Part time hours per day işler
Şuan yeni kurmakta olduğumuz, seri ilan sitesini yönetecek, photoshop bilgisi olan, ileri görüşlü, part-time çalışacak takım arkadaşı arıyorum. Yapacağı işlemler: Rakip site analizi. Kategoriler,reklamlar ve ilanları düzenleme. Kategoriler için banner tasarımı. Site içerisindeki fiyatlandırmanın araştırılması, ve site içerisinde satacağımız paketlerin fiyatlarının girişini sağlama. Sosyal medya kullanımı. Tercihen Türkçe ve İngilizce bilen bir arkadaş olması bizim açımızdan iyi olacaktır. Teşekkürler Volkan GEZERTAŞAR
İşin Tanımı Şirketlerden gelen talepleri Rusça dilinde e-posta ve telefon üzerinden yanıtlayabilmek. Aranan Özellikler * Ana dili gibi Rusça konuşuyor olmak. * Google reklam ve Yandex reklam servislerinin genel işleyişi konusunda bilgili. (Eğitim verilecek.) * Satış ve pazarlama konusunda ...Özellikler * Ana dili gibi Rusça konuşuyor olmak. * Google reklam ve Yandex reklam servislerinin genel işleyişi konusunda bilgili. (Eğitim verilecek.) * Satış ve pazarlama konusunda kendine güvenen. * Görüşmeleri ve yazışmaları Türkçe raporlayıp sunabilen. Bonuslar * Yazılı ve sözlü İngilizce biliyor olmak. * Web tasarım, SEO, SEM, Adwords gibi kavramlara yabancı olmayan. Freelance, part time...
genel olarak iki tane ethernet araciligiyla baglanmis linux isletim sistemli bilgisayar arasinda komünikasyon saglamak. Bunun icin öncelikle tcp ve udp haberlesme protokolü icin bir c kodu yazilmasi lazim.(Ben server ve client olarak iki bilgisyara ayirabilcegimi düsündüm ama ne kadar dogru bilemiyorum tabii ve burdan sonraki adimlar icin pek bir bilgim yok ne yazik ki) Daha sonra ise bu c kodlarini Matlab/Simulinkte bulunan S-function bloguna implemente edilmesi gerekiyor. Yaratilan bu s-function bloklarinin yardimiyla bir Simulink modeli yaratilmali ve iki bilgisayar arasindaki komünikasyon Matlab/Simulink araciligi ile saglanmali.
Çektiğimiz kısa filmin bir sahnesi için ' Day to Night ' ya da ' Day for Night ' ismiyle bildiğimiz tekniğin filmin bir kısmına uygulanması gerekiyor. Ayrıca verilecek olan sahne hali hazırda zaten gece çekilmiştir ancak sahnenin bir başka planında çekim sürdüğü esnada gün doğumu ile beraber iki plan arasında ufak ışık farklılıkları olmuştur. Bu durumu iyi kotarabileceğine inanan tüm arkadaşları , daha önce yaptıkları bir referans ile bekliyoruz.
I need a 3D model of something. an existing hello (3DMax car model) over we want to revision by another car model. (external) I expect in return from experienced colleagues. We have to cumartrs day ...merhaba mevcut bir (araba 3dmax modeli) üzerinden revizyon yaparak başka bir araba modeli çıkarmak istiyoruz. (iç-dış) türkiye ve istanbuldan olması tercihim. konusunda tecrübeli arkadaşlardan geri dönüş bekliyorum. cumartrsi gününe lazım..
E Ticaret üzerine Free Lance Çalışacak VERİ GİRİŞ ELEMANI alınacaktır. Türkiyedeki önde gelen e-Ticaret sitelerindeki mağazalarımıza ilan açabilecek, deneyimli, bu sitelerdeki toplu ürün geçiş araçlarını bilen ve kullanabilen, xml ve excell bilen, photoshop bilen, evinden çalıştırmak üzere Veri Giriş Elemanı alınacaktır. Part Time veya Free Lance çalışacak eleman alınacaktır. Tüm bilgiler kendisine verilecektir. Bay veya bayan olabilir. Şehir, Ülke veya Lokasyon sınırı yoktur.
10 Sayfalık Türkçe İngilizce çeviri gerekmektedir. Very very urgent!!!! It has to be translated today or till tomorrow 12,00 (mid day) Turkish time
web tabanlı bir proje geliştirme desteği için uzman php developer arıyorum. Freelance veya full time çalışma tercihi olabilir.
Çekilen bir fotografta R, G ve B renk (başka formatta da olabilir ) değerlerini okuyacak ve cihaz ekranına istenilen formatta yazacak bir uygulama Mobile application that collects mean of R, G and B pixel color values of a part of taken photo and show these values in a given format at the mobile phone screen
There is a png1 (File1) which is a Brain MRI, I should find the Region Of Interest (ROI) with matlab or opencv. obtained the original brain part of the image must be saved as another jpg. All the algorithms and codes must be given to me. ------------------ Ekte bulunan Png1 dosyas? bir beyin MR görüntüsüdür. Bu görüntüden ilgi duyulan bölge analizi matlab ya da opencv ile yap?lmal?. Elde edilen beyin parças? farkl? bir jpg olarak kay?t edilmelidir. Kullan?lan tüm algoritma ve kod teslim edilecektir.
Arkadaslar Part d) yi yapamiyorum sadece d) nin yapilmasini istiyorum
Merhaba, Flexydizayn bünyesinde Freelance veya Part-Time olarak çalışacak 3DMax uzman ihtiyacımız bulunmaktadır. Internet sitemizde sunuma çıkabilecek şekilde TV Unitesi - Dolap - Yemek Masası - Konsol - Yatak Odası çizimlerini tasarlanması ve hazırlanması sürecini üstlenecek uzmanlığa sahip olması bekleniyor. Başvuracak adayların; - 3DMAX programına hakim olması, - Daha önceden mobilya çizimi - oda dizaynı - iç mekan tasarlama - ahşap mobilya modelleme konularında çalışmış olması veya bu konuda gelişime açık olması gerekmektedir.
halen faaliyette olan web sayfası için tasarımsal ve yazılımsal bir kaç iş. Part time yazılımcı. ASP bilen adaylar aranmaktadır.
ve siteleri için part time Freelance Sosyal Medya girdisi yapacak daha önce ev dekorasyon ve ev aksesuarları için iş yapmış uzman arıyoruz.
We want an application users can participate in sweepstakes every day. Log in with Facebook users will be the program. draws the participation fee will be $ 1. Raffle will take a minimum amount of $ 5. Users will have to log phone and address information must be requested. applications will be purchasing options
...customer who bought this also bought following product (orientation) 7. Adress restriction, and information about order areas mentioning that some areas are not included to order areas. Related postal codes will be sent you via e-mail. 8. To use promotional coupon or other opportunities (not a must) 9. System online status can be changed by the user also order hours should fixed according to working hours. If you have further questions about above mentioned items, we can talk about them in detail via Skype. Generally my wishes are met by WooCommerce. A have some items for customization but i have written all of the items that i think about detailing of the Project. I wait for your offer including your abilities and the cost. See you soon...
...Web Developer İstanbul Avrupa Yakasında yaşayan PHP, MySQL, Jquery nedir bilen, Kendini geliştirmek isteyen, Büyük bir ekip ile takım çalışması yürütebileceğine inanan Tam zamanlı veya part time çalışabilecek takım arkadaşları arıyoruz. İlk olarak: Metin Yazarı Hizmet sektöründen e-ticaret sitelerine kadar bir çok alanda hizmet gösteren bir takım ile çalışabilecek, Kendini geliştirmek isteyen, Büyük bir ekip ile takım çalışması yürütebileceğine inanan Tam zamanlı veya part time çalışabilecek takım arkadaşları arıyoruz. Siz veya çevrenizde bu tür iş ar...
İzmir de part time çalışacak web sitesi tasarımcısı. Tercihen bilgisayar mühendisliği ya da MYO öğrencisi
- Teknoloji stack'i Laravel, Go, MySQL ve Redis den oluşan API 'ımız üzerinde - Geliştirmeler ve bakım işlemleri yapacak - AWS tecrübesi olan part-time proje bazında çalışabilecek PHP developer arıyoruz
İstanbul içi part time çalışacak Seo uzmanı aranıyor
Merhabalar, Türkiye'de nano koruma ürünlerini üreten bir firmayız. Bu ürünlerin yurt içi ve yurt dışı pazarlamasında ilk etapta ve de yoğunlukla internet ayağı ile ilgili olarak tanıtım, sosyal medya paylaşımları ve de online satış sitelerimizin yönetimini ve yürütmesini freelancer ve de part time olarak yapacak bir ortağa ihtiyacımız vardır. yurtdışı satışımız olduğu için ingilizce bilinmesi gereklidir. Üret aylık sabit ücret+ ilgili kısımlardaki satışlardan yüzde şeklinde işleyecektir.
Tarayıcı Tabanlı Çiftlik Oyunu Oyunun Tanımı: Oyun ‘Hay Day’,’Bigfarm’ İle aynı özelliklere sahip olmalıdır. Belirli alan içerisinde oyuncuların çiftliklerini genişletme, üretim binalarına sahip olma, hayvanları için yem üretme, Hayvanları Yemleme ve hayvanlardan ürün elde edebilmelidir. Oyuncular çiftliklerini genişletip çeşitli aksesuarlarla güzelleştirebilmelidir. Oyuncular için oluşturulacak kredi sistemi yönetim paneliyle entegre olmalıdır. Hangi İşlemden ne kadar puan kazanacakları admin paneli kullanılarak tanımlanacaktır. Çiftlik içerisinde seviye sistemi olmalıdır. Oyuncular çiftliklerini geliştirdikçe puan toplayıp bu puanlarla seviye atl...
...eklenerek altyazılı oynatma imkanı konulmalıdır. Özellikle .srt uzantılı altyazı desteği mutlaka olmalıdır. Diğer uzantılar olmasa da olur. Bu altyazı dosyaları wordpress dizinine upload edilecek ve player bu dizinden alacağı altyazı dosyasıyla video sitesinden çağırdığı videoyu birleştirip birlikte oynatabilecektir. Player'a videolar gerektiğinde part part olarak eklenebilmelidir. Kullanıcı player içinden part seçimi yapabilir veya isterse tek part izle seçeneği ile tüm partları peşpeşe izleyebilir. Embed özelliği bulunmalı ancak bu özelliği yalnızca admin kullanabilmelidir. Video dosyaları indirilmeye karşı belli bir indirme önlemli olmalıdır. Normal izleyiciler indirememelidir. Videonun ç...
, , ... web sayfamı inceledikten sonra işimin konusu hakkında lütfen fikir edinir misiniz ... ama ben yine de küçük çaplı bahsedeyim : Türkiye çapında çubukta patates konusunda bayilikler veriyorum işimiz gelişmeye açıktır eğer şansımız ...birlikte bir noktaya getirdiğimiz takdirde onu daha iyi pozisyonlara taşıyayım tek isteğim dürüstlük ve samimiyet ... lütfen yanlış anlaşılmasın ancak maalesef pc camianızda istemeden de olsa söylemek zorundayım ( çürük elmalar çok ) son söz : şirketim şahıs şirketidir ve imkanlarım sınırsız değildir ... gerçekten iş yapıp bitiren arkadaşlarım tercihimdir sabit olmaz ise freelance veya part time da ça...
Dosto, duniya me software industry, ek lauti industry he jisme profit percentage ki koi limits nahi hai. {020830685SK}Kyoki software ki kimat chahe kitni bhi ho lekin bikta 20 rs ki CD Mein. Esiliye BILL GATES pichle 20 salo se income me no. 1 hai. Ab Aap bhi full time/ part time kam karke is software industry me Kama sakte hai aur pa sakte hai holsale aur retail dono ka fayda. Yani 200% se 2000% ka profite margin. CHALLANCE: Duniya ke Kisi bhi ISO: 9001:2008 & 27001:2005 plane ya company me itna profite ho to hamari puri team kam se kam 5 lakh ke investment se apke sath kam karegi CONTECT: +91 8460003111 (Whatsup.)E-mail:
I am 26 years years old and married with 2 children looking for part time work from home. I have experience with computers and good typing skills, i have completed a childcare course at Tafe. I really would like this opportunity to work from home as its hard for me to work outside and look after my children.
...admin section of the site will be entered also discounts for hotels in the middle and at the bottom of the display determined to be inputs such as daily room rate, certain parts must banners. facebook & twitter to be member of the site with the information and advertising on the site, e-mail should be sent to people who are members of in short, one must be very careful in two parts, especially part of the design and admin Project Details in detail in the project will give to friends. System 5 Stage (module) Want to Buy Delivery with all source code. It also will be published under the name of our company is our Mobile Market. 1 Step - Web Site 2 Step - IOS (Iphone & Ipad) and the Android App 3 Step - Facebook App 4 Step - Black Berry App 5 Step - Windows M...
I'm seeking a WordPress expert to help me update the text on existing posts/pages. Prior experience with WordPress/PHP is a must as the text on that post is not easy...WordPress expert to help me update the text on existing posts/pages. Prior experience with WordPress/PHP is a must as the text on that post is not easy to update It couldn't be found neither on WordPress customizer nor Elementor, so I believe it's being dynamically generated from somewhere else, What I exactly is to know how to edit that part in only 1 page and I will do the rest. Below is the link of the website for an example page, you will find the part that I want to edit attached. So, if you like challenges and solve unusual problems, let me know.
I'm looking for an experienced C# mentor to grade my projects (4 to 8 a month). The grading will be done purely through chat, no video calls required. Areas of Expertise Required: - Object-oriented programming - LINQ and data manipulation - Asynchronous programming - General C# profic...debugging Project Types: - Console applications - Web applications - Desktop applications The ideal mentor would be someone with substantial experience in C#, who can effectively assess my work and provide constructive feedback. Feedback should be very detailed and include specific coding practices and improvement suggestions. Feedback should be provided within 48 hours of submission. There will be 8 projects sent to you per month. Feedback should include an in-depth code analysis w...
Need freelancer/VA to promote my affiliate link for a domain registration website. Sharing the affiliate link, you need to find interested users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD for the year. Focus on targeting tech enthusiasts, small business owners...users willing to buy a domain and guide them to purchase the required new domain for 4.95 USD for the year. Focus on targeting tech enthusiasts, small business owners who are likely to be interested in domain registration. Use the following social media to spread the word NO ads, only organic traffic needed. No email marketing as well. Your target for a day is 15 paying customers. The target customers can be from any region. Pay- 2 USD per paying customer Long term proj...
We are looking for an individual who can assist our existing customer and at the same time take the initiative to get a new customer on board through admin and customer service skills. We are an Internationally reputed Courier Company having offices in all major cities in the world and this position is open for our Australia office located near Parramatta however you can apply from anywhere in the world. We are here to offer a generous salary for the role. To be successful in this role you must have experience in Customer Service and some experience in admin or as a virtual assistant. We are looking for a candidate with the following qualities: Having outstanding capability in customer service and admin work,. Knowledge and experience in business-to-consumer and B2B will be an...
We're looking for a detail-oriented and friendly individual to assist our Bangalore office for 4 days from 8th February to 11th 1000 rupees per day 4000 for 4 days. Your primary responsibility will be greeting and escorting interview candidates and assisting our deputy CEO and other members in our office as a personal assistant. Our office location: Excellent English communication skills are a must. Preferred to have the individual close to our office location. To begin, please submit a short video (2 minutes maximum) or voice note answering the following questions: Tell us a little about yourself. Why are you interested in this short-term role? In your opinion, what are the most important qualities for someone in a client-facing role? In addition
I'm seeking a professional to create a PowerPoint presentation for my research thesis. I will provide the whole thesis and a draft ppt that I made. The focus would be more on findings and results part. The presentation should consist of slides only, summarizing my thesis for a 10-minute delivery. Need it urgent within 24 hours. The presentation must include: - The aim of my research project. - A very brief literature review and the identified research gaps. - The research questions. - My complete research plan. - My research progress so far. The slides should be designed in a professional and clean style. It should be more technical, emphasizing my findings and results. Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in creating professional presentations. - A strong und...
...the newly purchased WordPress theme. - Layout Redesign: The Product/Service pages will need new layouts to optimize the user interface and user experience. - Registration Forms: You'll be adding multiple tailored registration and booking forms, as well as forms for content submission. - Video Integration: A key part of this project will be embedding a feature for short video uploads to create dynamic content. - Chatbot Implementation: Finally, you'll be integrating a chatbot for real-time user interaction and support. Homepage Improvements: You'll be rearranging sections, adding new visual elements, and improving navigation on the homepage to enhance its design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress with a strong portfolio of theme customi...
I need an experienced Flutter & Firebase developer to perfect the flow of my app like Omegle. My app has three main screens: 1. The Matching Screen - Users click to find a partner. 2. The Intermediate Screen - Here, I find a match for the user. Once matched, the user navigates to the chat screen. 3. The...user. Once matched, the user navigates to the chat screen. 3. The ChatScreen - Matched users can chat (text only), skip each other, or exit the chat. I've written around 200 lines of code, but I'm having issues with data synchronization on the Intermediate Screen. Ideal freelancer should: - Improve real-time matching efficiency and flow. - Optimize Firestore read/writes. - Perfectly handle user skipping and exiting the chat. This is a short-duration project, esti...
Do NOT bid if you did not do this before. Tesla has upgraded their api with very little documentation. I need someone who can capture real time data from newer model 3 and y and store them to a db. Must also be able to send commands to each car, we will connect with an api
Creating Landing Page on Square space. This is a 2 hours trail. Thanks
I am looking for a skilled professional who can help me with applying for and obtaining approval for the ABHA (Ayushman Bharat Health Account) Sandbox as part of my hospital management software integration. The ideal candidate will be experienced with the Indian healthcare ecosystem, specifically the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM) framework, and familiar with the processes and documentation required for the ABHA sandbox approval. Key Responsibilities: Guide and support the application process for the ABHA sandbox. Ensure all required documents, forms, and technical details are prepared and submitted correctly. Liaise with relevant government authorities or representatives to resolve any issues or queries during the application process. Ensure timely completion and approva...
I'm in need of a comprehensive hours management application designed for both iOS and Android platforms. The primary function of this app will be to facilitate employee hours tracking. Key Features: - Employee Hours Tracking: The app will need a straightforward and efficient system for employees to log their working hours. - Manual Entry: Employees will log their hours through a manual entry system. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Experience with employee management systems - Knowledge of UI/UX design principles for ease of use Please note that the app should be designed with a focus on simplicity and efficiency, ensuring that employees can easily and accurately log their hours. I look forward to your proposal...
...we are looking for. It should tell a story about Core Values and lead into the Culture code (or the behaviors) to live out our Core values. The current slide deck background is busy. I like simplicity with design. Feel free to use the template. Additionally, I would like the presentation to start with outlining our Core Values: Pride Always put your best foot forward. At the end of each day, we can look back and know we put in our best effort to make a positive impact. Safety Never to be compromised. Cultivating a safe and inclusive environment is more than just a top priority, it's a daily personal commitment at all levels. Grit Passion and perseverance pave the way to success. Always keeping the bigger picture in mind and pushing through challenges is what keeps...
I'm seeking a skilled app developer to create an Hours Management App for both iOS and Android. This app should be ideal for businesses with multiple locations. Key Features: - Employee Clock-in/Out: The app should allow employees to clock in and out seamlessly. - Location-Based Tracking: The app must use GPS to track employees as they clock in/out, ensuring they are at the correct business location. User Roles: - Employee: The app will primarily be used by employees to track their hours. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development. - Experience with GPS and location-based services. - Prior work developing apps with user role functionality. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed i...
I'm looking for...looking for a proficient app developer who can design and develop an Hours Management App compatible with iOS and Web platforms. The app should cater for business locations and encompass the following core features: - Employee check-in/check-out: The app should provide a smooth and efficient check-in/check-out system for employees. Moreover, the app needs to have a sophisticated User Access Control system, allowing for different access levels. This would ensure: - A secure and organized system where information is accessible based on the user's role. Ideal skills for this project include expertise in iOS and Web app development, with a strong focus on user access control systems. Prior experience in developing similar hours management apps would ...
...efficiency and consistency in job costing. This project, called Project Alpha, aims to develop a dynamic, rules-based Excel pricing tool that: - Automates the quoting process using simple user inputs from technical drawings - Prevents incorrect quoting by restricting users from quoting parts beyond our manufacturing capabilities - Calculates accurate process pricing for all services - Generates time decimals for ERP integration (routing times) - Incorporates industry data tables for material processing, bending tonnage, tooling stock, and CNC cutting parameters - Reduces reliance on skilled estimators by enforcing predefined quoting rules Scope of Work 1. Automated Data Input & Rules-Based Quoting - Develop a structured data entry form with dropdowns and auto-popul...
I need a professional who can run my Java project on an Android simulator. The main aim is to conduct performance testing and assess the application's behavior for user acceptance testing. Key Requirements: - Execute performance testing on the Java project within the Android simulator. - Evaluate the application's behavior as part of user acceptance testing. - Verify compatibility with Android versions 10, 11, and 12. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java and Android development. - Experience with performance testing and user acceptance testing. - Familiarity with various Android versions and their compatibility factors.
...Security Expert for Part-Time Project Hello everyone, I'm Rohan, and I'm currently facing a challenging security issue with my PHP application. Recently, I discovered that someone is exploiting my m3u8 file by bypassing my referer header and Cloudflare bot protections (using cookies), which is allowing unauthorized access from other domains. I'm looking for a PHP security expert to help implement a robust solution—ideally a token-based system or another method—that restricts access exclusively to my domain. This is a part-time opportunity, and I'm open to coordinating through Fiverr if that platform works best for you. If you have experience with PHP security and web application protection, please reach out! (Removed by Fre...
I'm looking for a logo design for "Happy Last Day of School". The logo should reflect the joy and celebration of the end of the school year. Colorful & Fun "Happy Last Day of School" Logo Design Description: I’m looking for a bright, cheerful, and playful logo design for an end-of-school-year celebration. The logo should capture the joy and excitement of finishing another school year, making it perfect for teachers, students, and parents. Design Requirements: ✔ Logo Name: "Happy Last Day of School" ✔ Main Elements: Vibrant rainbow with a heart to represent happiness & love School-related elements like a pencil integrated into the rainbow Colorful hearts and playful typography ✔ Typography & Colors: Handwritten o...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
...(POC) for the India region. Responsibilities 1. Satellite Imagery Acquisition Identify and source high-resolution satellite imagery from open platforms such as USGS Earth Explorer and other publicly available APIs. Ensure imagery covers the specified geographic regions with minimal cloud cover and adheres to project requirements. Initially focus on obtaining satellite data for the India region as part of the POC. 2. Image Stitching Seamlessly align and stitch multiple satellite images into a continuous, unified layer. Address and correct any gaps, distortions, or inconsistencies in the stitched output to maintain image integrity. 3. Image Normalization and Enhancement Adjust brightness, contrast, and color balance to ensure uniformity...
Ad for a bulletin post on a highway, with a picture of my products and logo, and something creative for valentines day