How to present a literature review at a conference işler
Project Description: We need a web-based tool that will compare football odds from the following websites: • • • Betfair Exchange The system should compare the odds from these sites and identify the differences based on a percentage difference filter. The comparison should cover the entire sports schedule (fixture) and refresh every 5 seconds to ensure up-to-date data. This system should function similarly to platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to understand the expected functionality. Scope and Key Features 1. Websites to Compare: • (Football odds) • (Football odds) • Betfair Exchange (Football odds) 2. Odds Types to Compare: • Full-tim...
Tjk altılı ganyan oynanma oranlarini site kurup oraya otomatik bir sekilde geçirmek Belirlenen saatlerde oranlari otomatik bir sekilde alip Hedef siteye geçirmek istiyorum Kurulacak sitede kullanıcılara Uyelik bir sistem de ilerleyecek
I want to design a logo in 3ds max application You will design the logo of your company (on a software or other subject) that you have planned or dreamed of. In this logo; 1-The company name or abbreviation must be present. 2-At least 3 colors should be used 3-There must be an indication of the country or province in which it was established. 4-What is meant by the logo (meanings of the figures) should be written in an additional file (word file). There is no additional time for uploading homework (which will replace the midterm exam). This is a homework assignment that needs to be completed by 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
İngilizce bir kitap gökyüzünden bahseden bi kitab aslında bir roman Sema ismindeki bir kız söz konusu bir genç aşık oluyo ve onu İngilizce Sky diye adlandiriyo ikilinin arasinda keçən olayları konu alıyor ama Can isimli gencimiz onu gökyüzüne benzediyo ve ilham aliyo ondan bu kitabı İngilizce yazicam bı roman aşk hikayesi
Hello, let us present you our special web designs and examples of the researches we have designed and deliver the design you liked in a beautiful way. And if you want, you can take advantage of our content such as Hosting (Site Hosting), we can help you with an appropriate budget and site support for 6 months is for you, and if you want, you can make a contract with you until a certain year
TR: Aşağıda Örnek sunduğumuz sitenin içinde yer alan konu içinde bulunan foto galeri eklentisi yaptırılacaktır. EN: The host will have a photo gallery plug-in built in the site we present as an example. TR: - Resim ve Reklam düzeni Tekil sayfada resim ve reklam bölümü hangi şekilde gösterilmesini (görsel alt, üst, sağ, sol) gözükmesi... Reklam kodlarını koyabileceğimiz alana - Görsel arası Reklam yayını açık-kapalı - Responsive uyumlu olmasına - Galeri Sayfalama rengi (Sınırsız renk ) - Görsel galeri ile uyumlu olmasına - Görsel alt başlık gözüksün ve gözükmesin - Son görsel geçişinden sonra konuya geri dönülmesi - ok yönü aç...
...This game is a good template for learning how to use Android Studio, containing video documentation of all the steps. Easy work in the simplest resking. you can then generate your APK within a day. from the installation of android studio, its configuration until the generation of a signed file. This game is highly recommended by our team for beginners. her monthly earnings average $ 20 per month. it just depends on your social media advertising to attract users to install it. Description This minimalist skill game is easy to play, but hard to master – and insanely addictive! Perfect timing is crucial: tap at the right moment to stack blocks on top of each other and try to build the highest tower....
Farklı metinler arasındaki farkları worde/google dökümanlara işleyebileceğim bir arayüz istiyorum. Bu farklar aynı şekilde excele/google tablolara liste olarak aktarıla...bir araştırma projesi kapsamında isteniyor. Yani aynı zamanda araştırma projesinde görev almış olacaksınız. I want an modul which I can compare the differences between different texts in word / google documents. These differences must can be transferred to excel / google tables as a list in the same way. The similarities and differences between the texts in the transferred lists can be seen as a ratio. I have attached detailed explanations and sample files about what is wanted, you can download and review. This is requested as part of a research project. So you...
Hello, I have been using computer and internet since my childhood and I developed myself on web design, SEO, Digital marketing, graphic design. I have at least 5 years of agency experience and simultaneous freelance experience. What studies can we do together? > Web Design (Personal, Corporate, E-commerce, Special projects) > SEO (100 percent increase in a short time) > Graphic Design (Coolest modern designs for Social Media and Web sites) > Digital Marketing (I make your project or brand popular on all social platforms in a short time and provide the desired return.) Merhaba, çocukluğumdan beri bilgisayar ve internet ortamını kullanmaktayım ve kendimi web tasarım, SEO, Dijital pazarlama, grafik tasarım üzerinde geliştirdim. En az 5 yıllık ajan...
Hello, I'm looking for an integrated engine for the video conference program. The project will be received with source codes and engine information. I also want time and budget information for each version of the program under consideration. If anyone is interested, please contact me. Thanks
Karton bardak ve tüm kullan at ürün çeşitlerini toptan satıyoruz
Proje başlanmıştır kendi özel projem. Tahminen 3 ay full time içinde bitebilir. Ben kendim de yazılımcı yım ve review ları yapacağım.
Kurumumuz tarafından Yönetim Sistemleri yazılım geliştiriyoruz. Modüllerden oluşan bir yazılım. Web tabanlı, bulutta çalışıyor. Angular 8 ile kodlama yapacak Frontend yazılımcılar arıyoruz. Altyapı, standartlar, ekranlar, akışları, domain yapısı belli. Scrum yönetimi ile çalışıyoruz. Baş yazılımıcımız tarafından Kod review olacak. Bu ilanda bir modül geliştirilmesi için anlaşacağız. Çıkan sonuca göre daha fazla modül için işbirliğine devam etmek istiyoruz.
Amazon ve Etsy gibi web sitesinde yer alan ürünlerin son kullanıcı gözünden incelemesini içeren makale ihtiyacımız bulunmakta (ingilizce). İsteklerimizi aşağıda net olarak belirttik bunun haricinde anlaşacağımızı kişilere daha fazla detay verilecektir. İlk etapta 10 makale alınacaktır, beğenildiği takdirde makale alımı devamlı olacaktır. İngilizce seviyesi: C1 (Min) Makale Adeti: 10 adet Kelime Sayısı: 400 - 500 kelime Teslimat Süresi: 48 saat Ekstra İstekler Seo kurallarına uygun yazılması %100 Özgün olması (kontrol edilecektir) Akıcı şekilde okunma yetisine sahip makaleler
Sadece analiz sitesi sade. Tum herseyi tarihler olarak komple otomatik cekicek. Icinde tek o olmucak maclarida olucak oranlari gozukebilir Ve canli mac yayinlari olucak baska siteden cekicek otomatik. Canli mac sonuclari Ve reklam alanlari olucak.
Ücretsiz yarış programlarına günlük tahminler yazarak yarışseverlere yardımcı olmayı hedefleyen platformumuzda, sizlerden gelen kuponlarında yayınlamasını sağlıyoruz... At yarışı tahminleri sitemizde katkı sağlayarak, 7/24 yarışseverler ile canlı sohbete katılarak fikir alışverişinde bulunmak isterseniz adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
at alacağım kolları kıllı olması tercihim. bunu webten yapabilecek var mı
First of all to everyone, I have an e-commerce system running through woocommerce. And I sell the products at the stores. Market places such as Amazon, ebay, gittigidiyor. I want to attract products from sites like Amazon and make automatic transfers to other markets. ............. ........... Öncelikle herkese merhabalar, Bir e-ticaret sitem var woocommerce üzerinden çalışıyor. Ve marketyerlerinde ürün satışı gerçekleştiriyorum. Amazon,ebay, gittigidiyor gibi market yerlerinde. Amazon gibi sitelerden ürün çekmek ve diğer marketyerlerine otomatik aktarım yapmak istiyorum.
Çalışma derleme şeklindedir. İlgili makale pdf dosyası içerisinde yer almaktadır. (17_11 (1).pdf) Yukarıda yer alan tüm ekran alıntıları incelenmelidir. İçerisinde ayrıca nelere dikkat edilmesi gerektiği yer almaktadır. Çalışma içerisinde başlıklar oluşturularak ilerleme sağlanması gerekmektedir. Bunlar; Summary (300 Kelime) 1. Statement of Problem a. Research Topic b. Research Problem c. Research Questions and Hypothesis 2. Review of the Literature 3. Methods 4. Results and Conclusion Çalışma bu başlıkları kesinlikle içermelidir. Çalışma toplamda 1200 kelime ve üzeri olmalıdır (referanslar hariç). Çalışma içerisinde Kesinlikle APA referans sistemi kullanılmalıdır. Apa stilinde re...
Sadece Türk üyelerin başvuruları kabul edilecektir. Çalışma ingilizce olarak hazırlanmalıdır. "Define a problem in your country’s health system" Türkiye'ye göre yapılacaktır. Hastalık: Cardiovascular Disease Bahsedilen Hastalığın "diagnostic tree" tasvir edilmesi gerekmektedir. Tam olarak aşagıda yer alan adımlar izlenerek başlıklandırılmalıdır. Define a problem in your country’s health system Shortly describe the problem, use data Construct the problem diagnostic tree (according to Roberts J., 2008) Develop policy recommendation using the WHO policy framework (control cnobs) Please specify the recommendations at policy, strategy and action plan level Use scientific literature, at...
- Histerik Kişilik Bozukluğu - Anti-sosyal Kişilik Bozukluğu - Sınırda (borderline) Kişilik Bozukluğu - Narsistik Kişilik Bozukluğu ile ilgili 4 ayrı makale istiyorum. Literature review olacak herhangi bir araştırma yapılması gerekmiyor. Her biri referanslar dahil olmadan 1500 kelime olacak. APA formatında Times New Roman 12 punto, 2 boşluk olacak ve herbirinde en az 5 türkçe makaleden referans olacak. Sizi referans araştırmasının bir kısmından kurtarmak amacıyla elimde bulunanlardan sağlayabilirim. Genel outline formatı: Giriş Literatürdeki araştırmalar Tartışma Sonuç şeklinde olmalı. Not: Bu bozuklukların ayrı ayrı DSM V e gore ne oldukları, hangi araştırmaların yapıldığı vs. gibi olacak. Turnitin free olmalı. Yoksa proje kabul edi...
Sınırdurum kişilik bozukluğu Narsistik kişilik bozukluğu Histerik Kişilik bozukluğu Anti-sosyal kişilik bozukluğu Obsesif Kompulsif Kişilik bozujluğu Herbirinden ayrı ayrı 1500 kelime, en az 5 adet türkçe makale' den alıntı, APA formatı (TNR, 12 punto, 2 boşluk), referanslar APA6. Genel olarak bu hastalıklar hakkında literatür taraması intro, literature survey, conclusion.-
Hazırlanacak olan tez %100 ingilizce olacaktır. Tez konum başlıkta belirttiğim gibi Tek faz invertörler de total harmonic bozulmaların minimize edilmesi tez için istenilenler; 1) Göndereceğimiz tez formatına uygun şekilde yazılması. Tez içeriği; 1. bölüm Genel bir giriş yapılacak 2. bölüm: Literature özeti ve literature de bu konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar ,invertör çeşitleri ,invertör ve tek fazlı invertörün kalitesini arttırmaya yöntemleri Tanımnları... Alfa açısı nasıl bulunuyor , alfa açısı sinüs dalgasını nasıl etkiler 3.bölüm: Bu çalışmada neler yapıldı materyal and methods Single phase ın özelliğini açıkla ...
...Mühendisliği İngilizce Yüksek Lisans Tez Hazırlamak için yardım istemekteyim Hazırlanacak olan tez %100 ingilizce olacaktır. Tez konum başlıkta belirttiğim gibi Tek faz invertörler de total harmonic bozulmaların minimize edilmesi tez için istenilenler; 1) Göndereceğimiz tez formatına uygun şekilde yazılması. Tez içeriği; 1. bölüm Genel bir giriş yapılacak 2. bölüm: Literature özeti ve literature de bu konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar ,invertör çeşitleri ,invertör ve tek fazlı invertörün kalitesini arttırmaya yöntemleri Tanımnları... Alfa açısı nasıl bulunuyor , alfa açısı sinüs dalgasını nasıl etkiler 3.bölüm: B...
Arkadaşlar öncelikle merhaba, İstediğim At yarışı bahis scripti şöyle olacaktır, tarzı olacak. Fakat sadece At yarışı bülteni anlık TJK'den çekecek. Kupon hesaplama bölümü TJK'den alabilirsiniz ordan bakarak yapabilirsiniz. Kolon fiyatı vs. gibi teknik kısımlar size kalmıştır. Dışardan üyeler online olarak üye olabilir, veya olamaz Seçeneğini Ben kendi admin panelimden ayarlayacağım. Üye grupları şu şekilde olacak, Yönetici - süper admin - acente - bayi - kullanıcı( Bayinin Açtığı oyuncudur ) Ama bayi'de kendisi oyun yapabilecektir. Tarzında olacaktır. Yönetici, Hem siteyi yönetebilecek, Hemde üyeleri vs. yönetebilecek. Kuponları y&o...
Üniversite Öğrenci yönetim sistemi.(Student Review System)
I want to improve an existing website theme by adding some features. The theme link is this: I want to add a review system to this theme. The review system should be connected with agent profiles and it should be filterable like those in the following websites : It may be a plugin which may be added to existing theme. It is preferable if the rating system can be also used for the properties too.
Hello, We are looking for a software company for a few periods associated with our projects we want to implement. Share additional logic on the website and we hope to make a site with all functions. my sample site It will have the same content as this site It will have a modern design the site will have three business 1) to publish and to sell products 2) additional modules to be placed; Fast offer retrieval module; Users can receive Proposals from all manufacturers quickly select the products that are required on the system 3) additional modules to be placed; Budgeting module; users will determin to the budget. Choose products that are in need. System users will suggest products within the budget. ...
Projeye konu proses know how içerdiğinden yöntemi anlayacak, anlatacak ve ar-ge projesine katkı sunacak yada know how satacak tercüman arıyorum. Tarım teknikleri konusunda teknik terimleri bilen bir arkadaş bu konuda yardım edebilir. Mail yoluyla, proje teklifleri yapacak, geri bildirimleri cevaplayacaktır. Yöntem kabaca adresinde anlatılmaktadır.
I have 2200 words to be translated. The entire translation must be done in 24 hours after the start of the project. I will pay 33 USDs for the project. Please bid accordingly. The bidders must translate the small sample below and send me for review. Sample: Bir ucu düz, diğer ucu muflu olarak imal edilen çelik borular, muf içine yerleştirilmek için özel olarak imal edilmiş kauçuk esaslı lastik conta ile bağlanacaktır. Bu suretle nispeten esnek bir bağlantı teşkil edilmiş olur. muf = bushing kauçuk esaslı lastik conta = rubber-based plastic gaskets
Firmalara danışmanlık yapıyorum; çalışmamız yıllık baz da olacak ve sene boyunca 3-5 tane web sayfası yapılacak. Bu siteler dinamik, çoklu dil desteği olan ve firmanın web hostinginde yine kendi domainleri altında ve bizzat kendilerinin yönetiminde olacak şekilde barındırılacak!... İçerik yönetisi ayrı, sosyal medya yöneticisi ayrı, grafikeri ayrı kişilerden oluşan bu potansiyel firmalar Türkiye'nin en büyük firmalarından oluşmaktadır... ybayezit
My current video thumbnails aren't delivering satisfactory Click Through Rates (CTR). I'm searching for a skilled, reliable thumbnail designer with a proven track record in the field. Please review the following links to my current thumbnails: - - - Your task will be to create more engaging thumbnails that stand out and attract viewers. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Graphic Design - Branding - Experience with YouTube thumbnail design - Knowledge of color theory and visual communication Your expertise will make a significant difference in improving my channel's performance.
Job Post: E-Guide Designer Needed (1-Day Project) Project Title:Design a Beautiful and Professional E-Guide for The Inner Child Sanctuary Description: I am looking for a skilled and creative designer to transform my completed e-guide into a visually appealing, professional, and engaging document. The guide, titled "The Inner Child Sanctuary: A Practical Guide to Healing with Compassion," is approximately [insert number of pages/word count] and needs to align with the themes of healing, compassion, and self-discovery. Tasks: 1.Review the provided guide content to understand the structure and themes. Create a cohesive, professional layout with consistent formatting (headings, fonts, colors). an eye-catching c...
I'm experiencing background noise from my PDM microphone, which is connected to a codec ADC6140 during recording. I've already attempted to troubleshoot the issue by adjusting the microphone settings, but the problem persists. I need review of the PCB layout to identify the problem Key requirements: - Proficient in audio electronics troubleshooting - Experience with PDM microphones and codecs - Able to diagnose and resolve analog circuit design Please provide your approach to diagnosing and fixing this issue in your bid.
I'm looking for a modern, clean website for my start-up construction company. The main focus of the site will be showcasing our portfolio, so it needs to be able to present project descriptions with images and downloadable project PDFs. Key requirements: - Design: A modern and clean style is a must. The design should be user-friendly, intuitive, and visually appealing. - Portfolio Features: The portfolio pages should include project descriptions with images and the capability to download project PDFs. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Web design and development, particularly with portfolio-centric sites - Understanding of modern, clean design principles - Experience implementing client testimonial sections and downl...
I'm an acclaimed author in need of a professional to write and create a Wikipedia draft, post it, and ensure it highlights my major achievements. The ideal freelancer for this project would have: - Extensive experience with Wikipedia page creation and optimization - Excellent editing and proofreading skills - Knowledge of how to best present information for Wikipedia's guidelines - Ability to prominently feature special awards and recognitions I have a draft of the page ready which will need to be reviewed and edited for accuracy and completeness before posting. It's crucial that the freelancer is able to include my special awards and recognitions prominently on the page. A key part of this ...
I'm in need of a proficient Shopify developer to rectify various layout and functionality problems in my client's Shopify store. Please thoroughly review the tasks below and only submit a proposal if you can complete them within the specified budget and time frame. ($30 dollar budget) Tasks Include: - Header Adjustments: - Eliminate the second menu from the header, leaving one sole menu. - Guarantee proper display of all menu categories. - Incorporate "Home" and "Shop" links into the menu, alongside the current categories. - Page Alignment: - Center align product pages and other content pages on both desktop and mobile devices. - Favicon Installation: - Add a favicon to the store, utilizing a...
Job Description: We are seeking an experienced AI/ML developer to work on an exciting project. The ideal candidate should have expertise in training and fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) and integrating advanced Text-to-Speech (TTS) APIs. Responsibilities: Train and fine-tune large language models (LLMs) for specific use cases. Implement and optimize Text-to-Speech (TTS) solutions for high-quality output. Collaborate on project requirements and deliverables. Troubleshoot and debug AI/ML-related challenges. Document and present the project outcomes. Requirements: Proven experience in training and fine-tuning LLMs (e.g., GPT, BERT, or similar). Proficiency in using Text-to-Speech APIs like Google TTS, Amazon Polly, or similar. Programming ...
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. C...
I need an experienced creator for a 5-minute 4K 3D animation video of the Airbus A350. This video should include scenes of passenger boarding, takeoff, and landing. Key Requirements: - High level of detail and accurate engineering representation. - Inclusion of a modern/contemporary background score. - Seamless integration of sound effects and a professional voiceover. Deliverables: - A 5-minute 4K video. - Source files. - A draft for review. - Step-by-step documentation of the generative AI process used. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D engineering animation. - Strong understanding of the Airbus A350. - Excellent audio-visual integration skills. - Experience with creating detailed source files and documentation.
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Cl...
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clip...
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Cli...
...enthusiastic and results-driven salesperson to join our dynamic team and play a vital role in expanding the reach of our highly trusted Forex EA bot. With a 9-year track record and a 93% win rate, our product is designed for both experienced and new traders who are looking to optimize their trading strategies and achieve consistent results. As a salesperson, you will be responsible for reaching out to institutional traders and high-net-worth individuals, educating them on the benefits of our Forex EA bot, and driving sales globally. You’ll earn 15% of the sale price, which equates to $750 per sale. Key Responsibilities: Identify and target potential leads in the Forex trading industry, including institutional traders, expe...
I am looking for somenone who can create a sale page on platform to sell facebook monetization course , its a digital product. I am doing it only to test whether it work or not generate any money or not , so not investing much to this project. i dont want to buy hosting n etc so not looking for wordpress landing page , I am looking for free landing page platform like Who can provide me sales page in cheap price apply those only who want to build portfolio ,case studies, client review, etc here's refence page to get you idea --
Need developer who has previous experience in submitting app to review, all details like screenshot, icon, feature graphic, privacy policy, description etc will be provided you just have to utilise your own dev accnt My app complies with all policies and no development work is left, so its a very simple task
Key: Include the word "Pristine" at the start of your response so we know you've read the full post. Looking for a skilled video editor to create high-quality 10-15 second Google ads for our laundry service startup. We're in growth mode and seeking VC funding, with plans for multiple campaigns. Please review both reference videos below before applying: Reference Video (Professional Quality Target): Our Current Version: Requirements: - Must be able to match the professional quality transitions and animations shown in the first reference video - Experience with short-form video ads (10-15 seconds) - Professional editing and motion graphics skills - Available for ongoing hourly work as we scale
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Cli...
...exciting project to create high-quality audio samples as we are developing a cutting-edge text-to-speech model. This exciting role requires producing 1 hour (up to 5 hours) of clear, well-recorded voice samples, adhering strictly to our technical and quality guidelines. Essential Requirements: 1. Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Cli...
I need a skilled professional for thesis writing, specifically for chapter 2 (Literature Review) and chapter 3 (Methodology). - Chapter 2 should cover various aspects of e-wallet usage and its impact on millennials in Selangor, Malaysia. Here are some potential research objectives for studying identify the relationship e- wallet use and continuous intention among millennial’s : The specific objectives are: 1) To identify perceived usefulness and perceived ease of us of e-wallets among millennials. 2) To identify the role of use trust. 3) What is the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of us and continuous intention. - Chapter 3 should be written with a focus on a Quantitative research methodology. Of survey by ...