Telof building torres davao city işler


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2,000 telof building torres davao city iş bulundu

...application form. For affiliates or business partners to sign up. Privacy & Security / Terms of Service Footer links to “Privacy and Security” policies and “Service Agreement.” Payment Integration Integrate a local bank’s payment gateway. Must allow secure online credit card transactions. Transfer Search Date/Time Rules Date and time picker similar to example site. City (intra-city) transfers: earliest booking is 1 hour from current time. Out-of-city: earliest booking is 4 hours from current time. Vehicle Selection & Extra Services Similar to the example site’s flow. After choosing a vehicle, user can select extra services (child seat, additional luggage, etc.). A promo code field on the right side to apply discounts. Prom...

€1232 Average bid
€1232 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...application form. For affiliates or business partners to sign up. Privacy & Security / Terms of Service Footer links to “Privacy and Security” policies and “Service Agreement.” Payment Integration Integrate a local bank’s payment gateway. Must allow secure online credit card transactions. Transfer Search Date/Time Rules Date and time picker similar to example site. City (intra-city) transfers: earliest booking is 1 hour from current time. Out-of-city: earliest booking is 4 hours from current time. Vehicle Selection & Extra Services Similar to the example site’s flow. After choosing a vehicle, user can select extra services (child seat, additional luggage, etc.). A promo code field on the right side to apply discounts. Prom...

€1133 Average bid
€1133 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...application form. For affiliates or business partners to sign up. Privacy & Security / Terms of Service Footer links to “Privacy and Security” policies and “Service Agreement.” Payment Integration Integrate a local bank’s payment gateway. Must allow secure online credit card transactions. Transfer Search Date/Time Rules Date and time picker similar to example site. City (intra-city) transfers: earliest booking is 1 hour from current time. Out-of-city: earliest booking is 4 hours from current time. Vehicle Selection & Extra Services Similar to the example site’s flow. After choosing a vehicle, user can select extra services (child seat, additional luggage, etc.). A promo code field on the right side to apply discounts. Prom...

€1186 Average bid
€1186 Ortalama Teklif
36 teklifler

Çalışmayı tamamladıktan sonra yükleyebilirim.

€74 Average bid
€74 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Merhaba Ufuk, Umarim hersey yolundadir. Bir proje icin iletisime gecmek istemistim. Goruyorum ki, $22 saatlik ucret belirlemissin. Benim butcem haftalik $125. Peojem ise bir cesit city directory/listing web uygulamasi. proje C#/.Net ve Angular ile baslandi. Backend tarafinda bir problem oldugunu dusunmuyorum ama frontend icin yeni bir arayuz ile tekrar calismaya baslamak istiyorum. Benim butcem icin haftada ne kadar zamanini ayirabilecegin ve projenin detaylarini konusmak icin gorusuruz umarim.

€47 Average bid
€47 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Firmamız için kurumsal olarak yaptığımız işleri yansıtan ve bizi temsil eden bir websitesi tasarlamak istiyoruz.

€402 Average bid
€402 Ortalama Teklif
44 teklifler

I am a classifieds site owner. Location plugin used on the site entered the site and looked at an detail city new came back to the home new york request home page you're back to be global zone. not new york

€20 Average bid
€20 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Türkçe seo çalışmasına uygun websitesi kuracak kişi arıyorum. Ücreti özelden konuşalım

€107 Average bid
€107 Ortalama Teklif
37 teklifler
Trophy icon Logo Tasarım Yarışması
Bitti left

...the designs until 30th October. Attached document includes detailed information about what we expected from a design. What is CESummit? CESummit is one of the biggest and most prestigious events which IACES METU LC organizes every year. The event, CESummit, comprises several seminars and workshops that create an environment for the students, which are mostly from civil engineering, architecture, city and regional planning etc., to connect with companies directly, creating contacts, learn newest technologies in our sector and socialize with their colleagues. CESummit is organized in METU campus and continuous for two days every year. What are we expecting from the design? The CESummit logo should be simple, memorable, lasting, permanent and clear. It should also reflect the aim...

€22 Average bid
40 girdi

İnşaat şirketimiz için logo tasarımı istiyoruz siyah ve beyaz renk ön planda bulunursa iyi olur.

€25 Average bid
€25 Ortalama Teklif
34 teklifler
otel projesi
Bitti left

5 yıldızlı bir şehir oteli için yapılan 3D GÖRSELLERİ 3D VISUALS for a 5-star city hotel

€339 Average bid
€339 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

web scraping Sample web site. Mysql table in price .

€30 Average bid
€30 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

Merhaba, adresi için Türkçe ve Ingilizce bir websitesi yaptırmak istiyorum. görselliği ön planda olan bir taslak üzerinden ilerlemek isterim.

€357 Average bid
€357 Ortalama Teklif
42 teklifler

I want a software developer to work with me for 30 days to turn my website in from 2 days in a Week, 7 hours a day in the office environment.. ( in a turistic city ) The site is a dating site, the front-end design will be included in the back-end. Flight tickets, accommodation and meals will also be provided… Bid by typing in expertise fields, age, country/city and language… Web sitemin 0 dan anahtar teslimi yapılması için bir yazılımcının 30 gün boyunca benimle çalışmasını istiyorum…haftada 2 gün izin, günde 7 saat ofis ortamında çalışacak.. Site dating sitesidir, front-end tasarım back-end dahil yapılacaktır. Uçak bileti, konaklama ve yemek ayrıca karşılanacaktır… Uzmanlık alanlarını, yaş, &uu...

€968 Average bid
€968 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Çalışma 2 konu olarak belirtilmiştir. Ayrı Word belgeleri üzerinden çalışması gerekmektedir. Her biri 250'şer kelime olacaktır. 1. Konu: Virginia Wolf writes: "for most of history, the ano...biri 250'şer kelime olacaktır. 1. Konu: Virginia Wolf writes: "for most of history, the anonymous was a woman". Watch the film Her (2013, Spike Jonze) and comment on the physical absence of Samantha who exists as an anonymous artificial intelligence. Discuss in 250 words femininity in the film in the absence of a female body. the female character exists in voice, etc. 2. Konu: Anonymity in the city Bu çalışma için ekte kaynak yer almaktadır. Bu noktada biraz da günümüz koşulları ele alınarak konu bir veya 2 kaynak ...

€15 Average bid
€15 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

...gayrimenkuller pop up şeklinde listelencek. -- For real estate project, we would like to make a listing based on the new feature of google maps. For example: When the site is opened, we will have a search rectangle from the top of the global google maps map, and when the visitor writes the name of the province they want to call home, the map will act as a google eart animation, and the city will be on top of the city that the visitor has requested and rental property for sale in that province....

€870 Average bid
€870 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

Question: How do these films relate to critical urban theory? (address concerns of urbanization, dissolution of the public space, the right to the city, how immigrants survive in London’s informal economies, and etc) *Beautiful People (Jasmin Dizdar, 1999) *The Last Resort (Pavel Pawlikowski, 2000) *In This World (Michael Winterbottom, 2002) *Dirty Pretty Things (Stephen Frears, 2002) *It’s a Free World (Ken Loach, 2007) *Ghosts (Nick Brumfield, 2006) Ekte ki slayt içerisinde yazılması gereken konu anlatılıyor.Üstte ki filmlerden bir tanesini seçip, o film ve slaytlarda anlatılan konu ile ilgili 1000 kelimelik ingilizce essay yazılacak. En az 5 farklı kaynaktan yararlanmak gerekmektedir. En az üç akademik kaynak kullanılması gerekmektedi...

€30 Average bid
€30 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler
CRM Building
Bitti left

I want somebody to build a CRM system form for the customer of my company. Details will be given...

€1029 Average bid
€1029 Ortalama Teklif
29 teklifler

Tongkun Group Hangzhou eyaletinin Tongxiang City şehrinde konumlanmış. Polyester ve polyester bazlı iplik endüstrisinde hizmet gösteren büyük çaplı anonim ortaklığına sahip bir yatırım şirketidir. Suneast Tekstil ise, Tongkun Group'un Türkiye ve orta doğu piyasalarıyla ilgilenen iletişim ofisidir. Tongkun Group ilk olarak 1982 yılında Tongxiang şehrinde kurulmuş bir sentetik iplik fabrikası olarak hizmete girmiştir. Kurulumdan 30 yıl sonra kendi bünyesi altında polyester iplik imalatı yapan 5 fabrikaya, 13 holding şirketine ve 16.000 çalışanıyla 14 milyar dolar ciroya ulaşmış bir şirket olmuştur. Çin iç piyasasında lider konumda bulunan Tongkun yıllık üretimini 1.8 milyon ton polyester ve 2.1 milyon ton polyester...

€233 - €698
€233 - €698
0 teklifler

Yenilenen websitemiz için SEO ve Link building kurulumu yapacak birini arıyoruz. Proje tesliminin bir ay içinde olmasını istiyoruz. Detaylı bilgi veya websitesinin linki için bana e-mail atabilirsiniz. Teşekkürler!

€235 / hr Average bid
€235 / hr Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

... Ticket Content, File Upload, - - - THIS IS DEFALT FIELS - - - E need extra Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, CRID, (This fiels is unvisible) We will get this fiels value from the url. This fiels saved to ticket tables. Please get phone number and crid value from the the url (with GET) For example i use this url () I want to see old tickets created by this phone number. under the ticket create form if exist. --- TICKET CREATE PAGE --- --- TICKET DETAILS --- I want to see this extra fiels, ( Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, ) under the Ticket info Tab. --- TICKET DETAILS --- --- TICKET LIST --- When i click

€78 Average bid
€78 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

Bütçeyi projeyi konuşup detaylıca konuşup kararlaştırdıktan sonra belirlemek istiyorum. Hi, First of all i want to describe the system which is going to be installed. Building a web site for my restaurant , in which pizza and such products are made and sold this system will use the WooCommerce infrastructure. Therefore, we need to make some customizations on the WooCommerce, and these are shortly: 1. The integration between WooCommerce and Paytrail () because most of the payments will be via this system this must be in our web site. Paytrail has already mentioned on its website that it supports WooCommerce. If pay cash can be realized apart from that, pay system via credit card and paybyway (this can be discussed in terms of security and certificate...

€1269 Average bid
€1269 Ortalama Teklif
17 teklifler
Bitti left

AppStore'da New York City Guide isimli bir uygulama var. Turuncu renkli, Ulmon şirketine ait bir uygulama. Bunun aynısını ya da daha basitini İstanbul şehri için düşünüyorum.

€4795 Average bid
€4795 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

City Transfer şirketi airport-hotel arası lüks minibüsler ile yolcu taşımacılığı yapmaktadır. Müşterilerini internet üzerinden bulmakta sitesinden rezervasyon almaktadır. Hedef kitlesi özellikle İstanbul'a yurtdışından gelen yabancılar ve İstanbul'da yaşayan orta ve üst gelir grubu. İşadamları ilk sırada. Güvenilir vip hizmet, ciddiyet, lüks sınıf yolcu taşıma, özel şoförlü kiralık araç, limuzin kiralama, airport shuttle service konularında hizmet vermektedir. Araçların tamamı siyah olup firma siyahı hakim renk olarak kullanmak istemektedir. Mavi ikincil renk olarak düşünülmektedir. Logo tasarımında bunların dikkate alınmasında yarar görüyoruz.

€30 Average bid
€30 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

Handrail & Balustrade Fabrications Pty Ltd is traditionally a manufacturer who supplies to the building and construction industry. We have great exposure with our current website, getting approx. 2000 hits per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Ortalama Teklif
4 teklifler

Handrail & Balustrade Fabrications Pty Ltd is traditionally a manufacturer who supplies to the building and construction industry. We have great exposure with our current website, getting approx. 2000 hits per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality...

€400 Average bid
€400 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Türkçe Üye olan kişilerin sosyal medya adresleri SQL e kaydedilecek. Bir trigger vasıtası ile o kişinin platformunda paylaşım yapılacak. Bu yapı SQL server tarafında User sosyal medya adresi ...paylaşım yapılacak. Bu yapı SQL server tarafında User sosyal medya adresi - paylaşım başlığı - paylaşım linki - paylaşım gövdesi - şeklinde parametre alacak bir SQL fonksiyonuna dönüştürüp. SQL içine fonksiyon olarak aktarılmalıdır. English Addresses of persons who are members of social media will be saved to SQL. By means of a trigger that person to share platform. User SQL server side of this building social media to address - sharing the title - sharing the link - shared BODY - in the form of an SQL function will convert the parameter. As...

€512 Average bid
€512 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

...alert will come up on that screen showing urgent attention is needed in #4-Bedroom which will be flashing red on their screen (see image 2). Now what I would like from you, is there say 4 sensors you can provide that we can put on each wall in a room to zone it as a room. So each individual room will have a sensor pointing inwards to the room. We need clients to be able to walk anywhere in the building (maybe even have its own wifi device?) and to be able to show what room requires attention. The app already has all the user details and a Notes section will be added...

€650 Average bid
€650 Ortalama Teklif
25 teklifler

We are looking for a skilled developer to help build our community-driven crowdfunding platform. We have a prototype that serves as a guiding framework for replication. The ideal candidate will have experience in developing similar platforms and a strong understanding of community features. Your expertise will hel...for a skilled developer to help build our community-driven crowdfunding platform. We have a prototype that serves as a guiding framework for replication. The ideal candidate will have experience in developing similar platforms and a strong understanding of community features. Your expertise will help us enhance user engagement and streamline the crowdfunding process. If you are passionate about building innovative solutions and have a keen eye for detail, we want to hear...

€552 Average bid
€552 Ortalama Teklif
91 teklifler

...robust AI agent platform. This role focuses on integrating multiple AI agents to streamline workflow automation, enhance social media planning, and support efficient research processes. The ideal candidate will have expertise in connecting APIs, optimizing automation tools, and creating scalable solutions to boost productivity. What We Need from the Developer: Proficiency in N8N or Make for building and managing automation workflows. Experience integrating multiple AI agents (e.g., APIs for content generation, data analysis, or scheduling). Ability to create a seamless system for social media planning, including content scheduling and posting automation. Expertise in setting up research tools to gather, process, and organize data from various sources. Strong problem...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Ortalama Teklif
66 teklifler

I need an expert in data preparation and modelling to assist me in building predictive models. - Main Task: Data preparation and modelling to build predictive models. - Previous Experience: Proven experience in data modelling. - Required Skills: Proficiency in data cleaning and organization, and building predictive models. - Preferred Knowledge: Familiarity with structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. The ideal candidate would be an experienced data scientist with a strong background in predictive modelling.

€1086 Average bid
€1086 Ortalama Teklif
49 teklifler

I'm seeking a mentor with expertise in employment readiness for our NDIS participants, specifically young adults. The focus is on enhancing their skills in resume building, interview preparation, and job searching strategies. Key Responsibilities: - Mentoring young adults with NDIS - Assisting with resume building - Preparing participants for interviews - Teaching job searching strategies Ideal candidates should have: - Experience working with young adults - Background in employment coaching - Understanding of NDIS - Excellent communication skills

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler
Job & Rent Search Software
6 gün left

..., , and - Criteria: job title, required skills/qualifications, required experience, location - Display results as both a list of URL links and an Excel list with the criteria data - Include job descriptions in the search results Rent search application: - Search through a variety of property rental websites - Criteria: for rent, monthly rent limit, location (city), number of rooms - Display results as both a list of URL links and an Excel list with the criteria data - Include brief summaries of properties in the search results Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in software development, particularly in creating web scraping applications, as well as previous work in developing job or property search applications. Proficiency in Python

€19 / hr Average bid
€19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
28 teklifler

...Shopify website. This is a long-term monthly project where we aim to enhance our website’s organic traffic, visibility, and overall performance on search engines. Responsibilities: Conduct in-depth keyword research and implement effective SEO strategies. Optimize website content, meta tags, URLs, and product descriptions for better ranking. Improve on-page and off-page SEO, including link-building strategies. Monitor and analyze website performance using SEO tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. Conduct competitor analysis and identify opportunities for growth. Ensure our website ranks on the first page of Google for relevant keywords. Provide detailed monthly SEO reports with insights and progress updates. Requirements: Proven experience in SEO for e-c...

€46 Average bid
€46 Ortalama Teklif
31 teklifler

...**Dashboard for Daily Tasks** 5. *Statistics* - Count-Conversion-Visits- Lead Sources-Conversion Rates-Visit Rate, Agent performance 6. *Login* 7. Round-Robin *Lead distribution* to agents * Color Coding pf leads. Lead Stage. Lead Status Show in listing, Chat Templates * 1-click dialer (mobile view lead to dial directly without entering number by seeing in laptop) Inventory Management; * Building Name * Room number * Bed Number * Automated Scheduling of New Year and Diwali Wishes, HBD wishes via Whatsapp API I'm in need of a comprehensive system to effectively manage our sales leads. These leads are primarily sourced from our website, social media platforms, and through cold calls. Key Requirements: - The system should be capable of storing vital information ab...

€186 Average bid
€186 Ortalama Teklif
15 teklifler

I'm gearing up to launch a home massage service and I need help managing its social media. I'm looking for a professional and informative tone, aimed at introducing our exciting new service to the city. Key Responsibilities: - Creation of 12 strategic posts for Facebook and Instagram - Posts should focus on the service launch and be designed to attract and engage the local audience - Content should convey a professional and informative tone Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in crafting social media content for service launches - Deep understanding of Facebook and Instagram algorithms and audience engagement strategies - Ability to convey information in a professional and engaging manner If you offer any additional services that could complement this proj...

€43 Average bid
€43 Ortalama Teklif
28 teklifler is open-ended! You have full creative freedom, whether that means a modern design, a stylized illustration, or even a vintage-inspired look based on one of the images I provide. The image should wrap around the book (covering both front and back). A KDP template will be provided to ensure proper sizing and formatting. The book will be 5.5 x 8.5 inches. The cover must include the name of the city, “Lingen,” on the front as well as the word “Notizbuch” to indicate that it is a notebook. Selection Process: I will award the project to the designer with the most creative and visually appealing idea. However, if I love multiple designs, I may reach out to up to three additional designers to work on variations as well. Next Steps: If you’re interes...

€19 Average bid
9 girdi

...Remote Job Type: Full-time/Freelance Salary: TBD About Us: We are a web development startup working with variety of niches including designing and SEO. We are a group of few members dedicated to drive growth and success taking along the team. Job Overview: We are looking for a highly skilled WordPress, Laravel, and React Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate should have experience building and maintaining WordPress websites (Elementor expertise preferred), developing custom web applications in Laravel, and creating interactive front-end components with React. You will work on a variety of client projects, ensuring high-quality, modern, and efficient web solutions. Key Responsibilities: Develop, customize, and maintain WordPress websites using Elementor and custom the...

€7 / hr Average bid
€7 / hr Ortalama Teklif
37 teklifler

...acción. ✅ Investigación y Optimización de Palabras Clave – Identificación de keywords rentables. ✅ SEO On-Page – Optimización de meta títulos, descripciones, URLs, imágenes y contenido. ✅ SEO Técnico – Mejora de velocidad de carga, indexación, optimización móvil y datos estructurados. ✅ SEO Local – Optimización de Google Business Profile, citaciones locales y geolocalización. ✅ SEO Off-Page y Link Building – Creación de backlinks de calidad y aumento de autoridad de dominio. ✅ Estrategia de Contenidos – Creación de blogs, landing pages y contenido optimizado para SEO. Requisitos: ? Experiencia comprobada en SEO (envía ejemplos o caso...

€80 Average bid
€80 Ortalama Teklif
47 teklifler

I need to remodel an existing building to a barbershop. It is located in Las Vegas. You should create architectural plans & MEP design that are compliant with Clark County (Las Vegas) Code. Looking forward to discussing in detail. Thank you.

€2 - €7 / hr
€2 - €7 / hr
6 teklifler

We are seeking an experienced ERPNext/Frappe developer to assist in integrating the Frappe Framework with a custom user interface. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of both the Frappe framework and the ERPNext, with a proven track record of successfully implementing such projects. You will work closely with our team to creat...closely with our team to create an new efficient and user-friendly software that meets our specific needs. Our custom user interface is build on a custom Vue.js-App. You need to implement specific business logic, adjust existing business logic in the ERPNext Back-End, and build custom endpoints to ensure communication between the Front-End and you have the skills and a passion for building seamless integrations, we want to hear from you!

€603 Average bid
€603 Ortalama Teklif
58 teklifler
Clay Expert
6 gün left

Hiring a Clay Expert (Freelanc...cutting-edge automation and data-driven strategies. We’re looking for a Clay Expert (Freelance) to enhance our workflows and optimize our outreach efforts. ? What We’re Looking For: - Deep expertise in Clay – AI Agents, workflow automation, CRM integrations, and data enrichment. - Automation & No-Code skills – Experience with Make, Zapier, and API-based workflows. - Prospecting optimization – Building lead generation flows using intent signals. - Data enrichment & segmentation – Creating dynamic lists with actionable insights. - Strategic mindset – Ability to bridge technology with GTM execution. ? What We Offer: ? High-impact projects in growth and sales automation. ? Fully remote & flexible wo...

€17 / hr Average bid
€17 / hr Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

1- Task is to visit Ministry in Luxembourg physically and take 6-7 geotagged photos of the name board of the institutes captured from outside the building and preferably inside too. Download app for geotagged pics from the link: If you can't get the app, just note down the latitudes and longitudes of the location when you're there and get simple pictures. 2- Get the verification forms filled, signed and stamped by the HR or relevant authority of these locations. 3- Get the details of verifier that is their name, designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal statement with stamp or sign as a proof. If they don't give written, ask them that you want to record them saying their reason and take their details like nam...

€37 Average bid
€37 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm looking for a skilled React developer to help build my company's portfolio website. Key Features: - Project Showcase: The site will need a dedicated section to showcase our work. - About Section: A space to share our company's story and values. - C...share our company's story and values. - Contact Form: A user-friendly form for potential clients or collaborators to get in touch. Requirements: - Proficiency in React: This is a must, as the site will be built using this framework. - Adherence to Provided Designs: I have specific designs and branding guidelines that need to be followed. - Experience with Portfolio Sites: Prior experience in building portfolio sites will be a plus. Your expertise will help bring my vision to life and make our portfolio shine....

€147 Average bid
€147 Ortalama Teklif
152 teklifler

I need an experienced SEO professional to build backlinks for my real estate consultant website. The primary goal is to enhance brand awareness on a national scale. Key Requirements: - Proven track record in SEO and link building for corporate sites. - Ability to generate high-quality, relevant backlinks. - Understanding of strategies to increase brand visibility and awareness. Ideal Experience: - Previous work with e-commerce or corporate sites. - Demonstrated success in link building campaigns.

€45 Average bid
€45 Ortalama Teklif
61 teklifler

I'm looking for a skilled professional to create a high-quality render of a commercial building for client presentation. Key Requirements: - Focus on the exterior view of the building - Ability to create visually appealing and realistic renders - Experience in producing architectural visualizations for commercial buildings - Strong understanding of the requirements for client presentations The goal of this project is to produce a render that effectively communicates the design and features of the building to the client. Your expertise in this area will be crucial in helping to ensure the success of the presentation.

€766 Average bid
€766 Ortalama Teklif
80 teklifler

...Asterisk with FreePBX on our Linux-based server. The setup should be fully configured for inbound and outbound calls, include documentation for number management, and provide detailed instructions on how we can extract call event data (Call Start, Call End, Duration, Caller ID, Destination, etc.) from Asterisk or FreePBX if we decide to integrate it with an external API in the future. Rather than building the API itself, the freelancer should document the methods available within Asterisk/FreePBX to capture and extract call data for further use. The engineer will be required to extensively communicate with our developer team to gather the necessary information and resources, and ensure the setup aligns with our requirements and a faster delivery is ensured. Project Scope & R...

€1488 Average bid
€1488 Ortalama Teklif
26 teklifler

I'm looking for...have MCQ, T/F and FRQ questions. The APP must automatically grade them at the end and give them a score. For the FRQ questions, there will be an example answer and AI must let the students know how accurate they are compared to the example answer. - Mandatory User Authentication: The app will require all users to create an account and log in before they can access the quizzes. Experience with building secure login systems is essential. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Swift and iOS development - Experience with creating educational apps - Knowledge of implementing different quiz formats - Skills in developing secure user authentication systems - UX/UI design experience to create an engaging interface Please provide examples of similar apps you've develop...

€556 Average bid
€556 Ortalama Teklif
132 teklifler does it compare across different cities and property types? Space Utilization: What is the lot utilization ratio (built-up area to lot area percentage) for properties, and how does it vary by property type (e.g., townhouse, apartment, villa)? Cost Distribution: What is the average price per bedroom and price per bathroom, and how do these metrics differ by state or city? Property Age Impact: How does the age of the property (current year minus year built) affect the price per square foot? Garage Influence: What is the impact of garage availability on property prices? Can we derive a garage to lot area ratio and visualize its effect on prices? Regional Insights: How do housing prices vary across different...

€22 Average bid
€22 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

We are looking for an experienced Fire Protection Engineer / Consultant to design a comprehensive fire system and evacuation plan for a high-rise building. The design must be fully compliant with the National Building Code (NBC), Goa Fire Service Laws, and relevant IS/NFPA standards. The scope of work includes all necessary calculations and system design for: ✅ Fire water tank sizing ✅ Fire pump capacity selection ✅ Firefighting pipe sizing (sprinkler, hydrant, hose reel systems) ✅ Evacuation route planning ✅ Fire alarm & detection system design Scope of Work: 1. Fire Protection System Design: • Design an automatic sprinkler system, hydrant system, hose reels, and standpipes. • Perform hydraulic calculations for pipe sizing, flow rate, and pressure loss. &...

€269 Average bid
€269 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler