Train as a computer programmer in edinburgh işler


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2,000 train as a computer programmer in edinburgh iş bulundu

...sekmesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Tüm başvuru süreci mail ve panel üzerinden yürütülmektedir, spam klasörünü kontrol etmeyi unutmayın. Redspades . net Redspades Casino Solutions is a company that provides innovative solutions for the live betting industry. Our company aims to be a leader in the sector by delivering powerful online casino management software and integrated customer service solutions. We are looking for Customer Service Representatives who are focused on customer satisfaction and have a problem-solving mindset to join our professional and dynamic team. If you want to work with the top brands in the industry and elevate the customer experience to the highest level, we look forward to receivin...

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

...sekmesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Tüm başvuru süreci mail ve panel üzerinden yürütülmektedir, spam klasörünü kontrol etmeyi unutmayın. ---> Redspades .net Redspades Casino Solutions is a company that provides innovative solutions for the live betting industry. Our company aims to be a leader in the sector by delivering powerful online casino management software and integrated customer service solutions. We are looking for Customer Service Representatives who are focused on customer satisfaction and have a problem-solving mindset to join our professional and dynamic team. If you want to work with the top brands in the industry and elevate the customer experience to the highest level, we look forward to r...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Ortalama Teklif
24 teklifler

Merhaba, Uzun vadeli bir proje için bir oyun demosunu bitirmemize yardımcı olacak bir Unreal Engine 5 geliştiricisi arıyoruz. Özellikle Türkiye'deki geliştiricileri arıyoruz. Türkiye'de yaşamıyorsanız, lütfen başvuru yapmayın, aksi takdirde başvuruları...platform oyunu. Megaman gibi bir şey. Biz konuşurken sanat üzerinde çalışılıyor ve her şeyi Unreal Engine'e uygulamanız gerekecek. Vakit ayırıp iş ilanımıza göz attığınız için teşekkür ederiz. Geçmişte yaptığınız bazı iş örneklerine sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun. Çılgınca bir şey aramıyoruz ama ilk finansman turumuzdan sonra projeyi tamamlamak için tam zamanlı çalışacağız. Bu, Blueprints'ten C++'a geçmek anlamına ...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

"""458. Nedávno sa môj počítač začal úplne rozpadať. Cievky bzučia, všetko hučí, dokonca aj tie najjednoduchšie hry neťahá. Začal ma to už naozaj štvať. A ja som predsa hráč - milujem hrať nové hry! Musel som chodiť do počítačového klubu, aby som si splnil svoje túžby. Ale to predsa nie je ono, však? (ukázať herný PC) Rozhodol som sa spraviť mini počítačový klub u seba doma! (stlačiť tlačidlo zapnutia) Len sa pozri, aký je krásny! Hneď vidno - silný! A nevydáva žiadne zbytočné zvuky, je super tichý, stoja v ňom drahé chladiče! Teraz budem hrať všetky novinky ako prvý...

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

...Looking for a Turkish assistant to work remotely in Turkey and I would like to mention that my origin is Kurdish. This position is for male candidates only. For this position you will need a fast internet connection and a performing computer. Your reactivity and skills with the internet are important to me, as you will need to have these skills to successfully perform the tasks you will be assigned. You must also be willing to learn new skills as this role offers many development opportunities. Your main task is to assist me from Monday to Thursday and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. This position will be rewarded with a salary of 5110 TL. Regardless of your location, you are welcome to apply if you have a reliable inte...

€226 Average bid
€226 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

I want an excel file to be created with the same font that previously created in Excel. There are 2 photos. Photograps of the article is available. There is also an example excel file, but it needs to be the same as in the photo by making changes on the font. Each character of an excel file that you will create must be exactly the same as photos. This is an urgent job needs to be completed immediately.

€87 Average bid
Özellikli Acil
€87 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Merhaba Programmer, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.

€241 Average bid
€241 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

...the computer, with a 2D interface. Project content: UI and Assets are ready. Everything about the mechanics of the game is clear. Apart from this, animation, sound, coding, publishing, en-tr language option, testing if necessary, adding advertisements, monitoring and finalizing the process belong to the seller. Wishes: - Special skills should come with the accumulated combo points and can be used during the game. - At the end of the game, the total score should be calculated from data such as time, number of combos, abilities used, number of moves, etc. - Leveling up, reward system, etc. with the total score calculated. it would be nice. - There may be multiplayer in the future, so some things have to be forward compatible and open-ended. - Source codes. - ...

€700 Average bid
€700 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Hello, I have been using computer and internet since my childhood and I developed myself on web design, SEO, Digital marketing, graphic design. I have at least 5 years of agency experience and simultaneous freelance experience. What studies can we do together? > Web Design (Personal, Corporate, E-commerce, Special projects) > SEO (100 percent increase in a short time) > Graphic Design (Coolest modern designs for Social Media and Web sites) > Digital Marketing (I make your project or brand popular on all social platforms in a short time and provide the desired return.) Merhaba, çocukluğumdan beri bilgisayar ve internet ortamını kullanmaktayım ve kendimi web tasarım, SEO, Dijital pazarlama, grafik tasarım üzerinde geliştirdim. En az...

€10 - €48177
€10 - €48177
0 teklifler

Içerisinde train test ve validation için toplamda 62822 tane video frame olan bir dosyayi şimdilik sadece test görüntülerini hazır train ekşimiş modeller ile frame içerisinde bulunan yayaların tespiti yapılıp, tespit edilen yayaların bilgilerini text dosyasına kaydedip precision recall grafiğini de yapabilecek birisi lazım

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

Java war dosyasını maven projesine dönüştürülmesi gerekiyor. Sistem web tabanlı. İşlem için uzak bağlantı ile bilgisayarıma bağlanıp eclipse üzerinden yapılması gerekmekte. Bilen için 5-10 dk'lık bir işlem. Java war file needs to be converted to maven project. The system is web based. For the process, it has to be connected to my computer with a remote connection and done via eclipse. It takes 5-10 minutes for those who know.

€26 Average bid
€26 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

...verebilirim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello there, Udacity training has been completed by the company for my name, but I cannot spare the time, so I give this job in order not to report negatively. In the project, there are flower photos that have been given us a folder. Our goal is to train the program with machine learning techniques and to ensure that it accurately identifies the photo we provide. Roughly, I can give more detail to those who can help in this way....

€126 Average bid
€126 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Train position indicator. signals from pc (windows xp). in-train station indicator. serial connection. For 43 stations

€145 Average bid
€145 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Temizlik şirketi sitesi için rezervasyon proğramı yaptırmak istiyorum

€393 Average bid
€393 Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler


€213 Average bid
€213 Ortalama Teklif
43 teklifler

bunun geliştirme

€33712 Average bid
€33712 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Hi thepasserby82 Merhaba Ankara'da bir şirketiz.,Bir VoIP-SIP programı geliştirmek istiyoruz. Farklı olarak speech to text ile entegre olacak. Bunun örnek kodları github ta mevcut. Bunu imkan veren en iyi voip open source çözümü olarak asteriks bulduk. Türkiye de biri ile çalışmak bizim için da...istiyoruz. Farklı olarak speech to text ile entegre olacak. Bunun örnek kodları github ta mevcut. Bunu imkan veren en iyi voip open source çözümü olarak asteriks bulduk. Türkiye de biri ile çalışmak bizim için daha avantalı olacaktır. İletişim bilgilerini paylaşırsan daha ayrıntılı bir şekilde konuşabiliriz. İyi çalışmalar. NOT: Bütçe miktarı ve süresi örnek olarak doldu...

€964 Average bid
€964 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

...da devam edilecek bir sürece başlamak isterseniz bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.. Hi, As Armada Yazılım, we decided to launch a wind of change. Armada Yazilim, was founded in 1997 as a Value Added Reseller (VAR) for the CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), PDM (Product Data Management) and ERP solutions with a vision to be the #1 resource provider for 3D engineering software and manufacturing productivity tools in Turkey. Our mission is to put the proper engineering tools in the hands of our customers, so they may realize a shorter time to market and a reduction in design, manufacturing and overall operational costs in every industry. We wou...

€1750 Average bid
€1750 Ortalama Teklif
19 teklifler

Coded Stock Chat System Previously Written And I Want I Want You entered someone else unsold both mobile and the computer

€241 Average bid
€241 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

English: Existing openGL project will be edited. There are 3 tasks and they are so basic that will only require 2 3 lines of codes for each and it says what to do in tasks. Just simple c++ code and opengl nothing complex. It is on visualstudio 2013 on my computer. Only condition is job will be done by connecting to my computer using teamviewer. I am not able to send the project to you or there is no copying. Turkish: Var olan bir projeye bir kac ekleme yapilacak. neler eklenecegi dosyada yazili. 3 dosya duzenlenicek toplam ve yazilacak kod sayisi 2 3 satir dosya basina. cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart teamviewer ile benim bilgisayarima b...

€22 Average bid
€22 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Var olan bir projeye bir kac ekleme yapilacak. neler eklenecegi dosyada yazili. 3 dosya duzenlenicek toplam ve yazilacak kod sayisi 2 3 satir dosya basina. cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart team...yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart teamviewer ile benim bilgisayarima baglanarak yapilacak. Projeyi size gonderemiyorum malesef. An existing opengl project needs to be edited. There are 3 tasks and all tasks are so basic. Its an easy project and each task require 2 3 line of code. Only limitation is you will have to connect my computer via team viewer and complete in any time. I cannot send the project t...

€7 - €21
€7 - €21
0 teklifler

This project requires a Turkish speaking programmer. Selamlar, Tamamen hayır amaçlı sitemizin programlanması için gerekli tüm detaylar aşağıdaki gibidir: Mümkün olduğu kadar uygun fiyata bu projeyi hazırlayabilecek yazılımcı bir arkadaş arıyoruz. Teşekkürler.

€183 Average bid
€183 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

Bir haber portal sitesi yaptırtmak istiyoruz. We want the programmer to build us a news portal.

€243 Average bid
€243 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

I'm looking for a VB professional who can set up a system to receive TradingView platform's Webhook messages in real-time. The messages primarily consist of trade alerts. The system must be able to: - Capture and log the alerts in an Excel file, with a specific structure of 'Timestamp and Alert Message'. - Function continuously, 24/7. In case of any system issues, I would prefer to be notified through mobile alerts. Ideal skills for this project: - Expertise in Visual Basic - Proficient in Excel - Familiarity with TradingView platform and Webhook messages - Experience with setting up local computer hosting for such tasks - Ability to create an alert system for troubleshooting. Please note, this project...

€87 Average bid
€87 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

We are looking for freelancers for a data entry project that involves typing text data from GIF images into Excel files manually (strictly no copy-paste or OCR tools). Below are the detailed work instructions: Work Process: 1. You will receive a ZIP file containing multiple GIF image files. 2. You need to extract the ZIP file and access the images. 3. Open each GIF image in any compatible image viewer (Paint, Microsoft Picture Manager, or any standard image viewer). 4. You need to manually type the content shown in the image into a new Excel file. 5. Save each Excel file with the same name as the corresponding GIF image file. 6. Ensure the Excel files are saved using the same name format as received in the ZIP file. Typing & For...

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
88 teklifler

I'm in need of a talented competitive programmer with a strong command of C++ and active involvement on platforms like Codeforces, CodeChef, and Leetcode. You should be a college student based in India, enthusiastic about tackling intricate programming challenges. Key Responsibilities: - Solve advanced data structure problems, primarily focusing on Trees and Graphs, Heaps and Priority Queues, and Hash Tables and Sets. - Engage with complex, high-level algorithmic challenges and mathematical puzzles. The ideal candidate will be: - Proficient in C++ and competitive programming. - Able to solve advanced-level problems. Your passion and skill in competitive programming could be the perfect fit for this project. I look forward ...

€36 / hr Average bid
€36 / hr Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

I have two page photo of the book. I want you to use the same font and formatting style and create word file. Deliverables 1. Word and pdf file with exactly same formatting style and fonts 2. Fonts file used in the book

€6 Average bid
15 girdi

Project Title: Freelance Inside Sales Professional – Industrial Networking, Edge Computing & Industry 4.0 Solutions (India) Project Description: We are looking for a Freelance Inside Sales Professional based in India, experienced in selling Industrial Networking Equipment, Edge Computing, SD-WAN Hardware, and Industry 4.0 Solutions. The ideal candidate should have expertise in B2B sales, lead generation, and customer engagement, targeting industries such as Smart Manufacturing, IIoT, Automation, Oil & Gas, Power, and Telecom. Key Responsibilities: ✅ Lead Generation & Prospecting – Identify and qualify potential B2B clients via cold calls, emails, and follow-ups within India. ✅ Sales Outreach – Promote and sell Industrial R...

€5508 - €11015
€5508 - €11015
0 teklifler

We need a qualified web programmer to tackle a few updates and edits to our current retail website. This is a small project so it will not take months to complete. However, there are several details that are extremely important. We need someone who can pay close attention to details. We are paying $30.00 us dollars for this small project. We expect quality work so several updates and edits will be necessary in order to get this project done. Thank You.

€25 Average bid
€25 Ortalama Teklif
25 teklifler

I'm seeking a skilled freelancer to customize my Raspberry Pi 5 and Hailo setup for various AI and machine learning applications. The main uses will be computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis and prediction to work with my existing work Key Requirements: - Setup and configuration of Raspberry Pi 5 & Hailo 8 and 8L - Customization for AI and machine learning tasks - Proficient in working with computer vision tasks, natural language processing, and data analysis - Proficiency in Docker for deployment. - Previous experience with object detection vision AI apps. - Knowledge of working with live camera feeds. - Ability to ensure seamless integration with a USB webcam, IP camera, and Raspi Cam - user and tool datab...

€135 Average bid
€135 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler
9 gün left

Hello, I am a second-year Computer Science Engineering student at Sharda University with hands-on experience in data entry, processing, and database management. I have worked on MySQL projects, which has enhanced my ability to organize and handle data efficiently. My skills include Microsoft Access, Excel, and data processing tools, along with a keen eye for detail and fast, accurate typing. With my technical background, I can ensure precise and well-structured data entry. I am eager to contribute to your project and deliver high-quality results within the given timeline. Looking forward to your response! Best regards, Tanay Mehta

€1 / hr Average bid
€1 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm looking for a seasoned professional to train my intermediate-level team on Google AdWords and a range of digital marketing strategies. Key focus areas for Google AdWords training: - Keyword research: Understanding how to find and use the right keywords - Ad creation: Crafting compelling ads that capture attention - Performance analysis: Interpreting data and optimizing ads for better performance Digital marketing strategies to be covered: - Social media marketing: Techniques for promoting brands on various platforms - Content marketing: Strategies for creating and distributing valuable content Ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in training teams - In-depth knowledge of Google AdWords and digital marketing - Expertise in so...

€83 Average bid
€83 Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler

I'm looking for an experienced Pine Script programmer to debug an existing TradingView script. The script should take half the profit when the price reaches 50% of the take profit goal, however, there seems to be a discrepancy between the expected and actual results. I need this existing code to be debugged. I had a feature coded that will take half the profit when price reaches 50% of the the take profit goal. However, price is not exactly splitting 50/50 and I have to use the the settings 50/66 and then it comes close to 50/50. Its a strange anomaly. Also the halving of the profit target seems to not be what the price should be...for example. If using 100,000 lots and a 20pip target the 50/50 profit should be $100/$100($200) profit. But the...

€180 Average bid
€180 Ortalama Teklif
15 teklifler

I need someone for data entry into a particular database. This is a simple copy paste type of task. You have to enter sentence like data into the database. So just copy each sentence and paste in specific part of the database. I need someone to enter 100 sentences into the database. I prefer someone good in English and who has decent computer and internet connection. This is a simple copy paste job but this may lead to long term role depending on the requirements of my company. Message this number below on WhatsApp for more information: +1 (840) 900‑7540

€373 Average bid
€373 Ortalama Teklif
65 teklifler

I have an excel file with detailed procedures - would like this taken and turned into a word document that would be used to train new hires as well as a reference for existing employees

€907 Average bid
Acil Gizlilik Anlaşması
€907 Ortalama Teklif
38 teklifler

I'm seeking a skilled animator to create six small 2D animations for my website, showcasing our cyber security services. The home page animation needs to depict a person requesting help for a broken/damaged/hacked computer. - The animations need to cover five services: - Managed IT - Cyber Security - Consulting - IT Infrastructure - Cloud Services - SAAS BACKUP SERVICES Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in 2D animation - Ability to use a mixture of colors in line with our website's palette () - Skill in creating a 'cartoon professional' tone indicating cyber security The animations will need to strike a balance between being engaging and professional, embodying a cartoon...

€386 Average bid
€386 Ortalama Teklif
48 teklifler

I need a professional who can field measure an entire residential condo unit and create a highly detailed as-built plan in CAD format. The plan should include all materials and finishes.

€354 Average bid
€354 Ortalama Teklif
14 teklifler

...episode** is already completed, and we are currently working on the second one. ? **What Are We Looking For?** ? Artists who can draw digitally. ? Each illustrator will be assigned specific frames to draw, following a pre-established style. ? You must be able to send the artwork in digital format, as we work in **Adobe Animate**. If you use **Photoshop and/or Illustrator**, even better, but any other software that allows exporting the required quality is also fine. ? **The work is 100% remote**, so there's no need for in-person meetings. Everything is done from your computer. ? **Timeline:** We aim to have **all illustrations for episode 2 completed by early April**, so there will be **the entire month of March** to work on it...

€21 Average bid
€21 Ortalama Teklif
31 teklifler

Experience Level: 6+ Years Industry: Hospitals and Healthcare About Us: With a commitment to reliability, security, and exceptional performance, we offer customized hosting plans, domain registration, website design, and maintenance services. Our expert team ensures round-the-clock support, enabling businesses to establish and grow their online presence effortlessly. Job Description: We are seeking a highly skilled, detail-oriented Freelance Senior UI/UX Designer (Part-Time) with over 6 years of experience to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will lead the design of user interfaces and experiences for our suite of healthcare applications, including Electronic Health Records (EHR), telemedicine platforms, and patient management systems. You will collaborate cl...

€564 Average bid
€564 Ortalama Teklif
21 teklifler

...My name is Josh Clary, owner of ClaryComm - a new wave provider of live event managed services for events across the country. I have a client that handles market research studies. They will be conducting some online Zoom interviews and they need a computer technician who speaks German. The interviews will be 30 minutes long on March 11th and 12th, and will take place in the German local time zone (CET). Pay would be $40/hour. The tech would need to email the respondents to schedule and complete a short tech check prior to the interview (preferably a day or two prior). This check would include getting the respondent to join Zoom via a link and confirm that their webcam, microphone and screen share are working properly. In ...

€38 / hr Average bid
€38 / hr Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

i am looking for a programmer who can program me a software that can visualise the different instruments or instrument groups as colours directly from cubase. I would like to use Cubase actively and open the program in parallel with an interface in order to be able to see the colours converted on the screen (for yt, insta, tiktok) depending on the shares. Example: A song contains 60% drums (blue), 30% piano (yellow), 10% bass (red). If the drums and bass play at the same time, the screen should display blue, violet and red in proportion If all three instruments are playing, then the original colours and orange as a mixture of all three colours in the percentages.

€117 Average bid
Gizlilik Anlaşması
€117 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

...communauté, nous recherchons un(e) gestionnaire des réseaux sociaux talentueux(se) et passionné(e) pour rejoindre notre équipe en tant que freelance. Votre mission En tant que gestionnaire des réseaux sociaux, vous serez responsable de : • Élaborer et mettre en œuvre des stratégies de contenu adaptées à Facebook, Instagram et Reddit pour accroître notre notoriété et engager notre audience. • Créer, programmer et superviser les publications en lien avec le trading, l’investissement et nos outils, tout en respectant notre ligne éditoriale. • Interagir avec notre communauté : répondre aux commentaires, animer les discussions et favoriser l’...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...user uploads a video of themselves playing football, and the AI extracts key features, similar to a FIFA player card, and provides a final evaluation. The goal is to enable teams to discover talented players and determine their market value based on comprehensive performance data. The platform will use AI technologies to analyze match and training videos, identifying strengths and weaknesses in player performance, such as speed, endurance, and technical skills (passing, shooting). It will also analyze tactical performance based on advanced algorithms. Additionally, the platform will predict a player’s market value based on their current performance and future trends, aiming to increase their value. The system will include a to...

€20 / hr Average bid
€20 / hr Ortalama Teklif
40 teklifler

We are looking for a resourceful and detail-oriented freelancer to help us collect and analyze videos containing One Piece trading cards. The task involves the following steps: 1. Video Research and Collection: • Search for videos on platforms such as YouTube and TikTok that showcase One Piece trading cards (e.g., unboxings, pack openings, card reviews). • Identify videos where the cards are clearly visible and recognizable. • Only videos featuring One Piece cards should be considered. 2. Screenshot Capture: • Watch the selected videos carefully. • Take clear screenshots See attached zip file for what is acceptable and what not. 3. Card Selection and Upload: • Use a provided portal to select the corresponding card from a l...

€40 Average bid
€40 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

Managing networks, servers, and other computer systems. • Ensuring systems are secure and protected against cyber threats. • Installing and maintaining software programs and applications. • Troubleshooting and resolving technical issues. • Providing technical support and training to users. • Developing and implementing IT policies and procedures. • Installing, configuring, and maintaining computer hardware and software. • Monitoring network performance and identifying and resolving issues. • Backing up and restoring data. • Implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access to data. • Managing user accounts and permissions. • Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. • Providing t...

€13 / hr Average bid
€13 / hr Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

...The file as is cost $150 to produce, make your proposals fairly and within the budget of this job as posted*** ***Do not make ridiculous proposals and when you make an offer stick to it once you have made it*** ***Do not ask me the budget, it's stated*** ***Do not ask ME to describe flow in text form, I expect you to read the flowchart that I drew because your colleagues it seems are incapable of coding text specifications in this case!*** I decided to develop this in Flowgorithm because specifying apps was inadequate in 11 cases and always ended in failure. So I decided to make a tight flowchart and most freelancers to date were unable to follow even that! The idea of using Flowgorithm is that the code generated can then be ...

€146 Average bid
€146 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler

As an air traffic control station, I need a comprehensive work schedule for my team. I will provide all necessary information, but I need someone to build a schedule and perform calculations on staffing requirements. The job entails: - Designing a full-day, 6 week-long roster - Calculating peak hour coverage - Ensuring minimum staff per shift - Determining required personnel for specific positions The task isn't overly complicated, but I require someone with the computer skills and AI knowledge to create a robust roster swiftly. Ideal candidates should have experience in scheduling and staffing calculations, preferably in a high-pressure environment like air traffic control.

€13 Average bid
€13 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...looking for a skilled AutoCAD designer to create professional, colored 2D layout drawings with dimensions for the transformation of 4 existing computer labs into Pharmaceutics Labs. These drawings will be used for presentation and approval by the university administration, so they must be detailed, precise, and visually clear. Scope of Work: ✅ Transform 4 existing computer lab layouts into Pharmaceutics Labs ✅ Create Colored, Scaled, and Dimensioned 2D AutoCAD Drawings Include placement of center tables, wall tables, reagent racks, sinks, plumbing & electrical points, and glass partitions Ensure accurate dimensions for all components ✅ Modify & refine existing 2D drawings to match the required layout ✅ Highlight changes from the original computer l...

€79 Average bid
€79 Ortalama Teklif
19 teklifler This needs to be server based. I am an old C++ programmer (machine based not server) and I have not coded for 20 years. I have been busy with sales and marketing projects eg. Call centres. Yesterday, I experimented with Cursor, Javascript, MySQL, PHP, Html and created a working software on Wordpress in a couple of hours, It was really easy and fun. Problem: it uses plugins, contact forms and I feel it's the wrong way to do it. It will become slow and will be forever asking for updates. I want an expert in AI who can guide me and get me started. You need to speak good English and screen share. So, I can learn quickly. Show me something that you have done, tell me how long it took (man hours) and costs. I have a lot of...

€61 - €121 / hr
Özellikli Acil Mühürlü
€61 - €121 / hr
29 teklifler

I need assistance retrieving old emails stored on my local computer. The specifics about the email client and format are uncertain at this point. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in data recovery techniques - Experience with various email clients - Familiarity with different email storage formats Please note that the project may involve working with a variety of email formats and clients, so flexibility and adaptability are key.

€15 Average bid
€15 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler