Price scraping işler
Telegram botumuzu bir üst seviyeye taşıyacak, yeni özellikler ekleyip mevcut yapıyı optimize edecek bir Python geliştirici arıyoruz. Botumuz, otomatik gönderiler, çekilişler, affiliate takibi sağlıyor. Versiyon 2 için yeni entegrasyonlar ve gelişmiş otomasyon özellikleri eklemeyi planlıyoruz. ? Aranan Yetkinlikler: Python (3+ yıl deneyim) API entegrasyonları, web scraping ve otomasyon araçları konularında deneyim Tercihen bahis casino sektörüne aşinalık tg: segujohnson Uzaktan çalışma ve esnek saat imkanı.
... within a few days). • Therefore, the system must include an admin panel where I can manually update the current domain addresses for both Tempobet and Holiganbet. • This is a critical feature to ensure the system remains functional even if the domain names change. 4. Technical Requirements: • Data Scraping or API Integration: The system must pull data from 1017tempobet, Holiganbet, and Betfair Exchange. This can be done via API integration (if available) or web scraping. • Real-Time Data: Data should be updated and compared every 5 seconds. • Customizable Difference Filter: Users should be able to set a percentage filter (e.g., 5%, 10%, etc.), and only the odds differences that exceed this threshold should be displayed. • Web-Based Int...
## Python ile Web Scraping Projesi ### Proje: Hava Durumu Verilerini Toplama ve Analiz Etme #### Amaç: Belirli bir şehir için hava durumu verilerini toplayıp, bu verileri analiz ederek ortalama sıcaklık, nem oranı gibi bilgileri çıkarmak. #### Gereksinimler: - Python - BeautifulSoup - Requests - Pandas - Matplotlib #### Adımlar: 1. **Veri Toplama:** - Web scraping ile bir hava durumu sitesinden veri çekmek. - Örneğin: `` 2. **Veri İşleme:** - Çekilen verileri anlamlandırmak ve Pandas DataFrame'ine dönüştürmek. - Gereksiz bilgileri temizlemek ve analiz için gerekli olanları seçmek. 3. **Veri Analizi:** - Günlük ortalama sıcaklık, nem oranı gibi bilgileri hesaplamak. - Za...
Hazırda bir scrape projem var react ve node.js ile yaptığım fakat tam istediğim gibi çalıştıramadım belirli bir sitede tıklama ve navigasyon işlemleri ardından pdf indirme işlemini proxy ile yapmaya çalıştığım bir proje tam anlamıyla çalışması için yardıma ihtiyacım var
3 ürün grubunda 20şer adet firma ve fiyat araştırması yapılacak.
...Ancak uygulamaya güncelleme geldi. Yeni açılan hesaplarda ilk girişten sonra patlı kullanılmaz oluyor. Cookie'i 1 senelik yapmamız lazım. Bunların hepsi elimdekii programda var ancak program captchaya takılıyor. Bu tarzda bazı sıkıntılar ın headersleri her gün sabaha karşı güncelleniyor falan. Sıfır teknik bilgi ile bu kadar detay verebiliyorum. Python, Api, web (android)scraping, charles, vs bu alanlarda tecrübeli kişi arıyorum. Gerçekten bilgisine güvenen kişiler yazsın, bir kaç kişi deneyip beceremeyip bıraktı. Şuan programı yapıp kullanan kişiler var. Yani yapılabiliyor, sağlam bilgili yetenekli bir arkadaş işin üstesinden gelecektir. ÖZET OLARAK: Bir platform için hesap açma işlemi yapacak. Devamında...
Merhaba, bazı web sitelerinden data toplayacağımız bir programa ihtiyacımız var. Toplayacağımız dataları excele aktarıp uygun bir formatta kaydetmek istiyoruz. Web siteleri booking ile alakalı olup bir çok seçeneği barındırmaktadır.
Merhaba, web scraping de uzman yardımına ihtiyacım var
sitesindeki ürünleri kategori ve alt kırılımları ile beraber ya da ayrı ayrı ürünlerin fiyatlarındaki değişimi anlık olarak takip ederek ilgili ürünün linkini değişimle birlikte mail olarak bildiren bir uygulama yapılması gerekmektedir. Kaynak kodlarda teslim edilecektir.
sanal pazar siteleri , gibi siteleri kategori ve alt kırılımları ile beraber ürünlerin fiyatlarındaki değişimi anlık olarak takip ederek mail olarak değişikliği bildiren bir uygulama yapılması.
I need to scrap price and product tittle information from mobile applications. Crawling changing price, Mobile uygulamadan ürünlerin isim ve fiyatlarının bilgisini çekmek istiyorum. Örnek uygulamalar, Getir, Cepteşok, A101 Kapıda
web scraping Sample web site. Mysql table in price .
Lojistik hizmeti veren platformumuzda sistem api ile DHL, TNT veya UPS üzerinden izleme numarasını alıp bizim sitemiz üzerinden detayları bizim logomuz altında ıca İzlenecek olan gönderinin oluşturulmasını da DHL, TNT veya UPS ten api ile bizim kendi web sitemizden gireceğimiz bilgiler dahilinde oluşturmasını sağlayacağız.
Paribu, screen scraping icin istenilenler: Ilgili CCYler: BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, BCH, XLM, USDT, EOS 1) Siteye () giris (2 factor authentication) 2) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin “Bekleyen Satis Emirleri”ni, bizim belirtecegimiz siklikta okuma ve gonderme (Sell Order Book) 3) “Market” sekmesinden, ilgili CCYler icin “Bekleyen Alis Emirleri”ni, bizim belirtecegimiz siklikta okuma ve gonderme (Buy Order Book) 4) “Market” sekmesinden, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, ilgili CCY icin miktar ve fiyat bilgisiyle birlikte Alis Emri girme 5) “Market” sekmesinden, bizim gonderecegimiz komuta istinaden, ilgili CCY icin miktar ve fiyat bilgisiyle birl...
Merhaba, 2 asamali bir web scraping projem var. ve dan 40000 ve 15000 civarinda urunun fiyat bilgisini her hafta (bazen haftada 2 kere alabilecegim) bir scraper gelistirmeni istiyorum. Benim elimde manufacturer part number var. 1. ilk once bu manufacturer part number lari kullanarak ve daki ASIN leri bulacaksin. 2. Bazi manufacturer part numberlarin karsisinda birden fazla urun ve ASIN gelecek. Bu noktada ilk basta manuel olarak dogru olanlarin secilecegi bir arayuz olacak. Ileride bunu da belli bir ogrenme prosesine sokarak programin yapmasini saglayacaksin. 3. ASIN ler alindiktan sonra her hafta bu ASIN ler taratilacak ve urunlerin fiyatlari alinacak. 4. Yalniz 2 fiyat alinacak: Fiyat1: Satici Amazon olunca gelen fiyat (bir urunu Amazon satmiyorsa
10 changes to be made in the appendix. Maybe 7-8 of them are very simple. Do not bid high price
I want the same website. What is the price and coding time? so i wrote the price. --------------------------------------------------------------- sitesinin benzeri bir site istiyorum. Mobil uyumlu ve hızlı açılabilecek şekilde kodlanacak. Tasarım farklı olabilir. Fiyatı nedir ve kodlaması ne kadar sürer? Fiyatı rastgele yazdım.
Wordpress icinde calisacak, sag alt kosede kapali durup tiklayinca acilan bir pop-up hesap makinesi. Ziyaretci email bilgisi girdigi zaman "show price" a tiklayinca gorebilecek hesaplamayi. Girilen email bilgileri bir DB de yada excel de tutulabilir. Ekteki gorsellerde wireframeimsi tum bilgiler mevcut. EKSTRA BILGI Boat Type (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor) Destination (Hesaplamayi etkilemiyor) Number of people (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor) Dates (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor. Dusuk ve yuksek sezon olarak. Her destinasyon icin farkli) Visitor Email address (Hesaplamayi etkilemiyor) Show Price Button 5 gun icinde hazir olmasi gerekiyor. Tesekkurler
i installed to my wordpress xyzscript social media plugin's premium version. i want to arrange my social media settings for xyxscripts plugin to share posts on social accounts automatically. 1-All posts will be with large pictures 2-Tags will be as hastag on top of pictures. web site: Social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Google+ you can finish this ...installed to my wordpress xyzscript social media plugin's premium version. i want to arrange my social media settings for xyxscripts plugin to share posts on social accounts automatically. 1-All posts will be with large pictures 2-Tags will be as hastag on top of pictures. web site: Social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter and Google+ you can finish this project in 3 days. Price: 20$
alınacak 26000 emlak ilanı fotografı için tek tek elle watermark temizleme işlemi yapılmasını önce tool satın aldık ancak arkaplan karmaşık olunca işe yaramıyor bu yüzden tek tek temizleme işlemi olması önemlidir.Örnek olarak 3 tane fotograf gö fotograf başı olacak maliyeti ve 26000 resim için olacak toplam maliyeti öğrenmek ı zamanda gü...olarak 3 tane fotograf gö fotograf başı olacak maliyeti ve 26000 resim için olacak toplam maliyeti öğrenmek ı zamanda günlük kaç adet fotografı bitirebilecekseniz onunda bilgisini paylaşırsanız sevinirim. I need someone to clear watermarks for 26000 images.I sent these sample images so if there is anyone interested so I can see your work and than we can talk for the ...
Web Url Scraping, (URL link Toplayıcı) Merhaba, Proje basit googlebot benzeri domain adı yazdıktan sonra giriş sayfasına giderek (default page) linkleri toplayıp, sitenin tüm linklerini (sitemap) çıkarıp. Mysql veri tabanına yazacak. Kodlar opensource php ve mysql ile kodlanacak. 50000 link maximimum toplayabilecek.
...excel from There are 1.400 wedding venue pages in Just i need their text content(tittle, adress, about etc.). I attached a sample excel doc. Please give me offer for per page. I want to separete this task to finish quickly. If you have a team and ıf you bet finish this task in 3 days, you can give offer for 1.400 pages. You can do this task with manually or with data-scraping script. Please add this to your offer description:"i have read all"...
...It will also be Mailed to users and producers of the moment. will be the main language tükçe admin, manufacturers, designers and end-users will be pages There will be three types of membership for manufacturers will be free to users Advertising space will be paid the administrator will approve all memberships etc ..... I would like to receive bids on the project We need you to review and price Do you want to help us. - Regards. zafer --------------------------------------------------------- Merhaba, Biz uygulamak istediğiniz projemiz ile ilgili bir kaç dönemler için bir yazılım şirketi arıyoruz. Web sitesinde ek mantık paylaşın ve tüm fonksiyonları ile bir site yapmak istiyoruz. benim örnek site Bu site, ü&c...
Web ve masaüstü programında verileri Excel dosyasına aktarma. Data scraping from flash website or program.
Merhaba, Bütün sektörler,hizmetler,ürünler,firmalar için Gelişm...Web sitesi ve Admin Yönetim paneli dili Türkçe olacaktır.(Google Translate ile yapılan proje kabul edilmeyecektir) xml,rss,bot ve manuel veri girişi yapılacaktır. Sürekli yazılımsal olarak bize destek verecek arkadaş arıyoruz! İlgilenen arkadaşlar benimle irtibata geçebilirler Tşk Hello, All sectors(,Markets,Travel,Tourism,Banks,) services, products, company Advanced price comparison site/scripts be done. Web site and admin panel language will be Turkish(No Google Translate) xml, rss, boots and manual data entry will be made. Constantly looking for friends to support us Details of the project can learn from my friends ... be inspired by Reddit, utilizing its distinctive color scheme of orange and white. Key Design Requirements: - The layout should exude a sense of trustworthiness, ensuring that the shop looks professional and credible. It shouldn't appear hasty or lackluster. - The design should incorporate the Reddit color scheme, focusing on the use of 'Reddit orange' and white. - The page should contain a price display, additional information section, and an order button. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web design, particularly with WooCommerce and WordPress. - A keen understanding of Reddit's design elements, particularly its color scheme. - Ability to create a clean, professional layout that inspires trust. - Experience in designing eCommerce websites i...
I’m looking for a skilled developer to help optimize or rewrite a script for data scraping from The goal is to scrape item URLs and download their HTML content efficiently while ensuring smooth operation. Current Situation: I have a JavaScript-based script that navigates to specific categories on Allegro, scrapes item URLs across multiple pages, and downloads their HTML files in a predefined structure (example attached). The script is slow due to delays between requests. Reducing these delays causes challenges with Allegro's security mechanisms, making the process less reliable. What I Need: A robust and reliable solution for faster and more efficient scraping without interruptions. The ability to download HTML files in the required structure. Ideall...
I'm in urgent need of a WordPress specialist with significant experience in both Astra and Salient themes. The freelancer should be well-versed with Elementor, as it's integrated into my site. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Astra and Salient themes - Proficiency in WordPress - Familiarity with Elementor Please note, the price for this project is fixed.
...automate a BTC trading strategy on Delta Exchange using Tradetrone. Below are the specific requirements: Buy Entry Conditions: - A green candle is detected; execute Buy trade at market price after candle close. - Check difference: Close Price minus Low Price <= 3 points. - Stop Loss: Set at 3 points. - Trailing Stop Loss: Based on the lowest price of the previous candle. Sell Entry Conditions: - A red candle is detected; execute Sell trade at market price after candle close. - Check difference: Close Price minus High Price <= 3 points. - Stop Loss: Set at 3 points. - Trailing Stop Loss: Based on the highest price of the previous candle. Additional Conditions: - If a Buy position is active, do not execute Sell trades, and v...
Job Title: Develop a Workflow for Scraping Global Mosque & Muslim-Based NGO Data with Detailed Documentation ________________________________________ Job Description: I am looking for a skilled automation expert to build a workflow that scrapes Google for global contact details of mosques and Muslim-based NGOs. The workflow must allow for targeted searches by category (e.g., society, charity, non-profit) and be optimized for credit efficiency in The final system should produce structured data outputs and include clear, beginner-friendly documentation. ________________________________________ Scope of Work: 1. Automation Workflow: 1) Build a workflow to scrape Google for the following details: a. Organization Information: i. Organization Name ii. Organization
Hello, I have experience in Python, web scraping, and data extraction using tools like Scrapy, Pandas, and Selenium. I can quickly debug your script and ensure it meets all your requirements. Here’s how I plan to help you: 1. Fix bugs in your script within 2-3 hours. 2. Add functionality to match conditions and extract data as per your requirements. 3. Provide an easy-to-use script for future use. I will deliver the output in the required Excel format. Looking forward to your response so we can start immediately! Budget: $8 (as per your project description). Timeframe: First phase within 2-3 hours. Thank you,
I'm looking for a skilled web scraper with API development experience. The task involves extracting product information from three specific websites. Key Requirements: - Extract product descriptions from specified websites - Develop an API to facilitate this - Present data in a user-friendly JSON format Ideal Skills: - Strong background in web scraping techniques - Proven experience with API development - Attention to detail - Ability to work independently If you've successfully completed similar projects in the past, I would love to hear from you!
I'm seeking a freelancer who can provide me with a daily supply of up to 30K email addresses of individuals aged between 50 and 60 in the USA. The primary purpose of this email database will be for marketing campaigns, so the emails should be valid and ideally have a history of engagement with similar campaigns. Skills and Experience Required: - Data mining and web scraping - Experience with email list building - Understanding of demographic targeting - Knowledge of email marketing standards Please note, the lists need to be delivered daily, and must be of high quality to ensure maximum deliverability and engagement.
...especially small buildings for blind people. We create buildings for schools and for blind individuals to help them better understand the world around us, especially things which are too big, too small, or too dangerous to touch. This is a test project to determine suitability for future projects for the long term. Please only apply if the price you are quoting for this project is similar to what you can offer for similar future designs. I need the price you would do similar work for on the long run. Your first job: Create a 3d miniature copy of the Belle Meade Mansion from Tennessee. Only the mansion, not the surrounding buildings. Make sure that the base fits into a 10x10 CM area, which will amount to an approximately 1:380 scale. This building will ...
...libraries Error Handling Requirements: Handle video page loading failures with refresh capability Log videos without CC to Implement robust error handling for large-scale processing Design for resilience against YouTube UI updates Project Parameters: Budget: $50 Timeline: 1-2 days Deliverable: Fully functional Python application Required Skills: Python programming Experience with web scraping Knowledge of YouTube API or similar video platform integration Error handling and logging implementation Data extraction and file management Desired Programming Language: Python C# (preferred) Or whatever is best for this type of work * Do not bid if you have under 3 reviews, you will be ignored * Need Source Code when Job is Complete, After any Bug fixes, and Updates * Milestone release...
I need a skilled Python developer to create a web scraper for me. The scraper should be able to extract structured data, like tables, from various e-commerce websites. The project requires a deep understanding of web scraping techniques and best practices in Python.
I'm looking for a Python-based email validation checker that can efficiently check millions of email addresses against the Kucoin sign-up page. This tool needs to: - Utilize proxies: It should be able to run with proxies and handle the This tool needs to: - Utilize proxies: It should be able to run with proxies and handle the load of millions of checks with a budget of $200 worth of proxies. - Store results: The checker should store the results of the email validation in a file. The output format for the results file should be TXT. Ideal candidates for this project would be those with extensive experience in Python, web scraping, and proxy handling. A deep understanding of email validation and experience working with cryptocurrency exchange websites would be a si...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
I need an “AI” that can generate realistic images. The data scrapper should be capable of scraping the entire internet to gather unique details and use random generation to create distinct images. I want the AI to output a variety of image types, including portraits, landscapes, and abstract art. Ideal skills for this job include: - Experience in machine learning - Proficiency in data scraping - Knowledge in image generation - Familiarity with different art styles - Skills in random generation algorithms
I'm looking for a service to add members from one Telegram group to another (scraping usernames from public groups and adding them to my group). 1) What is the price for 1k members? 2) What is the timeline to finish? - NO smm panel/bots... (I will provide you public groups to take members from and add to my group) - This will be an ongoing project, as I plan to place many additional orders later. - Only professionals with prior experience in this type of work !
...Optimize the bot to process and deliver alerts without delay. • Avoid rate-limiting issues and ensure reliable performance. • Code Maintainability: • Write well-documented and modular code to facilitate future updates or extensions, such as adding new profiles or refining detection logic. Requirements: • Experience with X API or Web Scraping: • Proficiency in using X API or unofficial libraries like Tweepy to extract data from X. • Knowledge of web scraping methods as an alternative if required. • Telegram Bot Integration: • Hands-on experience with the Telegram Bot API to configure notifications. • Ability to design clear, concise, and user-friendly Telegram notifications. • Real-Time Data Processing: • Ex...
Development of a Cost-Efficient Microservice for Color-Based Apparel Search and Price Comparison Project Overview: We are developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) website focused on fashion, styling, and makeup. The platform will allow fashion artists to create profiles and showcase their work while offering users practical tools to enhance their styling experience. As part of this MVP, we are seeking an experienced freelancer to develop a lightweight and cost-effective microservice that enables users to search for apparel by color and compare prices and availability across major online retailers. The freelancer will develop a simple yet functional microservice with the following features: Color-Based Search: Users can search for apparel by selecting specific colors or providi...
Hi! I am looking for a Chinese teacher, zero domain of the language. Please place your price per hour of lesson, it would be good if you speak Spanish but English is OK. Estoy buscando un profesor de chino desde cero, por favor pon tu precio por hora de clase, sería excelente si hablas también español.
...current status of our fleet. Booking Interface: - Pickup and Drop-off: Address input fields for clients to specify their locations. Pricing Structure: - Rush Hour Pricing: Implement a pricing system that reflects increased rates during rush hours (7 am - 9:30 am and 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm) with standard rates for the remaining hours. - Transparent Pricing: The booking form should display the exact price before confirmation. I have previously worked with software developers who have used WordPress to create a booking form, but it was not fully functional. I can provide the per mile and per distance pricing. It's crucial for this project that the booking form is implemented correctly on Wix, as I have encountered difficulties with other platforms. If you're a Wix expert wit...
...contacto, etc.). 2. Automatizar el contacto: Enviar correos electrónicos personalizados y atractivos a las agencias. 3. Presentar nuestro producto: Crear correos persuasivos que reflejen el valor de nuestra cadena de emisoras para sus clientes. Requisitos del profesional Experiencia en desarrollo de proyectos con Python, inteligencia artificial o herramientas similares. Conocimientos en web scraping (e.g., BeautifulSoup, Scrapy) para extracción de datos. Habilidad para integrar herramientas de automatización de correos (Gmail API, Mailgun, etc.). Experiencia redactando correos persuasivos o conocimiento básico de marketing digital. Qué ofrecemos Presupuesto ajustado para el desarrollo inicial del proyecto (como freelance ). Posibi...
extract data from web ejar SA, and put it into excel sheet
I need an app to continually monitor when a driving test becomes available and then sends an SMS and/or email with the details of the earliest available appointment, if there is one The app will need to be able to login to the DVSA website (I will give my credentials) which has a visual CAPTCHA security screening This is the URL: This link is to the rebooking site for an existing appointment where you can look for an appointment at a date earlier than the existing booking so it will need to know that data too (to be provided). The app doesn't need to make the rebooking, only to alert when one an earlier appointment is available. It needs to monitor for multiple users ar a time
...addon must be developed for Archicad 27 and 28 for Mac. A Windows version will also be needed once the Mac version is fully working and validated. Once the addon is fully functional on Mac and Windows, a second phase will be unlocked : the addon will be sold to other architecture offices with a really simple licensing system that will have to be developed. Our basic idea is to offer a fixed price not dependant on the number of workstations. The client will buy an office licence that will come with an office activation key. The only thing to discuss is wether a more advanced control system is needed. To be discussed. The timeline for the project has to be determined with the selected candidate but we expect a first draft in 2-3 weeks and a final working mac version in 6-8 week...
I'm in need of an expert who can scrape live video data from video streaming services. The data should then be converted into an API, with the format being JSON. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web scraping - Experience in API development - Understanding of JSON format Your primary task will be to collect data from live videos on various streaming platforms and turn it into a usable API. Please note that the specific types of data to be collected have not been specified yet. Prior experience working with video data is a plus. Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience. Looking forward to your proposals.
...1 link containing lists of other companies. For each company, gather the following information (where available): Company Name Key People (CEO, Founder, Marketing Head, Sales Head, or equivalent) Job Titles Contact Details (email addresses, phone numbers) LinkedIn Profile URLs (if available) Organize the data into a structured Google Sheet or Excel file. Requirements: - Experience in data scraping, web research, or lead generation. - Attention to detail and accuracy in collecting and entering data. - Ability to use professional tools like LinkedIn, email finders, or other research methods to locate information. - Familiarity with verifying email addresses to ensure they are active and bounce-free....