Volt amp charger circuit diagram işler
We are looking for an experienced industrial designer or graphic designer to create the design for an AC charger for electric vehicles. The ideal candidate should be able to develop both technical drawings and an external design concept. Job Description: Develop the industrial design for an electric vehicle AC charger Create detailed technical drawings and dimensions Design a product that is ready for manufacturing Develop a user-friendly, aesthetic, and modern external design Requirements: Experience in industrial design or graphic design Expertise in 3D modeling and technical drawing (SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Fusion 360, etc.) Ability to create renders and concept designs (KeyShot, Blender, etc.) Knowledge of manufacturing processes is a plus Ability to provide a portfolio ...
Wordpres temamda Amp eklentisini kullanıyorum. Fakat bu eklentide bazı javaları çalıştırmıyor. Örneğin web sitem ampde arama yapmıyor. Siteleri yüklenmiyor bu sorunu çözecek bir yazılımcı arıyorum
yeni kurulan ve sürekli büyüyen organizasyonumuzda yer alan her türlü bilgisayar ,server, yazıcı , router , kamera ,modem ,switch gibi donanımları aktif olarak listeleyecek ve bir diagram harita üzerinde gösterip , bunların güncel olarak tutulması işi . Örnek çizim dosyası ektedir. / Edrawmax üzerinde çizilmiş network diyagram - İşlem bir kez yapıldıktan sonra ayda 1 güncelleme yapılması talebimiz bulunmaktadır. aktif olarak 50 bilgisayar , 80 kamera , server i ups gibi toplamda 300 e yakın donanım mevcuttur.
Algılanmasını istediğim frekans grubu Schultmann rezonans frekanslarına benzer frekanslardır. Düşü...platformunda yazılması gerekiyor. Kullanacağım mikrodenetleyici freebeatle ESP32 IOT. Zaman kısıtlıdır. Detaylı senaryo ektedir. Türkiye dışından da bu işe el atacak kişiler olabilir; The frequency group I want to be detected are frequencies similar to Schultmann resonance frequencies. Since there are low frequencies, antenna, amplifying circuit and peripherals need to work in harmony. I'll take care of the antenna part myself. simulation, printed circuit board diagram and software will be prepared according to the scenario I wrote. It needs to be written on the Arduino ide platform. The microcontroller I will be using is freebeatle ESP32 IOT. D...
PHP ile yazılmış portal için Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) hakkında yazılımı Cdn li değişebilir url sistemi ile yaptırılacaktır. Domain Google üzerinden düzenli bir şekilde çalışması beklenmektedir. Daha önceden yaptığı referansları iletebilecek kişiler tercih edilecektir. Kaynak:
...arıyoruz. (İstanbulda olması tercihimiz) Project name: Low voltage single phase protection relay 60A. Function : Over/under current (with built in mini current transformer), over/under voltage, time delay - two screens and 6 leds required ,-The design should be carried on with our case -The design should be carried on with our terminals, black one prototypes devices fully working 2.circuit design and schematics , BOM list, PCB design (Gerber), firmware and hex file, human interface program file(please let me know if I forgot anything) , with technical data, user manual instructions test procedure. manual for us 6.3D design of PCB with component if possible ...
Merhaba; Wordpress altyapılı bir web sitemiz var. Sitenin hız problemlerini çözere 90+ Hıza çıkartmak istiyoruz. Ayrıca mobil versiyon için amp uyarlama yaparak siteyi olabildiğince hızlı ve göze güzel gelecek hale getirecek bir versiyon hazırlanacak.
UML (Unified Modeling Language) nesneye yönelik yazılım geliştirme sürecinde yaygın kullanılan bir tasarım dilidir. Bir UML tasarımının en önemli öğesini sınıf diyagramı (class diagram) oluşturur. Sınıf diyagramları bir yazılım projesindeki sınıfları ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkileri göstererek yazılacak olan kodu çerçeve olarak oluşturmaya yetecek bilgi içerir. Model tabanlı yazılım geliştirme teknolojileri tasarım diyagramlarının dönüşümler (transformations) yoluyla alternatif platformlara uygun hale getirilmelerini sağlayabilir veya daha az veya daha çok soyut hale getirebilir. Model tabanlı yazılım geliştirmenin en son hedefi ise tasarımlardan otomatik olarak kod üretmektir. Dönüşümleri kural...
Merhaba pazartesi günü database projem var ER diagram, tables, views, stored procedures, triggers,functions,normalization gibi detaylar var yardımcı olabilir misin? microsoft sql manager üzerinden yapıyoruz.
...zamanda hazır olup hızlıca cevaplayıp çözümlerini bana gönderme, göndereceğim soruları önceden belirlenecek zaman diliminde detaylıca çözüp anlatıp cevaplamayı içeriyor. Ücret karşılıklı değerlendirilerek belirlenebilir. Yanlış çözüm olmamasını umuyorum. Uzun bir zaman diliminde gerekli olan homeworkler için de yardım isteyebilirim. This project requires to answer my questions about the electric circuit theory lesson thoroughly and detailed by sending the detailed solutions to me in the predetermined required time period. It also requires to answer the very hard 7 questions(2 in some) that i will be sending for the online exams that i will be taking in the said predetermined time period of abou...
Fotoğraflarını eklediğim ürünün aynısından yapılması gerekiyor. Dokunmatik anahtar ve 3 farklı renk led olacak. Her dokunulduğunda diğer renge geçecek. Basılı tutulduğunda rengin parlaklığı değişecek (opsiyonel). Usb ile şarj edilebilecek. Ürünün aynısı Çin'deki meşhur sitede mevcut ancak Corona sebebiyle yerel üretim istiyorum. Yapabilecek elektronikçi arkadaşlar veya temin edebilecek arkadaşlar ile fiyata bağlı miktarı konuşuruz.
4 bit counter circuit... 4 bit sayıcı devre yapımı projesidir yapacak arkadaşara çok teşekkürler.
Devre (Circuit) sıkıntılarını çözebilen bir iş yapmanız beklenmekte. İşler basit seviyede olup kısa süreli ancak birden fazla miktarda olmaktadır. İş için teknik bilgi yeterlidir. Daha detaylı bilgi için iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Merhaba projemiz bir gemi elektronik sistemi olan Gemi otomatik tanımlama sistemidir. Sistem B-Sınıfı bir Ais projesidir. Proje hakkında yeterli deneyime sahip çalışma arkadaşlarından teklifler almak usulu ile değerlendirmeler almak istiyoruz proje tamamen bi...bir prıfesyonellik çalışması olamalı 2~12.5 Watt TX çıkış gücüne sahip olmalı iki farklı çalışma prensiplerine sahip olacak birincisi kara kutu sistemli led göstergeli olmalı ikinci sistem ise LCD Haritalı ekran üzerinde çalışmalıdır. projeyi tamamen PCB Düzeni Gerber dosyası projeye ait yazılım ve sistemin programlanmasını içeren uygulaması ile birlikte RS-232~422 Portlarına sahip olmalı 12~24 Volt DC Güç kaynağı ile çalışmalı ilgilenen a...
İş disip...konularında tecrübeli, Html5, css3, responsive design, wordpress ve amp konularında bilgili olan, Seo odaklı çalışabilecek. We are looking for friends who care about business discipline and getting the job done on time. You can get pretty good earnings in the long term. If you think you are suitable for this job, you can reach us by sending a message showing the works, references or projects with a short motivation letter. we plan to end the process in a short time. We'd love to see your CVs, your motivational writing and what you do. Mastering PHP, javascript, jquery programming languages, Experienced in Mysql database, Experienced in XML, JSON web services issues, Knowledgeable about html5, css3, responsive design, Wordpress and amp, Be able...
WordPress altyapısı kullanılan blog sitemizin tema tasarımına uygun bir şekilde AMP (Google hızlandırılmış mobil sayfalar teknolojisi) kodlattırılacaktır. Google AMP Validator tarafından hiçbir hatası ve eksiği olmayacak. AMP kurulduğunda AMP olan sayfaların hepsi normal temamızın tasarımı ile tam uyumlu çalışacak (JavaScript'ler hariç) WordPress AMP Eklentileri kullanılabilir, istediğimiz şey Google tarafından AMP sayfalarımızın olduğunu ve tamamen hatasız, uygun olduğunu bilinmesidir. Buradaki tek şart AMP eklentisini kurduğunuzda temamızın tasarımı ve bileşenlerine uyarlamanız gerekiyor. AMP Eklentilerini kullanmadan yapmak daha mantıklı geliyorsa kişi amp sayfalarımızı %100 uyumlu ve tasarımımız...
Arduino ile akvaryumun ısısı, ortamın nemi, elektrik durumu anlık olarak wifi ile yada gsm modül ile belirlenen web sitesindeki mysql veritabanına kayıt edilecek. Rf bağlantılı 8 li 220 volt kontrollü priz de web arayüzü ile kontrol edilebilecek. Kullanıcı web arayüzü ile prizleri açıp kapatabilecek yada uyarı alarm ayarlayabilecek. Uyarılar kullanıcının telefonuna sms olarak iletilecek. Android ve ios üzerinden uygulama ile bu verilere ulaşabilecek
Arduino analog çıkışı veya potansiyometreden 0-5V sinyal ile 12V sabit gerilim ve 0-2A arası değişen güç kaynağı istiyoruz. Pcb olabilir devre şeması da olabilir. Örneğin arduino analog çıkışı 1V için 12V ve 0.4A ardui...olabilir. Örneğin arduino analog çıkışı 1V için 12V ve 0.4A arduino analog çıkışı 2V için 12V ve 0.8A arduino analog çıkışı 3V için 12V ve 1.2A arduino analog çıkışı 4V için 12V ve 1.6A arduino analog çıkışı 5V için 12V ve 2.0A I want to control 12V and 0-2A by 0-5V signal. I need a circuit and when I apply signal it's output will give me Signal 1V and circuit output 12 and 0.4A Signal 2V and circuit output 12 and 0.8A Signal 3V an...
Wordpress site ile videolu yemek yarışması sitesi yaptırılacaktır. tema olarak socialchef teması seçilmiştir. Profesyonel bir görünüme sahip (tema editlemesi yapılmalıdır) bir ...dilediği kadar tarif gönderebilecek, o ayki tariflerin toplam izlenme sayıları da birinciyi belirleyecek. izlenmeler aynı tarifte ip numarasına göre günde 1 kişi olarak sayılacak. yazar adlarına tıklandıgında aylık ve yıllık seçimli tariflerini görebileceğiz, gördüğümüz tariflerin yanında o tarifin izlenme sayısı, en başta da seçilen tarihlerin toplam izlenme sayıları gösterilecek. site mobil uyumlu, amp li olacak, page speed skoru 90 ve üzeri olacak. Ayıca burada yazılmamış ama ihtiyaç duyulabilecek başka öz...
Volt Lines ve Biserwis (isci servisi) konseptini Chariot(dolmus) konseptiyle birlestirip EcoRyde adi altinda Kanada icin gelistirmek.
Elimde yaklaşık 60 000 excell verisi var. C# ile bu verileri bir veritabanına aktarıp bunların veri madenciliği yöntemleri ile basit bir kaç tane görselleştirmesini istiyorum. Bu görselleştirmeler bir diagram vs şeklinde olabilir. Amacım bu veriler arasındaki ilişkileri görebilmek.
Devrenin gorevi cikis konrolu yapmak. Devrede 2 sensor + 2 button var. (Besleme girisi 220 V Sensorler 30mV Cikis en fazla 30 mV) Calisma ornegi = acik buton acik ise cikis = + 30 mV kapali buton acik ise cikis = 0 V bir buton acik iken sensor kapali ise cikis = 0 V English Electronic circuit task is exit voltage control. Circuit components are sensors and button. (Input 220 V and sensor signal is 30 mV exit voltage max 30 mV ) Working example ; 1. If Sensor On, Button On = Exit + 30 mV 2. If Sensor Off Button On = Exit 0 V 3. If Any button On and Any Sensors Off = Exit 0 V You can my shema.
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'Touch sensor and power circuit design for a smart doorbell'
Mobil uyumlu bir itriaf sitesi hazırlatmak istiyorum. Çok detaylı olması gerekmiyor örnek verecek olursak (link vermek uygun mu bilmiyorum yasaksa kusura bkmayın fakat istediğim gibi olduğu içi linkle göstermek istiyorum.) bu linkteki gibi yönetim paneli olacak orda yazan özellikler aynen öyle olacak fakat bu scripttekinden farklı birkaç özellik olacak. Örneğin linkteki scriptte sağ tarafta En İyiler kısmı olmayacak o ayrı bir yerde olacak da üstte en popüler butonu olduğu gibi mesela. sağ ve sol alanlar ile en alt ve scriptte üstte görülen reklam alanı dahil olmak üzere kenarlar reklam alanı olacak şekilde ayarlanmalı. Ve bu scriptte üyelik var, benim istediğim projede hem üyelik olacak
I'm looking for skilled, detail-oriented professionals for a short-term Network Assessment Project. Your job will be to evaluate and document our network infrastructure, which includes switches, firewalls, and access points. Key Responsibilities: - Conducting an on-site evaluation of our network infrastructure - Documenting your findings in a comprehensive manner - Creating a detailed network diagram based on your assessment The primary goal of this assessment is to create a clear, accurate representation of our current network setup. A thorough understanding of network infrastructure and diagramming is essential. This position offers flexibility with ongoing future assignments.
I need a professional design upgrade for my flowchart. - Purpose: The flowchart is intended to explain a process. - Style: The desired aesthetic is minimalistic, so the design should be clean and uncluttered, yet visually appealing. - need diagram in ppt with animation (not jpeg) Ideal candidates should have experience in graphic design and a strong understanding of creating flowcharts.
I'm seeking a skilled who can quickly and accurately design a mixed-signal circuit using the Proteus/ISIS simulation software. This project revolves around the study of a photovoltaic-wind hybrid network connected to a High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) bus. Key aspects of the project include: - Understanding and implementing the complexities of a hybrid renewable energy network. The ideal candidate for this project will have: - Proficient experience with the Proteus/ISIS simulation software. - Experience with designing circuits for renewable energy systems. Speed and accuracy are paramount for this project, and I am prepared to compensate appropriately for high-quality work.
I need a circuit board designed and built that uses an ESP32 to drive a large number of LEDs (SMD, 300-500). The LEDs should be arranged to represent a detailed map that will be provided. Key Requirements: - Design and construct a visually appealing circuit board (as it may be directly exposed to end user) - Use an ESP32 to control a large number of LEDs (you will have to explain how you plan on doing this) - Arrange the LEDs according to a detailed city map which I will provide on the circuit board. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Electronics and circuit board design - Proficiency with ESP32 - Experience with LED projects - Design skills for creating an aesthetically pleasing product
I am in need of an experienced electrical engineer specializing in circuit design. The project involves designing a circuit for an unspecified application, so versatility and creativity are key. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in circuit design - Ability to work on various applications, from consumer electronics to industrial machinery - Innovative thinking for creating efficient and effective designs
...skilled engineer to design and develop a 30 KW DC fast charger based on the Infineon /OnSemi/ Microchip SiC module reference design.. The inverter will need to handle power ratings between 10 kW to 50 kW. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Background in power electronics - Proven track record in inverter/fast charger design - Experience in industrial applications and CANBus protocol - Ability to design for power ratings between 10 kW to 50 kW We are seeking a skilled engineer to design and develop a 30 KW DC fast charger based on the Infineon SiC module reference design. The ideal candidate will have experience in power electronics and familiarity with high-efficiency charging technologies. Your expertise will be crucial in ensuring the charger meets perform...
I'm in need of a basic precision, manually controlled, adjustable current regulation circuit that can handle up to 15A at 170VDC. The primary application for this circuit will be within power supply systems. Key Requirements: - The circuit should be able to adjust the current from 0 to 15A. - It should be designed for use in power supply systems. - The level of precision required for current regulation is basic. - The control for adjusting the current should be manual or digital. Ideal Skills: - Circuit design and development. - Experience with power supply systems. - Understanding of basic precision regulation.
I am looking for an expert in animation engine development who can create an engaging and educational animation engine for teaching computing The project will also require the creation of a comprehensive architectural diagram to outline the application architecture and its various components. details in attached
... and pool cover Easy To Assemble: Ultra XTR swimming pools above ground are ready in 60 minutes with an Easy Lock System, no pins or tools needed Weather And Rust Resistant: Dual-layer powder coating ensures rust resistance, while engineered T-Joints offer strength, and UV protection enhances durability. The address for the home is 620 W 38th Street Savannah, GA 31415. I have attached a pdf diagram of the duplex. The pool will be in the back yard which is fenced in with 6-foot fence and a 5-foot buffer from main home. The legal description of the home is E 15 FT 54 W 30 FT 55 OWENS WD. The acres are 0.1188. The square feet are 5175. 2-unit duplex. Parcel ID is 20073 07020. Please include water backflow for pool, electrical outlets and lines, and markers identifying the propert...
I'm in need of a seasoned FSM (Finite State Machine) Arbiter expert specializing in digital circuit design. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement an FSM Arbiter for a digital circuit. You should have: - Extensive experience in digital circuit design and FSM Arbiter. - A deep understanding of the design and implementation of FSM Arbiter. Deadline: 1 days
I am in need of a detailed wiring diagram for my Arduino R3 project which controls a Stepper motor. The connections are already listed, but I would like a professional and clear diagram to wire from. Key Project Details: - The wiring diagram needs to be in PDF format. - It should be created using Fritzing software. - The diagram should include detailed labels for all connections. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in using Fritzing software. - Prior experience in creating wiring diagrams for Arduino projects. - Attention to detail to ensure all connections are accurately represented and labelled.
I'm seeking a designer who can create a compelling and visually appealing graphic illustration aimed at adults for educational purposes. The design should be sophisticated yet easy to understand. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Previous experience designing educational material - Strong understanding of visual communication - Ability to create engaging and inspiring designs
I'm seeking a skilled Arduino coder to help me write a program for a radio sweep unit using a TEA5767 and an Arduino Uno. The unit should include: - A button to start and stop the sweep - A button to switch between forwards an...rate, and sweep direction, all on separate lines - A signal strength indicator The code must utilize pull-up resistors for the buttons. The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with Arduino programming, specifically with the LiquidCrystal_I2C.h library for the I2C display module. The display should be set to show separate lines for each piece of information. Please include wiring diagram Please include in your bid examples of similar projects you've completed, particularly any that involved signal strength indicators. Looking forwar...
I need a 10 slide, professionally crafted, diagram-centric presentation based on my notes covering a range of astrophysical concepts. The presentation should adopt a dark background with light text and utilize computer-generated graphics to illustrate the following topics: 1. Formation of a star/Sun 2. Origin of the solar system 3. Elliptical orbits 4. Life cycle of a star 5. The future of the Sun and black holes 6. The Doppler effect 7. The expansion of the universe 8. The age of the universe The tone of the presentation should be informative and professional. A freelancer with experience in astrophysics and graphic design will be preferred to ensure accurate and visually appealing illustrations.
I have DXF and Python files ready to be processed on an electrical CAD. I'm looking for someone who can run the files and create the necessary 2D drawings. The specific elements that need to be included are: - Circuit diagrams - Wiring schematics - Panel layouts - A Parts list Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with electrical CAD and can demonstrate a keen attention to detail. Please include examples of similar projects you have completed in your bid.
I'm seeking an expert to assist with an examination task that encompasses both SQL queries and ORM diagram creation. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in SQL, particularly with MySQL - Experience in designing and creating ORM diagrams - Capability to work with simple data structures, specifically simple tables Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of relational database concepts - Excellent problem-solving skills - Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
I'm in need of a compact, double-layer PCB designed for a digital circuit. The project involves creating a Gerber file that is ready for printing, accommodating the given circuit diagram. The PCB should be small and compact, suitable for accommodating a digital circuit. The ESP32, SIM800L, and ADS1115 will be mounted on a 2.54 mm pin female single-row header strip. All connectors will use 5 mm PCB terminals with standard 0.1″ (2.54 mm) spacing through holes. 6 X 14 CM PCB Board - Power PCB 14 x 14 CM PCB Board ESP32 38Pin Development Board --> Hi Link HLK-PM01 5V/10W --> 2.54mm Pin Female Single Row Header Strip -->
I'm in need of a comprehensive layered architecture diagram for a trading application. The diagram should include the following components: - User Interface - Business Logic - Database The desired level of detail is "Detailed with components." The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in software architecture and experience in creating layered architecture diagrams. Excellent communication skills and attention to detail are critical. Please provide examples of similar work you have done in the past.
Title: PCB Design with Gerber Files, Schematic, and BOM Description: I am looking for an experienced PCB designer to help me create a custom PCB design for my project. The design should include: Schematic Design: A clear and detailed schematic of the circuit. PCB Layout: Design the PCB layout based on the provided schematic. Gerber Files: Generation of Gerber files for manufacturing. BOM (Bill of Materials): Will be provided and open to any modifications for better performance,Provide a complete BOM with part numbers, specifications, and suppliers (e.g., Digikey, Mouser). Project Requirements: Board size: 70mmx70mm Layer count: 10 Layer Component preferences: Drill Hole Special requirements: TI Processors and components preferred Target application: Multi Protocol IoT gateway Com...
...drafted. You will only need to refine the drafts, ensure alignment with diagrams, and assist with filing. Simplified Scope of Work: Focus on diagram creation and refinement (5–10 diagrams per patent). Align descriptions and claims with appropriate numbering and diagram references. Time-Efficient: This is not a project that requires building from scratch. With much of the heavy lifting done, you can focus on adding value with your expertise. Flexibility & Recognition: As a freelancer, you’ll have the flexibility to manage your time. Your contribution will play a critical role in filing patents for early publication. Key Tasks and Responsibilities Diagram Creation: Refine high-quality diagrams (5–10 per patent will be provided by us) to complem...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a robust ASP.NET Core MVC web application on a topic E-learning Platform. The application will require: General Conditions for Project: Project web application design (function requirements, design/class diagram/database diagram and gross UI). ASP.NET Core MVC Web application (version 8.x or higher) The application can be created completely in this technology, or can only be used for back-end, eg in the form of web API. Even so, the project must meet the conditions of use of MVC, multilayer architecture, object programming. Also, the SQL code line must not appear in the web project to separate the web page and database code (the exception is the call of SQL procedures - but make sure you know what "SQL procedure" ...
I'm in need of an expert to design a circuit for an induction heater. This heater will be specifically used for heating non-ferrous metals like brass. Key Requirements: - The induction heater circuit should be designed to handle a power output of up to 1kW. - The design should be robust enough to endure the rigors of metal heating and forging. - Experience with induction heater designs and metal forging applications would be highly advantageous. Ideal Skills: - Circuit design - Knowledge of induction heating technology - Experience in metal heating and forging applications - Understanding of non-ferrous metal properties and heating requirements.
Add 3D model, add sample world information, give overall block diagram and tap points (such as sockets, interface, etc)
...a plasma discharge in an aerated water mixture. Key tasks include: - Developing a usable laboratory version of the power supply - Designing a board-level version for product integration - Ensuring the AC output is suitable for plasma generation The initial laboratory version will need to meet the exact specifications of the LF-500. Safety features are crucial, with both overload and short-circuit protection required. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in high voltage power supply design - Proficiency in creating laboratory-grade equipment - Capability to design board-level versions for mass production - Strong understanding of safety features in high voltage equipment - Familiarity with plasma generation equipment Please note, the frequen...
...modern technologies like React.js, Vue.js, or similar. Database Management: Support for MySQL, MongoDB, or equivalent solutions. Deployment Automation: Seamless deployment to platforms like Heroku, Vercel, or custom servers using CI/CD pipelines. User Interaction: A clear and intuitive web/mobile interface where users can input tasks. Progress tracking and detailed output logs. Visual Diagram: Include a diagram explaining the workflow, such as React → Node.js Server → OpenAI API, showing the interaction between components. Proposal Requirements: Please include the following in your proposal: Examples of similar projects you’ve worked on. Your technical approach to implementing this system. Estimated timeline and cost for delivering the project. Suggestio...