda bir web sayfamız var Bu site şöyle çalışıyor. Bizim Canon marka makinalarımız Türkiye'nin çeşitli yerlerinden 15 dakikada 1 çektikleri fotoğrafları sistemde kendi klasörlerine atıyor. Şöyle ki; Reyhanlı'da 3 kameramız var. 1 numaralı kamera 15 dakikada 1 fotoğraf çekiyor ve bunları bizim web sunucumuza atıyor. Attığı klasör; /uploads/reyhanli/kamera1 Sistem ise buraya atılan fotoğrafların EXIF bilgisini okuyor ve o bilginin içinden çekildiği saati alarak uygun yere yerleştiriyor. Ancak bir takım sorunlarımız var, birincisi ve en önemlisi sistemin yavaş çalışması. (cache yapmaması) Şimdi biz sayfanın her şeyini değiştirmek istiyoruz. Genel siste...
...fonksiyon yazın. Örneğin girdi 01110 ise çıktı 14 olmalıdır. Eğer girdide 0 ve 1 harici bir karakter varsa exception atmayı unutmayın. 2. Recursion uygulaması a. ~lriddle/ifs/pythagorean/ sayfasını ziyaret edin ve orada iterated function system kısmında verilen iki adet fonksiyon vasıtasıyla formülün üzerinde bulunan binary tree fractallerini bir GUI programı ile çizdirebilen bir Java programı yazın. 3. Multithreading a. dosyasının içinde aralarında birer boşlukla ayrılmış N tane tamsayı olduğunu varsayın. Öncelikle ana thread içinde bu sayıları bir tamsayı dizisine okuyun. Ardından dizinin ilk yarısını bir thread diğer yarısını ise başka bir thread vasıtasıyla toplayın. Ana thread bu iki thread tarafından bulunan ...
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Logo for a Real Estate company based in Istanbul'
Varolan sunucu tarafindaki C# kodunu (GUI yok) php'e cevirilmesi gerekyor.
...Veloxity olarak Silikon Vadisi'nde hızlı yükselen ve telekomünikasyon sektörüne hizmet eden bir yazılım girişimiyiz. Türkiye ve ABD'de operasyonlarımız mevcuttur. We are looking for a Web developer with extensive UI and Reporting savvy and very experienced working with the .Net platform as well as Java. Essential Web development skills such as HTML/CSS/JavaScript should be very polished. Having built web applications that pull data from MS SQL Server is desired. /// İleri düzeyde UI ve Reporting becerileri ve .Net/Java platformlarında çok tecrübesi olan bir Web developer arıyoruz. HTML/CSS/JavaScript gibi esas Web development yeteneklerinin çok gelişmiş olması lazımdır. MS SQL Server'...
Bütçeyi projeyi konuşup detaylıca konuşup kararlaştırdıktan sonra belirlemek istiyorum. Hi, First of all i want to describe the system which is going to be installed. Building a web site for my restaurant , in which pizza and such products are made and sold this system will use the WooCommerce infrastructure. Therefore, we need to make some customizations on the WooCommerce, and these are shortly: 1. The integration between WooCommerce and Paytrail () because most of the payments will be via this system this must be in our web site. Paytrail has already mentioned on its website that it supports WooCommerce. If pay cash can be realized apart from that, pay system via credit card and paybyway (this can be discussed in terms of security and cert...
"Bu projenin amaci kullanicia SDES araciligiyla Simetrik Block Sifreleme ve DES kullanimini tanitmaktir. Projeyi java,c,c++,c# bu dillerden herha...cozme uygulamalari gelistirilece. Bir kisimda C,C++,Java veya C# dilleri kullanilabilir, ikinci kisim ise ilkinin kullandigi dil disinda ki diger 3 secenekten birinde olmalidir. Iki kisim bir Graphical User Interface gelistirilerek sifrelenen mesajlarin gonderimini ve cozulen sifrelerin ard arda goruntulenmesi islemlerini saglamalidir. GUI Java dilinde gelistirilip SDES uygulamasina Java Native Interface (JNI) araciligi ile baglanmalidir. Gelistirilecek GUI kullanicinin bir key girmesi,text mesaji yollamasi, eger var ise gelen cozumlenmis sifrelerin goruntulenmesi islemlerini gerceklestirebilmelidir. (kisaca basit guvenli bi...
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin adresine daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini email atmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin adresine daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini email atmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
Yaklasik 1.5 -2 ay surecek lokasyon bazli bir uygulama icin, Android ve iOS developer aramaktayiz.. İlgilenenlerin daha once gelistirdikleri application ornekleri ile birlikte telefonlarini ve email'lerini yazmalarini rica ediyorum.. Developer'in Istanbul'dan olmasi tercih sebebidir.. Basitce anlatacak olursak, Kullanicilar herhangi bir mekanla ilgili 3-4 tane bilgi girecek ve fotograf cekecek. Bunun karsiliginda puan kazanacaklar.. daha sonra bu puanlarla hediye ceki alabilecekler.. Detaylari konusuruz telefonda.. Buraya post etmemdeki amacim, Android ve iOS developer'lara ulasmak.. Tesekkurler..
I'm seeking a freelancer skilled in creating and managing social media ad campaigns, specifically focused on lead generation. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement image-based ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. - Optimize campaigns for maximum lead generation. - Provide regular updates on campaign performance and adjust strategies as necessary. Ideal Candidates: - Demonstrated experience in social media marketing, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. - Proficiency in designing visually appealing and effective image-based ads. - Strong analytical skills to assess campaign performance and make necessary adjustments.
...displays data. Validate the system with real paddy samples and refine the logic based on test results. 3. Calibration & Testing: Responsibilities: Calibrate each sensor: Moisture sensor against a reference meter. Load cell using known reference weights. Color sensor with good and bad grain samples. Test the entire system with paddy samples to validate the accuracy and precision of the readings. Provide documentation or a guide on how to use the equipment and adjust the system. 4. Optional Enhancements (if applicable): Responsibilities: Add a database (SQLite/MySQL) to log test results for future reference and analysis. Create a simple dashboard or GUI to visualize and track paddy quality over time. This could be a web-based interface or a desktop applicat...
I'm looking for an expert in blockchain technology, specifically someone with deep understanding and experience in Solana, to help me create a meme coin. This coin's primary purpose is to enhance community engagement. Key Responsibilities: - Understand the requirements of creating a meme coin on the Solana blockchain. - Develop and deploy the meme coin with a focus on community interaction and engagement. - Suggest and implement effective strategies to leverage the coin for community building. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in blockchain development, particularly on the Solana network. - Previous work with meme coin creation is a plus. - Strong understanding of community engagement strategies within the crypto space. - Excellent communication skills to keep me updated thr...
I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer to create a subscription-based website Key Responsibilities: - Develop a WordPress site that's capable of handling subscriptions. - Ensure a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with WordPress development. - Proficiency in API's integrations. - Prior experience in developing subscription-based websites is highly desirable.
I'm looking for an expert who can create a fully functional, cloud-based VoIP server from scratch. This server will replace our current Vonage setup, allowing us to make calls to US customers and candidates from India. Key Features: - The server should support call recording, voicemail, and call analytics. - All features should be reliable and easy to use. Technical Requirements: - The server must be built on a cloud-based architecture. - It should utilize the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in VoIP server development. - Proficiency in cloud technologies. - Deep understanding of SIP protocol. - Ability to implement call recording, voicemail, and call analytics features. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail....
I'm looking for a comprehensive web-based platform that can analyze and rank YouTube videos based on various metrics. I want the platform to focus on: - Analyzing and ranking videos based on metrics - Utilizing key metrics such as view count, engagement rate (likes, comments, shares), and watch time for the ranking process - Allowing me to select specific channels or videos that will be included in the ranking This project requires an experienced web developer with skills in data analytics and familiarity with YouTube's API. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of creating similar platforms.
3d phtorealistic designs for presentation 45squares metes Small apartment with two bedrooms ,living room ,small bathroom and kitchen
...Protection: Role-based access control for security. Data encryption to protect sensitive information. Measures to prevent unauthorized access. Integration: Seamless integration with Hospital Information Systems (HIS) and other lab systems. APIs for interfacing with third-party software or services. Support for data exchange protocols like HL7. Workflow Automation: Automation of repetitive tasks to enhance lab efficiency. Notification systems for task management and reminders. User Interface and Usability: User-friendly, intuitive GUI. Mobile access for flexibility in operations. Support and Maintenance: Regular software updates to incorporate new features and security patches. Technical support and user training to ensure smooth operation. Modern Features and Tools: Cloud...
I'm seeking a developer who can create a simple educational demo project using Vue.js. The main functionality of this project will be form submission. It needs to include: It will be a quiz taking app supporting multiple users. - Validation rules: Forms should be checked for correctness before submission. - Confirmation messages: Users should receive feedback upon successful form submission. Ideal candidates for this project should have a solid understanding of Vue.js, experience in creating interactive educational demos, and a knack for implementing user-friendly features.
I need a skilled project manager and web developer to create a budget and financial analysis dashboard. This dashboard will be web-based and need to provide detailed cost analysis and visualize a parent-child hierarchy. Key Features: - Detailed cost analysis: The dashboard should break down costs in a comprehensive manner. - Parent-child Hierarchy Visualization: The dashboard should be able to display costs in a hierarchical manner, making it easy to understand the relationship between different cost elements. Your Recommendations: - Front-end Framework: I am open to recommendations for the best front-end framework to use. Please suggest a suitable framework with your rationale. Ideal Skills: - Project Management: Experience in project management is crucial to unde...
I'm in need of a skilled developer with expertise in Laravel to craft a service-oriented e-commerce marketplace. The project entails not just building a new platform, but also upgrading and redesigning an existing site. Key Requirements: - Expert-level knowledge of Laravel framework - Experience in developing service-oriented platforms - Understanding of UI/UX principles for marketplace applications - Ability to suggest and implement creative features to enhance user engagement Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Experience with third-party API integrations - Strong problem-solving skills - Excellent communication skills Note: Specific user roles and third-party integrations are yet to be determined.
I'm looking for a photo editing expert who can help me with color correction on my photos. The aim is to create a specific mood or effect through color manipulation. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. - Extensive experience in color correction. - Strong understanding of color theory and its emotional impact. - Ability to interpret and replicate a desired mood or effect. - Excellent attention to detail.
Looking to get a php api that takes a postcode. goes too my database and brings back customer details for that post code. A similar api is written like this so most of code can be copied. Simple project and i need this done today public function geteircode(){ if(isset($_POST['eircode']) && !empty($_POST['eircode'])){ $code = strtr($_POST['eircode'],[' '=>'']); $ir_identifiser = array("A41","A42","A45","A63","A67","A75","A81","A82","A83","A84","A85","A86","A91","A92","A94","A96","A98","C15","D01","D02","D...
I need some modifications on the GitHub project 'baibot' which interacts with the Matrix project. The bot is built in Rust. Key Changes Required: 1. Message Consolidation: After receiving the first new message, the bot should wait for 2 minutes. If no new message arrives from that chat, it should combine all incoming messages into a single message and send it to GPT. 2. Counter API Implementation: A Counter API needs to be implemented to track the number of messages sent by the bot. 3. Stop Key Integration: A key needs to be added that will stop the bot in chats when activated. 4. Additional Minor Modifications: There are some other small changes that I will communicate prior to the start. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Rust programming language - Experience with GitHub project...
Vreau sa dezvolt aplicatie mobila web based. Am Un site vreau doar pentru partea de login cu 4 sau taburi jos (home - redirect la /login, inca 2 sau 3 cu redirect la alte pagini si ultima notifications) daca utilizatorul se logheaza sa fie logat pe toate gen ai pe home si pe celelalte 2-3 taburi. Daca ma poti ajuta ma intereseaza si un pret estimativ. Nu ma intereseaza acum sa le pun pe playstore sau app store, doar pe site-ul meu sa le descarce de acolo.
I'm looking for a talented videographer based in Dubai who can help me shoot some content for my YouTube channel and Instagram reels. Please note that the specifics of the content (interviews, scenic shots, event coverage) and the stylistic approach (casual, professional, creative) will be determined collaboratively. Key Requirements: - Availability in Dubai - Experience in shooting for YouTube and Instagram - Creative input and collaboration on content and style - Professionalism and reliability Your own equipment is not necessary, as I have everything we will need to create high-quality content.
I am looking for a developer with expertise in creating a web-based screenshot editing tool similar to CleanShot. This tool should be capable of capturing screenshots and providing a suite of annotation tools. Key Requirements: - Full screen and selected area screen capture capabilities - A variety of annotation tools for editing screenshots - A user-friendly interface that mirrors the simplicity and effectiveness of CleanShot Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web development - Expertise in building screen capture and editing tools - Strong understanding of user interface and user experience design
I'm looking for a seasoned professional to help me establish a training center in Dubai's Knowledge Park, with KHDA approval. The primary focus of this center will be on imparting technical skills to students. Key Responsibilities: - Guide through the company registration process in Dubai - Assist in obtaining KHDA approval - Develop a strategic plan for the training center Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in setting up educational institutions or training centers - In-depth knowledge of KHDA regulations and approval process - Strong understanding of the technical skills training sector - Excellent strategic planning and project management skills
I'm in search of a designer who can create a minimalist and aesthetically pleasing logo for my brand. The logo should be icon-based, utilizing geometric shapes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in logo design, particularly with minimalist and icon-based designs. - Strong understanding and skills in using geometric shapes. - Ability to create aesthetically pleasing and professional designs. - Portfolio showcasing previous similar work would be beneficial.
Host My already API based Python website you have to rehost on vps server like hostinger
I'm seeking a professional who can use AI tools to generate code, review, correct it and make a control system based on EKF/PID. We will go by milestones - start from Simulation to final firmware
I need an expert in Python and server management to rehost my existing API-based Python website on a VPS server. Key Responsibilities: - Rehost the website on a Linux-based VPS server - Ensure all APIs are functioning correctly post-migration - Optimize server settings for best performance Ideal Skills: - Strong Python programming skills - Extensive experience with VPS server management - Familiarity with API-based applications - Problem-solving skills to troubleshoot any issues that arise during rehosting Please note, the details about the VPS server and the code repository have not been finalized yet. Flexibility and readiness to assist with these aspects would be advantageous.
Hi WebStoreGuruHK, can you please give me a quote to setup enable WooCommerce API integration with DropShipZone Australia? I see it's a project you have done before. Basically i want to be able to select a range of products from DropShipZone and have stock levels update hourly via the API and a cron job. Also want to automate orders so they go straight to DropShipZone so there is no manual input my end (or very little)