Vertical scrolling rss ticker işler
Merhaba <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Elit Bilgi Teknolojisi </font></font>, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
Merhaba <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Humaira Yasmeen </font></font>, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
Merhaba <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Kaynak Çeviri </font></font>, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
Ekranın sol tarafında küçük resimler ve sağ tarafında haber özeti bulunan ve üzerinde tıklandığında ilgili habere giden Java ile yazılmış Android uygulama; Proje detaylı olmasına gerek yok, okul projesidir
Merhaba <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Rabia Şeyh </font></font>, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
bir wordpress sitem var ve yazıların belli meta keylerini bir xml beslemesi veya rss ile cekmek istiyorum.
Merhaba <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> tretanz </font></font>, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
web sitem için kaliteli bir haber akışı hazırlamak istiyorum. Bunun için en kaliteli haber akışı yapan yazılımcı ile çalışmak istiyorum
Drupal 9 kurulu bir sitede rss için media:content itemi eklencektir. İster çekirdek yapıya müdahale ile ister eklenti ile işlem gerçekleştirilebilir. Eklenmek istenen item örneği aşağıda mevcuttur. <media:content url="resim_adresi" type="image/jpeg" medium="image" width="resim_yukseklik" height="resim_genislik"> <media:thumbnail url="resim_thumbnail_adresi" width="150" height="150" /> </media:content>
Merhaba <font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Elite Məlumat Tech </font></font>, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
İş dökümanların,ı yeni duyuruları paylaşabileceğim. Aynı zamanda da bütün çalışanların sohbet edebilceği. Ana sayfasında bir haber sitesinin rss si olan bir uygulama
...Turizm,Bankalar ve diğer bütün sektör ve hizmetler,markalar) Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçip detaylı projeyi benden öğrenebilirler. Tşk Hello, All sectors([url removed, login to view],Markets,Travel,Tourism,Banks,) services, products, company Advanced price comparison site/scripts be done. Web site and admin panel language will be Turkish(No Google Translate) xml, rss, boots and manual data entry will be made. Constantly looking for friends to support us Details of the project c...
Merhaba, Bütün sektörler,hizmetler,ürünler,firmalar için Gelişmiş fiyat karşılaştırma sitesi yaptırılacaktır.(Akakçe , Cimri gibi) Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel ve xml ile veri girişi yapılacaktır. Full seo yapısı ve responsive olması istenmektedir. Projenin tum sayfaları ve profil sayfalarına kadar tüm detaylar anlaşma sağlandıktan sonra bilgi verilecektir fakat örnek olarak incelenmesi tavsiye edilir Proje için tasarım ve kodlama talep edilmekte ve kodlama konusunda destek verilecek olup TFS bağlantısı açılacak olup belli standartlar çercevesinde geliştirme yapılması beklenmektedi...
Merhaba, Bütün sektörler,hizmetler,ürünler,firmalar için Gelişmiş fiyat karşılaştırma sitesi yaptırılacaktır.(Akakçe , Cimri gibi) Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçip detaylı projeyi benden öğrenebilirler. Tşk
Yeni bir web sitesine ihtiyacım var Bunu sadece tasarlayın Blog Rss feed yontemi ile ana akim medya ve gazete haberlerini otomatik olarak guncelleyen ve yayinlayan admin paneli olan bir magazin haber sitesi istiyorum.
Yukarıdaki linkte bulunan uygulamaya benzer bir uygulama istiyorum. RSS ile USGS, GFZ ve EMSC'den alınan deprem bilgisi kullanıcının istediği büyüklük ve üzerinde bilgilendirilecek. Bildirim sesi kullanıcı tarafından değiştirilebilecek. Öncelikli olarak istediğim iphone programı. İkinci olarak aynı programın android versiyonunu istiyorum.
Android uygulması olucak, Kullanabileğim ve uygulamaya rss baglantılı guncelleyebılecegım bır uygulama olucak. İddaa tahmini üzerine
Mobil Uygulama olucak, Rss ile baglantılı olup içeriğini hergun guncelleme yapıcam. iddaa tahmın paylasım uygulaması olucak.
Wordpress tabanlı ekonomi haberleri eklediğim siteme kendi ekleyeceğim RSS adreslerinde yer alan (En az 10 RSS adresi eklenebilsin) haberleri konu resimleriyle sistemime sorunsuz cekecek ve cektiğ. haberleri secme, düzeltme, ekleme olanağı sağlayacak ve wordpress formatında yayınlayabilmemi sağlayacak bir eklenti yazdırmak istiyorum. Çalışma garantisi şarttır. 1 hafta test yapıldıktan sonra ödeme yapılacaktır.
Konu başlıklarına göre RSS kaynaklardan yazarların makaleleri çekilip veri tabanında saklanacak. Sonra konularına göre sözlük oluşturulup classification fonksiyonları eğitilecek. sonra yeni makalelerin hangi konuda olduğunu anlayacak bir uygulama yapılacak Uygulama PYTHON da yapılmalı. Acilen tekliflerinizi bekliyorum.
...için Gelişmiş fiyat karşılaştırma sitesi yaptırılacaktir akakce ucuzu vb Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçebilirler Tşk Hello, All sectors(,Markets,Travel,Tourism,Banks,) services, products, company Advanced price comparison site/scripts be done. Web site and admin panel language will be Turkish(No Google Translate) xml, rss, boots and manual data entry will be made. Constantly looking for friends to support us Details of the project can learn from my friends who are ...
Farklı haber sitelerinin RSS kaynağından haberleri çekerek benzer haberleri bir başlık altında toplayacak, varsa haberler hakkında twitter üzerinden yorumları haberin içine taşıyacak. Sosyal olarak aktif olarak kullanılabilinecek bir haber sitesi hazırlatmak istiyorum.
...ölçü için birer setten 32 adet flash banner tasarımına ihtiyacımız var. Banner özellikleri detaylı olarak aşağıdaki gibidir: 320 × 50 Mobile banner 468 × 60 Banner 728 × 90 Leaderboard 250 × 250 Square 200 × 200 Small square 336 × 280 Large rectangle 300 × 250 Inline rectangle 120 × 600 Skyscraper 160 × 600 Wide skyscraper 300 × 600 Half-page ad 970 × 90 Large leaderboard 240 × 400 Vertical rectangle 980 × 120 Panorama 930 × 180 Top banner 250 × 360 Triple widescreen 580 × 400 Netboard File types: Formats .SWF Max. size 150KB İşin kalitesi ve çalışma uyumuna göre benzer tasarım işleri için sürekli olarak &cc...
I'm seeking a native French speaker for a delightful video project. Your task will be to record a 15 to 60 seconds long vertical selfie-video, following a simple script I will provide. No filters or editing, just speak naturally and be yourself. to follow a simple script that we'll provide Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native French speaker - Comfortable on camera - Casual and friendly demeanor Budget: $25
...frame is 8" x 10" so thats the size of the art. Some will be vertical Some will be horizontal. Ive attached images of what im looking for. Please recreate these. Hoping to have someone I can give more ideas to and they can easily create the design thats modern sleek and centered in the frame. I have attached the dimensions of the ferrari key so you can use it as placement to get the sizing and centering right. Versions I would like: 1) "Need Funds For Ferrari" just Like the sample photo but for the bottom part write this "The Journey To Success is a Lonely Road. Thats why a Ferrari has 2 seats and a Bus has 20" 2) "Work Harder." Just like the sample photo this will be landscape 3) Dream It. Drive It. " make this one vertic...
**Project Overview:** I have already started building an **automated blog website**, but I need a skilled developer to step in and **refine, optimize, and complete the project**. The website integrates **Google News, RSS feeds, , and ChatGPT** to create an automated content pipeline. However, my current setup is not effective, and I need an expert to **fix, enhance, and finalize the site** to ensure it runs smoothly and meets my goals. The ultimate objective is to have a **fully automated, SEO-optimized blog** that continuously updates with fresh content and incorporates **affiliate marketing strategies** for monetization. **What I Need:** 1. **Website Review & Optimization** - Assess my current website setup and identify areas that need improvement. - Ensure...
My budget is $50 so PLEASE DON'T BID if you can't do for that price, thank you. Looking for a solana developer to create a very simple page to fetch details of solana wallets like balance, token details (name, ticker, balance), and transactions in the last 7 days (buys and sells listed separately with token ticker and amounts of each tokens that's bought and sold and transaction date) It can be a very basic page, no need of any designs, just for personal use. Process: the page can have a text field to enter wallet address; and a submit button, on click it should fetch the details using solana RPC. It can be very basic, i have a picture attached to give you an idea.
I'm seeking a native French speaker for a delightful video project. Your task will be to record a 15 to 60 seconds long vertical selfie-video, following a simple script I will provide. No filters or editing, just speak naturally and be yourself. to follow a simple script that we'll provide Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native French speaker - Comfortable on camera - Casual and friendly demeanor Budget: $25
Requirements: - Use the provided JPEG/PNG example image as a reference. - The X and Y axes should be present but unlabeled. - The main lifecycle curve should be the most emphasized, using the heaviest weight and darkest black line. - For the X and Y axes, use a medium-weight black line. - Include dashed vertical markers as seen in the example, using a lighter (gray) and/or thinner line to indicate lower importance. - Below the horizontal axis, evenly space five category labels, with "Starter" flush left and "Transformer" flush right. - Each category should have a solid gray line connecting it to the curve, as depicted in the original image. Final version in Adobe Illustrator Image recreate. I will provide you unlimited revision with High-Quality adobe illustra...
I have a single question that I need answered for $10. It is about getting the APIs of Jobs websites to implement into my website to get RSS feed of all their jobs postings So, what I need from you is a Jobs website that ALLOWS us to post their jobs, and their API
I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can create an informational, single-page business website for me. The site needs to be built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and must be fully responsive. Key aspects of the project: - The site will be purely informational, so it will not require any e-commerce capabilities or complex features. - It has to be a single-page site, which means smooth scrolling and seamless transitions are key. - I have full branding guidelines available, so the site will need to incorporate our logo, color scheme, and fonts accordingly. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Prior experience in building responsive, single-page websites - Able to work with provided branding materials - Good understanding of creating smo...
I'm looking for an expert in Python and Gmsh who can assist me with mesh generation for some customized 3D shapes. This project mainly revolves around the generation of meshes for 3D geometries. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Pyt...geometries. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python - Experienced in using Gmsh - Strong understanding of 3D geometry - Capable of creating and working with customized shapes - Knowledgeable about mesh generation techniques and best practices I need a custom 3D geometry modeled in Python using Gmsh. The model consists of a tube with internal magnets, external wires, helical coils at both ends, and vertical connecting bars. The goal is to generate a high-quality mesh for simulation in ElmerGUI. PS: note that the image here is not exactly right but it ...
I'm in need of a skilled manufacturer who can create models of a bed frame that can vertically rise, operated with a wireless remote. The frame should be constructed from durable metal and designed for all bed sizes. Key Requirements: - Design and manufacture of a metal bed frame - Expertise in creating a frame with a vertical rising functionality - Incorporation of a wireless remote control system - Capability to produce models for twin, queen, and king sizes Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in metalwork and bed frame manufacturing - Experience in integrating remote control systems into furniture - Ability to design for multiple sizes
...searching for a talented web designer who can give my homepage a contemporary, minimalistic yet vibrant facelift. The design should reflect a fun, upbeat, and stylish aesthetic with eye-catching animations and responsive elements. Key Responsibilities: - Create a custom, modern, and minimalistic design that incorporates bright and vibrant colors. - Implement a variety of animations including scrolling effects, image sliders, and moving images to create a dynamic feel. - Design a trustworthy yet comfortable and easy-to-navigate shopping experience. Deliverables: - Design mockups - Revisions - Final design files (PSD/Figma/etc.) Ideal Candidate: - Prior experience in designing e-commerce websites is a plus. - Proficient in creating responsive web designs. - Strong understanding...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can convert my PSD flyer into a 5x8 vertical format. I do not need any design or anything added. I juts need my 3 flyers converted into the requested size and make sure it has room for the bleed lines for printing. Please make sure you add the bleed lines as well. Requirements: - No text or design elements need to be adjusted during the conversion. - The final flyer should be delivered in 300 dpi, suitable for high-quality print. Ideal skills for this job include expertise in Adobe Photoshop and graphic design, with a keen eye for detail.
For a small series of mini episodes, one project for one single one minute animation
...✅ Website: [] ✅ Email: will be provided ✅ Phone: will be provided ✅ Location: Rosharon, TX Design Requirements (Style & Theme): - Modern, clean, and minimalistic - Professional yet creative (avoid generic templates) - High-end corporate consulting look - Balanced use of white space for readability Size & Format: - Standard 3.5 x 2 inches (horizontal or vertical) - Must be print-ready (300 DPI, CMYK color mode) - Files required: AI, PSD, PDF, and PNG ✅ Front Side: - SGD Consulting logo (provide placeholder if not finalized) - Founder Name & Title (Stafford G. Duncan, MBA, PMP) - Contact Info (Phone, Email, Website, LinkedIn QR Code) - Tagline or Services List ✅ Back Side (Optional But Preferred): - A clean, striking design elem...
I have an architectural sketch that needs to be converted into a CAD drawing using AutoCAD or similar software. The CAD drawing only needs to be a basic outline, so a high level of detail or annotations are not necessary. ...outputs in other standard formats including PDF. - Some of the numbers are hard to read: Please make a guess and designate (with bold, colour or similar) any you're not sure of. - The numbers only are important: labeling or other words are not important. - The building is square, so if numbers don't add up, please mark where the delta(s) are, if they are over 200mm. - Only horizontal and vertical lines required to represent machinery. - All numbers are in Centimeters or Meters. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Ability to convert basic sketch...
I'm in need of a sleek and tech-savvy modern yet minimalist website for Indroyd Labs. The site will primarily be a static informative one, but it should incorporate some creative ...communicate our three business verticals: RFID, Events, and Games. - When a user selects any of these verticals, it should lead them to another page with detailed descriptions, customer testimonials, and contact forms for that particular vertical. - The landing page should visually differentiate the three business verticals using unique icons or images. Ideal Candidates: - Experience in creating sleek, tech-savvy websites with minimalist design. - Proficiency in developing creative animations. - Able to implement user-friendly, informative business vertical pages. Further details can be dis...
I need a 20 second animation that follows the attached storyboard using the demo video as a sample of how it should look. the only major exception is that the background should be white not black. The animation will be vertical aspect ratio 9:16 and final animation in 4K 60 fps. Demo video to follow for the bird look and feel: storyboard attached. If a Stock bird model is needed We can supply that model. Animation to show how the beginning should look:
I need a 20 second animation that follows the attached storyboard using the demo video as a sample of how it should look. the only major exception is that the background should be white not black. The animation will be vertical aspect ratio 9:16 and final animation in 4K 60 fps. Demo video to follow for the bird look and feel: storyboard attached. If a Stock bird model is needed We can supply that model. Animation to show how the beginning should look:
...the building. - Ideal Skills: Proficiency in architectural design and drawing software is a plus here is the work I want done: in the PDF File named: Asbjorn Kraftverk fasade teg in there you can see two simple fascade drawings of the building -THAT is the building I want you to make cascade drawings off I would prefer the wooden panels on the building to be horizontal instead of vertical, and I want the building to be drawn out in the same size as the measurements listed on that drawing BUT the thing is that currently we only have a cascade drawing of the building from two sides, we need a picture of it from all 4 sides, the picture / drawing of it from the two sides that is missing is going to have no windows or doors like the EXAMPLE picture shown in the attached fil...
I'm seeking a talented quilt designer to create a full-sized, traditional style Bargello quilt pattern for me. This pattern should be designed to evoke a mountain landscape, with a vertical orientation. The specific color scheme for the quilt is as follows: alternating shades of blue and green, interspersed with brown and white. Key Requirements: - Proficient in traditional quilt design, particularly Bargello patterns - Experience with full-sized quilt patterns - Ability to incorporate a specified color scheme and design motif - Strong attention to detail and precision in pattern creation Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.
...developed. These sites will contain 6-7 categories, all populated with both internal content and RSS updated material. Key Requirements: - Categories: The sites will feature various sections, including 'Breaking News', 'DOGE', 'Global News', and 'Sports'. Each category will have its own designated space for internal posts and RSS content. - Content Management: All posted content should remain accessible for a period of 6 months. - Differentiation: There needs to be a clear distinction between internal posts and RSS updated content. This will be achieved through the use of separate sections within each category. - Internal Control: An admin panel is required for managing both internal posts and RSS feeds. Home Page: -...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
...native English speakers. ? Audio bubbles with phrases like "How are you?", "Nice to meet you!". ✈️ A floating airplane ticket to New York or London. 3️⃣ Final CTA (Call to Action): The screen displays text: "Want to be here? Join our free English lesson today!" A QR code or button appears, linking to the sign-up page. Technical Requirements ? Video Duration: 15-30 seconds ? Resolution: 1080x1920 (vertical for TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts) ? Real-World Footage: Provided by freelancer or sourced from stock footage ? AR Elements Creation: 3D modeling and animation (Cinema 4D, Blender, Unreal Engine, or similar) Seamless integration into the real-world scene (After Effects, Nuke, or similar) ? Sound Design: Light futuristic sound effects Nat...
I'm in need of a proficient software developer who can create a desktop application for Windows that allows users to design labels. The application should have the following features: - Have fields to specify the label size (WxH) - Allow the addition of text, logos, barcodes/qr-codes, lines (vertical and horizontal), circles and rectangles (fiiled and outline only) - An xml file needs to be created for every label. - Every object that is added to the label will also be saved in the xml file with its attributes - The image will be saved as a monochrome bitmap of 300dpi resolution This will be a Windows Desktop application, to be written in Visual Studio IDE and C# (.net). The code will need to be well commented to allow for further development. Ideal candidates for this pr...
I'm seeking a native French speaker for a delightful video project. Your task will be to record a 15 to 60 seconds long vertical selfie-video, following a simple script I will provide. No filters or editing, just speak naturally and be yourself. to follow a simple script that we'll provide Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native French speaker - Comfortable on camera - Casual and friendly demeanor Budget: $25
...audience is health-conscious, eco-minded women (primarily 25-45) who seek natural, safe, and sustainable feminine hygiene products. This project encompasses the following key areas: 1. Brand Identity Design: Logo Design: Create a modern, clean, and feminine logo that reflects the brand's values of health, sustainability, and natural care. (Multiple variations required: standard, horizontal, vertical, icon, etc.) Color Palette: Develop a cohesive color palette that evokes feelings of freshness, purity, and nature. Typography: Select fonts that are legible, elegant, and consistent with the brand's overall aesthetic. Brand Guidelines (Optional): Create a concise brand guideline document outlining the proper usage of the logo, colors, fonts, and imagery. 2. Product P...
Looking for a Web Developer to Build a Luxury Real Estate Website (4-Page Site) Description: We are looking for a skilled web developer to build a sleek, minimal, and luxury-oriented website for SVC Residences, a high-end real estate brand. The website should be modern, visually appealing, and highly responsive. Project Scope: Homepage: Full-screen autoplay video with smooth scrolling About Us Page: Brief intro about SVC Residences (Luxury, innovation, past projects) Projects Page: Sections for Ongoing, Completed, and Upcoming Projects Contact Page: Inquiry form, WhatsApp chat integration, social links Key Requirements: ✅ Clean & Modern UI/UX (Luxury branding) ✅ Mobile-Friendly & Fast Loading ✅ SEO Optimization (Basic on-page SEO) ✅ Smooth Animations & Video Playback ✅...