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2,000 using perl match text iş bulundu

Hello, I only need the Passo application's APIs. Could you share the necessary APIs for logging in, automatically transferring football lists, and fetching match list categories?

€29 Average bid
€29 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler
€46 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

...Compare: • Full-time Result (Home - Draw - Away) • Over/Under 2.5 Goals • Over/Under 3.5 Goals • First Half Result (Home - Draw - Away) 3. System Functionality: • Data Refresh: The system should scan and update the odds every 5 seconds for all available football fixtures. • Odds Comparison: The odds from , , and Betfair Exchange should be compared for each match. • Difference Detection: The system should detect and highlight differences based on a percentage difference filter (for example, 5% or 10%). • Customizable Domain Update: • These websites frequently change their domains (e.g., may become or within a few days). • Therefore, the system must include an admin panel where I can manually update the

€687 Average bid
€687 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

Merhaba Biyosinyallerin kayit etmek icin STM32 ve moduller kullnarak bir proje yapmak istiyorym.

€175 Average bid
€175 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

I'm looking for a lady who could check my text (that translation is correct) and voice it in Turkish language - Merhaba, ben Maria. - Şimdi şirketimizin gelişim hikayesini anlatacağız. - Eylül 2021'de Dalan kozmetik ürünlerini ilk kez Türkiye'de denedik ve onlara içtenlikle aşık olduk. - Ocak 2022'de şirketlerimiz Dalan ürünlerini Rusya'ya tedarik etmek için resmi bir sözleşme imzaladı. - Mart ayında, Dalan'ı Rusya'daki tüm pazarlarda satmaya ve çok sayıda olumlu geri bildirim almaya başlamıştık. - Şirket için bir büyüme stratejisi geliştirdik ve bunu İstanbul'daki fuarda gösterdik. - Ve bize bu konunun yakın gelecekte ele alınacağı sözü verildi. Anca...

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
22 teklifler

Bazı Almanca ifadelerin Türkçeye çevrilmesine ve ardından her iki metnin okunmasıyla oluşturulan bir MP3 dosyasına ihtiyacım var. Bu, Almanca ve Türkçe bilen birinin bana hem Almanca ifadeyi hem de Türkçe çeviriyi çevirip okuması gerektiği anlamına geliyor. Türkçe önce yavaş sonra normal hızda okunmalıdır. Dosyanın Türkiye'de bir tur için bazı kelimeleri eğitmesi gerekiyor. Eğer sonuçtan memnun kalırsam daha fazla metin gelecektir.

€39 Average bid
€39 Ortalama Teklif
28 teklifler

bir web sayfası geliştirilmesini istiyorum. bu web sayfasında öncelikle bir text yapıştırılacak alan bulunmalı. bu alana 5-10 satırlık bir text bilgisi girilecek. bu textteki yazıya göre taslak halinde sabit olan pdf'teki ilgili yerlere tik işareti konulacak yada text içindeki ksıımlar kopyalanıp bu pdf'in ilgili alanına yapıştırılabilecek. pdf in başlangıç hali sabit ve bu texte göre üzerinde ekleme veya tik işatreti kullanılacak.

€157 Average bid
€157 Ortalama Teklif
21 teklifler

Bitlife tarzında içerikleri belirlenmiş ancak bazı noktalarda tecrübeli birinin eklentilerine ihtiyaç olan, IOS için metin tabanlı bir oyun projem var. Bu projeyi yazabilecek birine ihtiyaç duyuyorum. Bitlife'a benzeyen ancak farklılıkları olan bir oyun. Ortaçağ oyunu, ses gerektirmiyor yalnızca arkaplan müziği yeterli. Hayat simulasyonu oyunu, hayat değerleri var, yetenekler meslekler eğitim gibi bir çok kategori var. İlişkiler ve aktiviteler var. Basit life simulator oyunlarından istemiyorum bitlife tarzında gelişmiş bir oyun istiyorum. Rastgele olaylar doğabilecek bir oyun istiyorum. Türkçe ve ingilizce seçenekleri istiyorum. İkisinide ben çeviririm. İçeriklerin çoğu hazır istenen içe...

€476 Average bid
€476 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

istediğinizi yazarım örnek koydum bunun gibi olucak iade verilir normalde 10 dolar değildir size 7 doları geri verilir beğenilmezse değişim süresi 2 haftadır istediğiniz rengi eklerim umarım beğenirsiniz yaptıklarımı

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

elimde 2 adet pcba var ve bunların sematik cizimini istiyorum.

€513 Average bid
€513 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Android Uygulaması Bir tasarımım zaten var Uygulamada beş adet alt sekme olacak. Bu sekmelerin birinde match sistemi bir diğerinde mesajlar ve bildirimler bir diğerindede lokasyona göre arama vb olacak. Profil sekmesinde kullanıcıya yıldız verme olacak. Dolayısıyla bir üyelik sistemi olacak. Projem e-tohumun gelecek vaad eden projeleri arasında. Protatipi şuan yapılıyor. Kendime daha çok ORTAK arıyorum. Lütfen teklif veren freelancer arkadaşlar saçma sapan teklifler vermeyin. Yeni bir ortak aramamın sebebi ortağımın önceden yaptığı projesinin yatırım alması ve iki işi aynı anda yürütememesidir. İlginiz için teşekkür eder iyi çalışmalar dilerim.

€143 Average bid
€143 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler
Bitti left

Resimdeki gibi bir text editör istiyorum. Resim yükleme butonu da olacak. Resim yüklendiğinde resim gözükmeyecek, sadece resmin linki gözükecek textarea içerisinde. Bkz, spoiler, url, image btonları olacak sadece.

€36 Average bid
€36 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

Merhaba arkadaslar projem cok basit bir proje.Öncelikle sunu istiyorum Bir sayfasinda 6 tane girilmesi gereken EditText kismi var sonrasinda Send buttonu ve butonu basildiginda, Bu bilgileri bir yere post edicek.

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
20 teklifler

sayfalarındaki maçların hem maç özeti verilerinin () hem de maç oranları (markets (1X2 odds, CS, HT/FT, v.s.), scopes (Full Time, 1st Half, 2nd Half), subs (1, X, 2, cs, v.s.)) verilerinin (;1x2-odds;full-time) alınarak xml veya excel dosyasına ya da MS SQL veri tabanındaki tabloya kaydedilmesi gerekmektedir. Sayfa adresi içerisindeki OlGeUuft bilgisi maç kodunu (MATCH_ID) tanımlamaktadır. Şu anda kayıtlı bir tabloda yüz bin maç kodu kaydı bulunmaktadır. Hem bu tablodan hem de FlashScore sayfasından günlük maç kodları alınarak yeni verilerin üretilmesi gerekecektir.

€401 Average bid
€401 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Tinder tarzı bir matching uygulaması yazılacak fakat eşleşme yöntemi farklı olacak. Her kullanıcı bir profile sahip olacak ve farklı bir yöntemle match edilecekler.

€2108 Average bid
€2108 Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler

Merhaba, Bir android projem var bu projede Mysql serverimden Veriyi cekip (hepsi text olacak) proje icerisinde Strings xml icerisine bu aradaki köprüyü saglamak.

€28 Average bid
€28 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

...but must be seen in my site url address. The C # programming language to use or Google results available in another thing that can be imaged . Css Ile should be created a simple design using HTML 5, Standings, Live Scores , İddaa bet Looking For Guest Authors , Programs, of the details of the Fulltime Live center live match broadcast, Highlights , Lineups , date, time, Gols , the match videos , and so on. As will be drawn on the link , all live, finished , done in the Departments will be highlighted in the search engine will be prepared in the global aspx page that , in addition Ideas page , Match Results Click. Example adding Web service access other sites able to show results in your own page , the lease payments to be made in understanding special...

€1366 Average bid
€1366 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Müşterilere ilişkin bilgilerin ve para hareketlerinin otomatik olarak accountlara yansıyacağı, güvenliğin üst düzeyde olacağı. Alım ve satımların otomatik olarak match edileceği bir tür takas sitesi. Takasa konu fiyatlar dünyadaki pazar yapıcı olan firmaların sitelerinden otomatik olarak alınmalıdır. Kabaca aradaki marj kar olacak. Eğer ki alım-satım karşılanamazsa dışarıdan alım yapılacak. sistem kabaca böyle işleyecek. Klasik database olsun ürünlerin fotoları olsun firmaya sipariş gelince mail atılsın gibi basit işleri yapabilen arkadaşlar lütfen yazmasın.

min €4618
min €4618
0 teklifler

Program bir eBay satıcısı tarafından kullanılacak. Programın amacı; satılan ürünler hakkında günde 100-150 adet soru gelmekte ve bu soruların çoğunun cevabı aynı olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu cevapları bir text dosyasından arayıp bulmaktansa böyle minik bir programla halletmek gerekmekte. 1 dropbox, "ürün tipi" adlı, içeriği editlenebilir, yeni ürün tipleri eklenebilir. -> seçilen ürün tipine göre, hemen sağında başka bir dropbox "ürün modeli", içeriği editlenebilir, yeni ürün modeli eklenebilir. -----> seçilen ürün modeline göre hemen altında açılan 8 tane textbox. bu textboxların kendine ait "save" ve "copy&q...

€74 Average bid
€74 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

As a specialized staffing service, we are dedicated to connecting qualified individuals with senior-level finance opportunities in the USA, specifically within established corporations. Your role will involve: - Identifying and targeting suitable positions in the finan...Assisting candidates in navigating the application process - Providing ongoing support to ensure successful placements Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Extensive experience in finance recruitment - In-depth understanding of established corporations' hiring processes - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to liaise with candidates and employers Your goal will be to match the right candidates with the right employers, ensuring fruitful employment outcomes. Please reach out for f...

€18473 - €46183
€18473 - €46183
0 teklifler

...Laravel (ultima versione stabile) - **Admin Panel**: FilamentPHP v3 -> - **Database**: sqlite - **Gestione permessi**: spatie/laravel-permission -> - **Gestione impostazioni**: spatie/laravel-settings -> - **Strumenti aggiuntivi**: Code per notifiche email, coda di elaborazione per match di scambio ## **3. Funzionalità Principali** ### **3.1 Pubblicazione Inserzioni** - Ogni utente registrato può pubblicare un’inserzione indicando: - **Città attuale** - **Regione/Province/Città desiderate (piu opzioni)** - **Ruolo e professione** - **Note aggiuntive (facoltative)** - Possibilità di modificare o rimuovere l’inserzione in qualsiasi momento. ### **3.2 Algoritmo di Ricerca

€1060 Average bid
€1060 Ortalama Teklif
31 teklifler

...populating their website template with my prepared content. I have all the photos and text ready for the tour and need someone to professionally input them into the Bokun platform. Additionally, I’d like assistance integrating Stripe for billing, and I’ll provide access to both Bokun (for guest management and scheduling) and Stripe. This is a straightforward project for someone familiar with Bokun and website content setup, and I’m eager to work closely to get it done efficiently and correctly. Skills Required: Bokun Platform Experience: Familiarity with Bokun, including populating its website templates with photos, text, and configuring tour details. Web Content Management: Ability to organize and input provided text and images cleanly and pro...

€53 Average bid
€53 Ortalama Teklif
30 teklifler

I'm seeking proficient Greek speakers for text annotation tasks on the Oneforma platform. The primary focus will be on Named Entity Recognition (NER). Your role will involve: - Identifying and categorizing entities mentioned in the text. This may include names of people, organizations, locations, expressions of times, quantities, monetary values, percentages, etc. Ideal candidates will: - Be native or near-native Greek speakers. - Have experience in text annotation or NER tasks. - Be familiar with the Oneforma platform. - Have a keen eye for detail and accuracy.

€2 - €7 / hr
€2 - €7 / hr
0 teklifler

Project: Logo Design for CH-Plastic Welding LLC Project Overview We are looking for a skilled graphic designer to create a bold, professional, and vinyl-compatible logo for our business, CH-Plastic Welding LLC. The logo must be designed to be cut on a vinyl machine, with some elements printable if nec...images Vinyl-ready file format Ideal Freelancer Experience in logo design for vinyl cutting Strong understanding of typography and texture application Ability to incorporate subtle effects like flowing honey without overcomplicating the design Familiarity with Swiss design elements is a plus Please provide examples of previous vinyl-cut designs or logos you've created that match this style. Looking forward to working with a talented designer to bring our ...

€67 Average bid
€67 Ortalama Teklif
87 teklifler

I have a number of Word documents that need to be converted to PDF. The resulting PDF files will need to have specific formatting, including headers and footers. Key requirements: - Proficiency in MS Word and Adobe Acrobat - Attention to detail for precise formatting - Experience in converting Word documents to PDF Ideal freelancer would have a keen eye for detail and be committed to delivering high quality work.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Ortalama Teklif
69 teklifler

We are looking for a skilled freelance web developer to enhance and optimize our Shopify website. The ideal candidate should have experience in: • Website Design & UI/UX Improvement – Making the website more visually appealing and user-friendly. • Customization & Alterations – Modifying the website to match our brand identity and improve user experience. • Performance Optimization – Ensuring smooth and fast website functionality. • App & Extension Integration – Adding necessary extensions and third-party apps for better features and efficiency. • Bug Fixing & Maintenance – Resolving issues and keeping the website running seamlessly. Requirements: • Proficiency in Shopify and e-commerce development. &...

€97 Average bid
€97 Ortalama Teklif
36 teklifler

I will show you a sample page made with WordPress. You can just change the design and have the same functionality.

€18 / hr Average bid
€18 / hr Ortalama Teklif
198 teklifler

I am looking for an experienced freelancer with expertise in smart screen management, cloud-based solutions, and digital advertising systems to assist in establishing a digital advertising company utilizing smart screens, similar to the business model of Nitx. Key Responsibilities: 1. Consultation & Planning: Assist in creating a clear strategy for setting up the company, selecting the best available technologies, and evaluating suitable software and hardware options. 2. Technical Development: Identify or develop a cloud-based platform for managing smart screens, enabling remote control and content scheduling. 3. Screen Selection: Research and recommend the best smart screens (LED, LCD, etc.) that support advanced digital display technologies. 4. Software Integration: Develop o...

€428 Average bid
€428 Ortalama Teklif
64 teklifler

Looking for some companies who previously worked on travel website - flights/hotels/cars booking it should support multi payment gateways full website build custom all api integration for data Looking for someone who have worked integrating through APIS

€90 Average bid
€90 Ortalama Teklif
31 teklifler

Looking for a person to edit videos asap. Hired someone who reached out via email however no luck for long term. Videos to be released every other day so immediate availability is required. Please check out the content. I need someone to work on subtitles and visuals to match with audio. Thank you

€113 Average bid
€113 Ortalama Teklif
51 teklifler

I need a Python script for speech-to-text conversion that works offline. The script should: - Convert speech to text with high accuracy - Support the French language - Handle live microphone input The script should not only be able to transcribe speech but do so with a high degree of precision. The ideal candidate would have experience with Python scripting, speech recognition technology, and a deep understanding of the French language. Please, I need this project completed as soon as possible.

€70 Average bid
€70 Ortalama Teklif
22 teklifler

Hi, I am looking for an experienced WordPress web designer to redesign and migrate my existing website to a fresh WordPress installation on a new server. ? What needs to be done: ✔ Transfer all content 1:1, including text, images, page names, and structure – nothing should be changed ✔ Maintain all existing keywords, page URLs, meta tags, and SEO structure ✔ A new WordPress theme/template can be used (if it improves the design), but the content must remain exactly the same ✔ Ensure a fully responsive design with proper formatting ✔ Optimize and configure WordPress settings to avoid errors ✔ Ensure SEO best practices are maintained (redirects if needed, alt attributes, structured data, etc.) ✔ Set up the new WordPress installation properly on the provided server ? What I wil...

€146 Average bid
€146 Ortalama Teklif
142 teklifler

I want the software prepared with react at this address to be prepared as a woocommerce plugin. I will determine the fiel...fields I want on the product page, I will leave the ones I want blank. The customer will answer the questions asked to him with a design like in the link, thanks to the code added to any page. As he answers, he will move on to the next option. Some fields will be single option, some fields will be multiple options. The customer will definitely choose one and continue. Finally, the products that match the options will be listed. If the product is not found, it will say product not found. Whether the product is found or not, you can also look at these products at the bottom and the most popular products will be listed.

€135 Average bid
€135 Ortalama Teklif
39 teklifler

I need a logo designed that is modern for a driving school. Urgent

€16 Average bid
€16 Ortalama Teklif
111 teklifler

Hello, I have a PDF with hand-written math formulas, I'm looking for someone to just copy them a write them inside a text file. You can look the 2 attached files. I already started the work. YOU DON'T NEED TO COPY ALL FORMULAS, ONLY THOSE WITH A TITLE INSIDE THE TEXT FILE.

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
63 teklifler

... or social media (Google/Facebook). Option to verify phone numbers using OTP verification. 2. Tournament Creation & Management: Admin can create & schedule tournaments (single-player, team, knockout, round-robin). Players can register for upcoming tournaments with entry fees (optional). Automatic match pairing & bracket generation. Live tournament progress display. 3. Payment & Wallet System: Integration with Gpay,Ppay, Paytm, for adding funds & withdrawals. Players can pay entry fees using a wallet system. Admin can set prize distributions (cash rewards, coins, or ranks). 4. Game Integration (Optional) Players can input their Ludo King/Ludo Star ID for matchmaking. Option to integrate third-party APIs for automated match tracking (if ava...

€221 Average bid
€221 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler create and write scripts for faith-based messages, prayers, or other relevant content. • Edit the scripts to ensure clarity, engagement, and a strong spiritual message. 2. Image Creation: • Use PicLuMen to generate images based on prompts provided by ChatGPT. • Ensure the images match the themes of the script using specific settings (Seed = 17671051512, Size = 9:16, and PicLumen Art V1). • Save and organize the generated images. 3. Video Creation: • Input picture-to-video prompts into Hailuo AI using the generated images. • Ensure the video is created and saved correctly. 4. Voiceover Creation: • Use to generate a voiceover from the script. • Ensure the voiceover aligns with the tone and message of the video. 5...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler will focus on delivering high-quality content in a clean, professional, and high-tech design. The ideal candidate should be skilled in WordPress customization, performance optimization, and SEO best practices. Project Scope: 1️⃣ Theme Setup & Customization: ✅ Install and configure GeneratePress, a lightweight, SEO-friendly theme for maximum speed and optimization. ✅ Customize the design to match our branding (Black, Gold, and Purple) and high-tech theme. ✅ Ensure mobile responsiveness and high performance across all devices. 2️⃣ Website Structure & Pages: ✅ Homepage (modern, engaging, SEO-optimized). ✅ Blog Page (structured for easy navigation). ✅ About Us & Contact Page (with a contact form) - Implement an HTML contact form with fields for First Name and Emai...

€28 - €231
€28 - €231
64 teklifler

Needs to Hire 5 Finnish Voiceover Artists We are seeking skilled Finnish voiceover artists to create high-quality audio samples for a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This remote, project-based role requires recording one hour of clear speech, strictly following our technical guidelines. Essential Requirements: ✅ Format: 44.1 kHz Mono audio ✅ Frequency: Minimum 20 kHz (check via Ocenaudio & share a screenshot) ✅ Sound Quality: No echo, background noise, or music ✅ Clipping: No hard or soft clipping ✅ Pronunciation: Clear and precise Preferred Practices: 1. No long pauses or heavy breathing 2. Remove retakes, clicks, and lip-smacking 3. Maintain a natural pace Usage Rights: Recordings are for AI training only, not for commercial use. Apply with a 30-second sample meeting ...

€102 Average bid
€102 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm looking for a cross-platform (iOS and Android) app developer to create an innovative application tailored for solo travelers. Core Features: - The primary function of the app is 'Traveler Matching'. The app should intelligently connect solo travelers based on shared interests, making their journey more enjoyable and less lonely. - While not the main focus, it would be beneficial to incorporate a chat functionality for travelers to communicate before meeting up. - Activity planning can be a secondary feature, allowing users to suggest and plan activities together. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in cross-platform app development. - Experience with implementing matching algorithms based on shared interests. - Ability to integrate chat functionality within the app. - Understa...

€356 Average bid
€356 Ortalama Teklif
59 teklifler

I'm seeking a proficient web scraper developer to build a tool for gathering specific data from official league websites. Requirements: - The scraper should target official league websites to collect data on football games. - It should efficiently capture match scores and results. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in web scraping. - Proficiency in programming languages commonly used for scraping (e.g., Python, JavaScript). - Familiarity with football data and league websites is a plus.

€33 Average bid
€33 Ortalama Teklif
21 teklifler

I require a set of Stationery using my existing designs as the basis for a new company and social media square version of the logo as well. -Please see attached my existing designs to copy from. We want the layout to be the same with different logo and colours. -Please see attached my new company logo. -Please make a square version of the company logo for social media. -Please design an option in the stationery with grey, black and orange to see which looks best. Grey to be the same grey as the current design and then grey and black to match the new logo colour sets. -Please decide a nice font that goes with it for the text and confirm the font name. -Business card size is 85mm x 55mm + 3mm bleed on all sides -Compliment slip size is 210mm x 98mm + 3mm bleed on a...

€59 Average bid
162 girdi

I'm seeking an AI Specialist to help my gates company. I need automation for creating SEO-friendly landing pages and fully automated, informative blog posts on my Shopify website. Which I will want full ownership on, Key Requirements: - Automate creation of keyword-optimized landing pages with appropriate meta tags, descriptions, and internal links. - Set up a system for generating and posting informative, AI-written blog posts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Shopify and AI-based automation tools. - Strong understanding of SEO best practices, particularly keyword optimization, meta tags and descriptions, and internal linking. - Previous work creating automated blog systems is highly desirable.

€123 Average bid
€123 Ortalama Teklif
71 teklifler

I'm looking for an experienced AWS professional to deploy my MERN stack project which utilizes microservices on AWS, specifically using Beanstalk and S3. The project involves several microservices, including Authentication, Clients, Transcription, and Chat. The deployment has to happen from my computer as I also want to learn the process. Key Responsibilities: - Deploy the MERN project on AWS Beanstalk and S3 - Ensure smooth functioning of all microservices Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with AWS Beanstalk and S3 - Proficiency in deploying MERN stack applications - Familiarity with microservices architecture - Experience with setting up persistent storage on AWS Please note I am a beginner and i am learning development. I want to understand the deployment process as it s...

€30 Average bid
€30 Ortalama Teklif
15 teklifler

I am looking for a skilled image editor to enhance the quality of our various images. The primary purpose of this project is to improve the overall quality of our images. This involves: - Enhancing Image Quality: Utilizing your expertise to boost the visual appeal and quality of our images. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with image editing and a keen eye for detail. Proficiency in Photoshop and Illustrator is a must.

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Ortalama Teklif
54 teklifler

I'm currently a busy DevOps Engineer and need someone to help me apply for full-time DevOps Engineer positions. Key Responsibilities: - Submit applications on LinkedIn, Indeed, and various company websites. - Tailor applications to match job requirements and highlight my skills and experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Understanding of DevOps and related skills. - Proficient in job application platforms like LinkedIn and Indeed. - Excellent communication and writing skills to create appealing application materials.

€98 Average bid
€98 Ortalama Teklif
26 teklifler

I need a Bootstrap expert to fix a webpage that not rendering well on smartphones currently. It is a plus if you are also an expert at Bootstrap Studio. You must showcase the public websites you have developed using Bootstrap.

€3 / hr Average bid
€3 / hr Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler

I'm in need of a reliable data entry typist to assist with my ongoing projects. The work will primarily involve typing from digital text files. If you are interested kindly message me on WhatsApp +44 7529422494

€593 Average bid
€593 Ortalama Teklif
71 teklifler

I'm looking for a skilled data scientist to train Bert based on text classification using a bulk of PDF documents. Key Responsibilities: - Provide required coding to train Bert - Write codes to execute a series of textual analysis (e.g., sentiment analysis, specific sentence identification) - Model hyperparameters sets - performance analysis (including ensuring fine tuning. - Evaluation of trained Bert and baseline models Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in advanced machine learning - Strong statistical skills - Prior experience with training Bert

€232 Average bid
€232 Ortalama Teklif
83 teklifler

I'm in need of an HTML and CSS expert to help me create a specific footer layout for my Wordpress site. The footer needs to be responsive and match a reference photo I will provide. Key Requirements: - A row of links, with one column containing two links - A specifically styled button - Use of link placeholders, as I will add the destinations later The footer needs to be optimized for: - Mobile - Tablet - Desktop The button in the footer doesn't require any interaction. You will not need to implement any hover or click effects. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and CSS - Experience with Wordpress - Strong understanding of responsive design - Able to deliver precise pixel-perfect layouts - Familiarity with creating link placeholders in HTML Please note that I will pr...

€26 Average bid
€26 Ortalama Teklif
42 teklifler