Sort rating price işler
... If the could not fetch from server the latest fetched from server must use a default one. the keeps a list of object. each of object has an endpoint ai server, client & secret id, preferred order number, and name of ai. The must get from AWS server by HTTP GET method (/api/apps/{ios_or_android_key}/). at least has 4 major ai servers. the ai servers will sort by "preferred order number" and the smaller number is the default ai server. the apps must send attached file and message to the ai server and parse the response from that ai servers and show the pure content in the chat panel. The response if has style must apply and visible on that chat panel. "" holds the endpoint of the servers, authentication, advertisment endpoint and configuration
...integration of APIs throughout the application - In - there are various historical data as formatted csv. I want import Historical Trades to PostgreSQL database, Daily spot and USDM CSV files can be downloaded. I want Vue.JS front end page for upload these downloaded csv files. Backend should be Core Web api. Sample CSV File Columns: id trade ID price Price qty Quantity base_qty Base Quantity time Time in unix time format is_buyer_maker Was the buyer the maker Desired App Features: - PostgreSQL Database Connection - An excellent responsive design that will work across various screen sizes and platforms Ideal Candidate: The ideal candidate for this job should possess profound knowledge and extensive work experience in .NET core and Vue
3 ürün grubunda 20şer adet firma ve fiyat araştırması yapılacak.
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعمال...
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعم...
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعما...
"Customers" will always want 3 scoops of ice cream, served in desired flavor order The player has to click the flavor buttons in order to serve the scoops, one at a time If the scoops flavors are valid and in order, the player gets 1 point Otherwise the player gets no points Here's an example code snippet to get 3 random scoops, that a "...order The player has to click the flavor buttons in order to serve the scoops, one at a time If the scoops flavors are valid and in order, the player gets 1 point Otherwise the player gets no points Here's an example code snippet to get 3 random scoops, that a "customer" would want const getThreeScoops = () => 'vanilla chocolate strawberry ' .repeat(3) .trim() .split(' ') ...
Binance Futures'da girilen geçmiş bir mumdan şimdiki kapanışa kadar USDT koinlerinin yüzde değişim oranı ve bu orana göre sıralama yapacak basit bir Python koduna ihtiyacım var.
entering the products on all the pages in this address one by one, getting the information I want and sending me an e-mail in excel. titles product link product name best selling price and its seller second price I want this 2 times a day, 7 am and 7 pm.
2 or 3 EOS Smart Contract will be write for our project. Contracts containing up to 7 8 functions will be written. We will agree on a price for each contract. Details will be discussed when we agreed.
sitesindeki ürünleri kategori ve alt kırılımları ile beraber ya da ayrı ayrı ürünlerin fiyatlarındaki değişimi anlık olarak takip ederek ilgili ürünün linkini değişimle birlikte mail olarak bildiren bir uygulama yapılması gerekmektedir. Kaynak kodlarda teslim edilecektir.
sanal pazar siteleri , gibi siteleri kategori ve alt kırılımları ile beraber ürünlerin fiyatlarındaki değişimi anlık olarak takip ederek mail olarak değişikliği bildiren bir uygulama yapılması.
...Health Tips by various doctors. Ask Public Questions. Get daily updates of various Events & News. Set Reminder for new appointments , medicines and so on.. Also can give Rating to doctor , hospital and write feedback. Medicine reminders Scribble Pad, Documents Upload *Doctor Accept Appointment requests. Manage Timeslots. Manage Profile. Manage Patient’s Profile. Private Consultations with patients. Can go for Home visit. Post daily Health Tips which is useful to all users. Answer to Public Questions ask by various patient. Post Events details. *Hospital -Clinic Accept Appointments and assign Doctor. Manage Timeslots and Price List per Consultation. Manage Profile. Manage Patient’s Profile. Private Consultations with patients. Post Events details. Post a...
Bubble Sort algoritmasını random ürettirdiğiniz 10 tam sayı için aşağıdaki dillerden birinde yazınız Kotlin, Scala, Go-Lang, Elm, Swift, Objective-C, TypeScript
...Health Tips by various doctors. Ask Public Questions. Get daily updates of various Events & News. Set Reminder for new appointments , medicines and so on.. Also can give Rating to doctor , hospital and write feedback. Medicine reminders Scribble Pad, Documents Upload *Doctor Accept Appointment requests. Manage Timeslots. Manage Profile. Manage Patient’s Profile. Private Consultations with patients. Can go for Home visit. Post daily Health Tips which is useful to all users. Answer to Public Questions ask by various patient. Post Events details. *Hospital -Clinic Accept Appointments and assign Doctor. Manage Timeslots and Price List per Consultation. Manage Profile. Manage Patient’s Profile. Private Consultations with patients. Post Events details. Post a...
Bu projemde İngilizce kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıkları konusunda size detaylı bir biçimde uygun fiyata yardımcı olacağım. In this project, I will help you in detail with the Turkish equivalents of English words at an affordable price.
Göndermiş olduğum belgenin Türkçeye tercümesi. Fix price 8 USD
There is a tray of Turkish delight lokum picture. I want to find center coordinates off all candies (lokums). Opencv Program have to give x,y pixel (coordinate) matrix sort of left to rigt and top to bottom. This three picture show all things.
Merhaba websitesinin ön tarafı için ana sayfa, içerik listeleme, içerik oluşturma, içerik yayınlama, statik bilgilendirme sayfaları, üye ol, profilim, şi...hatası sayfasi gerekli bunların jQuery, Bootstrap 3++, SASS or CSS olması gereklidir. Sayfaların görsel tasarımı ve renk uyumu önemlidir. Arka taraf yazılmış durumdadır. Teşekkürler Hello to whom it may concern, the website for the frontend; the scope is home page, content listing, content creation, content publishing, static information pages, sign up, my profile, forgot my password, content rating, 404 error page, 500 server error pages required. These are has to be written one of these (jQuery, Bootstrap 3 ++, SASS or CSS). The visual design and color matching of the page...
Lojistik hizmeti veren platformumuzda sistem api ile DHL, TNT veya UPS üzerinden izleme numarasını alıp bizim sitemiz üzerinden detayları bizim logomuz altında ıca İzlenecek olan gönderinin oluşturulmasını da DHL, TNT veya UPS ten api ile bizim kendi web sitemizden gireceğimiz bilgiler dahilinde oluşturmasını sağlayacağız.
10 changes to be made in the appendix. Maybe 7-8 of them are very simple. Do not bid high price
Merhaba, Trizm sektörü için Gelişmiş fiyat karşılaştırma sitesi yaptırılacakt...Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçip detaylı projeyi benden öğrenebilirler. Tşk Hello, All sectors([url removed, login to view],Markets,Travel,Tourism,Banks,) services, products, company Advanced price comparison site/scripts be done. Web site and admin panel language will be Turkish(No Google Translate) xml, rss, boots and manual data entry will be made. Constantly looking for friends to support us Details of the project can learn from my friends who are ...
Liderin altına üye tanımlama alt üyelerden komisyon tanımlama networkig gibi bir modül arıyorum.Üyeler benim ürünlerimi satacak ve komisyon kazanacaklar. İngilizcesi iyi olan bir arkadaş sanırım aşağıdaki modüllerden hangisinin benim işime yaradığını sö varsa başka modül önerisi oda olabilir. Modül 1 İngilizcesi iyi olan bir arkadaş sanırım aşağıdaki modüllerden hangisinin benim işime yaradığını sö varsa başka modül önerisi oda olabilir. Modül 1 Modül2
alınacak 26000 emlak ilanı fotografı için tek tek elle watermark temizleme işlemi yapılmasını önce tool satın aldık ancak arkaplan karmaşık olunca işe yaramıyor bu yüzden tek tek temizleme işlemi olması önemlidir.Örnek olarak 3 tane fotograf gö fotograf başı olacak maliyeti ve 26000 resim için olacak toplam maliyeti öğrenmek ı zamanda gü...olarak 3 tane fotograf gö fotograf başı olacak maliyeti ve 26000 resim için olacak toplam maliyeti öğrenmek ı zamanda günlük kaç adet fotografı bitirebilecekseniz onunda bilgisini paylaşırsanız sevinirim. I need someone to clear watermarks for 26000 images.I sent these sample images so if there is anyone interested so I can see your work and than we can talk for the ...
Görsellik ön planda olacak. Star rating sistemi ile filmler oylanıp diğer oylanmayan filmler dinamik bir şekilde ekrana gelecek. Ana sayfa, öneri sayfası, film detay sayfası, kullanıcı sayfası tasarlanacak. Örnek Site :
I want to improve an existing website theme by adding some features. The theme link is this: I want to add a review system to this theme. The review system should be connected with agent profiles and it should be filterable like those in the following websites : http://www.zillow.c...some features. The theme link is this: I want to add a review system to this theme. The review system should be connected with agent profiles and it should be filterable like those in the following websites : It may be a plugin which may be added to existing theme. It is preferable if the rating system can be also used for the properties too.
...print from the printer at the restaurant (having, place to go, the customer name and the price etc. as order information) ( I can make the physical configuration of the printer) 3. The membership for the customers and this membership can be possible to make via social platforms such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter. 4. Order status informative mail for customers when they ordered (for example: your order will be received within 45 minutes, etc.) 5. When the customers open an order: for example he orders a pizza. While he is choosing the specialties of the pizza such as S, M, L, the administrator can add or omit the ingredients that are determined before ''as seen on below photo'' the unit price of the added/omitted products must effect the cos...
Merhaba, Bütün sektörler,hizmetler,ürünler,firmalar için Gelişm...Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçebilirler Tşk Hello, All sectors(,Markets,Travel,Tourism,Banks,) services, products, company Advanced price comparison site/scripts be done. Web site and admin panel language will be Turkish(No Google Translate) xml, rss, boots and manual data entry will be made. Constantly looking for friends to support us Details of the project can learn from my friends ...
dhgate . com sitesinin klo nuna ihtiyacım var. fiyat, süre, revizyon adedi şeklinde teklif veriniz... i need a clo ne website for dhgate . com price, time and revisions pls?
...Requirements: Homepage: Highlight features like instant bookings, available turfs, and promotional offers. Include a search bar for location-based turf searching. User Registration/Login: User authentication (email/password and social login). Separate dashboards for users and admin. Turf Listings: Dynamic display of available turfs with images, descriptions, and pricing. Option to filter and sort by location, price, and availability. Booking System: Admin Panel: Manage turf listings (add/edit/delete). View and manage bookings. Generate reports (revenue, booking stats). Mobile-First Design: Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and works seamlessly on all devices. Additional Features: Customer reviews and ratings for turfs. FAQs section for users. Contact form or ch...
...Requirements: Homepage: Highlight features like instant bookings, available turfs, and promotional offers. Include a search bar for location-based turf searching. User Registration/Login: User authentication (email/password and social login). Separate dashboards for users and admin. Turf Listings: Dynamic display of available turfs with images, descriptions, and pricing. Option to filter and sort by location, price, and availability. Booking System: Admin Panel: Manage turf listings (add/edit/delete). View and manage bookings. Generate reports (revenue, booking stats). Mobile-First Design: Ensure the website is mobile-friendly and works seamlessly on all devices. Additional Features: Customer reviews and ratings for turfs. FAQs section for users. Contact form or ch...
We have a lot of Sketchup models that we would like converted to a standard CAD format - .stp, .igs or .FCStd would be fine. This isn't just using an online converter; I want the curves converted to proper curves rather than t...stp, .igs or .FCStd would be fine. This isn't just using an online converter; I want the curves converted to proper curves rather than the segmented curves of Sketchup, the models - to some extent at least - will probably have to be redrawn. If we're satisifed with the price and quality of the job, we may also be interested in having additional drawings done, including reinforcing cages, new products etc. Would start with one model, and go from there. Please note price on project is kind of not relevant. Please advise price...
I'm seeking a designer to create engaging, tech-oriented social media content (Instagram and YouTube) for a month. The content will primarily be educational programming tutorials. Complete scripts will be provided. - Content Format: Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, Instagram posts, and carousels. - Style: All visuals should be tech-oriented, in line with ...Instagram reels, YouTube shorts, Instagram posts, and carousels. - Style: All visuals should be tech-oriented, in line with the theme of programming/coding. - Color Scheme: Use brand colors similar to the logo that will be shared. - Deadline: Ideally, this should be completed within 2 days. Sample code script has been shared. Please share your previous work for evaluation, along with your bidding price. Feel free to ask...
I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in CodeIgniter to create a c...experience. - User Reviews & Ratings: I want my customers to be able to leave reviews and ratings on products, so a reliable implementation of this feature is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP and CodeIgniter framework. - Previous experience in developing e-commerce sites. - Strong understanding of user interface and user experience design principles. - Knowledge of implementing review and rating systems. We attached requirements for the project. The requirements were originally for a Shopify customization. However, it was determined that customizing Shopify in such a way would be time consuming. Please provide examples of similar projects you've worked on ...
...descriptions, prices, and categories. Search and Filter Options: A powerful search engine where users can filter products based on categories, price ranges, brands, and location. Product Details: Each listing should have detailed information including images, seller info, price, product condition (new/used), etc. Messaging System: In-app messaging for buyers and sellers to communicate. Rating & Reviews: Users can rate and review sellers based on their experience. Payment Integration: Enable secure transactions via integrated payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or in-app payment systems. Push Notifications: Notify users of new listings, messages, price drops, etc. Geolocation: Based on the user’s location, show listings within a spec...
...individual books. This involves searching for a new cover image using the Google Search API and caching it. --User Interface: The application has a user-friendly interface. Users can easily view books, update cover images, and clear the cache. --Lazy Loading: The application uses lazy loading to load only the cover images that are close to the screen. This allows the page to load faster. --Book Rating: Users can rate the books. Some improvements to be made: 1- Cleaner code. 2- Commented explanations for functions and numbered hierarchy before each function code. 3- A small summary of the book to be fetched from internet. 4- Suggestions are welcome. Important: Bidders please bid if you are experienced in this type of projects. Do not say I am a full stack developer etc. And do...
I'm looking for a web scraping expert to write a program to gather data from HKTVMAll, an e-commerce platform. The data points of interest include: - Product names - our shop's sales price - our shop's inventory - our shop's sales volume - Product Images - Other seller's Prices (Sort in ascending order) - Top 3 cheapest seller name, sales volume, Inventory and product expire date(if any) The scraped data should be delivered in an Excel format. The program can run timely & automatically and can add searching product by ourselves. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in web scraping, especially from e-commerce websites. - Proficiency in data extraction and manipulation. - Ability to deliver data in the specified fo...
Please send short list of any questions and your price. I am looking to do this as cheaply as possible, I have 2 financial years that need completing. Don't worry about the small talk "hi, how are you etc" just send your best price and I will let you know if we can proceed. There is not a lot of transactions - maybe 30 sales and 30 expenses per year to be updated I need assistance updating our company's financial documents with adjusted annual sales figures to ensure everything is balanced. The documents that require updating include the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement. Currently, these documents are in Excel spreadsheets. Skills and experience ideal for this job include: - Proficiency in Excel - Strong understanding of fin...
...Pass Unlimited Sea World ticket prices per date daily ticket price dailt quick queue price You will ADD also Busch Gardens Tampa Florida (you should be able to copy and paste the code and routine from the SeaWorld Website as those two parks are owned by the same company so their websites have the same layout. You will also grab the prices for Universal Studios (same as above and the same process but you just toggle the yes im a florida resident button) Simple to copy and paste the code from the existing, your just grabbing two different option prices for each ticket type above. (note you do not need to do this for the express pass because there is no discount for florida resident) Store these values in a new column in the price table. In addition, you will co...
...Registration/Login for Buyer/Seller Profile management and role-switching Admin panel for user, product, and event management Listing Management: Sellers can upload products, categorize them, and set prices (Buy Now or Auction) Buyers can browse, search, and filter listings Advanced Search & Filters: Search by keywords, category, price, location, brand Filters like size, price range, condition, and shipping options User Interaction: In-app messaging between buyers and sellers Rating & review system for sellers Payment Integration: Stripe, PayPal, and Apple Pay integration for secure payments Order confirmation and processing Shipping Integration: Sellers define shipping preferences Shipping labels and tracking with USPS API Event Management: Admin post...
...available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. 1. Multivendor Ecommerce Platform (Web & Mobile) Features and Functionalities: User Registration & Login: Social media login (Google, Facebook, Apple) and email registration. Two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security. Product Listings: Advanced product categorization, filter, and sorting options (price, brand, rating). Support for product variants (size, color). Product Search: AI-powered smart search with autocorrect, suggestions, and voice search. Search filters for brands, prices, ratings, etc. User Reviews & Ratings: Ability to rate products, leave reviews, and include media (photos/videos). Review moderation sys...
I need someone to help me organize my vacation photos. Key Requirements: - Sort the pictures by event - Ensure easy access for personal use - Creativity for portfolios or album creation I would also like to make vacations albums for each vacation or event. 43 Countries and 7 Contenants. Ideal Skills: - Photo editing and organizing - Attention to detail, but any image submitted that is clearly AI with things that look off-kilter and weird will definitely not have any chance. Please don't waste our time and your time with that. If we get several great entries, there's a good chance we'll offer something to also use some of the runner-ups. So if you don't win, you might still get something for your entry. In the meantime, we'll give a basic rating of 1-4 stars for every entry (5 stars is only for the eventual winner), and some feedback where I think it will be helpful (but probably not on every entry). 3-4 stars and you're doing great. If something is a 1 or 2, you can submit again, but please come back with something very different... we don't need a dozen slight variations of something tha...
...Based Sample Based Diagnostic Booking Service | Time Slot Based Tool Based Diagnostic Booking Service | Time Slot Based Recurring On-site Physiotherapy booking service | Time Slot Based Recurring Visit-based Physiotherapy booking service | Time Slot Based C: There can be two ways to lock the deal(Admin will set anyone method globally for each service) Fixed Price for slot Request for Quote for slot(Note: It will show a general price range to give an idea). D: How will the booking be distributed? System Task: The first task will be to get the location of the user and filter out the services available for his city/region(geo-fence using pincode) based on the available service providers. Note: Admin will set either of the one method for the whole system globally, or se...
I'm looking for a professional who can assist in mining data from local stores. Collect information about local stores all over the world such as their location, phone number, email, images, and other details. - Store Name - Address(Location) - Phone number(Email) - Website - Rating - Photos (Images) - Opening hours - Categories & Products detail(Product Name, Videos, Images, Stock, Introduction) This is aim to analyze data and extract needed information, so all process has to be automation and needs real-time data. It isn't allowed actions restricted on public policies such as google. This is first step in out project and if you have complete this successfully we will assign its next step. In other words, this is a long-term project.
Hi, i can provide Excel sheets for Amazon wholesale product searching. The data should be organized for easy analysis of profitable products. Key Responsibilities: - Identify profitable products on Amazon - Analyze product competition, demand, and pricing - Organize product data including but not limited to: Title, ASIN, price, ranking, supplier info, product trends, and sales data The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in Amazon FBA product research - Proficiency in Excel with the ability to create complex spreadsheets - Strong analytical skills to assess product profitability Product data will need to be updated on a weekly basis. Please note that I have not provided a specific template for the Excel sheets, so creativity and a keen understanding of data orga...
I'm looking for a video editor who can produce engaging, colorful and fun interactive quiz videos. These videos should be modern and clean, with motion graphics, animations and smooth t...videos that hold viewer's attention - Modern and clean editing style with motion graphics, animations and smooth transitions - Strong understanding of narrative, pacing and audience engagement - Proficient in After Effects, Premiere Pro or other professional editing tools Additional Details: - We can provide the script, or we can discuss guidelines for the freelancer to create it, depending on price and comfort. - The final video should be professional, attractive and well-structured. - Please send us your portfolio with examples of previous videos related to quizzes, educational content...
...fees will be paid upfront or a contact needs to be established (I speak spanish) - this could be a separate agreement. The task is splitted into 1. creating the press release and 2. successfully submitting it to media outlets in Mexico (there should be network agencies availble). For the first part my budget is around USD 100,-. For the 2. Part (distribution) it will depend on the package price of the media network. I assume it will be best if the freelancer connects me with a media distribution network like agencia eluniversal or similar to avoid upfront cost. For the 2nd part my budget is again around 100 USD for making the arrangements and proposals for best placement of the press release So 2 milestones: 1. press release, 10 days, 100 USD 2. research media outle...
...descriptions, prices, and categories. Search and Filter Options: A powerful search engine where users can filter products based on categories, price ranges, brands, and location. Product Details: Each listing should have detailed information including images, seller info, price, product condition (new/used), etc. Messaging System: In-app messaging for buyers and sellers to communicate. Rating & Reviews: Users can rate and review sellers based on their experience. Payment Integration: Enable secure transactions via integrated payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or in-app payment systems. Push Notifications: Notify users of new listings, messages, price drops, etc. Geolocation: Based on the user’s location, show listings within a spec...
I have a list of 35,000 low volume keywords that I need to establish keyword difficulty for using SEMRUSH. Anyone who has the bulk SEMrush tool and interested in this job let me know. Fixed fee: $25 Deadline: 48 hours once project agreed. If you are available for the work and happy with the price please use the following text to be considered ''i have the necessary semrush tools, happy to complete this work in the next 48 hours for the agreed price''