Follow mouse javascript işler
ASP.Net C#, MS SQL Server/T-SQL, Oracle/PL-SQL, My SQL, Ajax, JavaScript, jQuery, XML Web Services, MVC (Razor), WCF teknolojilerini kullanarak hizmet veren arkadaşlar..
zaman zaman elimize psd tu html işleri ı yaptıracağımız gereçek uzman arkadaşlarla tanışmak istiyoruz.özellikle bootstrap,javascript,css konusunda ciddi işler yapmamış, ehil olmayan arkadaşların teklif vermemelerini rica ediyorum.
Benim ihtiyacım olan şey, burdaki hazır kütüphaneyi kullanan, ve resmi editledikten sonra PHP ile database e bu resmi kaydeten bir yapı.
Web üzerinde çalışacak, ziyaretçilerin kendi resimlerini yükleyerek mevcut gözlük modellerini deneyip görebilecekleri bir uygulama hazırlanacak. Full flash yada javascript ile hazırlanabilir. Server-side yazılım dilinin ASP.NET C# olması tercihimizdir fakat PHP yazılım dilide olabilir.
ASP.Net MVC web uygulaması geliştiriyoruz. Projenin zamanında yetişebilmesi için projenin bazı modüllerini yapacak yardımcı freelancer ihtiyacımız var. Responsive design tecrübesi olan, ASP.Net c# javascript MVC bilen.
Merhaba; Aşağıda detayları belirtilen upload scripti yaptırılacaktır. Database'de ilgili tablodaki alanlar; Tablo1 ------------------------ Id : INT (Auto) UrunId : INT DosyaAdi : VARCHAR DosyaTuru : VARCHAR MaxUpload : INT Fiyat : DECIMAL Örn : ( Upload edilen resmin adı yazılacak ) DosyaAdi - VARCHAR ( Yukarıdaki yüklenen dosyanın adı eklenecek ) -------------------- -------------------- Eğer dosya yüklemek istemiyorum seçeneğini işaretlerse; Kimlik + ResimAdi=0 + DosyaAdi kaydı ekleneek -------------------- Script multiupload destekli olacaktır. Bunun yanısıra eğer database'de ilgili alanda ( MaxUpload : 1 ) ise Javascript alert aracılığıyla maxupload sayısı geçilemeyeceği uyarısı verilecektir.
olarak faliyet sürdürem sistemizin arayüz tasarımı değiştirmek istiyoruz. Yapılacak İş Web sayfasının tasarımı Logo tasarımı Html - Css - JavaScript kodlaması yapacak arkadaş arıyoruz. Proje detaylarını adresinden veya 444 54 10 arayarak sorabilirsiniz.
Merhaba arkadaşlar Unity de yapılacak bir bulmaca oyununun kit i yapılacak bir nevi template i. bulmaca oyunundan kastımız tas patlatma oyunlarından (jelly splash gibi). Template yani game kit sadece temel oynanış için gerekli her şey ve örnek bir kaç screen konulacak ve teslim edilecek grafik ile ilgili herhangi bir şey bulunmamakta sadece kodlama var. istenilen dilde yapılabilir (c#,javascript) gerekli detayları anlaştıgımız arkadaşa bildireceğiz.
Web tarafında ASP.NET MVC c# ve MSSQL üzerinde çalışacak, mobil tarafta HTML5 ve Javascript üzerinde (Phonegap, Titanium, Sencha vb...) çalışacak bir sağlık platformu için yaklaşık 60 adam/günlük hizmet alımına ihtiyaç duyuyoruz. Proje fazlara ayrıldı. Her faz bittiğinde ilgili bölüme ait ödeme yapılacaktır.
...(eticaret) ** Jant Deneme ve Satış (mevcut istediğimiz tarz ve biçim örnek gösterdiğim sitede mevcut) ** Lastik bayilerini ekleme (l p g h a b e r . c o m ) sitesi gibi İstediğimiz zamanı en iyi şekilde kullanabilecek , eksiksiz ve düzenli çalışmayı kendine bir vazife bilen verdiği tarihte işi en iyi şekilde teslim edebilecek yazılımcı aranmaktadır. ** PHP ** Mysql ** Xml ** Css ** Javascript ** Jquery ** Xhtml5 ** java script yazılım dillerine hakim bir yazılımcı arıyoruz teklif verdiğinizde referanslarınızı ve nasıl bil yol izleyerek bu işi reslim alacağınızı belirtmenizi istiyorum . Projenin yazılımcısı Ankara olması tercih sebebidir. Ankara dışı ve Ankara olan teklifler her ne olursa olsun sözleşme yapılacaktır. Büt&cce... seyrederken ışıkları da senkronize bir şekilde yanacak. Uzun uğraşlardan sonra bir chrome plugini ile browser ve bilgisayarın USB portunu bağlamayı başardık ve bir videoyu da senkronize ettik. Fakat bu bizim upload ettiğimiz bir video idi (youtube değildi). Sitemizin en basit versiyonunu yaptırmak istiyoruz. Bunun için ekte bir adet sketch dosyası gönderiyorum. Gerekli olan beceriler kısaca javascript ve Youtube API dan olusuyor. Birde bizdeki plugini de biraz daha düzeltip chrome store a koymak gerekiyor. Ekteki siteyi yaptırdıktan sonra sonuçtan memnun kalırsak ek projelerle devam edeceğiz. (ödeme sistemi entegrasyonu, database improvements, video creation page vs.) Eğer sözünü ettiğim site sizin yetenekleriniz arasında yer al... seyrederken ışıkları da senkronize bir şekilde yanacak. Uzun uğraşlardan sonra bir chrome plugini ile browser ve bilgisayarın USB portunu bağlamayı başardık ve bir videoyu da senkronize ettik. Fakat bu bizim upload ettiğimiz bir video idi (youtube değildi). Sitemizin en basit versiyonunu yaptırmak istiyoruz. Bunun için ekte bir adet sketch dosyası gönderiyorum. Gerekli olan beceriler kısaca javascript ve Youtube API dan olusuyor. Birde bizdeki plugini de biraz daha düzeltip chrome store a koymak gerekiyor. Ekteki siteyi yaptırdıktan sonra sonuçtan memnun kalırsak ek projelerle devam edeceğiz. (ödeme sistemi entegrasyonu, database improvements, video creation page vs.) Eğer sözünü ettiğim site sizin yetenekleriniz arasında yer al... seyrederken ışıkları da senkronize bir şekilde yanacak. Uzun uğraşlardan sonra bir chrome plugini ile browser ve bilgisayarın USB portunu bağlamayı başardık ve bir videoyu da senkronize ettik. Fakat bu bizim upload ettiğimiz bir video idi (youtube değildi). Sitemizin en basit versiyonunu yaptırmak istiyoruz. Bunun için ekte bir adet sketch dosyası gönderiyorum. Gerekli olan beceriler kısaca javascript ve Youtube API dan olusuyor. Birde bizdeki plugini de biraz daha düzeltip chrome store a koymak gerekiyor. Ekteki siteyi yaptırdıktan sonra sonuçtan memnun kalırsak ek projelerle devam edeceğiz. (ödeme sistemi entegrasyonu, database improvements, video creation page vs.) Eğer sözünü ettiğim site sizin yetenekleriniz arasında yer al...
...gösterilen alttaki go-to ve navigasyon v.s bölümlerinin tamamının aktif olmasını istiyorum. Scriptin içinde mevcut zaten. Bu scripte ekleyeceklerin, - sayfalar birden yüklenmeyecek. Mesela önce ilk 3 sayfa, 1 sayfa atladıktan sonra sonraki 3 sayfa şeklinde gidecek peyder pey yüklenecek. - Sayfaya gitme bölümüne bir de sayfayı işaretle diye bir bölüm eklenecek. Basitçe bulunduğun sayfayı javascript ile alıp php dosyasına post etmen yeterli. Sayfanın işaretlendiğine dair bir geri dönüş çıkar ve kaybolur. - adresinde sol tarafta olduğu gibi bir menü istiyorum yanına. Başlığa tıklayınca ilgili içeriğe gidecek. Sayfa numaralarını bağlayabilirsin fakat bir başlığa birden ...
Geliştirmiş olduğumuz kariyer projemize destek verecek yazılımcı bir arkadaşa ihtiyacımız var. .net - Mvc - javascript -jquery- sql- windows azure bilgisine sahip arkadaşa ihtiyacımız var.
Mevcut web sitesi ve yeni yapılacak web sitesi üzerinde istediğim düzenlemeleri yapabilecek, opencart bilen, css, php, javascript, jquery iyi bilen, iletişim ve zaman problemi olmayan, güvenilir ve hızlı kod yazabilen freelancer coder arıyorum. İş başına fiyat konuşulacak olup tüm ödemeler paypal üzerinden yapılacaktır. Not: Türkçe bilen kodcular müracaat etsin lütfen.
I'm facing a problem with my dashboard that pulls insights from Meta platforms and Google Ads. While everything works perfectly in the local environment, the insight data fails to load upon deployment, although all other features function as expected. Here's a bit more about the project: - Tech Stack: Integrated with Firebase. - Frontend: TypeScript/JavaScript with Vite - Backend: Node.js I'm reaching out for an expert who can help diagnose and resolve this deployment issue. Below is error screenshot of website when we try to login via google/fb account:
...for T-shirt designs, including title, brand, bullet 1, bullet 2, and description. -This is Results based. Rank first page get paid. Will pay $3-5 per first page ranking - Conducting a FREE test listing to determine if you can rank on first page (And can do what you say you can). You will provide title, brand, bullet 1, bullet 2, and description. I will update listing link so we can both watch and follow. If it ranks then we can begin and I will send you batches of listings to optimize on an ongoing basis -Will determine if you know what you are doing with Merch on demand for Amazon tshirts (not products which are different) The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the Amazon A10 algorithm and can demonstrate their ability to rank T-shirts through a 1st free test li...
I'm seeking assistance with the submission and follow-up for my daughter's ITIN renewal via Form W7. The ideal freelancer would be experienced with tax-related processes and have a good understanding of the necessary steps for submission by mail.
I need a freelancer who can convert an image into a clean, simple, single-page website. The webpage should mirror the layout and design of the provided image, without any complex animations or interactive elements. Key Requirements: - Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Experience with single-page web applications - Ability to replicate a design accurately - Understanding of creating a simple, user-friendly interface Please keep it straightforward, in line with the design of the image.
I have a Wix website with a dynamic page that lists artists. I need a custom search functionality that allows users to filter and find artists should display only the artists from that specific location. Requirements: Experience with Wix Velo (Corvid) for custom development Ability to create a functional search system for a dynamic page Ensure search results update dynamically based on user input Optimize for speed and performance Provide clear documentation for future modifications Preferred Skills: JavaScript & Wix Velo expertise Experience with databases and dynamic content filtering Strong problem-solving skills If you have experience building custom search features on Wix, please send your proposal along with relevant examples...
...and WooCommerce. Requirements: Strong React Experience: Essential for completing the implementation and adding new features. WordPress and WooCommerce Knowledge: Necessary to work with the existing structure and integrations. Analysis and Problem-Solving Skills: To understand the existing code and resolve potential errors. Frontend Development Skills: Advanced proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. REST API Experience: To work with communication between React and WooCommerce. Responsiveness and Performance Optimization: Ensuring an optimal user experience. Version Control with Git: To collaborate efficiently on the project. Responsibilities: Complete the React user interface implementation. Implement additional features according to specifications. Integrate and optimize co...
I have a social media website that I started in 1998. Today, this website desperately needs an overhaul because it's outdated in both its look and feel as well as the coding language it's currently using. I'd like to recode the site using NodeJS and React. I'm a beginner in these languages, but I'm a fast learner. What I already have is the new design and all the CSS and Javascript to make this design responsive. It looks great on every device. What I'd need is help turning this design into a working website. You should have very good knowledge of NodeJS and React. It's a fairly complex task that will include creating a registration, logging in, browsing profiles, viewing a profile, reporting a profile, requesting friendship, upgrading to VIP ...
...Wikipedia’s notability guidelines. Include a comprehensive company profile, history, mission, services, achievements, and contributions to the education sector. Maintain a neutral and encyclopedic tone. 2. References & Citations Provide credible third-party references from media, news articles, industry publications, or government registrations to establish notability. Ensure all citations follow Wikipedia’s verifiability and reliable source guidelines. 3. Images & Media Upload high-quality, copyright-compliant images of the company logo, office, events, or relevant visuals. Properly format and license the images according to Wikipedia’s media policies. 4. Page Formatting & Compliance Format the article with proper headings, infobox, ...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to implement a mobile login feature on my WordPress website. The login method should be via Phone Number with OTP, using Firebase for OTP verification and SMS for delivering the OTP. Ideal Skills: - WordPress Development - Firebase Integration - SMS Gateway Integration - PHP/JavaScript proficiency Key Requirements: - Implement mobile login via Phone Number with OTP. - Utilize Firebase for OTP verification. - Deliver OTP through SMS only. - Ensure seamless integration with the existing WordPress site. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
...current package creation process. • Maintain a single codebase while supporting multiple editions. • Define a strategy for handling client-specific editions. • As needed, reconfigure Dev Hub, Development Org, and Namespace Org. • Review existing package versions and metadata for continuity. 4. Scripting CI/CD Implementation for Semantic Versioning (SemVer) Package Releases • Develop scripts (JavaScript/Bash) for CI/CD automation. • Automate package creation and release workflows. • Configure YAML files for GitHub workflows. • Set up GitHub environment variables and workers. 5. Automation & Metadata Handling • Implement automation for where feasible. 6. Project Management & Development Workflow • Use Trello (or Jira, i...
I need a minimalist logo for my architectural firm. The design should incorporate the firm's name which is "RICHARD PARDO - ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN", with some icon that merges the initials "RP" with an architectural icon and follow a black and white color scheme. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Strong graphic design skills, especially in logo design - Understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to combine text with graphic elements in creative ways - Experience with architecturally themed designs (a plus) - Proficiency in delivering high-quality designs in a black and white color scheme
I'm in need of a custom-built CRM primarily focused on sales tracking. This system should be able to assist in managing leads and tracking sales performance. Key Features: - Le...tracking. This system should be able to assist in managing leads and tracking sales performance. Key Features: - Lead Management: The CRM should have a robust system for managing leads through various stages of the sales funnel. - Automated Follow-Ups: The lead management capabilities should include automated follow-ups to ensure no prospect is left unattended. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in CRM development, particularly with a focus on sales tracking. Experience with implementing lead management systems and automated follow-ups in previous project...
...start/stop creates a session in the project. - Session can be paused and resumed - The files will be stored on the local file system and metadata in the local mongodb - I have code for the server already written in Pytnon/Flask Ideal skills for this project include: - Solid experience with Chrome extension development. - Proficiency in screen and audio capture techniques. - Strong understanding of Javascript and Chrome's APIs. The project is 75% complete (I have written good part of the code) but need to finish remaining feature, test, update UI design (for a professional looking UI). This functionality is similar to any screen video recorder extension but rather than creating videos we are recording screenshots and audio separately. I have developed good part of the co...
I am looking to implement some plugins for my website. The website is Wordpress based and is using a booking and scheduling plugin that I need to add additional features to. The booking and scheduling plugin installed uses Java, JavaScript and PHP. Geofencing enables employees to set a travel radius, determining how far they are willing to travel to meet customers requirements The calendar should display whether the customer is visiting a set location or if the employee needs to travel. A call/text button should also be available for both parties to facilitate quick communication. A store locator should help customers find the nearest available location. If no locations are nearby, they should have the option to enter a preferred pickup address, provided services are available ...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a website for me. Specific details about the purpose of the website, branding elements, and preferred platform are still to be discussed. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and WordPress - Experience with e-commerce and portfolio websites - Knowledge of SEO and responsive design - Ability to work with minimal direction and communicate effectively Please be prepared to share examples of your previous work.
I'm looking for a freelancer for an immediate online data listing project. The guidelines for the task will be provided in a PDF...looking for a freelancer for an immediate online data listing project. The guidelines for the task will be provided in a PDF. I will supply all necessary details and the payment will be based on the amount of work completed. There will also be a test to assess your suitability for the task. Newbies are most welcome to apply. Ideal skills for the job include: - Attention to detail - Ability to follow instructions - Basic computer skills - Efficient work pace Please note, I have not yet specified the type of data that needs to be listed, how the data will be provided, or the platform on which the data will be listed. These details will be provided...
I need a professional and classic restoration of my content sharing website, primarily focused on articles and blogs. The site needs to...Reinstall and configure necessary WordPress plugins with a focus on SEO. - Maintain or improve the site's previous SEO settings to prevent further loss of traffic. - If dynamic content was present, recommend suitable plugins. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with website restoration. - Extensive WordPress development and site migration experience. - Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and basic PHP for minor adjustments. - Strong SEO knowledge and experience to maintain previous rankings. - If you've successfully restored a website in WordPress before, please share examples or details of your experience. Looking forward to your p...
...Components of the Project: - The main goal of this campaign is to generate leads. - To introduce Real Estate Brilliance as the authority in realtor training in SA. - The target audience is specifically real estate agents. - I have 13 emails and 12 free guides prepared that will be used in the campaign. - Automation of 13 email campaign - 1 email per week. - FREE Guide to be sent as an immediate follow-up email when the download button is clicked. - Linking the relevant company website page to the CTA button - The Agent Success System. - Linking the FREE Guide button to the relevant associated email. - Ensuring the relevant Heading accompanies each individual email. - Tracking all activities of the email campaign. - Email notification to CALL at strategic points through the email ...
Are you looking for a high-performance, scalable, and fully customized web application? You've come to the right place! I specialize in developing modern web applications using Laravel (PHP) and React (JavaScript) to deliver fast, secure, and user-friendly solutions tailored to your business needs. What I Offer: Full-Stack Development Backend with Laravel & Frontend with React Custom Web Applications Tailored to your unique requirements API Development & Integration Secure and well-documented APIs Authentication & Role-Based Access Secure login and user management Database Design & Optimization MySQL/PostgreSQL with efficient queries Admin Panels & Dashboards Manage your data with ease Bug Fixes & Performance Optimization Improve speed and rel...
Job Title: Technical Plan Writer for AI-Powered WordPress Plugin Development Job Overview We are looking for a technical consultant to create a detailed, step-by-step development plan for two AI-powered WordPress plugins. The plan should outline the architecture, API integrations, automation processes, and necessary development phases, ensuring that a developer can follow it to build the plugins efficiently. Scope of Work The freelancer will create a structured technical document that includes: Project Breakdown & Requirements Define core functionality for each plugin. Outline required API integrations (Google Sheets, OpenAI, DALL-E, etc.). Describe how content automation and scheduling will work. Step-by-Step Development Plan Phase 1: Setup & Configuration Define plugin...
I'm in need of a programmer with expertise in JavaScript, CSS, and WordPress to assist with the upkeep and enhancement of our website, Key Responsibilities: - Debugging and fixing issues on the site - Incorporating new features to enhance user experience - Implementing UX improvements and integrating WordPress plugins Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in JavaScript, CSS, and WordPress - Experience with coding UX improvements - Familiarity with WordPress plugin integration Thank you, Anthony
I'm in need of a Revit professional to create a file for one of our ceiling lights. If the collaboration goes well, there will be more projects to follow. Key Requirements: - Inclusion of light fixture details and all the options in the Revit file - Ability to work from a provided specification sheet for design and material specifications Ideal Skills: - Expert level proficiency in Revit - Previous experience with lighting and/or mirror products - Ability to follow detailed specifications Please reach out if you believe you're a good fit for this project.
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a lioness version of our current logo, as well as a lion pride logo. Key Requirements: - The lioness and pride logos should follow the same color scheme as our current logo. - The style of the logos should be the same. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design and logo creation. - Experience in creating cartoonish styled designs. - Ability to understand and implement color schemes accurately. extremely creative, contemporary and simple logo. Looks good in color as well as in one color (Black/white). Must be a super creative, one of a kind and MUST use the "shield" of the logo attached (I own the rigths of the logo attached VIVALDI LOGO) with or without the "stars". Please keep "Simplicity" in mind when designing this logo. Since the logo (Vivaldi's) is modern you could either follow that style or add some "vintage style" to it. COLORS: Same as Vivaldi's logo (navy blue, white, and a hint of red) Formats: EPS, SVG, PDF, JPG, PNG Logo Mockups: Colored logo (bull, white, red) and 1color ("Black on white" and "White on black") must be provided in all formats. MUST USE PADLOCK WITH OR WITHOUT T...
I have a Python script that I want to transform into a Chrome extension. The primary purpose of the extension is to automate tasks on a single specific website. Key Requirements: - The extension should be capable of opening a webpage and injecting JavaScript into the console, which I have already coded. - Understanding of Chrome extension development is crucial. - Ability to integrate Python script into the extension smoothly. - Experience with automating tasks on websites will be a plus. Please note that the extension will only need to interact with one particular website. It is important that the freelancer has a good grasp of the Chrome extension ecosystem and can deliver a product that is reliable and efficient.
Web development - Blog I am looking for a web developer to create a blog website within a tight timeline of 1-2 weeks. Specific functionalities and features are already outlined in a detailed list, which will be provided to the chosen developer. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Experience with content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress or Joomla - Knowledge of responsive design and mobile optimization - Ability to incorporate SEO best practices for improved search engine visibility The developer should be able to create a visually appealing and user-friendly blog website that meets all the specified requirements.
I need someone proficient in Photoshop to add new text onto a document. The new text must match the existing text in font and size. Key Requirements: - Expert level Photoshop skills. - Excellent attention to detail. - Capability to follow specific formatting instructions. I will provide the exact content to be inserted.
I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me with manual data entry from text files into HTML format. The data needs to be entered according to specific formatting rules, so attention to detail and the ability to follow guidelines is crucial. The ideal candidate should have experience with data entry and be comfortable working with text files. Familiarity with HTML is required.
I need assistance with entering numerical data sourced from online databases into an Excel Spreadsheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience with data entry - Familiarity with online databases Requirements: - Accuracy in data entry - Ability to follow instructions - Attention to detail requests). ? Boost & Advertising Options AI-powered ad boost to maximize visibility based on buyer searches. Sponsored listings displayed at the top of search results. AI recommendation system prioritizing their vehicles for potential buyers. ? Lead Management & Customer Relations Integrated messaging system with buyers (real-time notifications). Simplified CRM to manage prospects and follow up with contacts. Export of leads and contacts for external marketing campaigns. 3. Monetization & Subscription Model ? SaaS Subscription Model €99/month excl. VAT plan including all core features. Premium options: boosted ads, increased visibility, advanced analytics. Free trial to encourage garages to sign up. ? Dashboard & Analytics Overview of ad performan...
I have 2 mages of the same statue that needs its colors enhanced. I am going to attach 2 images below: I need both enhanced and submitted as separate files. The image named: "Perfect Colours - Statue 1" has the perfect clothing shades as required and also has the ...looks like the same statue. The focus will be on improving the skin tones and clothing colors, with a vibrant and bold style. The final deliverables should be the enhanced image in HD quality on a transparent Background. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experience in color correction and enhancement - Ability to follow specific color enhancement instructions Please ensure you can provide the final HD file in HD PNG, JPEG, ...
About the job NOTE: 100% REMOTE, Monday-Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM work in EST timezone. TYPE: Full-time SKILLS: 5-10+ years Senior Blockchain Developer, Solidity,Web3, Smart Contract, Node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, Hardhat, Truffle, Agile/Scrum, Jira, CI/CD pipelines, AWS, Azure, Ethereum INDUSTRY: Industrial Management Description: Seeking a Blockchain Developer to work on mission-critical applications, utilizing blockchain technology to enhance AI-driven solutions. As a Blockchain Developer, you will play a key role in developing decentralized applications (dApps) and integrating blockchain with cutting-edge AI innovations to create secure, scalable, and efficient systems. You will collaborate within an Agile framework to build and maintain complex software systems, working...
Freelancer Job Proposal: Add Features to Chatb...quota has been reached and inviting them to return the next day. Requirements: • The freelancer should register on to explore the platform and understand the implementation process. • Once they have demonstrated that they can implement these features successfully, we will provide our login credentials to complete the integration on our chatbot. Ideal Candidate: • Experience with JavaScript, Web Speech API, or third-party speech services (Google, Azure, OpenAI Whisper, etc.). • Familiarity with or chatbot integration. • Ability to implement popup notifications and session limitations. If you have the expertise to complete this task, please submit your proposal. We look forward to working with you!