Simulate smooth mouse movements vbnet işler
Modelde karyola tek parça, sadece üzerindeki yatak ayrı bir parça. Görüntü çalışmanın smooth hali. Yani 3 tuşuna basarak smooth haline baktığınızda görsellerdeki gibi görünmeli. Derste kullandığımız extrude, bridge (köprü), boleoan gibi teknikleri kullanarak yapmanızı bekliyorum.
Göndereceğim 4 fotoğrafı mouse scroll hareketi ile hareketlendirerek 3d görünümlü slider hareketi yapılmasını isteyeceğim
hali hazırda yazılı olan bir projem var projemin içeri klavye mouse hareketleri bazlı resim ve rgb tarama üzerine kurulmuş bir otomasyon bu hali hazırda olan kodlarımın klavye input kullanımı kullandıgım platform tarafından getirlen güncelleme ile engellendi yani klavye mouse tuş vuruşları yapay oldugunu bi şekilde anlıyorlar yazdıgım scriptin donanım olarak algılanmasını sağlamak istiyorum bu konuda ücreti karşılığında yardım edecek arkadaşları bekliyorum
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعمال...
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعم...
We need a WhatsApp bot that can sort customers' inquiries and transfer them to employees, while also logging the movements in our CRM system. I would like to clarify the required experience and working methodology, and we can discuss the development platform later once the work details have been clearly defined. Please only apply if you have previous experience and attach any relevant previous work. The budget and timeline will be determined later based on the workload. -- crm مطلوب انشاء بوت واتساب وربطه بنظام crmنحتاج لبوت واتساب يفرز العملاء على شكل اسئلة ويحولها الى الموظفين ويحفظ التحركات في نظام ال اتمنى توضيح الخبرة وطريقة العمل التي ستكون وعن طريق اي نظام ممكن مناقشة ذلك لاحقا ايضا بعد توضيح العمل بشكل مفصل الرجاء التقديم من اصحاب الخبرة السابقة فقط وارفاق اعما...
I need 3D vehicle models with PBR material and maps to be used for games. Truck, Bus, Minibus Etc. Photos of the vehicles will be given and modeled on it. PBR textures will be made in substance painter. Max poly will be 50k It will have a smooth topology Coatings and PBR maps will be made It will be compatible with the game engine Detailed explanation will be made
Yarim Yada Hatali Bir Macro Script Projesi Var Elimde Bunu Onarmak Yada Hatalari Giderip Çalişir Hale Getirmek
Merhaba. Pythonla ilgili yardima ihtiyacim var. Mouse hareketlerini pc kamerasindan el ile kontrol etmek istiyorum. Bunun icin bana ders verebilirmisiniz. Bir de Python da yazilmis random olarak ekrana getirilen 2 resim arasindan secim yapan bir kodum var. ornegin toplam 20 resim var. Ekrana resim olarak geliyor 2 sinden birini seciyorum diger resimlere geciyor. Bu resimlerin tamami bitmeden tekrar eden resimlerin ekrana gelmemesini istiyorum. Umarim anlatabilmisimdir. Size uygunsa ders almak isterim
ivriz kaya kabartma figürünün resimlerinden vektorel çizimi yapılacak. Daha sonra bu vektörel çizime yükseklik kazandırılarak 3D STL relif oluşturulacak. Yüzeylerdeki kaya dokusuna ve deformasyonlara ihtiyaç yoktur. Smooth yüzeyler istenmektedir.
...fonts and colors - Drawing with the mouse on the board, drawing types (thick thin silky gold polishing) - Ability to authorize students for writing - Live video / audio sharing from the camera - Authorization of cameras of students depending on the will of the teacher, if they want, students can enable their cameras too. - Live chat box - Ability to add slides and move on them and draw on them with mouse - Setting the necessary back-end of the software with comments on how to integrate. - A box to ask questions - The student will be able to talk if the "raise hand" feature is confirmed by a notification that will appear on the screen of this learning. - Current student list - Record of the movements and video of the webrtc, the playability feature. Move...
Windows C ya da C++ Mouse and keyword programını herkes bilir ben bu programa ctrl + f yani herhangi bi site içinde mouse recorder taklit yaparken karşısına belirledigim bir metini arayacak o metni bulursa tekrar site içinde ayni komutları yapacak ufak bi ekleme istiyorum sadece..
...diğer düğüme ok çekecek ve bu iki düğüm komşu olacak) -Kullanıcı komşulukları belirledikten sonra yukarıda belirtilen algoritmalardan(bfs, dfs, prim, dijikstra, a*) birini seçtiğinde dolaşmayı o algoritmaya göre yapmalı. (Algoritmaların bulunduğu bir menü olmalıdır.) -Dolaşırken hangi sırada dolaştığının belli olması için boyama yaparak dolaşmalıdır. -Eklenilen düğüm silinebilmelidir. (Mouse sağ click veya buton ile veya başka bir yöntem) -Tüm düğümler silinebilmelidir(Clear Butonu veya başka bir yöntem) -Durdur, Devam et ve Geri Al seçenekleri olmalıdır. (Dolaşma sırasının anlık izlenebilmesi için) -Dolaşma hızı ayarlanabilmelidir. -Grafikler daire şekilleri o...
Linux Java Admin bilgisayarı subnetteki istedigi bilgisayari remote edicek . bağlandığı bilgisayarın ekran paylaşımını görücek. mouse ve klavyesini de kontrol edebilicek. Aynı zamanda admin bilgisayarı subnetteki bilgisayara ekranını broadcast edebilicek.
...benim istediğim adreste verdiğim excell dosyasındaki yazıları istediğim kutulara girecek istediğim yerde 10-15 saniye bekleyecek bir tuşla tekrar aktif edebilieceğim bir makro programı istiyorum örnek olarak a girip veridğim excel dosyasındaki metinleri girecek yaptığım mouse hareketlerini tekrar yapacak onay captha ekranı çıktığında bekleyecek sonra ctrl+q tuşuyla mesela devam ettirebileceğim bir program istiyorum program farklı sitelerde çalışmalı istediğim şey site bazlı değildir mouse hareketlerimi kaydetmesi ve verdiğim excel dosyasındaki verileri ben klavyeden giriyormuşum gibi algılayabilmesini istiyorum bu yüzden excell dosyasındaki değişkenlerle gireceği yerdeki text box ları birbirine gösterebilmeliyim yani bir mail açark...
projeksiyon ile zemine görüntü yansıtacağız. görüntü üzerine gelen kişileri bilgisayar mouse imleci ile eşleştirmek istiyoruz. mause ekrandaki kişileri takip edecek.
Kendi oluşturduğum bir database'im var. Bu database'imizde bulunan lokasyonları "örn. Ertuğrul Mah." bana sürekli (5-10sn) yenilenen sayfa üzerindeki haritada (harita görseli veya Google Earth üzerinde) nokta olarak gösterebilecek. Mouse ile bu lokasyonun üzerine gelindiğinde, o lokasyon ile ilgili popup bilgi gösterecek. Bir yazılıma ihtiyacım var.
un ana sayfasındaki gibi 5 frame içinde farklı bölümlere yönlendirebileceğimiz linkler ve mouse bölüm üzerine geldiğinde arka planın resminin %100 ekran boyutuna uyarak değişmesi fakat aynen 1 e 1 olması gerekiyor çalışma prensibinin lütfen dior sitesini incelemeden mesaj yazmayınız
rc araç için civic ep3 typer kasa kep yapılması gerekiyor, daha önce yapmayı denedik fakat çok hatalı oldu obje , tek seferde birebir aynısını çıkaracak birilerini arıyorum, veya benim çalışma üstünde düzenleme yapabilecek 3d baskıya uygun hali getirebilecek, kare kare olmayacak smooth yüzey yaratabilecek birileri araç oem makyajlı kasa olacak mugen spoileri ve far ile stop içi ayrı olacak , kep için light bucket ayarlanması için. gerekli fotoğrafı ve bilgiler sayfasında mevcut
online satis sitemizdir 2008 den beri anda indoor & outdoor bahce malzemeleri satmaktayiz. ornegin , topraksiz tarim sistemleri / hydroponic system bitki yetistirme lambalari bitki yetistirme kabinleri havalandirma urunleri bitki besinleri en guclu oldugumuz taraflar yukarida yazdigim kategorilerdir. projede istenilenler : smooth garden logosundada gorulecegi uzerine yesil ve mavi renkleri seviyoruz ama creative ligi daha cok seviyoruz. topraksiz tarim ile ugraswtigimiz icin icinde muhakkak toprak ve su temalari olmali gozleri rahatsiz etmeyecek relax bir calisma olacak. mp4 formatinda olmasina ozen icin ekleme yaptim. yaptigim arastirmalarda bu islerin en iyi adobe after effect ile olacagi kanisina
...and penetration testing should be considered to identify and mitigate any potential vulnerabilities. 10. **Scalability and Performance Optimization** The integration should be designed with scalability in mind, ensuring that the system can handle increasing volumes of data as the business grows. The solution should be optimized for performance, minimizing delays in data transfer and ensuring smooth communication between the ERP system and the fulfillment network. This includes handling large batches of data, optimizing API calls, and minimizing system downtime during high-demand periods. 11. **Error Handling and Monitoring** To ensure that the integration runs smoothly, the developer should implement comprehensive error handling and monitoring mechanisms. This includes auto...
I'm looking for a MATLAB expert who can help me simulate an M/G/c model with some modifications to service time distribution and plot the results. - The service time distribution function needs to be changed to an Exponential distribution. - I will provide the specific rate (λ) values to be used for the exponential distribution, and other parameters I have experience working with these models and can assist in the process. Ideal candidates for this project should be proficient in MATLAB, have a strong understanding of queuing theory, and be able to interpret and visualize simulation results. Ultimately, I need the MATLAB code to run the simulation, and for you to plot the results in a clear and understandable manner.
Project: Domain Health Check & Maintenance Support Project Overview: We are looking for an expert who can help us analyze, maintain, and improve our domain health to ensure smooth email deliverability. Recently, our domain was blocked while running an email marketing campaign, and we need professional assistance to identify the issues, implement best practices, and prevent future blocks. Scope of Work: Domain Health Audit – Identify the reasons for the domain block and assess its current reputation. Email Deliverability Improvement – Ensure emails reach inboxes by optimizing DNS settings (SPF, DKIM, DMARC). Blacklist Removal Assistance – Help us delist from any blacklists and restore domain credibility. Ongoing Monitoring & Maintenance – Regularly...
I need a developer to create a WebView Android app that will convert my website into a native Android app, supporting the latest Google Android versions (SDK 34 and 35). The app should display my website's content seamlessly, providing users with a smooth, native-like experience. The key features to include are: - Push notifications for new content or updates. - YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook support within the app. - URL redirection to an external browser when necessary. - Web error page handling for situations like 404 or connection issues. - Customizable settings such as zooming, JavaScript support, and more. The app needs to support all types of website content, including news and articles, e-commerce products, and multimedia content. Push Notifications: I need push notif...
I'm looking for a talented designer with a knack for modern aesthetics to help create an appealing and functional design for my restaurant. Key Areas: - Dining area: This space needs to be welcoming, comfortable, and able to accommodate varying group sizes. - Kitchen: The design should facilitate a smooth workflow. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in modern design principles. - Experience in restaurant interior design. - Ability to create functional, yet stylish spaces. a 12x50ft space into a casual dining restaurant with a modern design aesthetic. The primary focus should be on the dining area and the kitchen. Key Responsibilities: - Design the dining area to embody a casual yet modern feel. - Ensure the kitchen is both functional and harmoniously integrated into the overall desig...
...TFN/DIDs Provider for USA with 5 Extensions. Unlimited incoming and outgoing for a month . Works on month to month subscription basis . Can be able to see the status of Extension user like active , idle or waiting for calls . Facility to download the call reports to check like how many calls have landed . Options to change the Main TFN/DID Number whenever required . Must ensure seamless and smooth working on day to day basis. Month basis guarantee and warranty for the TFN / DIDs service . Monthly budget is not more than $150 with 5 Extensions. Second requirement is getting a single DID for incoming and outgoing facility. With an easy option to login from Windows or Android or Ios device .( $15 budget max ) Thirdly , need a forwarding panel to forward the incoming cal...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to implement a WebSocket connection...implement a WebSocket connection using Pusher for real-time personnel tracking on a map. This project involves creating live updates that reflect the movements of personnel on a designated map. Key Requirements: - Strong experience with WebSocket technology and Pusher - Proven track record in developing real-time tracking systems - Familiarity with map-based tracking implementations Ideal Skills: - WebSocket and Pusher expertise - Real-time system development - Map-based tracking systems - Personnel tracking systems The successful candidate will help create a reliable, efficient tracking system that provides real-time updates on personnel movements. Please share your past experience related to this ...
I need a minimalist-style landing page for product sales directly from Facebook. Key Requirements: - Direct sales optimization: The landing page must be mobile friendly to facilitate smooth, hassle-free purchases. - Payment Gateway Integration: Experience with integrating PayPal and Stripe - Minimalist Design: A sleek, uncluttered, minimalist design is imperative. It should be modern yet simple, without any bold or overly colorful elements. Please use this as template
...retrieve and synchronize data. o Retrieval of player and competition history archives. o Integration of Botola Pro 1 and 2 statistics (clubs, players, results, rankings, etc.).________________________________________ 5 - Transfer management o Creation of a table listing all transfers of Moroccan players or players of Moroccan origin. • Add a transfer history to the player's file to track his movements from club to club. ________________________________________ 6 - Multi-sport and compatibility o Activation and configuration of Sportspress for multiple sports (basketball, handball, futsal, etc.). o Checked WPML compatibility for content translation (teams, clubs, statistics, etc.).________________________________________ 7 - Moroccan league management (Botola Pro ...
...Animated pop-ups with text, images, or videos appear as users move through key points on the road. Navigation Options: Interactive scrolling and clickable points of interest, with fallback navigation for accessibility. Responsive Design: Fully optimized for mobile and desktop, including touch gestures like pinch, zoom, and swipe. Technical Details: Preferred Tools: for 3D rendering, GSAP for smooth scrolling and animations. Compatibility: Ideally developed as a WordPress-compatible custom theme or plugin. Lightweight and optimized for fast loading on all devices. Deliverables: Fully functional website with the above features. Responsive design across all devices. Source code and clear documentation. Please include links to similar interactive projects you’ve developed an...
...for a professional to revamp my PowerPoint presentation aimed at students and teachers. The presentation is educational in nature, and I need it to be engaging and visually appealing. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of Infographics: I need my data and information presented in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand manner. - Use of Animations: The presentation should include creative and smooth animations to keep the audience interested and make the content more digestible. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PowerPoint and graphic design. - Experience creating educational presentations. - Ability to create engaging infographics and animations. - Understanding of the needs and interests of students and teachers. Please provide examples of similar projects you&...
I'm looking for a professional to create a client matrix from a list of clients along with fields like name, address (street, street number, block etc.). Once the fields are completed, the form should register the data in a...matrix from a list of clients along with fields like name, address (street, street number, block etc.). Once the fields are completed, the form should register the data in a MySQL database. If there are existing records, the form should update them instead of creating duplicates. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in creating forms and data matrices - Extensive experience with MySQL - Ability to ensure smooth data registration and updating process Please note that all data will be entered manually by a user. There are no specific validation checks needed for t...
I will help you with deploying the ERP software on the server. This includes setting up the necessary configurations, ensuring smooth integration, and verifying that all modules are functioning correctly.
...our AI-powered healthcare claims management solution. The video should be engaging, professional, and visually appealing, with smooth animations, modern graphics, and a clear message. Requirements: ✅ Duration: 60-90 seconds ✅ Style: 2D motion graphics with smooth transitions (infographic style, tech-inspired) ✅ Voiceover: Yes (we can provide the script, but if you offer VO services, let us know) ✅ Background Music & Sound Effects: Yes ✅ Script & Storyboard: We have a draft, but need refinement and suggestions ✅ Format: HD (1080p) or higher, suitable for social media and presentations ✅ Delivery Time: 1-2 weeks What We Expect: ? High-quality animations with smooth transitions ? Clean and modern design that aligns with AI and healthcare themes ? Engaging vis...
...YouTube Shorts, and Instagram Reels. The goal is to replicate the quality seen in reference videos with natural hand movements, dynamic shadows, and smooth, professional animations, fully automated through a custom Blender add-on. ? Key Features of the Add-on: ✅ Import image sequences (PNG, optional JPEG, and WebP)and video. ✅ Auto-generate flipbook pages and map images in order. ✅ TWO unique, original 3D hand models (no asset libraries): 1 -Vertical flipbook (portrait format) with one original 3D 1 - Horizontal flipbook (landscape format) with one original 3D Realistic hand animations based on video references, with: ✅Subtle hand oscillations for realism. ✅Smooth page flips with flex and bounce-back effects. ✅ Dynamic shadows from hands and be...
I am looking for an experienced Laravel developer to upgrade my existing Laravel application from version 5 to the latest stable release (Laravel 11). The project involves ensuring full compatibility, fixing any deprecated features, and making necessary code adjustments to ensure smooth functionality after the upgrade. Project Requirements: 1. Upgrade Laravel Framework from version 5 to Laravel 11. 2. Update Dependencies – Ensure all required packages, third-party integrations, and composer dependencies are compatible with Laravel 11. 3. Refactor Deprecated Code – Modify any outdated methods, functions, and libraries no longer supported. 4. Ensure Full Functionality – Test and validate that all features work as intended after the upgrade. 5. Database Compatib...
We are looking for a skilled professional to help set up, manage, and optimize multiple social media and email accounts for our client’s international growth strategy. This includes platforms like Gmail, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others. We need support in: ✅ Account Setup & Management – Ensuring a smooth, secure, and scalable approach ✅ Strategy – Implementing best practices to optimize account longevity and effectiveness ✅ Automation (if safe) – Streamlining processes while maintaining compliance ✅ Compliance – Ensuring accounts adhere to platform policies to prevent bans or restrictions Currently, we are considering GoLogin for secure account management but are open to expert recommendations on better tools or approaches. Key Responsibilities: C...
I need a custom image slider for my Shopify store's Dawn theme. The slider will feature images of my product collection. The specifications are as follows: - Transition: The slider should show all product images continuously and sliding horizontally. - Display: The slider should display all product images a...product collection. The specifications are as follows: - Transition: The slider should show all product images continuously and sliding horizontally. - Display: The slider should display all product images at once without stopping. - Loop: The slider should loop infinitely. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience with Shopify and the Dawn theme, and be able to implement a smooth, visually appealing image slider that enhances the user experience on m...
...payment gateway plugin for our website. The plugin will integrate with a specific API endpoint provided to process payments. This plugin will allow customers to securely make payments using our payment provider and integrate smoothly with our existing WordPress setup. Key Requirements: API Integration: Integrate the payment provider's API (endpoint provided) into a custom WordPress plugin. Ensure smooth communication between the plugin and the API for payment processing. Custom Payment Gateway Plugin: Develop a payment gateway plugin that supports one or more payment methods (e.g., credit card, debit card, PayPal, etc.) as per the API documentation. Make sure the plugin can be installed and activated directly from the WordPress admin panel. Security: Implement necessary...
I need an experienced React.js developer to create an interactive live streaming platform using Agora. The application should support both web and mobile platforms. Key Features: - Live Streaming: The core functionality of the application is live streaming. The streams should be smooth, reliable, and able to support a large number of viewers. - Guest Login: The user authentication for this platform should only require a guest login. This will help to increase accessibility and reduce barriers to entry for users. - Interactive Chat: The live stream should be accompanied by a chat feature. This chat should support emojis, allowing users to express themselves during the stream. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React.js and experience with Agora SDK. - Prior experience developing both ... for bug fixes and questions. Ideal Freelancer Profile • Extensive experience with Asterisk & FreePBX setup. • Strong knowledge of VoIP security, SIP, and call logging. • Ability to write clear, step-by-step documentation. • Experience with Asterisk AMI, AGI, and CDR logs. • Fluent in English for effective communication. • Willing to work closely with our developer team to ensure a smooth implementation. Deliverables • Fully installed and configured Asterisk + FreePBX. • Secure VoIP setup with working SIP trunks and call routing. • Step-by-step documentation for FreePBX management & call data extraction. • Guide on how to retrieve call parameters from Asterisk/FreePBX. • Tested system with call eve...
I'm looking for a Shopify expert to set up my store. It will be selling physical products, so the project will include: - Configuring the store for autolocation - Setting up multi-language support (just English for now) - Implementing multi-currency functionality I will be using a pre-made theme, so there is no need for custom design work. Your expertise will ensure a smooth, efficient setup process.
I’m looking for a Social Media Marketing Intern to help with managing clients and creating content. This is a freelance role with no fixed hours—you can work with other clients too, and I have no issues with that! What You’ll Do: Client Communication – Keep clients updated on their social media performance, respond to their queries, and ensure smooth communication. Content Creation – Design social media posts, stories, and other creatives as needed. Basic Strategy Execution – Schedule posts, monitor engagement, and suggest improvements. Attend Meetings (If Required) – No fixed hours, but you should be available for occasional meetings when needed. Requirements: Good English communication skills (written & verbal). Basic experien...
Description: Looking for a developer/team to create a basic betting platform website for a bookie. The project requires: ✅ Frontend Development: User-friendly interface, responsive design, and a smooth betting experience. ✅ CRM Backend: Admin panel to manage users, bets, payouts, and reports. Key Features: User Registration & Login Wallet & Transaction Management Admin Panel with Analytics & Controls
I'm seeking an experienced iOS and Android app developer. The goal is to create a unique application that primarily connects individuals with professionals across various fields. The app will also feature: - An educational interface covering school-level subjects, designed to facilitate learning and personal growth. - An AI agent capable of simulating casual interviews, offering users a platform to practice and improve their conversational skills. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in cross-platform app development, with proven experience in creating interactive and user-friendly interfaces. Skills in AI integration and knowledge in developing engaging educational content will be highly advantageous. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've completed.
...storytelling and engagement of my AI-focused YouTube channel, AI Monger. The channel explores AI’s impact on software engineering, and I want to improve how my content resonates with viewers. What You’ll Work On: - YouTube Shorts (Under 60 sec) – Punchy, high-energy edits, captions, and effects to make it stand out. - YouTube Longform Videos (8-12 min) – Clean, professional storytelling, with smooth pacing and engaging visuals. Ideal Editor: - Understands storytelling & pacing – Keeps viewers engaged from start to finish. - Can add visual effects, B-roll, and captions – Without overloading the content. - Interest in AI/tech topics is a bonus – Helps align the editing with the subject matter. - Experience editing YouTube videos &ndas...
...seamlessly import and update their product listings into my store. Project Requirements: API Integration: Connect and sync inventory from two third-party suppliers via their APIs. Ensure real-time or scheduled product updates, including stock levels, pricing, and descriptions. One supplier's API integrates with MYOB, so experience with this is preferred. WordPress Store Compatibility: Ensure smooth integration with my existing WordPress store (WooCommerce preferred). Avoid conflicts with existing themes, plugins, or customisations. Data Handling & Synchronisation: Implement automated syncing of products, including new items, updates, and removals. Error handling for API failures or inconsistencies. Logging system to track updates and potential issues. Testing & ...
I'm seeking a seasoned UI/UX designer to elevate our informational website with a modern and sleek aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Expertise in designing for websites, with a focus on user-centric, intuitive interfaces. - Proven experience in creating modern and sleek designs. - Str...with a focus on user-centric, intuitive interfaces. - Proven experience in creating modern and sleek designs. - Strong understanding of UX principles, with the ability to create engaging, accessible, and seamless user experiences. - Portfolio demonstrating previous successful informational website designs. Your main task will be to design a website that not only looks good but also provides a smooth and enjoyable experience for our users. Please submit your proposal with relevant examples from ...
I'm seeking a seasoned UI/UX designer to elevate our informational website with a modern and sleek aesthetic. Key Requirements: - Expertise in designing for websites, with a focus on user-centric, intuitive interfaces. - Proven experience in creating modern and sleek designs. - Str...with a focus on user-centric, intuitive interfaces. - Proven experience in creating modern and sleek designs. - Strong understanding of UX principles, with the ability to create engaging, accessible, and seamless user experiences. - Portfolio demonstrating previous successful informational website designs. Your main task will be to design a website that not only looks good but also provides a smooth and enjoyable experience for our users. Please submit your proposal with relevant examples from ... achieve complete automation of the robotic arm through intricate and precise control sequences. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge and experience with MATLAB/Simulink - Proven track record in controlling custom-built robotic arms - Ability to design and implement complete automation sequences - Strong understanding of advanced robotics and control systems Your primary task will be to simulate and control the robotic arm in a way that enables it to perform tasks autonomously. This will involve advanced trajectory planning and motion control, as well as the ability to troubleshoot and adapt to any unforeseen challenges that may arise during the simulation. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in robotics and engineering, and be able to demonstrate their ability...