Virtuemart stock control işler
Encore isminde Kişinev/Moldova merkezli firmamız için logo tasarlatmak istiyoruz. Firmamız güneş enerjisi ve rüzgar enerjisi santrallerinin bakım ve işletme faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir. “En”ergy Management & “Co”ntrol Cent”re” cümlesinin kısaltılmış halinden geliyor. Logoda markamız olan Encore ana öğe ve açılımı olan Energy Management & Control Centre cümlesi yan veya alt öğe olarak gözükebilmeli. EN, CO ve RE harfleri yan veya alt öğe olan cümlede farklı bir font ve renk ile gösterilebilir. Ana firmamızın logosu ek olarak paylaştım. Solar Power Solutions ın kısaltması olan SPS yi de içeren bir logo. Buna benzer olabilir
...personnel, managers, supervisors, and other authorized staff to perform their tasks and facilitate company management. Additionally, customer data for all companies will be stored in a single database, but each company will only be able to see its own customers. Companies will also be able to add different business fields to the system in the future. Modules and Functions Admin Operations: Admin Control: Admins can add, edit, delete, and activate/deactivate companies, as well as manage subscriptions. Admins can see every detail of a company as if viewing from the company's own page and can send messages (like SMS) to companies (API integration will be provided). Company Operations: Company Management: Added companies can manage assets such as vehicles, trailers, personne...
...Fullstack Developer (Laravel Devam eden projemiz için freelance geliştirici Arıyoruz ; Aradığımız özellikler ; ? "Online Oyun Dağıtım Platformu" için Uzman Frontend Geliştirici Aranıyor ? Aranan Nitelikler: ?️ Frontend: ? JS Frameworkler: Vue.js,React.js, Svelte ve jQuery gibi popüler JavaScript frameworklerinden Bilgi Sahibi ? Webpack & Babel: Kod derleme ve paketleme süreçlerinde tecrübe ? Version Control: Git ile etkili sürüm kontrolü ? Cross-Browser Compatibility: Farklı tarayıcılarda uyumluluk sorunlarını çözme kapasitesi ? Backend (Tercih Sebebi): ?️ Laravel: Laravel framework bilgisi ( Min. 5YIL ) ? Veritabanı : MySQL, PostgreSQL ve MongoDB veritabanı yönetim sistemine ,Elasticsearch ha...
Android için Device Admin izinlerini bilen ve policy oluşturabilen, IOS için FamilyControls API'sini bilen yazılımcı arkadaşlarla görüşmek isteriz.
İş Maddeleri; - web sitesinin wordpress tabanlı görünümünün iyileştirilmesi. - Sitenin içerisine WhatsApp bildirim hattı tanımlanması. - Kontrol panellleri eklenmesi - SEO ve Google ADS özellikleri Business Items; - Improving the wordpress-based appearance of the website. - Defining WhatsApp notification line inside the site. - Adding control panels - SEO and Google ADS features
Hi, we have a small group of stock exchange advise followers. We need user administrations on our website. We have some tables at Google Sheet, and they are perfectly good for us. We need to publish that tables real time on our website and mobil applications which are needed to create bottom to top. Merhaba, Küçük Borsa yardımlaşma grubumuzun web sayfasını oluşturacak, kullanıcı erişim yönetimini geliştirecek, mobilde de paralel şekilde nispeten sade bir uygulama geliştirecek bir arkadaş arıyoruz. Sistem zaten Google Sheet üzerinde çalışmaktadır ancak daha profesyonel bir düzeye geçmek istiyoruz. Alt yapı ve iş modeli hali hazırda kurulu bulunmaktadır. Yardımcı olabileceklere şimdiden teşekkür ederiz.
Realizamos mobiliario en cemento artesanalmente. Nos interesa un catalogo que refleje nuestra identidad. @ Que el concepto sea menos es mas. De carácter nórdico, con lineas puras donde el producto sea el que se destaque así como la posibilidad de personalización de colores y medidas. Trabajamos con stock y proyectos personalizados. Contamos con imágenes de los productos, así como con imágenes de los productos en espacios que inspiran.
we want cnc controller program and control card . 3 axes and one spindle output are required. should work in windows 8 and 10. ready embedded systems.
1 pcde yapılan işlemin diğer 4 pc de de aynı anda yapılmasını sağlayan yazılım gerekiyor..Bu konuda ücretli olarak bilgi alınacaktır...
Odeme sistemi olmadan sadece sitenin iskeleti olusturulacak, seo amaci ile bir kac blog postu girilecek(bu yazilari ben de yazabilirim) stock resimlerle site guzellestirilecek. Urun listesinden bilgiler aktarilacak. Ucret 50 euro.
Merhabalar, İzmir’de ikamet eden "Flutter Mobil Uygulama Geliştirici" arıyoruz. Aradığımız şartlar aşağıdaki gibidir; - En az 1 yıl flutter tecrübesi olan. - REST ya da SOAP API teknolojilerinden birinde bilgili. - Uygulamayı geliştirme aşamasından iOS ve Android platformlarında- yayınlanmasına kadar olan süreçte tecrübeli. - Source Control için Git kullanan. İlgilenen arkadaşlar sitemizdeki destek mail adresine CV göndererek başvuru yapabilirler. Herkese şimdiden teşekkürler.
Kurumsal ve bireysel logo tasarımları yapmaktayım, istediğiniz logo ortaya çıkana kadar sizinle iletişim halinde olunarak alternatif logolar gönderilir, yapılan logolar tamamen özgün ve çizim odaklıdır, internette bulunan stock tasarımlar veya görseller kullanılmamaktadır. Daha önceden yapmış olduğum bir kaç logo çalışmaları görseldedir.
hello guys. i want counter strike 1.6 game control can speak details on facebook or other panel gonna be like this guys: thanks.
Hocam merhaba. Control dersinden bi sorum var. Deadline 23.55 saat 23.20ye kadar felan mümkünse çözebilir misiniz. Çok öenmli. Benim için extent it to market place... How it works it,on seller registration form there is already some info,we can add a few more which iyzico asked such as company iban,id etc... ones user register,this all info should go to iyzico payment gw company as submerchant,here is some info 1) API Keys You can find your "API Key" and "Security Key" information in your iyico Control Panel () in the Settings menu. 2) Integration Documents INTEGRATION DOCUMENTS Do not forget to try out payment after you have completed your integration! In addition, in terms of help, the video at and about integration you can access detailed information at This we need to also apply to mobile
Kurduğum Joomla 2.5 v. virtuemart eklentisi için İyzico ödeme modulu yazacak kişilere ihtiyacım var süre kısıtlı ne kadar hızlı olursa o kadar iyi olur
Kursat bey selamlar, portfolyunuzde bulunan ıkı proje ılgımı cektı stock sell and buy ve stock tradıng hıs. olanlar projeler ne asamada bılmıyorum ama ıkısınıde satın almak ıstıyorum. Nasıl ıletıısme gecebılırım sızınle
Arduino analog çıkışı veya potansiyometreden 0-5V sinyal ile 12V sabit gerilim ve 0-2A arası değişen güç kaynağı istiyoruz. Pcb olabilir devre şeması da olabilir. Örneğin arduino analog çıkışı 1V için 12V ve 0.4A arduino analog çıkışı 2V için 12V ve 0.8A arduino analog çıkışı 3V için 12V ve 1.2A arduino analog çıkışı 4V için 12V ve 1.6A arduino analog çıkışı 5V için 12V ve 2.0A I want to control 12V and 0-2A by 0-5V signal. I need a circuit and when I apply signal it's output will give me Signal 1V and circuit output 12 and 0.4A Signal 2V and circuit output 12 and 0.8A Signal 3V and circuit output 12 and 1.2A Signal 4V and circuit output 12 and 1.6A Signal 5V and circuit output 12 a...
3 game scenarios for training security personnel in VR. subject is shooting and identity control training. You ll only get real training videos and sample related senarios. By watching video find caracter from assetstore or make mocap to use in senario. Make this caracters playable in VR. Requirements : Unity3D, HTC Vive ,VirtuixOmni
...Hastalık: Cardiovascular Disease Bahsedilen Hastalığın "diagnostic tree" tasvir edilmesi gerekmektedir. Tam olarak aşagıda yer alan adımlar izlenerek başlıklandırılmalıdır. Define a problem in your country’s health system Shortly describe the problem, use data Construct the problem diagnostic tree (according to Roberts J., 2008) Develop policy recommendation using the WHO policy framework (control cnobs) Please specify the recommendations at policy, strategy and action plan level Use scientific literature, at least 10 data sources Size: 8 pages (2500 Words) Kaynaklaraapakurallarına uygun olarak eklenecektir. çalışma süresi 3 gündür. WHO'a veya alakalı kaynaklara ait data tablosu eklenmesi gerekmektedir. (2-3 adet) Çalışma...
Woocommerce alt yapılı websitemiz için stockmount entegrasyonu lazım. Entegrasyon çift taraflı olacak. Ürün ile tüm güncellemeler yapılı, stock miktarı, açıklama, sipariş ve diğer tüm güncellemeler hem otomatik hem de manual olarak yapılıcak
English We have complated game engine and the missing part is a nice graphics for our mobile game. Ships traffic control on boshporus, istanbul. All graphics will be bird eye view type. No 3D or 2D dimensions! ( I addes some samples at the attached files ) 1- Base graphic for all around the boshporus from marmara sea entry to black see entry and including golden horn. 2- Harbours for passangers and houses, roads ( focus on sea but we should also show players to some staff on lands as well ) 3- Famous landmarks. ( there are plenty of them around boshborus ) 4- Ships ( containers, carriers, passanger ship and ferry ) for user control. 5- Clouds, birds ( seagul ) and V shape immigrant birds and plane also Game includes levels and each level will focus on d...
şuan 10 vps bilgisayarımız var ihtiyaç olduğunda daha fazla artırılacak. vps cluster / yük paylaşımlı şeklinde çalışacak kurulumu basit olacak daha fazla vps ler için otomatik cluster /distributed katılım olacak merkezi yönetim olacak ve vps ler buradan kontrol edilecek ip ban/firewall/p2p /paket control (deep packet inspection) block etc. sistem open source olacak ve linux centos/ubuntu vs. bunların üzerinden çalışacak kullancıların hesap bilgileri : ücret bonus kampanya bedava happy hour/ trafik ayarları istatistikleri , yedekler vs. mobil uygulama + website+ sunucu + vps + yedekler şeklinde olacak . ve geliştirilebilecek kısaca ticari vpn,,, hots,pot_shield vpn klonu benzeri
Web site içeriği tamamı ile interaktif, gsheet entegreli, Kullanıcı bazlı , Gmail ile giriş, kayıt, toplam 3 kategori, Web, Manuel, XML Control unit, her biri için açılır menü ve menü deki içerik Admin tarafından yönetilecektir Admin paneli:Kullanıcı yönetimi, kullanıcı gsheet entegre linkleri düzenleme, kaldırma appointment online Will be able to comment on doctors The more questions the doctors answer, the higher the category searches will be. The more positive comments the doctors get, the higher the score will be. Be a 100% mobile-friendly site In addition, Doctors need to be notified of mobile phones when they are asked in the category they are members of. Admin should be able to control all the details Thank you ------------ Türkçe Detay Doktor Soru Sorma ve Randevu Hizmeti Çok fazla detay anlatmak istemiyorum Örnek göstermek daha mantıklı Kullanıcılar kategori seçerek soru soracak Doktorlar bu kategoride hizmet ediyorsa soruyu görecek. Soruya isterse cevap verecek Kullanıcılar Doktordan on...
We have a quick sale software created with C# .NET Software functions mastar cards (product, werehouse, customer, cashier user, etc.) stock entry; Product card product groups Fast Sales screen Cash, Credit Card payment buttons, etc. To learn weighing information weighing devices will link (information will be given) Sample Image is attached. It will be rewritten as Android. Türkçe Açıklama: C#. Net olarak yazılımış olan mevcut hızlı satış yazılımımızın android olarak yeniden yazılması gerekmektedir, yazılım içerisine malzeme kartı tanımlama, depo tanımlama, kasiyer tanımlama vb. işlemler yapılmaktadır. Hızlı satış ekranın da, ürünler malzeme gruplarına göre listelenir, üzerine tıklanan ürünler ekl...
Kalite sistemini sağlıklı olarak oturtmak için bir paket program oluşturmak istiyorum.
Coded Stock Chat System Previously Written And I Want I Want You entered someone else unsold both mobile and the computer
Devrenin gorevi cikis konrolu yapmak. Devrede 2 sensor + 2 button var. (Besleme girisi 220 V Sensorler 30mV Cikis en fazla 30 mV) Calisma ornegi = acik buton acik ise cikis = + 30 mV kapali buton acik ise cikis = 0 V bir buton acik iken sensor kapali ise cikis = 0 V English Electronic circuit task is exit voltage control. Circuit components are sensors and button. (Input 220 V and sensor signal is 30 mV exit voltage max 30 mV ) Working example ; 1. If Sensor On, Button On = Exit + 30 mV 2. If Sensor Off Button On = Exit 0 V 3. If Any button On and Any Sensors Off = Exit 0 V You can my shema.
1 - Turkish character problem; metadata , the search will be corrected by the control with all content. 2 - automatically increase the price of the item selected. Example : Selecting the current price of housing 90,000 Add price of £ 5,000 on as 95,000 3 - ads will be held for all turkey calls 4 - Structure Approximate Cost Calculator tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Türkçe Karakter sorunu ; metalarda , aramada , tüm içeriğinde ile kontrolün edilerek giderilecek . 2 - seçilen konutların fiyatını otomatik arttırma . Örnek : seçilen konutların şuan ki FİYATI 90.000  ...
Codecanyon Stock Manager Advance 2.3 'de teklifler, alımlar, satışlar ve ürünlerde her bir ürünün Euro, USD, TL ve Sterlin olarak 4 para birimi olarak fiyatının belirlenebilmesi ve satış yada teklifte tüm parabirimlerindeki ürünlerin istenilen bir parabiriminde toplam olarak görüntülenebilmesi gerekiyor. NOT:Teklifler ve satışlar bu sistemde pdf yapılabiliyor, bu parabirimleri de pdf'de görünmesi gerekli.
Balıkesir'de yeni açılacak olan radio control derneği için t-shirt ve şapkada basılmak için kullanılacak logo tasarımı lazım ve aciliyeti yüksektir
Balıkesir'de yeni açılacak olan radio control derneği için t-shirt ve şapkada basılmak için kullanılacak logo tasarımı lazım ve aciliyeti yüksektir
i want CCcam Control Panel be created like Otomatik Üye kapatma (Clients End Date and Auto Close) Sınırsız Üye ekleme (Add clients Unlimited) Otomatik Mail Gönderme (Automatic E-Mail Delivery) MultiCCcam Bağlantısı (Managing all the servers from a single point) Dynamic Ip Update Otomatik Resetleme (Auto Restart) CCcam İşlem Kontrolu (CCcam Process Control) Sms Desteği (Sms Support) Özel Paketler (Private Packages) Api Desteği (Api Support) Bayi Girişi (CCcam Reseller) Yedekleme (Backup) Otomatik Banlama (Auto Ban)
iptv hd server control paneli yayın paneli vod tv sistemi webmin üzerine kurulmus dedicated server
-------ENGLISH-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combination with the iTunes Store and Google Play will be a web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals. Do the site, the Desktop version, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Versions All structures built work....obile Versions All structures built work.
-------ENGLISH-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combination with the iTunes Store and Google Play will be a web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals. Do the site, the Desktop version, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Versions All structures built work....obile Versions All structures built work.
...ISH------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combination with the iTunes Store and Google Play will be a web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals....
I'm in need of a compr...a comprehensive Payroll and HR ERP Solution developed in Oracle Apex. The solution should include the following core functionalities: - Employee Management - Payroll Processing - Leave and Attendance Management The system should be capable of integrating with an existing finance system. Therefore, expertise in system integration is a must. The solution should also provide advanced user access control with customizable roles and specific permissions. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in Oracle Apex development. - Proven track record in developing Payroll and HR ERP solutions. - Strong skills in system integration. - Proficiency in implementing advanced user access controls. Please note, I require the source code o...
I need a Python program for a project involving a RealSense camera, a Dobot robotic arm, and an ArUco marker. The camera will be mounted on the head of the robot and should detect and track the ArUco marker in real-time. The primary goal of the program is to control the robotic arm based on the position of the ArUco marker. The arm should be able to pick and place lightweight objects. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficient in Python programming - Experience with Dobot robotic arm - Familiarity with RealSense camera - Knowledge of ArUco markers - Prior work with robotic arms handling lightweight objects
I'm looking for a Power BI expert to help me develop a web-based dashboard that integrates with SharePoint List. The dashboard should cater to: - Inventory tracking: This will involve visualizing stock levels and movements over time, helping us keep a close eye on our stock management. - Task Assignment: The dashboard should also track tasks from the SharePoint List, visualizing their status and helping us manage our workflow. - Reporting and Analytics: I need the dashboard to provide insightful reports and analytics on both stock management and task assignments. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in Power BI and experience with SharePoint integration. A solid understanding of inventory management and task tracking systems would be a plus. You s...
...part of a supportive team. Your problem-solving skills and ability to work both independently and collaboratively will be key to your success in this role. We are looking for a part-time commitment from the developer. The desired timeline for the project is 1-3 months. The developer should participate in daily stand-up meetings to ensure alignment with the team. Proficiency in Git for version control is required. The initial focus will be on optimizing the performance of the Groom app. MVP APK: Landing Pages: If awarded, my GIT, my cPanel will need to be updated daily until MVP with Admin panel is fully live. **About Groom:** Groom is a revolutionary platform that connects
I'm looking for a skilled web dev...developer to create a dynamic website that will feature publicly available information on the Indian Stock Market. This site will need to be updated daily with IPO information and corporate actions. Key Features: - Daily updates: The site needs to pull and display information on a daily basis. - Real-time updates: The website must be capable of providing real-time updates to users. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficiency in building dynamic websites. - Data Handling: Ability to source and integrate publicly available data. - Real-Time Systems: Experience in setting up real-time update systems on websites. Please note, the information to be featured on the site is specific to the Indian Stock Market, so familiarity with this are...
I'm looking for a creative, classic-style logo for my organization, Spiritual Preservation Ministries. The logo must be original and not a stock image, with a resolution of at least 600 dpi. It should also be scalable across all platforms without losing quality. Key Requirements: - Unique, creative design that captures the essence of a 'classic' style - High-resolution image (600 dpi minimum) - Scalable design Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator or similar software experience Please, no stock logos. I'm looking for a designer who can think outside the box and create something truly special for my ministry.
...developer to create a comprehensive Attendance Management app, compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. The application should cater to three types of user roles: Admin, Chief, and contractor. Core Features: - Geolocation Check-in: The app should allow employees to check-in from their respective locations using geolocation services. - App Administration: The Admin role should have full control over the app's functionalities, including user management and system settings. - Automated Reports: The app should be able to generate and download reports automatically for the Admin and Manager roles. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform Mobile App Development - Geolocation Services Integration - User Role Management System - Automated Reporting System Experience in developing s...
Looking for a stm32 + nextion programmer, extensive experience in inkjet printers, if it does not meet the specifications I will not award the project. I already have firmware that I need to integrate more functions and update. Add more functions to the project - ink system controls - level control - control and maintenance - humidity control - ink flow control - lamp control - roll to roll
I'm looking for an experienced PHP developer who can create a script to synchronize my product catalog with the SHEIN marketplace. Key Responsibilities: - Synchronize product details and descriptions, as well as pricing and stock levels on a daily basis. - Ensure the use of API key for SHEIN marketplace API Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP - Experience with API integration - Knowledge of SHEIN marketplace - Strong understanding of eCommerce product synchronization Personal Text: I'm trying to publish my products on the SHEIN marketplace, but I find the API very confusing. I can't edit a product, I can't figure out which category to choose, or which attributes to select. The API returns errors that I don't understand how to fix. I need someone to h...
...(Django/Flask) - Frontend development (React.js/Vue.js) 2. Machine Learning/AI Experience Required: - Machine learning implementation - Neural networks - Natural Language Processing - Pattern recognition - Predictive analytics - OpenAI integration 3. Additional Technical Skills: - Database management (PostgreSQL) - API development - Cloud services (AWS/DigitalOcean) - Version control (Git) Project Overview: Building a fully automated, AI-powered lead generation system for B2C services, initially focused on roofing (7+ year shingle roofs) and pressure washing, expandable to any industry. COSTS & TIMELINE: Initial Development: - Budget: $1,000-1,500 - Timeline: 2-3 weeks Required Monthly Operational Costs (Must Specify): 1. Server/Hosting: - Cl...