Macro install add ins işler
Hava aracı rüzgar tüneli modellerinde kontrol yüzeylerinden kaynaklanan menteşe momentleri ve eğilme momentleri modele özel tasarlanan sensörler yardımıyla ölçülmektedir. Bilinen kısıtlı bir hacime sığması gereken bu sensörler hem gerekli mukavemeti sağlamalı hem de test yükleri altında belirlenen bölgelerde istenen gerinme değerlerini sağlayabilmelidir. Tüm bu parametrelerin otomatik olarak optimizasyonunu yapabilecek bir makro yazılımının geliştirilmesi beklenmektedir. (Tercihen CATIA) Model içerisindeki herhangi bir parametreyi değiştirerek farklı geometriler elde edilebilmektedir. Konspept 1’de gage uygulanacak bölgeyi silindirik şafta dönüştürerek Konsept-2’yi elde edebilirsiniz. ...
Mобильное приложение Будет о том, как устанавливать, устранять неисправности и обслужив...Можете копировать какой нибудь вэб сайт На главном экране появится предупреждение Дизайн логотипа и изображения принадлежат вам, но есть некоторые изображения. Klima montajı nasıl yapılır, arızası nasıl giderilir ve bakımı hakkında bir mobil uygulama olacak. ana ekranda uyarı olacak logo tasarımı ve resimler size ait ama bazı resimler vardır There will be a mobile application about how to install, troubleshoot and maintain air conditioners. There will be a warning on the home screen The logo design and images belong to you, but there are some images
Her Marka/Model Farede Çalışan Legit Macro/Script Yazılımı .lua ve .mgn2 uzantılı Macro/Script dosyalarını ortak çalıştıran Özel bir yazılım istiyorum detaylar aşağıda; Bloody, Logitech yazılımları gibi güvenli olacak. Arka planda Belli olmayacak! Anti-Virüse Yakalanmayan Temiz bir yazılım olacak. Bloody, Logitech scriptleri ve makro uzantılarına destek verecek ve çalıştıracak. Örnek: (.lua ve .mgn2 ) Her mouseda marka model ayırt etmeden stabil çalışacak. --> Yazılıma Girişler: günlük, aylık, haftalık , yıllık key ile olacak.*** --> Key sadece 1 Bilgisayar/1 Kullanıcı için geçerli olacak *** Uygulama içinde Harici Bir Macro Editörü olacak. Kullanımı, ara yüzü k...
Salam Çağlar bey, Umarım iysiniz, sizinle 2 yıl öncə başarılı bir projemiz olmuşdu. Şimdi bana Pythonda yazılmış bir programı install etmek lazım. Bunun için destek imkanınız varmı? Ve mümkünsə, fiyatı da yazaqrdınız, ben ona uygun proje açım.
...containing video documentation of all the steps. Easy work in the simplest resking. you can then generate your APK within a day. from the installation of android studio, its configuration until the generation of a signed file. This game is highly recommended by our team for beginners. her monthly earnings average $ 20 per month. it just depends on your social media advertising to attract users to install it. Description This minimalist skill game is easy to play, but hard to master – and insanely addictive! Perfect timing is crucial: tap at the right moment to stack blocks on top of each other and try to build the highest tower. How To : - Open Project Into Android Studio. - Change the package name - How to Change Graphics game. - How to Change Audio game. - How to c...
Yarim Yada Hatali Bir Macro Script Projesi Var Elimde Bunu Onarmak Yada Hatalari Giderip Çalişir Hale Getirmek
Although the GPS tracking app running on the Android phone shows the GPS device correctly, the app shows the phone's location incorrectly. In order for the application to show the location information correctly, it must get the location from the google maps application, not the phone hardware. When installing the application on the phone, necessary changes should be made to ensure that the application runs in a high priority classroom and the application works without any restrictions when the phone switches to battery saving mode. Actions to be taken: 1-Fix location update error of app 2- Changing app permissions to high priority 3-Ensuring that the application is not affected by battery saving restrictions Turkish language: Android telefonda çalışan GPS izleme uygulaması G...
excel makro bilgisi gerektirir. hergün excel ile gelen 1000+ adres datasını excel makro ile (özellikle bu program kullanılmalı) google maps'e yapıştırıp gelen koordinatları yine excel ...bu program kullanılmalı) google maps'e yapıştırıp gelen koordinatları yine excel listesinin içine yapıştırmak. eğer adres arandığında birden fazla adres geliyorsa koordinatları excel e yazmayacak. sadece bunu yapacak makro koduna ihtiyacım var. tek seferlik bir iş. excel macro knowledge required pretty simple job. There is a home or work address file coming in every day. The number of records is about 1000 lines. We want to find the coordinates of these addresses via google maps and copy them to excel. i just need macro code to do this. one time job.
...faturanın fotoğrafı gönderilmemiş olmalıdır. - Aynı fatura farklı ortamlarda veya ismi değiştirilerek birden fazla kez gönderilmemelidir. Faturası kabul edilmeyen kurumlar: A101 ALİ EROĞLU Alpasanoglu ANKAPET ARMAGAZ ASKİ BARBAROS PETROL BaskentGaz Bayram Alışveriş BİM Birlik Gida ve Ins BİSO FIRIN BİZİM ALIŞ VERİŞ Boyner Çağdaş Marketler Carrefoursa DEPOSELL DÜZGÜN MARKETLER EnerjiSa Erdoğan Kardeşler market Er-Mar Market Esfa Kimya Essen AVM Evkiba FOODRUM Ganiogullari Ins Gida Geltat Super Market Gross Toptan Hakmar İGDAŞ IRMAKLAR İSKİ Karalök Oktay Gıda KEMAL YERLİ AVM Kent Gross laçin market Migros MİGROS Milli Pazar MİRAY ET Onur PTT Samgaz Şok Marketler SS.İSTANBUL ECZACILAR ÜR....
I am using an existing panel. I want to add an additional feature to this panel that I have used. The panel name is opengamepanel. I want to add plugins for counter-strike. Open the plug-in, close the plug-in, there will be plug-in information. That's all I want. price: 10 $ website panel.
Merhaba, Hali hazırda ile geliştirilen masaüstü yazılımı için, swarm check-in ekleme ve silme modülü yaptırmak istiyorum. Bu modül bir form üzerinde 3 adet buton ve datagridview kullanılarak ekteki görselde ki gibi bir yapıya sahip olabilir. Start check-in butonu, gridview'da bulunan kullanıcıları aynı satırda bulunan mekanlara check-in yapma üzere başlatmak için kullanılır. Stop check-in butonu, tüm işlemleri durdurmak için kullanılır. Delete All check-in butonu, Yapılan check-in'leri silmek amacı ile kullanılır. Tüm işlemler foursquare api üzerinden gerçekleşir
...“Line” ile onaracak. Elbette en yakındaki iki nokta arasına “Line” atayacak. Bu açıklık kontrolü 0.2 mm içinde olabilir. “Advanced settings” altında değiştirilebilir istiyorum. 6. Makro kaç tane kendi içinde kapalı şekil olduğunu sayacak. Örnek: dosyasında 5 tane kapalı şekil var. için bu sayı 6. 7. Eğer üst üste binmiş çizgiler varsa, macro “Trim” ile budayacak. 8. Makro bütün figürün alan merkezini bulup “Point” ile işaretleyecek. 9. Makro figürün alanını hesaplayacak.(Hafızasına alacak yani) 10. Bu adımdan sonra, makro bütün figürdeki bütün bileşenleri(“Line”, “Arc”, “Spl...
Reklam filmine Türkçe altyazı dosyası (.srt) oluşturmak istiyorum. Videonun uzunluğu 11 dakika 44 saniye.
Ubuntu kurulu olan sunucuma PHPmyAdmin Programı kurulup çalıştırılır hale getirilmesi.
Hello friends. I have a WordPress site. I want to set up social networking extension to the my blog. I installed the BuddyPress plugin. But the system is very slow. I'm looking for somebody who can solve this problem. I tried: wp-cache, db optimization... You can use Google search: "buddypress slow" My server: 1CPU, 2GB Ram. My blog: Thanks. Merhaba arkadaşlar. Wordpress sitem var. Sosyal ağ eklentisi kurmak istiyorum. BuddyPress eklentisi kurdum fakat eklenti sonrası site çok yavaşladı. Server'ın özellikleri: 1CPU, 2GB Ram.. Eklentiyi yavaşlık sorunu olmadan çalışı bir vaziyette kuracak birini arıyorum. wp-cache, veritabanı optimizasyonu denedim olmadı. Blog sayfam: Teşekkürler.
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Add jquery elements/add interaction to html/css website'
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'DO some excel and macro worl'
tarzında bir fırsat sitesi var ve sitenin Admin panelinde bir kaç değişiklik yapmak istiyorum. Güvenlik konusu önemli çünkü mobil ve 3D ödeme sistemi var. MySql veritabanı kullanılıyor. Kodlama tamamen php. Tasarımda da ufak değişiklikler olacaktır. Detay almak isteyen arkadaşlar Mesajla ...con tarzında bir fırsat sitesi var ve sitenin Admin panelinde bir kaç değişiklik yapmak istiyorum. Güvenlik konusu önemli çünkü mobil ve 3D ödeme sistemi var. MySql veritabanı kullanılıyor. Kodlama tamamen php. Tasarımda da ufak değişiklikler olacaktır. Detay almak isteyen arkadaşlar Mesajla iletişim bilgisi bırakırsa sevinirim. Made a deal site. Development in the admin panel and a few plug-ins you want. Totally PH...
We have owned for a web page, a different system with 10 user-name, image entry will be provided on a specific subject. 700 photos are required to be on average per week. The site's name and picture to be drawn of the categories will be told after the agreement. Sites like Pinterest are working with. Photos must be of high quality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sahibi olduğumuz bir web sayfası için , Farklı 10 kullanıcı adı ile sisteme , belli bir konuda resim girişi sağlanacak. Ortalama haftada 700 resim olma zorunluluğu vardır. Sitenin ismi ve resimlerin çekileceği kategoriler anlaşmadan so...
Add links to many different sources about a website. 100 links = 10 USD Belirtilecek olan web sitesi ile ilgili linkleri, internetteki farklı kaynaklara ekleyin. 100 link = 10 dolar
--------------------- Combination with the iTunes Store and Google Play will be a web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals. Do the site, the Desktop version, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Versions All structures built work.... paid in regular intervals. Do the site, the Desktop version, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Versions All structures built work.
--------------------- Combination with the iTunes Store and Google Play will be a web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals. Do the site, the Desktop version, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Versions All structures built work.... paid in regular intervals. Do the site, the Desktop version, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile Versions All structures built work.
--------------------- Combination with the iTunes Store and Google Play will be a web site you need this software to work with the logic. But at the same time not only ios and android applications in the Windows Phone I want to sell. The source file of the product will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals....ct will be installed. Authorize whether control. Then the price will be available. Applications Application developers are able to install the exhibition fee or for free. After they earn a commission on the amount to be paid in regular intervals.
I'm seeking a graphic designer to create an informational brochure for my brand. Key Requirements: - Brochure design: The brochure needs to be designed with a minimalist style - Graphic Design: Strong graphic design skills are a must - Understanding of Minimalist and Informational design: A good understanding of minimalist and informational design principles will be beneficial. The ideal candidate would have a strong portfolio showcasing relevant design work, particularly in creating minimalist-styled brochures. The goal of this project is to deliver a clean, clear and concise brochure, capable of effectively conveying information in a visually appealing way.
I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer to refresh my website's design and enhance its functionality. Key Tasks: - Redesign the site with a focus on a multi-column layout. - Update the navigation and layout aspects. - Install and configure plugins to improve site functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress. - Strong design sense, especially with multi-column layouts. - Experienced with WordPress plugins. - Good understanding of user-friendly navigation systems. Please include examples of previous WordPress design and functionality projects in your proposal.
I need to install a page on my website, in PHP 8, where I can select an XLSX file and insert some data directly into the Mysql database. On this import page, in addition to inserting the xlsx file, I also add text to explain what it is about. (example in the link ) I tried doing something like the video above, but it didn't work. Database and rows: INSERT INTO Tablegroup (idgrupo, idplataforma, idpais, idestado, idcidade, idempresa, idusuario, idusuario_indicador, ididioma, membros, group_id, titulo, url, status, categoria, datacadgrupo) VALUES (NULL, '1', '2', '70', '0', '1', '7', '7', '1', '12312', NULL, 'Teste Delete', '', '1', '20'
...Ensure we do not lose this capability by employing too new version of OS or SuiteCRM software. Add capabilities: Email send/receive (standard for SuiteCRM send/receive capabilities) Currently, I cannot login to backend using admin username and pass. I see it there in the mySQL databases; I just can’t get it to login. I belive someone may have tinkered with the file. I would like to configure the databases to live on an additional server storage drive, not the same drive used for the website itself. It uses a Esxi virtualized VM. This way, the size of the website databases can expand without worrying about disk size. Once the install is complete, I will go through the CRM to add in additional capabilities and re-bid those tasks with you....
I need assistance with installing on my Linux VPS that has no control panel. I have SSH access to the server and would like to store the data files on a remote server. You will be guiding me not installing it for me. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Linux operating system - Experience with installation - Proficient in Remote server data management - Strong understanding of using SSH - Previous experience with installing software on VPS without a control panel Please provide your bid and timeframe for this project.
The Client want me to add: 1) Calendar Page 2) Newsletter 3) Members Only Page to his existing website.
The Client want me to add Calander Page to his existing website.
I'm seeking a proficient developer with experience in AI and fitness app creation. The primary function of this app will be to generate personalized workout plans for users. Key Features: - The app should have a comprehensive diet and nutrition tracking system. This will include meal planning, macro nutrient breakdown, and calorie counting. - A critical aspect of the app will be its ability to evaluate user data and provide insights on their diet and nutrition. Data Evaluation: - The app will primarily focus on performance analytics over time. It should be able to track users' progress and performance over extended periods, and not just in real time or in comparison to goals. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in AI and machine learning. - Proven experience in developin...
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in managing paid ad campaigns to drive installs for my Android game. Key Requirements: - The campaign will be primarily focused on CPA (Cost Per Action) ad network, so prior experience with CPA is a must. - A strong understanding of Android platform and its user base. - Proven track record of increasing app installs through paid ads. Skills & Experience Needed: - Proficiency in campaign management and analytics. - Strong knowledge of Android game market. - Excellent communication skills for regular updates and strategy discussions.
...for managing application pods. for exposing services. for routing external traffic through Azure Application Gateway. Validate manifest files using tools like kubeval or kubectl apply --dry-run=client. Use Helm chart for templating and reusability. 5. Setup Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) Deploy Azure Application Gateway in your Azure subscription. Install and configure AGIC in the AKS cluster using Helm or Azure CLI. Enable integration between AGIC and the Application Gateway using Azure RBAC. Update Kubernetes ingress resources to define routing rules and associate with the Application Gateway. 6. DNS and SSL Setup DNS Setup: Update domain DNS records (A/AAAA or CNAME) to point to the Azure Application Gateway's public IP. SSL Setup: Configure
Build quote template as below - 1. Polish quote template 2. Macro to create new tab 3. Macro to add new slot in existing quote 4. PDF generation with Inclusion and Exclusion List 5. Push quote info to CRM (if API exists)
My iOS / Android mobile app needs a graphic design review and improvements to boost user engagement. I specifically need help with the overall app layout and the color scheme and typography. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - User Interface (UI) Design - ...take a look at the current state of the design of the app and give me ideas to improve it, suggest design updates, colors, etc. Need to keep the budget very reasonable, don't need them to do any programming, maybe just mock-ups of suggestions. The app is currently available in Canada, US, Australia, Ireland and the UK, so if the freelancer is not in one of those countries they won't be able to install the current version, but we can probably work around that. Guessing that designers in those countries...
...columns are filled in: ARTICOLO (item code) DESCRIZIONE (item description) DATA PREVISTA (estimated availability date) I° REVISIONE DATA (first revised availability date) II° REVISIONE DATA (second revised availability date) III° REVISIONE DATA (third revised availability date) QTY (quantity) STATO (status) I would need a button for each row, next to the column STATO. The button, powered by a macro, when pushed should trigger an email to be sent to a list of internal recipients, with subject and text filled in with the values of the specific columns, as follows. Subject "Variazione piano di disponibilità DESCRIZIONE" Text: "Vi comunico la variazione del piano di disponibilità relativo a DESCRIZIONE, codice ARTICOLO, come segue: ...
I need an expert with installing Vicibox11 on a freshly setup cloud server. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Vicibox11 installation - Experience with cloud server - Knowledgeable in server configuration Please note, the server is currently empty, hence, the freelancer will need to install the OS and configure the server from scratch.
I require a professional to install an E-commerce website and its corresponding mobile applications for both Android and iOS. The mobile apps should be compatible with the latest versions of their respective platforms. Key requirements for the E-commerce website: - Payment Gateway Integration: This includes setting up secure and reliable payment systems to facilitate seamless transactions. - Product Search and Filtering: The website should provide a user-friendly interface for product navigation, including a robust search and filtering system. - User Reviews and Ratings: Implementing a section for user reviews and ratings to enhance customer interaction and trust. Ideal candidates should have substantial experience in E-commerce website and mobile app development, with a proven tr...
I require a professional to fit various outdoor plastic signs at different locations including buildings, free-standing posts, fences, railings, and walls. Key Requirements: - Experience with outdoor signage installation - Proficiency in working with plastic materials - Ability to install signs on various surfaces -Ability to travel around for a full day installing to let/for sale boards with posts We are looking for a fitter for one full day each week to help out with installing high volume (4-10) signs. There may be opportunity to help with larger projects.
I've installed Seafile on my Apache server running Ubuntu 22.04. While I have access to the application, I'm unable to upload or download anything. I need a backend developer who can troubleshoot and rectify this issue. Logs indicate there's a problem, but they aren't clear. I made minor modifications to the default Seafile configuration, but it's mostly untouched. You can fully re install seafile. Please include your relevant experience in your application.
...correctly. The event location is being pulled from manually entered data, and this is where the problem lies. You need experience with wordpress, woocommerce, and JavaScript, this project needs coding. You also need to be able to do in your local machine or personal server. Steps top reproduce the problem: - Install Woocommerce plugin - Install Woocommerce Bookings plugin - Install Woocommerce Bookings Availability plugin - Create 3 different Bookable products - Create booking page and add "Booking schedule" component Please check plugin documentation: The bug: - When you open bookings page in incognito mode the events will not output any data only word "Placeholder" Note: the problem is only when user is not logged in, so there mus...
I'm looking for a talented Flutter and Laravel developer to help me update the design of a Codecanyon app, 6amMart. Key Responsibilities: - Redesigning the User Interface (UI) layout - Revamping the color scheme and aligning with our branding - Updating all icons and graphics I have a general idea of what I want, but I'm open to your creative input and suggesti...scheme and aligning with our branding - Updating all icons and graphics I have a general idea of what I want, but I'm open to your creative input and suggestions. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in UI/UX design, with a portfolio showcasing previous app design modifications. Experience with Flutter and Laravel is a must. Please note, this project is focused solely on design updates add s...
Looking for experience Server Admin to install Cyberpanel to Oracle Cloud that will host Wordpress sites. Key Tasks 1. Install & Setup CyberPanel to optimize for performance and security. 2. Install Wordpress 3. Msc - Setup SSL - Setup Mailer for Wordpress - Setup SFTP & SSH with Key If this is within your service, please confirm your offer and delivery time to get started once NDA signed.
...Project Overview The goal is to revamp the website, making it visually appealing, responsive, and optimized for SEO. I will provide the design in Canva, and your role will involve implementing it into WordPress. Additionally, this is a long-term project, as I plan to integrate additional features (e.g., GDPR-compliant contact forms) over time. 2. Tasks to Be Completed Setup and Installation: Install and configure a new WordPress environment, preferably in a staging area. Import and link the content from the existing website into the new setup to maintain SEO performance. Design Integration: Implement Canva designs into a new WordPress theme, ensuring responsiveness across devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). Customize the theme to match the provided branding and design guideline...
I'm looking for a talented food photographer and videographer to create engaging content for my social media platforms. The shoot will include a variety of shots, from close-ups of the food to action shots of the cooking process. Key Requirements: - Capture of different types of shots including close-up/macro shots, plated dishes, and action shots (cooking in process) - Use of a neutral and natural style of photography - Ability to create content that will appeal to a social media audience Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in food photography and videography - Strong understanding of social media content creation - Ability to shoot and edit high-quality visual content
I need a macro or script for my Google Sheets and Excel to automate data entry. Specifically, I want it to automatically pull bold information from a specified source into designated columns, as demonstrated in a provided video. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in creating macros in Excel and scripts in Google Sheets. - Strong understanding of data entry processes. - Able to follow visual instructions precisely. Please note, the exact source of the bold information will be provided in the video.
Mountain Craft Builders Website Plan Overview The website will be a professional platform for showcasing products and services under the brand. The design should focus on functionality, clarity, and visual appeal to engage homeowners, contractors, and designers. Website Structure 1. Homepage Header: Logo: Navigation menu: Home, About Us, Products, Services, FAQs, Contact Us. Hero Section: Tagline: "Affordable Custom Cabinets, Delivered Fast!" Call-to-action (CTA): "Explore Our Collections" or "Request a Quote." Featured image: A high-quality lifestyle photo of a beautifully designed kitchen. Highlights: "America’s Best Value in Cabinetry" Showcase top collections: Luxor, Country, Concord, Classic, Vanities, and Accessories. Foot...
Looking for a Web and Mobile Script with Installation Service (Multivendor, On-demand, eCommerce, Parcel, Taxi, Car Rental) Description: I am looking for a ready-made script that works both as a web application and a mobile application. The script should include the following features, and I am also looking for a developer who can install and configure the script completely for me: Required Features: Multivendor Food Delivery System (like Uber Eats). On-Demand Services (home services, handyman, etc.). eCommerce Platform for selling products. Parcel Delivery System for shipping packages. Taxi Booking System (similar to Uber). Car Rental App with complete booking and payment functionality. Deliverables: Source Code: I want to purchase the full source code of the script. Installation...