Process flow diagram project manufacturing işler
We are looking for an experienced industrial designer or graphic designer to create the design for an AC charger for electric vehicles. The ideal develop both technical drawings and an external design concept. Job Description: Develop the industrial design for an electric vehicle AC charger Create detailed technical drawings and dimensions Design a product that is ready for manufacturing Develop a user-friendly, aesthetic, and modern external design Requirements: Experience in industrial design or graphic design Expertise in 3D modeling and technical drawing (SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Fusion 360, etc.) Ability to create renders and concept designs (KeyShot, Blender, etc.) Knowledge of manufacturing processes is a plus Ability to provide a portfolio showcasing simi...
Project Description: We need a web-based tool that will compare football odds from the following websites: • • • Betfair Exchange The system should compare the odds from these sites and identify the differences based on a percentage difference filter. The comparison should cover the entire sports schedule (fixture) and refresh every 5 seconds to ensure up-to-date data. This system should function similarly to platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to understand the expected functionality. Scope and Key Features 1. Websites to Compare: • (Football odds) • (Football odds) • Betfair Exchange (Football odds) 2. Odds Types to Compare: • Full-time Result (Home - Draw - Away)
...user-friendly interfaces that provide an exceptional user experience. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of frontend development technologies and frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate closely with our UI/UX designer to refine and finalize the high-fidelity wireframes, which have been initially drafted in Figma. This iterative process is crucial for aligning the design with our vision for a user-friendly and engaging experience. - Develop the frontend of the mobile app by using a cross-platform development framework to ensure the app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. React Native or Flutter are preferred. - Collaborate with the backend team to ensure seamless integration. The frontend will comm...
...Kotlin Developer (Freelancer) - Mobile Application Development Project for Android POS Device As Paymore, we are looking for a talented and experienced Senior Android Kotlin Developer who can develop an Android 7.1 compatible mobile application for Android POS devices. This project requires the skills of an expert who has advanced experience in payment systems and third-party integrations and can communicate between different applications using AIDL. The development period and live delivery of the project will be completed in 1 week in total. Project Scope: 1. Application Opening and Login Procedures: • The application will start with a splash screen and then connect to the backend server and log in. • After the login process, the necessar...
...user-friendly interfaces that provide an exceptional user experience. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of frontend development technologies and frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate closely with our UI/UX designer to refine and finalize the high-fidelity wireframes, which have been initially drafted in Figma. This iterative process is crucial for aligning the design with our vision for a user-friendly and engaging experience. - Develop the frontend of the mobile app by using a cross-platform development framework to ensure the app is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. React Native or Flutter are preferred. - Collaborate with the backend team to ensure seamless integration. The frontend will comm...
3D Model and Block Photograph Acquisition: A 3D model is created for each phone model. (For instance, provided by us in jpg or png format within specific size ranges.) Block photographs are taken using these models. Mockup Creation: Mockups are created in Photos...block photograph is dragged onto the page, the mockup is automatically generated. Macros are recorded to save outputs in the desired format, labeled according to each model. Addition and Updates of New Models: When new phone models are introduced, the 3D models are provided and block photographs are taken. The Photoshop page is updated to include the new models. This workflow guides through the process starting from 3D model creation to mockup generation in Photoshop with automation, ensuring a seamless integration of n...
yeni kurulan ve sürekli büyüyen organizasyonumuzda yer alan her türlü bilgisayar ,server, yazıcı , router , kamera ,modem ,switch gibi donanımları aktif olarak listeleyecek ve bir diagram harita üzerinde gösterip , bunların güncel olarak tutulması işi . Örnek çizim dosyası ektedir. / Edrawmax üzerinde çizilmiş network diyagram - İşlem bir kez yapıldıktan sonra ayda 1 güncelleme yapılması talebimiz bulunmaktadır. aktif olarak 50 bilgisayar , 80 kamera , server i ups gibi toplamda 300 e yakın donanım mevcuttur.
Hello, I'm doing dropshipping lingeries mostly on Etsy and planning to improve this business model. I would like you to place the photos I will send on a model using applications such as Photoshop, AI, or Bl...and planning to improve this business model. I would like you to place the photos I will send on a model using applications such as Photoshop, AI, or Blender. The model doesn't necessarily have to be a person; it can be any object (hanger, lifeless mannequin, or a surface) as long as it stands professionally. I offer a starting price of $0.70 per photo, with an increasing salary offer as the process progresses. I will need approximately 100 photos initially. Once the correct texture is applied, most of them will be similar. Feel free to suggest a price for the job ...
Firmanın start up ında P&L , Balance Sheet , Cash flow hazırlama Konu hakkında tecrübe sahibi finans konusunda uzman destek gerekli
Uzun yılların verdiği tecrübe ile progesif ve tandem kalıp dizaynı process dizaynı ürün analizi gibi konuları işleyebilirim tekliflerinizi bekliyorum
Şirket içi kullanıcak bir kişi iş planlama program yazılımı için UX/UI tasarım ihtiyacımız vardır. Crm ve ERP tecrubesi ve/veya flow tecrübesi olan birine ihtiyac vardır. Devops tecrübeleri olan adaylar önceliklendirilecektir.
Algılanmasını istediğim frekans grubu Schultmann rezonans frekanslarına benzer frekanslardır. Düşük frekanslar olduğu için anten, yükseltme devresi ve çevre birimleri...freebeatle ESP32 IOT. Zaman kısıtlıdır. Detaylı senaryo ektedir. Türkiye dışından da bu işe el atacak kişiler olabilir; The frequency group I want to be detected are frequencies similar to Schultmann resonance frequencies. Since there are low frequencies, antenna, amplifying circuit and peripherals need to work in harmony. I'll take care of the antenna part myself. simulation, printed circuit board diagram and software will be prepared according to the scenario I wrote. It needs to be written on the Arduino ide platform. The microcontroller I will be using is freebeatle ESP3...
Python ile yazdığım bir proje var. Gerçek zamanlı video üzerinde işlem yapıyor. Proje kısaca şöyle: Derin öğrenme tabanlı Yolo algoritması ile eğitilmiş bir ağım var. Bu ağı kullanarak yeni input olarak verilen bir videodaki nesneleri tespit ediyorum ve onları etiketliyorum...Yolo algoritması ile eğitilmiş bir ağım var. Bu ağı kullanarak yeni input olarak verilen bir videodaki nesneleri tespit ediyorum ve onları etiketliyorum. Video çalışırken işlem yapıyor yani gerçek zamanlı olarak çalışıyor. İstediklerim: 1. Bu uygulamaya bir arayüz istiyorum. arayüzde bazı dosya ve parametre bilgilerini alarak çalıştıracak, video arayüz üzerinde çalışacak. 2. Uygulamaya "optical flow" eklenmesini istiyorum. 3...
Merhaba Songül Hocam, bir matlab image process taskı için yardıma ihtiyacım var. 5 aşamadan oluşan giriş seviyesinde. Konuyu taskı anlayarak ilerletmek istiyorum. Eğer ilgilenirseniz detay PDF'ini iletebilirim. Saygılarımla, Muzaffer Can
...yaparım ve Youtube dan gelir elde edene kadar video başına xxxx TL talep ederim. Şeklinde taleplerle dönünüz lütfen. We will move abroad in February and we will open a YouTube channel, as every foreigner does. I have already started shooting videos that we will publish in the future. We will shoot all the videos and send them online. I need a video editor/designer to edit these videos. The process will be long because we plan to publish videos on average every week and to generate income from the videos we publish after reaching a certain number of subscribers in the future. My plan is affiliate marketing. In the first place, I can provide financial support as we will not be able to reach a certain number of subscribers immediately. But the expectation sh...
Game Content: An mobile game with 79 dots and 38 pawns, candycrush-like, checkers-like, unique, single player and 3 difficulty levels against the computer, with a 2D interface. Project content: UI and Assets are ready. Everything about the mechanics of the game is clear. Apart from this, animation, sound, coding, publishing, en-tr language option, testing if necessary, adding advertisements, monitoring and finalizing the process belong to the seller. Wishes: - Special skills should come with the accumulated combo points and can be used during the game. - At the end of the game, the total score should be calculated from data such as time, number of combos, abilities used, number of moves, etc. - Leveling up, reward system, etc. with the total score calculated. it would be ni...
UML (Unified Modeling Language) nesneye yönelik yazılım geliştirme sürecinde yaygın kullanılan bir tasarım dilidir. Bir UML tasarımının en önemli öğesini sınıf diyagramı (class diagram) oluşturur. Sınıf diyagramları bir yazılım projesindeki sınıfları ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkileri göstererek yazılacak olan kodu çerçeve olarak oluşturmaya yetecek bilgi içerir. Model tabanlı yazılım geliştirme teknolojileri tasarım diyagramlarının dönüşümler (transformations) yoluyla alternatif platformlara uygun hale getirilmelerini sağlayabilir veya daha az veya daha çok soyut hale getirebilir. Model tabanlı yazılım geliştirmenin en son hedefi ise tasarımlardan otomatik olarak kod üretmektir. Dönüşümleri kural...
Merhaba pazartesi günü database projem var ER diagram, tables, views, stored procedures, triggers,functions,normalization gibi detaylar var yardımcı olabilir misin? microsoft sql manager üzerinden yapıyoruz.
Java war dosyasını maven projesine dönüştürülmesi gerekiyor. Sistem web tabanlı. İşlem için uzak bağlantı ile bilgisayarıma bağlanıp eclipse üzerinden yapılması gerekmekte. Bilen için 5-10 dk'lık bir işlem. Java war file needs to be converted to maven project. The system is web based. For the process, it has to be connected to my computer with a remote connection and done via eclipse. It takes 5-10 minutes for those who know.
Herkese merhabalar, ekte yer alan projenin içinde hali hazırda gereken tüm bilgiler verilmiştir. 26.05.2020 tarihine kadar yapılması gerekmektedir. Proje tamamen ingilizce yapılmalıdır ve bahsi geçen şirket...lokasyonu İzmir/Türkiye olmalıdır. Şirket, cafe - restoran veya bir franchising olabilir. Projenin yapılış süresinde irtibat halinde kalmak ve günlük ilerleme raporu vermek zorunludur. Zaman ayırdığınız için teşekkürler. Hello everyone, all the details about the project are attached to the file below. The due day is 26.05.2020. Project must be done in English. The company must be located in İzmir/Turkey. The business can be cafe, restaurant or any franchising, you got the point. Keeping in touch with me and reporting th...
merhaba, okul icin 2 tane projem var endustri muhendisligi 3. sinifim, fiyat konusunda biraz asagida kaldim ama ogrenci oldugum icin cok fazla cikamadim oncelikle bunun icin ozur diliyorum. projelerimden biri real-life business simulasyonu gibi bir sey ben cok hakim olmadigim icin kabul ederseniz size detaylari atabilirim, bir digeri ise modern manufacturing system ile ilgili manuel sistemden otomatik sisteme gecisle alakali bir sey, su an bir yardim cok isime yarardi, simdiden cok tesekkur ederim
...tweet url ni yazarak ......rt .....fav .....yorum attırabilecegiz Not : hesaplar kesinlikle kullanıcıadı:şifre:mail&telefon şeklinde programa -girmeli ve proxy destegi mutlaka olmalı programa ister proxyli ister proxysiz hesap ekleyebilmeliyiz. 1 eye of porgram rt - fav - commenting accounts will be loaded 2 eyes of the program will be uploaded only tweeting accounts We will say that we will process in 2 eyes ...... ...... sec. by txt file throw tweets respectively in 2 favorite accounts when tweeting will continue to throw tweets out of the txt file where delete the old tweet before the account in the 1st row throws the second tweet will have the option In the second eye of the program, in the accounts that will make rt fav comments ...... rt number ...... fav number ......., wordpress ve amp konularında bilgili olan, Seo odaklı çalışabilecek. We are looking for friends who care about business discipline and getting the job done on time. You can get pretty good earnings in the long term. If you think you are suitable for this job, you can reach us by sending a message showing the works, references or projects with a short motivation letter. we plan to end the process in a short time. We'd love to see your CVs, your motivational writing and what you do. Mastering PHP, javascript, jquery programming languages, Experienced in Mysql database, Experienced in XML, JSON web services issues, Knowledgeable about html5, css3, responsive design, Wordpress and amp, Be able to work with an SEO focus....
We need experienced friends who can make corrections and add-ons on existing code in our Delphi projects. As the developments will include debugging and improvement in the existing codes, regular and frequent interviews and regular communication are expected. The agreement will be made for three months and will be extended within three-month periods according to the progressive process. We ask that you make your offers accordingly. Delphi projelerimizde mevcut kodlar üzerinde düzeltme ve ilaveler yapabilecek, tecrübeli arkadaşlara ihtiyacımız var. TURKISH VERSION: Geliştirmeler mevcut kodlarda hata ayıklama ve ilaveleri kapsayacağından dolayı düzenli ve sık periyotlarla görüşmeler yapılması ve devamlı iletişimde olunması ön gö...
Elimde yaklaşık 60 000 excell verisi var. C# ile bu verileri bir veritabanına aktarıp bunların veri madenciliği yöntemleri ile basit bir kaç tane görselleştirmesini istiyorum. Bu görselleştirmeler bir diagram vs şeklinde olabilir. Amacım bu veriler arasındaki ilişkileri görebilmek.
Turkish Version : PSD'si çizilmiş 21 sayfa temanın HTML, CSS ve JS döküm işlemi yaptırılacaktır, Tasarım'da bootstrap responsive istenmiyor proje ile ilgili görselleri özelden göstereceğim. Tekliflerinizi bekliyorum... English Version : PSD theme, drawn 21 pages in HTML, CSS and JS casting process will be done, you can not be asked to bootstrap responsive design will show the specific images related to the project. Waiting for your offer ...
...bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.. Hi, As Armada Yazılım, we decided to launch a wind of change. Armada Yazilim, was founded in 1997 as a Value Added Reseller (VAR) for the CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), PDM (Product Data Management) and ERP solutions with a vision to be the #1 resource provider for 3D engineering software and manufacturing productivity tools in Turkey. Our mission is to put the proper engineering tools in the hands of our customers, so they may realize a shorter time to market and a reduction in design, manufacturing and overall operational costs in every industry. We would like to be created a logo that will summarize our growth. If you like to be that person who will continue with corporate identi...
Rap müzik içerisinde yeni ve ilginç bir tarz. Her şarkıda bir tema mevcut ve şarkıdaki "Flow, Flex, Rhyme, Nakarat, Anlam vs." gibi içerikler tamamen başlıktaki temayı andırıyor. Şarkılar "Kuşak" denilen bir isim altında sunuluyor. Örneğin; Beyin Kuşağı Beyin Kuşağındaki şarkılar tamamen beyine yakın temalardan oluşuyor. Şarkıların isimleri; Bilinçaltı 210 IQ'lu Zombi Sinirler Misal verdiğimiz 3 şarkı "Beyin" kelimesinin alt başlığı gibi duruyor. Bu şekilde her kuşakta 3 şarkı yani 3 farklı tema bulunuyor. Kuşaklar her seferinde değişiyor. Tahmini 1 ay sonra örneğin "LunaPark Kuşağı" diye bir kuşak yapılı sefer 23 şarkı Lunapark temasını andırıyor. Amaç RapMüzik i&cc...
Yukarıdaki player'in aynısını istiyoruz. Lisansı biz satın alacağız. Google Reklamları gösteriliyor bu player'da başında ortasında ve sonunda. Flow Player için lisans satın alacağız. Ama Önce JS düzenlemesi gerekiyor. Bu reklam yerleşimi hem mobil için hemde Flash Player için yapılacaktır. Verdiğim örnekteki kodların bu player'in sahiplerinin lisans sorunu yüzünden değiştirilerek yapılması gerekiyor. Yani JS dosyası bize özgü olmalı. ------------------ We want the same player above. License we purchased. Displaying Google
Halihazırda bulunan bir JS dosyası editlenerek FlowPlayer'e entegre edilecektir. Kod hazırdır sadece değiştirilip bize özel hale getirilecek.
Merhaba... Flow Player'ın Flash ve HTML5 sürümleri için google reklamları yayınlamak istiyoruz. Başında ortasında ve sonunda olmak üzere google reklamları çıkacak şekilde ayarlanması gerekiyor. Elinizde çok daha iyi bir player olabilir bu mantıkla çalışan yada flow player'ı güncelleyebilirsiniz. Elimizde istediğimiz mantıkta çalışan bir örnek vardır. Lisans problemi dolayısıyla yenisini yaptırmamız gerekiyor. İş çok acildir.
ESP8266 chip into the software will be embedded. TCP will establish socket connection, the sensor will send information, according to the command to process.
Handrail & Balustrade Fabr...hits per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality and structure of the website shopping cart. We wish to continue this process which includes uploading of pricing, pictures, videos (yet to be filmed) postage and de...
Handrail & Balustrade Fabr...hits per month. We wish to transition to supply and delivery of handrail and balustrade componentry via a shopping cart. We are in the process of updating our website and have commissioned our website designer. We have the approval of supplier companies to use their products and catalogues to start a profile of products suitable for distribution, further we have our own custom fabricated products to add to this portfolio. We have a staff member whom is going on maternity leave very shortly. She has been working through, in conjunction with our website designer, the functionality and structure of the website shopping cart. We wish to continue this process which includes uploading of pricing, pictures, videos (yet to be filmed) postage and de...
Merhaba, Moeva markasında marketing sorumlusuyum. Affiliate network entegrasyon sürecinde desteğe ihtiyacımız var. Yardımcı olmak istersen bana ulaşabilirsin. Aşağıda kısaca özet verdim; CJ diye bir site var, burası da affiliate network sitesi, içerisinde bir sürü affiliate yapan siteler var. Bu affiliate yapan siteler ürün takibi, entegrasyon vs süreçlerle uğraşmak istemediğinden bu CJ'ye üye oluyorlar. Yani süreçlerden CJ sorumlu. Buraya üye olduktan sonra direk affiliate yapan sitelerle iletişime geçeceğim, ve onlarla ayrı olarak fiyat konusunda vs. anlaşacağım. YAPILMASI GEREKENLER CJ sistem entegrasyonu ; 1-) Tracking code integration, adam hazır scripti attı, bunun confirmation pag...
Merhaba, Moeva markasında marketing sorumlusuyum. Affiliate network entegrasyon sürecinde desteğe ihtiyacımız var. Yardımcı olmak istersen bana ulaşabilirsin. Aşağıda kısaca özet verdim; CJ diye bir site var, burası da affiliate network sitesi, içerisinde bir sürü affiliate yapan siteler var. Bu affiliate yapan siteler ürün takibi, entegrasyon vs süreçlerle uğraşmak istemediğinden bu CJ'ye üye oluyorlar. Yani süreçlerden CJ sorumlu. Buraya üye olduktan sonra direk affiliate yapan sitelerle iletişime geçeceğim, ve onlarla ayrı olarak fiyat konusunda vs. anlaşacağım. YAPILMASI GEREKENLER CJ sistem entegrasyonu ; 1-) Tracking code integration, adam hazır scripti attı, bunun confirmation pag...
windows un hibarnatesini herkez bilir, işletim sistemi ramı diske yazar, enerjiyi keser, açılışında tersini yapar, bu olayı uygulama için istiyoruz, yani kısaca bir programı kapatıp diske yazmayı, (mümkünse uygulamanın checkpoint lerini oluşturalım) ve örneğin 10gün sonra tekrar tıpkı hibernate gibi uygulamalayı tekrar başlatabilmeyi istiyoruz, kesin olarak uygulama kapanmalı process listte görünmemeli, ve uygulama sıfırdan çalıştırılmamalı. windows hibernatesini, uygulama bazında ve check point lerinden istenen yüklenecek çekilde kaynak kodu ile birlikde istemekdeyiz. yazılan kod tüm uygulamalar için sağlıklı çalışmalıdır.
i want CCcam Control Panel be created like Otomatik Üye kapatma (Clients End Date and Auto Close) Sınırsız Üye ekleme (Add clients Unlimited) Otomatik Mail Gönderme (Automatic E-Mail Delivery) MultiCCcam Bağlantısı (Managing all the servers from a single point) Dynamic Ip Update Otomatik Resetleme (Auto Restart) CCcam İşlem Kontrolu (CCcam Process Control) Sms Desteği (Sms Support) Özel Paketler (Private Packages) Api Desteği (Api Support) Bayi Girişi (CCcam Reseller) Yedekleme (Backup) Otomatik Banlama (Auto Ban)
ASP kodu yazıyor musunuz, mysql kullanarak? aşağıdaki benim siteyi yapacağım. tamamlayamadım vakit bulupda. girince sağda work flow exceli var, orada iş akışı var. Banyo dolabı satışı yapan bir site yapacağım. müşteri, exceldeki gibi adım adım seçecek sonra fiyatı görecek, sonra gönderecek.
...we need We are seeking support urgently for: 1) Approximately 10 days of consultancy work over Feb-Mar, 2025 to: • Conduct a rapid review on various types of institutional influencing strategies related to research culture and EDI, with examples from likeminded research programmes and universities, and propose a suitable format for the Agile Initiative • Facilitate an internal consultative process with Agile’s EDI Officer on the core elements and focus of the institutional influencing strategies; and, • Prepare and draft the Agile institutional influencing strategy to identify key opportunities and targets for improving an inclusive research culture. • Prepare a brief monitoring and evaluation plan for the strategy linked to Agile’s Theory of ...
...subscribers. The goal is to introduce them to our brand, encourage engagement, and drive conversions through a well-structured flow in Klaviyo. Project Requirements: Klaviyo Expertise:Experience with Klaviyo email marketing, particularly in creating automated flows like welcome series. Email Copywriting: Strong copywriting skills to craft engaging, personalized, and persuasive emails. Custom Email Designs: Ability to design visually appealing emails that match our brand style (we will provide branding guidelines). Segmentation & Automation Setup: Ability to set up the entire email series flow in Klaviyo and segment the audience accordingly. The Welcome Series Flow: 1. Email 1: Welcome + 10% Off A friendly welcome email introducing the brand wi...
Job Title: Experienced Web Designer Needed for Manufacturing Company Website Job Description: We are looking for an experienced and creative web designer to develop a professional, user-friendly, and SEO-optimized website for our manufacturing company. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of designing websites for industrial or manufacturing businesses. Responsibilities: Design and develop a responsive website with clean, professional aesthetics. Create intuitive navigation and user-friendly interfaces. Showcase our products and services with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and downloadable brochures. Incorporate features like an "About Us" page, client testimonials, case studies, a blog section, and CTAs. Ensure fast loadin...
Project Requirement: Manufacturer Data Collection (China Region) Objective: To collect 50,000 verified company names and email addresses of manufacturers based in China, specifically focusing on the Technology industry. Data Specifications: Target Region: China Industry Focus: Technology (Manufacturers only) Data Points Required: Company Name Verified Email Address (preferably specific to the manufacturing department) Source: Any reliable and authentic websites Delivery Requirements: Sample Requirement: Provide a sample of 3,000 entries initially. Final Delivery Format: Excel file Data Authenticity: All email addresses must be verified for authenticity and validity. Timeline: Sample (3,000 entries) - within 1 day Full dataset (50,000 entries) - within 2 days Please confir...
I need a professional Shopify developer who can create a minimalistic and clean website for my jewellery brand. The primary goal of this project is to increase online sales, so the site needs to be optimised for sales. Key Features: - Customer Reviews: The website should have a section for customer reviews to build trust and encourage purchases. - Special Discounts and Promotions: I want to be able to easily set up and manage discounts and promotions on the site. - Fast Checkout Process: A streamlined, fast checkout process is essential to prevent cart abandonment. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Shopify. - Strong understanding of e-commerce best practices. - Web design skills with an eye for minimalistic and clean aesthetics. - Ability to implement custome...
...React Native. ✅ The final UI design should be implemented in React Native CLI. ✅ Minimalist, light-themed design focusing on clean UI and simple navigation. ✅ Prior experience designing mobile apps is preferred. ✅ Essential: Familiarity with React Native CLI to ensure seamless integration into our development process. Selection Process: Before we finalize the contract, we require 2 mockup designs of any of the screens to review your style and ensure alignment with our vision. Project Details: • Design Style: Light theme, modern, sleek, and user-friendly. • Platform: React Native CLI (for the final implementation). • Critical Focus: Smooth navigation & intuitive layouts based on user feedback. If you are passionate about crafting seamless UI...
I'm seeking a Salesforce expert to set up and integrate various components of Sales Cloud with my existing Health Cloud instance. This project will focus on order fulfillment processes and requires a professional who can efficiently handle and connect multiple Salesforce objects and workflows. Key Responsibilities: - Set up essential Salesforce objects within Sales Cloud: Leads and Opportunities, Accounts and Contacts, and Custom Objects. - Implement necessary automated workflows: Lead assignment rules, Sales process automation, and Custom notifications and alerts. - Ensure seamless integration with Health Cloud through: Data synchronization, Shared reporting and analytics, and Real-time notifications between systems. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive Salesforce experience...
...45 to 55 volts - Efficiency > 90 % - Lighter than 3 kg - Smaller than 300 x 300 x 150 mm c) General minimum requirements - Designed for 300 days of use per year and 12 hours of use per day. - Communication and discussion with the client as to why something is not smaller, lighter, better - Telephone contact and exchange - A visit to the Hamburg/Lübeck/Kiel region in northern Germany - Circuit diagram - Parts list and component order list - All the files in common formats for production - Estimated price - Functional prototype without housing (we can manufacture housing) - Drawing or sketch for housing - You need a business address - We conclude a contract 2. Desired requirements a) Desired requirements for voltage converters 1 - As portable as a crate of beer (20 kg) - Re...
I need help adjusting settings for a Chrome extension on macOS. Looking for an expert in Chrome extensions, macOS, JavaScript, and Unix-based systems to guide me through the process or make the necessary changes. Should be a quick task for an experienced developer. Requirements: • Experience with Chrome extensions • Strong knowledge of macOS & Unix-based systems • Proficient in JavaScript • Familiar with modifying user interface settings • Ability to adjust permission settings, particularly for dialogue access • Able to conduct a Remote Desktop session
I am in the process of launching a new business division and need some assistance with marketing and business development. The new company – Charg-Ed () – will be completing electric vehicle training. This training is Globally Certified by TUV Rheinland or nationally (UK) certified by The Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) and City & Guilds. My primary aim is to get customers for the globally certified training (TUV) – this could be vehicle manufacturers, importers, fleets, race/rally teams, vehicle repairers or converters who operate globally and either need a global qualification so they can work in other countries or want all their operations to be trained to the same standard and qualification. Secondarily, get training bookings for clients looking for...