List city united states işler
...Discards and Takes: Analyze patterns in discarded and taken tiles to identify statistically improbable scenarios. Markov Chains or similar techniques are recommended. * Analysis of Win Rates and Score Distributions: Track win rates and score distributions to detect statistically significant deviations. * Limited Game Tree Analysis: Where computationally feasible, perform deeper analysis of game states to assess the probability and rationality of player actions. * Reporting and Alerting System: Implement a system to report suspicious activity and alert administrators. Automated actions (e.g., temporary bans, game cancellation with refunds) should be implemented based on configurable thresholds. Deliverables: * Fully functional, high-level AI bot integrated into the game. * A...
Merhaba Ufuk, Umarim hersey yolundadir. Bir proje icin iletisime gecmek istemistim. Goruyorum ki, $22 saatlik ucret belirlemissin. Benim butcem haftalik $125. Peojem ise bir cesit city directory/listing web uygulamasi. proje C#/.Net ve Angular ile baslandi. Backend tarafinda bir problem oldugunu dusunmuyorum ama frontend icin yeni bir arayuz ile tekrar calismaya baslamak istiyorum. Benim butcem icin haftada ne kadar zamanini ayirabilecegin ve projenin detaylarini konusmak icin gorusuruz umarim.
I am a classifieds site owner. Location plugin used on the site entered the site and looked at an detail city new came back to the home new york request home page you're back to be global zone. not new york
...the designs until 30th October. Attached document includes detailed information about what we expected from a design. What is CESummit? CESummit is one of the biggest and most prestigious events which IACES METU LC organizes every year. The event, CESummit, comprises several seminars and workshops that create an environment for the students, which are mostly from civil engineering, architecture, city and regional planning etc., to connect with companies directly, creating contacts, learn newest technologies in our sector and socialize with their colleagues. CESummit is organized in METU campus and continuous for two days every year. What are we expecting from the design? The CESummit logo should be simple, memorable, lasting, permanent and clear. It should also reflect the aim...
5 yıldızlı bir şehir oteli için yapılan 3D GÖRSELLERİ 3D VISUALS for a 5-star city hotel
I want a software developer to work with me for 30 days to turn my website in from 2 days in a Week, 7 hours a day in the office environment.. ( in a turistic city ) The site is a dating site, the front-end design will be included in the back-end. Flight tickets, accommodation and meals will also be provided… Bid by typing in expertise fields, age, country/city and language… Web sitemin 0 dan anahtar teslimi yapılması için bir yazılımcının 30 gün boyunca benimle çalışmasını istiyorum…haftada 2 gün izin, günde 7 saat ofis ortamında çalışacak.. Site dating sitesidir, front-end tasarım back-end dahil yapılacaktır. Uçak bileti, konaklama ve yemek ayrıca karşılanacaktır… Uzmanlık alanlarını, yaş, &uu...
Merhaba; Bizim istediğimiz program az işlevli olacaktır. *İhracat yaptığımız ürünlerin resimli girişi yapılacak *Liste hazırlama butonuna basıldığında sürükle bırak ile ürünler hazırlanabilecek *tüm liste excel e export edilebilecek. Bunlar ana başlıklar . Genel algoritma anlaşma sonrası paylaşılacaktır.
Çalışma 2 konu olarak belirtilmiştir. Ayrı Word belgeleri üzerinden çalışması gerekmektedir. Her biri 250'şer kelime olacaktır. 1. Konu: Virginia Wolf writes: "for most of history, the ano...biri 250'şer kelime olacaktır. 1. Konu: Virginia Wolf writes: "for most of history, the anonymous was a woman". Watch the film Her (2013, Spike Jonze) and comment on the physical absence of Samantha who exists as an anonymous artificial intelligence. Discuss in 250 words femininity in the film in the absence of a female body. the female character exists in voice, etc. 2. Konu: Anonymity in the city Bu çalışma için ekte kaynak yer almaktadır. Bu noktada biraz da günümüz koşulları ele alınarak konu bir veya 2 kaynak ...
...gayrimenkuller pop up şeklinde listelencek. -- For real estate project, we would like to make a listing based on the new feature of google maps. For example: When the site is opened, we will have a search rectangle from the top of the global google maps map, and when the visitor writes the name of the province they want to call home, the map will act as a google eart animation, and the city will be on top of the city that the visitor has requested and rental property for sale in that province....
Question: How do these films relate to critical urban theory? (address concerns of urbanization, dissolution of the public space, the right to the city, how immigrants survive in London’s informal economies, and etc) *Beautiful People (Jasmin Dizdar, 1999) *The Last Resort (Pavel Pawlikowski, 2000) *In This World (Michael Winterbottom, 2002) *Dirty Pretty Things (Stephen Frears, 2002) *It’s a Free World (Ken Loach, 2007) *Ghosts (Nick Brumfield, 2006) Ekte ki slayt içerisinde yazılması gereken konu anlatılıyor.Üstte ki filmlerden bir tanesini seçip, o film ve slaytlarda anlatılan konu ile ilgili 1000 kelimelik ingilizce essay yazılacak. En az 5 farklı kaynaktan yararlanmak gerekmektedir. En az üç akademik kaynak kullanılması gerekmektedi...
Çalışmanın Temel Özellikleri-Nasıl Yapılacağı? Topic: When and Why States Fail? Essay Type: Response Essay Genel Essay Taslağı: 1. Introduction Hook Sentence (Önerim bu essay için soru cümlesi ile başlamamanız.) Background Thesis Statement 2. Main Idea I (Pharaphrase yaparak başlarsanız) Paraphrase Support Example 3. Main Idea II (Diyelim ki quotation iledevam ettik) Quotation Support Example 4. Main Idea III (Diyelim ki Citing ile bitiriyoruz) Citing Support Example 5. Conclusion Genel taslak bunun üzerine olacaktır. Kullanılacak Kaynaklar: 1. 2. 3. 4. Özellikle Bu kaynakta
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
Juventus' un yıldızı Paul Pogba' ya İngiliz ekibi United' den tam 118 milyon teklfi geldi ama kabul edilmedi
Tongkun Group Hangzhou eyaletinin Tongxiang City şehrinde konumlanmış. Polyester ve polyester bazlı iplik endüstrisinde hizmet gösteren büyük çaplı anonim ortaklığına sahip bir yatırım şirketidir. Suneast Tekstil ise, Tongkun Group'un Türkiye ve orta doğu piyasalarıyla ilgilenen iletişim ofisidir. Tongkun Group ilk olarak 1982 yılında Tongxiang şehrinde kurulmuş bir sentetik iplik fabrikası olarak hizmete girmiştir. Kurulumdan 30 yıl sonra kendi bünyesi altında polyester iplik imalatı yapan 5 fabrikaya, 13 holding şirketine ve 16.000 çalışanıyla 14 milyar dolar ciroya ulaşmış bir şirket olmuştur. Çin iç piyasasında lider konumda bulunan Tongkun yıllık üretimini 1.8 milyon ton polyester ve 2.1 milyon ton polyester...
I will accept proposals only from native or native-like speakers of Turkish. Asagıdaki linkte Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nin tum yasama donemleri ve Cumhuriyet Senatolarindaki temsilcilerin isim listeleri bulunuyor. Sizden istenen her linke tiklayip her meclis yasama donemi icin bir excel dosyasi olusturmaniz ve vekillerin isimlerini burada listelemeniz. :TBMM_milletvekili_listeleri Toplamda 26 tane TBMM, 3 Cumhuriyet Senatosu, ve 2 Danisma ve Temsilciler meclisi olmak uzere 31 adet Excel dosyasi olusturacaksiniz. Her dosya ayni formatta olup su sutunlara sahip olmali: YASAMA YILI BASLANGIC | YASAMA YILI BITIS | ISIM | SIYASI PARTI | SECIM BOLGESI Eger siyasi parti ve secim bolgesi yoksa bos birakilabilir. Yasama yili baslangic ve bitis ayni d...
Asagıdaki linkte Turkiye Buyuk Millet Meclisi'nin tum yasama donemleri ve Cumhuriyet Senatolarindaki temsilcilerin isim listeleri bulunuyor. Sizden istenen her linke tiklayip her meclis yasama donemi icin bir excel dosyasi olusturmaniz ve vekillerin isimlerini burada listelemeniz. :TBMM_milletvekili_listeleri Toplamda 26 tane TBMM, 3 Cumhuriyet Senatosu, ve 2 Danisma ve Temsilciler meclisi olmak uzere 31 adet Excel dosyasi olusturacaksiniz. Her dosya ayni formatta olup su sutunlara sahip olmali: YASAMA YILI BASLANGIC | YASAMA YILI BITIS | ISIM | SIYASI PARTI | SECIM BOLGESI Eger siyasi parti ve secim bolgesi yoksa bos birakilabilir. Onemli not: Turkce karakterlerin dogru kopyalandigina emin olun.
...E need extra Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, CRID, (This fiels is unvisible) We will get this fiels value from the url. This fiels saved to ticket tables. Please get phone number and crid value from the the url (with GET) For example i use this url () I want to see old tickets created by this phone number. under the ticket create form if exist. --- TICKET CREATE PAGE --- --- TICKET DETAILS --- I want to see this extra fiels, ( Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, ) under the Ticket info Tab. --- TICKET DETAILS --- --- TICKET LIST --- When i click to ticket list i want to see this titles ID, Name Surname, Plate No
iPhone'da telefonda yüklü aplikasyon listesini alan phonagap için bir plugin arıyorum. Aynısının android versiyonuna da ihtiyacım olacak. I am looking for a phonegap plugin for ios and android to get list of installed apps in the phone.
AppStore'da New York City Guide isimli bir uygulama var. Turuncu renkli, Ulmon şirketine ait bir uygulama. Bunun aynısını ya da daha basitini İstanbul şehri için düşünüyorum.
Belirli bir prefixle ayrıştırılmış belirli bir IP den H323 ve/veya SIP protokollerinden gelen toplu çağrıları elemek için whitelist ve blacklist yazılımının oluşturulması. Whitelist ve blacklist te bulk ve/veya tek tek data girişi için kullanıcı ara yüzü oluşturulması. Filitreden geçen trafiği tekrar ilgili prefix ile belirli bir IP ye yönlendirilmesi.
Belirli bir prefixle ayrıştırılmış belirli bir IP den H323 ve/veya SIP protokollerinden gelen toplu çağrıları elemek için whitelist ve blacklist yazılımının oluşturulması. Whitelist ve blacklist te bulk ve/veya tek tek data girişi için kullanıcı ara yüzü oluşturulması. Filitreden geçen trafiği tekrar ilgili prefix ile belirli bir IP ye yönlendirilmesi.
City Transfer şirketi airport-hotel arası lüks minibüsler ile yolcu taşımacılığı yapmaktadır. Müşterilerini internet üzerinden bulmakta sitesinden rezervasyon almaktadır. Hedef kitlesi özellikle İstanbul'a yurtdışından gelen yabancılar ve İstanbul'da yaşayan orta ve üst gelir grubu. İşadamları ilk sırada. Güvenilir vip hizmet, ciddiyet, lüks sınıf yolcu taşıma, özel şoförlü kiralık araç, limuzin kiralama, airport shuttle service konularında hizmet vermektedir. Araçların tamamı siyah olup firma siyahı hakim renk olarak kullanmak istemektedir. Mavi ikincil renk olarak düşünülmektedir. Logo tasarımında bunların dikkate alınmasında yarar görüyoruz.
İç içe link list yapılacak. Örneğin bir link list var elimizde 1-2-3-4-5 serideki her sayıya ayrı bir link list bağlı olduğunu düşünün.(Sadece bir örnek anlaşılması için) Genel itibariyle bu listenin kendi içinde basit tanımları ilgili herşeyi bulabileceğiniz ilgili dökümanı paylaşıyorum. En basit yoluyla karmaşıklaşmadan %90-100 aralığında çalışan bir proje teslimine fitim :) Bu arada döküman ingilizcedir. Önemli not:Array değil link list ile yapılacak... Son teslim tarihi 17 Ekim 2014
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
I need a professional developer to create a user-friendly car parking application tailored for the United Kingdom. The app should be developed using Android Studio and Flutter and need to utilize Google Map API effectively. I can provide a UI UX Design for this application Core Features: - **Parking Spot Search**: Users should be able to easily locate available parking spots. - **Booking and Payment Integration**: The app should support seamless booking of parking spots and secure payment processing. - **Navigation to Parking Spot**: Users should be provided with step-by-step navigation to their chosen parking spots. - **Secure User Accounts**: The application should include user accounts with secure login features, backed by a reliable and secure, unpaid database system. Ideal ...
I have a sourcing agent company located in China which help customers source anything wanted from China to all over the world I need freelancers who are living in united states or Europe Help me find customers in your local, and talk to them, if the business confirmed, you will get very good payment.
...fluent in both English and Bahasa Indonesia? If so, we’d love to work with you! About Us: Misu Catering is a unique catering service founded by a French-Moroccan expatriate in Indonesia. We offer a fresh fusion of global flavors and modernized versions of cultural dishes, catering to corporate clients in BSD City and Jakarta. Your Role: We’re looking for a proactive and results-driven Telemarketing Freelancer to represent Misu Catering and help us reach out to corporate companies in BSD City and Jakarta. As our first point of contact with potential clients, you will: Call corporate companies to introduce our catering services. Clearly explain our offerings and propose free food sample tastings to the person in charge of events, catering, or office managemen...
Project Title: Data Export & Shopify Product Import with Tags and Filters Setup Project Description: I need assistance migrating product data from my existing website hosted on City Hive () to Shopify. City Hive does not have a direct export function, so I need someone to scrape product data and prepare it for import into Shopify, ensuring all relevant details are included. Key Project Requirements: 1. Data Extraction: • Scrape or extract product data from the website (including product titles, descriptions, pricing, images, tags, and options/variants). • Example product page: Legend Vineyard Exclusives LVE Cabernet Sauvignon. • Ensure that product categories (e.g., Wine, Spirits), brands (e.g., John Legend), and relevant filters (e.g., Cabernet Sau...
I'm looking for an experienced content writer who can craft detailed and engaging travel guides focused on Croatia. Key Responsibilities: - Write comprehensive travel guides covering various aspects of Croatia, including historical landmarks, local cuisine, outdoor activities, festivals, and city descriptions. - Implement SEO best practices using Yoast SEO. - Conduct keyword research to optimize content for a European audience. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in travel writing. - Proficiency in WordPress. - Strong knowledge of SEO and keyword research. - Excellent storytelling skills to engage readers.
...Fetch and Validate Data • Retrieve SL/TP, margin, and trading data from Redis DB1 to prepare for position entry. • Use WebSocket streams to validate market conditions dynamically. 2. Position Entry • Dynamically validate and execute trades based on live price data within the defined ±0.04% margin. 3. Monitor and Manage Positions • Continuously monitor price data and update Redis to reflect position states accurately. 4. Wallet Synchronization • Dynamically update wallet balances and margin usage, ensuring trade feasibility. 5. Daily Loss Limit • Shut down operations if daily losses exceed 7% of the initial balance. Developer Responsibilities 1. WebSocket Client Development 2. Redis Integration 3. Dynamic Position Management 4. Testing Skills ...
I require two detailed 3D printable files for the Kansas City Chiefs and Las Vegas Raiders helmets. The files should be compatible with Prusa Slicer, and the helmets should fit within a 22x22mm square. Key Requirements: - The helmets should be designed with a high level of detail. - Files must be compatible with Prusa Slicer. - The designer should be able to work from design references I will provide in image format (JPEG/PNG). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modelling software. - Experience with designing for 3D printing. - Ability to interpret design references and create high-quality, detailed models. - Understanding of the requirements for the STL files to be suitable for use with Prusa Slicer. The height of the helmets isn't restricted, but they must f...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
I'm in need of two event backdrops for an American football-themed birthday party (Kansas City Chiefs Party). They should be simple, modern, fun, and complement each other. Both will consist of TEXT ONLY, with no additional graphics. Backdrop #1: - Color: Black and White - Text: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in a step and repeat pattern or just in lots of rows - Font: Custom, to be determined Backdrop #2: - Color: Red and White - Text: "GAME DAY" in a step and repeat pattern - Font: Custom, to be determined - Red Color: Pantone: PMS 186 C, Hex Color: #E31837, RGB: (227, 24, 55), CMYK: (0, 92, 77, 22) The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in designing event backdrops and a strong understanding of custom font. The pattern can be step and repeat or...
Create a complete Android parking management application This project consists of three main compon...enter/exit the park. 5. The application includes payment page. 6. The application should show to the user a message if he enter/exit the park. 7. The application should display to the user a message if the park is full. (number of slots in the park saved in the database) 8. The database needs to hold the path to each park's image to use with yolo. 9. The user chooses a city, then in a drop down list, listed the available parks in the given city, when they choose the park, a drawing of the slots is drawn (squares) where a taken slot is red, available is green cities names: Tel-Aviv, Haifa, Karmiel, Eilat, Nahariya in the end you have to send me the server code, c...
The project involves structuring the site to follow a logical hierarchy: Country > State > City > Neighborhood > Property. Additionally, related properties within the same neighborhood and blog articles with similar topics should be linked dynamically. All adjustments should adhere to SEO standards and enhance the user experience. Key Requirements Internal Links and Breadcrumbs: Set up internal links following the hierarchy: Country > State > City > Neighborhood > Property. Properties should dynamically display links to related listings within the same neighborhood. Blogs should include links to articles on similar topics. Technical SEO: Implement schema markup for property pages, blog articles, and other sections of the site. Ensure all URLs are SE...
...for an EB-2 NIW petition. I would be happy to share my complete profile, including certifications and awards, for your review. If you believe my background aligns with the requirements of this petition type, I would be interested in discussing how you can assist me with the writing process. Your responsibilities will include: Understanding the details of my research and its benefits to the United States. Crafting a compelling petition that clearly demonstrates my eligibility for the National Interest Waiver. Ensuring the petition meets all relevant legal and formatting requirements. Assisting with any additional documentation or information needed to support the petition. I seek a freelancer who can deliver high-quality work within a reasonable timeframe. If you have the...
Mortgage Foreclosure Overages Opening Bid: The initial amount set for bidding at the foreclosure auction. Winning Bid: The final amount for which the property was sold. Owner: The previous homeowner or propert...Winning Bid: The final bid amount for which the tax lien was sold. Owner: The property owner with delinquent taxes. Address: The physical address of the property with the tax lien. Emails: Contact email of the property owner (if available). Phones: Contact phone number of the property owner (if available). Date of Sale: The date when the tax lien was sold at auction. Counties in Missouri St. Louis City St. Louis County Lincoln County Warren County Franklin County Jefferson County IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THIS INFORMATION IS CORRECT IN A SPREAD SHEET FORMAT THIS WILL BE AN ON GOI...
I'm looking for a creative and skilled graphic designer to help me design a logo for the 51st National Day of the United Arab Emirates. 50th National Day of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), symbolizing unity, pride, and national identity. Here’s a detailed breakdown: Key Features: Typography and Text: Arabic Calligraphy: Elegant green calligraphy celebrates the cultural heritage and tradition of the UAE. The phrases reflect national pride and unity. English Text: "SPIRIT OF THE UNION" is prominent in bold green, symbolizing the unity of the Emirates. Red Text: Below the English phrase, the Arabic translation ("روح الاتحاد") aligns with the country's identity and significance of the occasion. Design Elements: UAE Map: The logo incorporate...
I am seeking a skilled writer who can create unique, engaging, and accurate articles for my website focused on the wireless devices and cellular phones niche in the United States. The articles should be tailored towards tech enthusiasts and cover a range of topics including: - New and upcoming smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices - Wireless plans, special options, and discounts - Press releases related to wireless carriers in the United States - Reviews for mobile apps and games The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the wireless devices industry, be able to conduct thorough research to ensure the content is accurate and up to date, and have a flair for writing that will engage and inform our tech-savvy audience. Please note, all articles...
I am looking for an experienced grant writer who can assist with my SBIR proposal. This project is primarily focused on the Fast Track phases 1 and 2. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in writing successful SBIR grants. - Deep understanding of the requirements for Phase I and II. - Excellent research and writing skills. - Ability to work under tight deadlines. - Strong communicat...project is primarily focused on the Fast Track phases 1 and 2. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in writing successful SBIR grants. - Deep understanding of the requirements for Phase I and II. - Excellent research and writing skills. - Ability to work under tight deadlines. - Strong communication skills to understand and translate my project goals into a compelling proposal. - Must be in the United...
...experiences? Here’s an amazing opportunity for you to connect with a global community of explorers and earn extra money while doing what you love whether you're in a bustling city or a remote, hidden gem! ? What we offer: 1) Free registration on [Removed by Admin for offsiting - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions] – No fees, no commissions! 2) The chance to offer your local tours, experiences, and services to tourists globally. 3) Exposure to a worldwide audience who are looking for authentic, local experiences. 4) Earn extra income by meeting travelers and showing them the best of your city or region. 5) You can even add your social media links (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) to drive direct traffic and connect with more peop...
+ live connections manager * filter by X per page showing clients, search client field, auto navigate multi page * show status, mac adress/device, stream, IP,City, ISP, Server connected, Player (useragent) format (mpegts/hlsm etc), time online, max connections allowed (1of 1 or 1of 2 etc) on actions button it should have options : blacklist ip, blacklist isp, kill connection, send fingerprint to device/user, check connection status , disable user + server management * manage servers ( overview all servers (main server and loadbalancers ) Show server status, servername, server ip, serverlocation(contry flag) / http port / https port / client slots of connected to / load avg / memory ysage / latency actions for servers: rebuild iptables, rebuild cahce, start/stop all streams, ...
I'm seeking a skilled app developer located in Belgaum to create a digital food menu software compatible with both Android and iOS. The app should primarily focus on facilitating online ordering and payment. Key Requirements: - Minimum of 2 years experience in app development - Proficient in both Android and iOS development - Based in Belgaum city - Knowledge of interactive menu design is a plus - Freelancers are welcome, provided they meet the location requirement The ideal developer would understand the importance of intuitive design and seamless functionality, ensuring that the app is user-friendly for a diverse customer base. As we are still deciding on language options, flexibility and creativity in developing potential multi-language support will be appreciated.
I'm looking to build a professional and corporate-style lead-generating website focused on the health industry. The primary goal of this site is to increase sales by generating leads nationwide in the United States. The website should have 4 to 6 pages, be optimised for Pay-Per-Click (PPC) and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Key Features: - Submission Forms: The site should have simple contact forms to capture potential leads. - Design: The design should be professional and corporate to suit my brand. - SEO and PPC Friendly: The site should be optimally designed and structured to be friendly for both SEO and PPC. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficient in creating lead generating websites. - SEO and PPC: Experienced in optimising websites for SEO and PPC. - Web ...
...Commission Only Sales Rep/Person model ensures that expenses directly correlate with Sales Success, with a keen focus on the Personal Development industry, to focus on mindset to boost profit margins. Your primary responsibility will be to identify, source and sell our Course on Personal Development. Must have excellent control over the English language, would prefer for the freelancer to be in the States or Canada. Key Responsibilities: - Promote and sell the course using online marketing strategies. - Utilize provided course material to enhance sales pitch. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in online sales, specifically in the Personal Development industry. - Exceptional communication and marketing skills. - Self-motivated and goal-oriented. - Proficient in finding Qualified ...
...Man" universe in a competitive setting where strategy, speed, and power play crucial roles. Game Concept: • Gameplay: Two teams (Heroes vs. Monsters) engage in a match where one team tries to destroy a pillar made of seven stones, while the other team defends or rebuilds it. Players use character-specific powers to knock down stones, defend, or gather them back. • Setting: A stylized version of City Z, with diverse environments like ruins, hero bases, and monster lairs. • Characters: Players can choose from a roster of characters inspired by "One Punch Man," each with unique abilities. Names and some characteristics will be altered to avoid copyright issues. Key Features: • Multiplayer: Server-based for real-time gameplay, supporting 4-20 p... convert Photoshop (PSD) designs into fully responsive, pixel-perfect HTML/CSS pages. The ideal candidate must have a keen eye for design, a fast turnaround time, and the ability to suggest improvements for an enhanced user experience. Responsibilities: - Convert PSD files into responsive HTML/CSS pages with precise adherence to design elements like fonts, spacing, animations, and rollover states. - Integrate GIF animations, videos, page transitions, and interactive elements as required. - Ensure mobile responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility. - Develop reusable and modular HTML/CSS templates. - Work collaboratively to design and build 27 support pages for our app as the first project. - Incorporate feedback and iterate quickly. - Update and enhance our current website...
Make me a logo for "Santa Barbara" make it a beach theme. Please google the city of Santa Barbara, CA. It's a beach town in California.
...Integrate Oil Production: Provide a new outlet for oil and gas produced by the player's oil companies. Game Mechanism 1. Establishing Gas Stations Prerequisite: Players must own at least one oil company. Cost: Fixed establishment cost based on location (e.g., urban areas are more expensive than rural). Process: Open the "Gas Station Management" menu. Select "Establish Gas Station." Choose a city or specific location from the map. Confirm the investment and pay the establishment cost. 2. Managing Gas Stations Inventory: Gas stations draw inventory directly from the player's oil company. Players can set up automatic supply chains or manually transfer inventory. Pricing: Players set the retail price per liter/gallon. Dynamic pricing impacts cust...