Looking for sei report writers işler
We are looking for an experienced industrial designer or graphic designer to create the design for an AC charger for electric vehicles. The ideal candidate should be able to develop both technical drawings and an external design concept. Job Description: Develop the industrial design for an electric vehicle AC charger Create detailed technical drawings and dimensions Design a product that is ready for manufacturing Develop a user-friendly, aesthetic, and modern external design Requirements: Experience in industrial design or graphic design Expertise in 3D modeling and technical drawing (SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Fusion 360, etc.) Ability to create renders and concept designs (KeyShot, Blender, etc.) Knowledge of manufacturing processes is a plus Abi...
I am seeking a highly skilled AI developer to create a sophisticated AI bot and a robust anti-cheat system for my online Okey 101 game, a popular Turkish Rummy variant. This project targets a real-money gaming environment, making fair play and a strong AI crucial. I am also open to discussing a potential long-term partnership with the right candidate. Game Modes (Detailed): * Non-Folding (Katlamasız): Standard Okey 101 rules apply. Players form melds (sets and runs) and aim to finish with the lowest score. * Folding (Katlamalı): Similar to Non-Folding, but players can "fold" (give up) if they have a weak hand, incurring a fixed penalty. * Penalized (Cezalı): Based on Folding rules with additional penalties: * Double Meld (Çift Açma): Opening with 7+ pa...
TR-Taslak text halindeki projenin tüm aşamalarını yapacak ekip ya da ekip kurabilecek lider ruhlu bir arkadaş arıyoruz. Text görüşmede verilecektir, aradığımız en büyük şart şirket olması ve tecrübe. EN-We are looking for a team leader or someone who can form a team to carry out all the stages of a project in draft form. The text will be given in a text conversation, and the main requirement is that they have experience and are a compan
Tesla Aksesuarları ve Parçaları satış şirketi olarak Satış Ortağı arıyoruz. Satış Ortağı kendi yöntemleri (instagram, facebook, discord,) veya google her nerede iyi bir şekilde pazarlama yapabilirse uygun olur. Satış ortağına vereceğimiz kod ile satış ortağı kendi satışını yaparsa karşılığında komisyon ödenecektir.
Merhaba, Finans ve oyun pazarında yer alan şirketimiz için Türkçe bilen/konuşabilen ve anadili İngilizce olan freelance bir çalışma arkadaşı arıyoruz. Devamlı ve uzun soluklu bir proje olacak. -- We are looking for a native English translator who can speak Turkish for our company in the finance and gaming market. The project will be an ongoing project.
İşte yapmak istediğimiz çalışmalardan bir örnek "en iyi dik duruş korsesi" ona websitemizden " bilgilenal" bakabilirsiniz. Daha fazla bilgi için diğer gönderilere bakmaktan çekinmeyin.
Bloğum için metin yazarları arıyorum. Sağlık, Ev ve Yaşam ile ilgili yaklaşık 2000 kelimelik gönderilere ihtiyacım var. İşte yapmak istediğim çalışmalardan bir örnek daha fazla bilgi için diğer gönderilere bakmaktan çekinmeyin. Lütfen teklifinizi bana bildirin.
Merhaba roni36, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz. Just wanna try for one crastal report
...adlı yazılım ajansının kurucusu Yusuf. Devam çalıştığımız müşterimizin acil bir isteği oldu. 1) Risk Radar adı verilen raporun bir sharepoint sayfasında, tasarım dokümanını hazırladıkları bir formatta sunulmasını istiyorlar. 2) Bu sayfanın renk şemasını hazırladıkları gibi olmasını istiyorlar 3) Sayfanın scroll triggered animation ile kullanılabilmesini istiyorlar 4) Sayfada çok sayıda power bi report app part ı olmasını istiyorlar. 5) Raporlar içerisinde yer alan elemanlara tıklandığında sayfa içerisinde başka bir yerin otomatik olarak gösterilmesini istiyorlar. Çarşambaya kadar bu işin önemli bir bölümü isteniyor, haftaya çarşamba tamamı. Bu bölüm tamamlandıktan ona muhtemelen düzenl...
İngilizce staj raporu hazırlanması gerekiyor. Dökümanları sağlayacağım. Çalıştığım için vakit bulmakta zorlanıyorum. Detaylar ile ilgili iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
...site. The authors will determine the price themselves. The employer will choose the writers according to these prices. They will be able to send messages to each other, but it will be forbidden to send information such as phone number and e-mail during the message and it will be detected. Just like fiverr. com. Authors and buyers will become members of the site. Buyers who want to buy articles. They give some information about the article's name, what the article will be about, and select to authors. Authors are people who write articles. They give information about themselves. The authors will determine the price themselves. For example, 1$/100 words. There are many sample sites in our country. For example icerik. net, makale. net, icerikal. com sites...
...Mediator between Patient, Doctor and Hospital. Best for Single Clinics/Doctor/ Hospitals/Ambulance/ Pharmacy/ Nursing Homes/Multi-Hospitals Note: It is a complete package of Web-based (Backend-Fronted) (Design Responsive ---- I don't want application ) *Sample Sites: Following are some of the features in the product: *Patient Can search various doctor by specialisation, location and can take appointment Can look for available time slots. Private Consultations with doctors. Look for daily Health Tips by various doctors. Ask Public Questions. Get daily updates of various Events & News. Set Reminder for new appointments , medicines and so on.. Also can
Merhaba, Şirket tarafından adıma Udacity eğitimi tam...machine learning teknikleriyle programı eğitmek ve verdiğimiz fotoğrafı doğru tanımlamasını sağlamak. Kabaca bu şekilde yardımcı olabilecek kişilere daha da detay verebilirim. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello there, Udacity training has been completed by the company for my name, but I cannot spare the time, so I give this job in order not to report negatively. In the project, there are flower photos that have been given us a folder. Our goal is to train the program with machine learning techniques and to ensure that it accurately identifies the photo we provide. Roughly, I can give more detail to those who can help in this w...
...to get connected on web and mobile platform. Mediator between Patient, Doctor and Hospital. Best for Single Clinics/Doctor/ Hospitals/Ambulance/ Pharmacy/ Nursing Homes/Multi-Hospitals Note: It is a complete package of Web-based (Backend-Fronted) Design Responsive *Sample Sites: Following are some of the features in the product: *Patient Can search various doctor by specialisation, location and can take appointment Can look for available time slots. Private Consultations with doctors. Look for daily Health Tips by various doctors. Ask Public Questions. Get daily updates of various Events & News. Set Reminder for new appointments , medicines and so on.. Also can give Rating to doctor , hospital and write feedback
Arkadaşlar projemiz müşterilerimizin ürünlerimizi seçmesinde yardımcı olacağı bir yazılımdır, müşteri iş yerimize gelir ve dokunmatik monitör ile kendi ürününü tasarlar. Görselde ve video da detaylı...müşterilerimizin ürünlerimizi seçmesinde yardımcı olacağı bir yazılımdır, müşteri iş yerimize gelir ve dokunmatik monitör ile kendi ürününü tasarlar. Görselde ve video da detaylı anlatım mevcuttur gerçekten yapabilecek arkadaşlar ulaşsınlar. istediğimiz uygulama detaylı video yu izleyebilirsiniz aynısını istiyoruz. Friends are the software to choose our products for our project, the customer comes to our workplace and designs his own product with a touch monitor. ...
...kaynakları, teknik destek, işçi For the use of the personnel in our work place; Personal information of staff, Personnel salary history and payroll (view, print, save) Personnel responsibility information Employee leave information (permission request, remaining permissions, view and save used permissions) Personnel start information Staff membership information Screen for sending malfunctions or warnings for devices and machines belonging to personnel's area of responsibility Personnel document sending screen For the accounting department; Recording staff expenses and selecting personnel Personnel salary, insurance, overtime, advance fee entry View, print, and save personnel data Human Resources; Personnel start dates, Personal information o...
Çevrimiçi başvurumuzu (php, laravel, açısal1) ve REACT'e yönlendiren bir refactor alabilen bir ön uç ya da tam yığın adamı arıyoruz. Aradığımız adam eski web sitemizi YALNIZCA geliştiren, sadece makbuzlarımızla veya önerilerimizle, mükemmel kalitede kodlama ve grafiklere sahip mükemmel bir algıya sahip olmalıdır. İyi yazı tipleri, iyi renkler, harika kontrast uygulanmalıdır.
I'm looking for a seo expert on my website I have 10 words, they need me to upgrade my budget is between 200-500 €
Merhaba Emre, Bir süredir 2 kişi uğraştığımız yeni uygulamamız için React Native kod yazabilecek bir freelancer arayışındayız. Şu anda iş olarak 3 sayfamız var yaptırmak istediğimiz. Bunlardan biri Ayarlar sayfası, diğeri Feedback/Report sayfası ve sonuncusu da bir foto yükleme sayfası. Tasarımımız mevcut ve yazdığımız 8-9 sayfa ekran var. Bu yüzden bazı komponentleri yeniden kullanmak için sayfaları yapmadan önce hazır olan kodun üzerinden geçmemiz gerekecek. Bu 3 sayfa için ne kadar bir süre ve fiyat verebilirsin acaba? Umarım sen de projeyi beğenirsin ve daha sonra çıkacak işlerde de beraber çalışabiliriz :) Sevgiler, ilker
Looking for android memory game designer - Hafiza geliştirici basit grafikli ve basit arayüzlü android oyun tasarlayacak yetenekli bir arkadaş arıyoruz.
Güzel görünümlü ve basit görünümlü bir kartvizit yapıyorum
...---------------------------------------------- -history -name -customer gsm - Organizing time: (12:00) (18:00) - Number of person ---------- admin to make changes the admin will authorize the user whenever he wants to ---------------------------------------------- user-based reporting -------------------------------------------- sales representatives' own color -------------------------------------------- report ************************************************************ tr ************** biz düğün salonuyuz ve müşteri rezervasyon sistemi lazım ------------------------------------- -aylık ve yıllık takvim ---------------------------------------------- -tarih -müsteri ismi -müşteri gsm -organizasyon saati :(12:00) (18:00) -kişi sayısı ---------- ...
unity bilen sureci devam eden projemizin kucuk bir kismini biterecek ve yeni projelerde de bize destek olabilecek birisini ariyoruz.
CFD, FEA, FATIGUE analiz yapabilecek, yaptığı analizi yorumlayıp tarafımıza sunabilecek freelancer arıyoruz.
Merhaba Writers Forum, profilinizi fark ettim ve size projemi teklif etmek isterim. İstediğiniz ayrıntıyı sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
... otomatik sayı alanlar, uygun indexler, default ve constraintler…), b. En az 3 trigger (Insert/Update/Delete işlemlerinin en az ikisini kullanın.), c. 5 farklı çeşit rapor seçeneği oluşturunuz. (En az iki tanesini, stored procedure kullanarak yapın) d. Ekranda listelenmekte olan o anki raporun pdf/doc/xls uzantılarından en az biri şeklinde kayıt edilebilmesi özelliği yapınız.(Crystal report, fast report,… kullanabilirsiniz) 5- Uygulamanın giriş ekranında bir “kullanıcı adı ve şifre” sorusu ile güvenlik kontrolü yaptırınız. 6- “Admin” isimli bir kullanıcı ile girildiğinde diğer kullanıcılar için “Kullanıcı tanımlama ve yetkilendirme” işlemleri yapınız. Oluşturulmuş olan kullanıcıla...
Kamusal alanda yayın yapacağımız ekranlar için kanal ismi arı ekranlar hareketli alanlarda olacaktır. Bu ekranlarda reklam, güncel haberler ve eğlenceli videolar yayınlanacaktır. Kanal ismi için ipuçlarımız."Digital media, Mobil, Moving Media" We are looking for a channel name that will broadcast in puclic space. Some of the screens will be in the moving spaces. There will be advertisings, news and funny videos in those screens. Key words are for this channel: Digital Media, Mobility, Moving Media etc. For more information you can contact with us.
Establishing a web service - API for a web page. Code written as C# NVC but any solution for API is OK. End user will respond 9 questions from a website, API will retrieve pre-defined SQL data from remote server, prepare a pre-defined pdf report and bring it to the client. While doing this, API will count and record the number of usage to the log where the database is. Project to be completed in one month. Son kullanıcının web sayfası üzerinden cevaplayacağı 9 soru ile; ilgili Web API, Uzaktaki bir Server' dan önceden belirlenmiş SQL'leri kullanarak aldığı veriler Yardımı ile oluşturacağı yine formatı ve içeriği önceden belirlenmiş PDF formatında ki raporu İstemci tarafına getirecek. Web API bu işlemi yaparken Database in olduğu serve...
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a system or strategy used by businesses to manage interactions with customers, improve relationships, and streamline processes. It helps companies track customer data, sales, support ticket...- Call Back Data - Import Bulk Contact - Filter ## Campaign Management - Add Campaign - Edit Campaign - List Campaign - Delete Campaign - Filter ## Campaign Agent Mapping Management - Add Campaign Agent Mapping - Edit Campaign Agent Mapping - List Campaign Agent Mapping - Delete Campaign Agent Mapping - Filter ## Global Search - Filter ## Report - User Performance Report - Call Back Report - User Call Response Report ## Help Section - Add Help Material - Edit Help Material - List Help Material - Delete ...
Expert Link Builder for SEO Services, We are seeking a skilled freelancer to provide premium link building services in the SEO industry. The ideal candidate will not only meet standard quality but ensure that all work is of the highest premium quality. Key Responsibilities: Determine Target Content Assets: Analyze our website and identify high-value pages that would benefit from link building. Identify Publishers and Blogs: Research and compile a list of relevant publishers and blogs in our niche for potential backlink opportunities. Content Ideation: Generate creative and engaging content ideas that can attract backlinks effectively. Quality Writing: Produce high-quality content that adheres to best practices in SEO and appeals to our target audience. Publisher Pitch: Craft...
Key Qualities to Look For : Sales Experience: Proven track record in closing sales, preferably in the education or digital marketing industry. Experience in consultative selling and handling objections. Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to build rapport and trust with potential clients. English and Hindi language communication is mandatory Persuasion and Negotiation: Strong persuasion skills to convince prospects of the value of the courses. Ability to negotiate pricing or payment plans if needed. Self-Motivation: A self-starter who can work independently and meet sales targets. Comfortable with outbound sales (cold calling, email outreach, etc.). Customer-Centric Mindset: Focus on understanding the customer’s needs and prov...
I am looking to purchase five guest blog posts for a fashion clothing-related website. The guest posts must meet the following criteria: Requirements: ✔ Each guest post should include at least 2 links to my website. ✔ The website must have an Indian domain ✔ Domain Authority (DA) must be above 50 (verified via Moz or Ahrefs). ✔ Do-follow links are mandatory—no no-follow or sponsored links. ✔ The content must be unique, engaging, and relevant to the fashion industry. ✔ The guest posts must be permanently live (no temporary placements). Key Requirements: - The blog posts should appeal to a diverse audience comprising teenagers, young adults and professionals. - The writing style should be conversational and casual, making the posts engaging and relatable. Ideal Skills...
Hi, I am looking for an experienced WordPress expert who can fix Fusion Live Builder in Avada theme on my website, which is hosted on Nginx and MariaDB. ? Issue: Fusion Live Builder is not working – I am unable to edit pages. Container tabs do not switch, making it impossible to manage content. Live edit mode is not functional, preventing real-time page editing. I need someone who truly understands Avada and Fusion Builder. Please do not apply if you are not highly experienced with this issue – I am already very experienced in WordPress myself but have not been able to fix it. ? Requirements: ✔ Strong experience with WordPress, Avada theme, and Fusion Builder ✔ Knowledge of Nginx, MariaDB, caching issues, and server configurations ✔ Ability to troubleshoot and...
I'm seeking a skilled COMSOL professional to modify my current heat transfer simulation. The goal is to integrate thermal coupling with fluid dynamics into the simulation. Key Requi...transfer and fluid dynamics modules. - Previous experience in modifying simulations to include new features. - Ability to enhance the simulation while maintaining its accuracy and performance parameters. Your task will include: - Adding the fluid dynamics coupling into the existing heat transfer simulation. - Ensuring the new features are seamlessly integrated and functional. - Providing a detailed report on the modifications made and their expected impacts on the simulation outcomes. If you have a strong background in engineering simulations and can deliver on this project, I look forward to...
Hi, I am looking for an experienced WordPress web designer to redesign and migrate my existing website to a fresh WordPress installation on a new server. ? What needs to be done: ✔ Transfer all content 1:1, including text, images, page names, and structure – nothing should be changed ✔ Maintain all existing keywords, page URLs, meta tags, and SEO structure ✔ A new WordPress theme/template can be used (if it improves the design), but the content must remain exactly the same ✔ Ensure a fully responsive design with proper formatting ✔ Optimize and configure WordPress settings to avoid errors ✔ Ensure SEO best practices are maintained (redirects if needed, alt attributes, structured data, etc.) ✔ Set up the new WordPress installation properly on the provided server ? Wha...
We Need 3 team for our 3 of projects, your job is to SEO consultants on each project> to better performance we award each project for each team to manage. your task is following but not limited. Full SEO Audit Keyword Research On-Page SEO Review Content Strategy Technical SEO Fixes Backlink Strategy Reports & Action Plan More... AS SEO Consultant Should Give Us Regularly: A monthly SEO audit report (with progress and issues). A task list to complete. Keyword research documents. Content plan (topics, titles, word count). Backlink ideas or plans. Ongoing advice on how to improve More...
I'm looking for a skilled Android app developer who can create an application for me. This app should: - Perform statistical analysis on a set of numbers (0,00, and 01 to 36) - Identify 5 hot numbers - Identify 5 cold numbers - Track the last 10 numbers This app should generate a report, but only to be viewed in the app itself. The data should be presented visually in the form of graphs and charts, making it easy to interpret. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in Android app development - Strong understanding of statistical analysis - Skills in data visualization - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces
SEO Package: On-page Optimization 15 keywords 180+ backlinks High DA (30+) Website Audit Report Weekly Off Page Backlinks Report SMO: Monthly 8 Social Media Post Monthly 2 reels Posting Posting On(Insta, FB, Twitter, LinkedIn)
...Tester Needed for MySecondLine App (Visual & Hearing Impairments) We are seeking testers with visual or hearing impairments to evaluate the accessibility features of our MySecondLine App. This test aims to ensure that the app is fully accessible for individuals using screen readers, Bluetooth hearing aids, real-time captioning, and other assistive technologies. Testing Requirements: Test Subjects: Individuals with visual or hearing impairments who use assistive tools (screen readers, hearing aids, etc.). Test Content: Bluetooth Hearing Aid Connectivity: Test audio streaming quality via Bluetooth hearing aids. Real-Time Captioning: Test captioning accuracy during calls and messages. Message Accessibility: Verify the clarity of text-based communication, including capti...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to install a Hyiplab script on the backend of my website. The script will handle user management, transaction processing, and report generation. Key Requirements: - Installation of the Hyiplab script for backend use - Integration with an existing PHP and MySQL website - Ensuring the script handles user management, transaction processing, and report generation effectively Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP and MySQL - Experience with Hyiplab scripts - Strong understanding of user management systems, transaction processing, and report generation - Previous experience in backend development and script installation
Seeking an Expert from UAE to Validate Software Development Work in Legal Dispute We are looking for a seasoned expert to help us present a clear and factual case in a legal dispute involving a software solutions provider. The provider successfully built custom software from the ground up, delivered key milestones on time, and met all agreed-upon requirements. However, after the client company is refusing to honour the final payment, despite the contract being fulfilled. This is where we need your expertise—to review the work done, verify its alignment with the agreement, and put together a strong, well-documented report that can support the provider’s case in legal proceedings. What We Need Help With We need an expert in UAE or UAE based firm who can: &b...
I'm seeking a professional in social media marketing, specifically on Facebook and Instagram. The core of this project is to create and manage promotional posts. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a strategic plan to promote content on Facebook and Instagram. - Create engaging promotional posts that can boost brand visibility. - Monitor, analyze and report on the performance of the posts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media marketing, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. - Strong content creation skills, able to develop engaging promotional posts. - Proficient in data analysis, able to derive insights from social media metrics.
I'm seeking an expert in UiPath to set up automation for my work. The specific tasks I need automated include data entry, report generation, and email processing. Requirements: - Create new workflows from scratch in UiPath - Interact with various data sources, including databases, Excel files, and web applications Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with UiPath - Proficient in workflow creation - Familiar with data handling across various platforms Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience.
I'm looking for an Excel expert who can program a comprehensive Excel sheet for managing the purchase and sales orders of TMT Rebars, with features supporting both Sales Order Processing and Purchase Order Processing. Key Features: - Sales Order Processing: The sheet should be able to handle the entire sales order process, tracking orders from initiation to completion. - Purchase Order Processing: Similarly, the sheet should manage the purchase order process, keeping track of purchases made for TMT Rebars. Data Analysis and Reporting: - Sales Reports: The sheet should generate detailed sales reports, providing insights into sales trends and performance. - Purchase Reports: It should also create purchase reports to keep track of the procurement process an...
I'm on the hunt for 50 proficient digital freelancers, specifically in the fields of Graphic Design, Content Writing, and Social Media Management. - Graphic Designers: Creativity and a keen eye for detail are essential. You will be tasked with creating visually appealing graphics that resonate with our brand and audience. - Content Writers: Your primary responsibility will be crafting compelling product descriptions for our home goods. Experience in writing engaging and persuasive product descriptions is a plus. - Social Media Managers: We're looking for seasoned professionals who can strategize, create and manage our social media content to boost our online presence and engage with our audience. Ideal candidates will have a portfoli...
I am seeking a skilled and experienced writer to create a series of romantic adult (erotica) Hindi short stories. The plots should be engaging and the characters should be well-dev...include: - Expertise in writing long stories/novels - Proficient in Hindi language - Experience in writing romance/erotica content - Ability to deliver stories that are captivating, unique, and enjoyable - Consideration for cultural nuances and sensitivity In your application, please include examples of your previous work, particularly any similar stories you have written in the past. These should demonstrate your ability to write in a romantic tone and create engaging adult content. Please note that all proposals should be in Hindi. Looking forward to hearing from writers with the righ...
We are looking for a skilled developer to build a SaaS Social CRM System that enables users to schedule, manage, and automate the publishing of videos, text, and images across multiple social media and e-commerce platforms. The system will use a hybrid storage approach, allowing users to store content internally (3GB free storage) and sync with external cloud storage providers such as Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud, and Dropbox. Additionally, the system will include an integrated billing system using Blesta, installed on a dedicated server, and will support email notifications via , or other email services. --- Key Features 1. Content Scheduling & Automation Supports automated posting to the following platforms: Social Media: X (Twitter) LinkedIn (Personal &am...