Flash drag drop match words işler
Arkadaşlar iyi günler. Üniversite öğrencisi için bir tez verilmiştir. Flash CS5 ile yapılmış bir oyun istenmektedir. Oyun şuan taslağı bulunmaktadır. Oyun twitter kuşunu vurarak puan toplamak, kuş düşerken ses çıkması, durdur ve başlat, skor sayacı gibi eklentiler gerekmektedir. Bu akşama kadar bitmesi istenmektedir.
Web üzerinde çalışacak, ziyaretçilerin kendi resimlerini yükleyerek mevcut gözlük modellerini deneyip görebilecekleri bir uygulama hazırlanacak. Full flash yada javascript ile hazırlanabilir. Server-side yazılım dilinin ASP.NET C# olması tercihimizdir fakat PHP yazılım dilide olabilir.
Merhaba; Yeni girişimim için max 15 sn. stickman (cin ali) animasyon yaptırmak hazır hayata geç logoda ki stickman kullanılıcak.
Şirketimizi tanıtan iki adet flash animasyon yaptırtmak istiyoruz. Birincisi yaptığımız işi özetleyen ve web sitemizin ekran görüntüsünü de içerecek. 30 sn uzunluğunda düşünüyoruz. İkincisi 60 sn kadar sürecek ve 5 ayrı konuyu kısaca anlatacak iki boyutlu animasyon olacak. İki animasyonun senaryosunu yazıp vereceğiz. Seslendirme fiyatı uygun olursa iki işi de beraber yaptırmak istiyoruz. Seçim konusunda daha önce yapmış olduğunuz işlerden yararlanabiliriz.
Merhabalar, Freelance olarak çalışmak isteyen, flash oyunları, hosting, dating konular üzerinde Türkçe makale yazabilen elemanlar aranıyor. İş hakkında bilgi almak isteyenler benimle irtibata geçmekten çekinmeyin. E-posta adresime yazmanızı rica ederim. alinadubova91(et)
Wordpress sitem için Flash olarak F Klavye hızlandırma programı yapılacaktır. Exesi ve benzer örnekleri elimde vardır.
sitemizi ziyaret ederek oradan kendinize edit'lenmesini istediğiniz flash siteyi seçiniz site için istediğiniz resimler ve yazıları hazırlayınız hosting-domain hariç flash sitenizin sol üstünde yeralan "" reklamı olsun istiyorsanız 50$ eğer olmasın istiyorsanız 70$ ücretlidir iyi günler.
sitemizi ziyaret ederek oradan kendinize edit'lenmesini istediğiniz flash siteyi seçiniz site için istediğiniz resimler ve yazıları hazırlayınız hosting-domain hariç flash sitenizin sol üstünde yeralan "" reklamı olsun istiyorsanız 40$ eğer olmasın istiyorsanız 60$ ücretlidir iyi günler.
sitemizi ziyaret ederek oradan kendinize edit'lenmesini istediğiniz flash siteyi seçiniz site için istediğiniz resimler ve yazıları hazırlayınız hosting-domain hariç flash sitenizin sol üstünde yeralan "" reklamı olsun istiyorsanız 40$ eğer olmasın istiyorsanız 60$ ücretlidir iyi günler.
Müşterilere ilişkin bilgilerin ve para hareketlerinin otomatik olarak accountlara yansıyacağı, güvenliğin üst düzeyde olacağı. Alım ve satımların otomatik olarak match edileceği bir tür takas sitesi. Takasa konu fiyatlar dünyadaki pazar yapıcı olan firmaların sitelerinden otomatik olarak alınmalıdır. Kabaca aradaki marj kar olacak. Eğer ki alım-satım karşılanamazsa dışarıdan alım yapılacak. sistem kabaca böyle işleyecek. Klasik database olsun ürünlerin fotoları olsun firmaya sipariş gelince mail atılsın gibi basit işleri yapabilen arkadaşlar lütfen yazmasın.
flaş patlasın resim karşıya yansısın. ekteki resimde anlatmaya çalıştım. bir müşterim var. web sitesini yapıyorum. yapamadığım yerdeyim. resimler listelenecek, resimlerden birine tıklandığında projektöre gidecek ve projektör de bir duvar büyük resim olarak yansıtacaktır. bu çalışmayı FLASH dosyası .fla olarak istiyorum. fla olarak aldığım dosya üzerinde isteğim işlemleri yapar olacağım.
Ge...gerçekleştirilecek, geri besleme cihaz tarafından gönderilecek. * Haberleşme komutları XML, Json vb. gibi veri yapıları içerisinde şifrelenmiş olarak barındırılacaktır. Haberleşme algoritması ve komut bilgilerini, iş kabulü ile birlikte sunacağız. Android uygulaması Android SDK, HTML veya Adobe Air ortamlarında tasarlanabilir. Konuyu tartışabiliriz. Windows yazılımı da VB.NET, C#.NET, Flash (Adobe Air), Silverlight ortamlarında tasarlanabilir. Konuyu tartışabiliriz. Hali hazırda VB.NET ortamında çalışan bir Win tabanlı yazılımımız var. Thread'ler, arada feedbackleri kaçırdığından sıkıntı yaşamaktayız. Windows için yeni bir yazılım yazmak yerine bu yazılımın hatalarını gidermek gibi bir çalışma da yür&uu...
Yapılmış olan bir flash çalışma var, çok basit 5 adet resim sırayla resimlerden bir tanesi değiş olan bir resim yerine başka bir resim olan flash dosyayı verebilirim onun üzeinde değişiklik olabilir ya da yeni yapılabilinir.
Flash Oyun Yapımında Tecrübeli basit içerikli Çok Fonksiyonel Olmayan Fakat Geliştirmeye Açık Versiyonel Oyun Yaptırılacaktır.
Bir oyun sitesi için Flash menü tasarlanması gerekmektedir. Bir kaç sekme altında farklı logolar ve linkler konulacak basit bir iştir.
Hali hazırla 9 aydır aktif bir şekilde devam eden flash oyun sitesi için detaylı bir şekilde seo çalışması yapacak ve yaptığı işe garanti verecek birini arıyorum.
Fikir ve senaryo verildiğinde Türkçe oyun tasarlayabilecek ve bunu facebook ile entegre edebilecek bir geliştirici/tasarlayıcı arıyorum. Detaylar anlaşıldıktan sonra konuşulacaktır. İlk çalışma beğenildikten sonra devamlı çalışılacaktır. Bu ilana başvuranlar önceden tasarladıkları oyunları linkleri ile beraber atabilirlerse sevinirim.
Google Adwords reklamlarında kullanılmak üzere ; Flash reklamlar Dosya türü .SWF (Flash) Dosya boyutu 150 KB veya altı Resim boyutu Banner: 468 x 60 Leaderboard: 728 x 90 Kare: 250 x 250 Küçük kare: 200 x 200 Büyük dikdörtgen: 336 x 280 Satır içi dikdörtgen: 300 x 250 Dikey: 120 x 600 Geniş dikey: 160 x 600 Ölçülerinde toplam 16 adet flash( swf) ve (gif) formatlarında banner yapılacaktıımlar flash ta ve gifte aynıdır sadece dosya uzantıları farklıdı 8 farklı tasarım olacaktır. Görseller ve metinler anlaşılması halinde tasarımcıya verilecektir. Memnun kalınması halinde diğer grafik çalışmalarımız içinde aynı tasarımcı ile çalışma fırs...
Merhaba Arkadaşlar, Flash Oyun sitemiz mevcut ve kendi internet sitemiz ve reklam vereceğimiz internet sitelerinde kullanmak için görsel açıdan ve animasyon açısından çok iyi profesyonel bir çalışmaya imza atacak bir uzman arıyoruz. Flash Oyun sitesi olduğumuz için Profesyonel anlamda görsel efektler ve animasyonlar olmalı. Boyutlar 160*600 120*600 728*90 300*250 Şimdiden Teşekkürler.
Flash oyun sitesi tasarlatmak ve kodlatmak.Örnek olarak; www.starsue.net. Bire bir aynısının olmasını istiyorum. Seo konusunda da başarılı olması gerekli. Want to design a flash game encode all .. site demo: . may be the to be successful in seo.. Teşekkürler. Thank You.
Flash oyun sitesi tasarlatmak istiyorum.Örnek olarak; www.starsue.net. Bire bir aynısının olmasını istiyorum. Seo konusunda da başarılı olması gerekli. Want to design a flash game site. demo: . may be the to be successful in seo.. Teşekkürler. Thank You.
ve markaları için Google Adwords'de kullanılmak üzere 16 farklı ölçü için birer setten 32 adet flash banner tasarımına ihtiyacımız var. Banner özellikleri detaylı olarak aşağıdaki gibidir: 320 × 50 Mobile banner 468 × 60 Banner 728 × 90 Leaderboard 250 × 250 Square 200 × 200 Small square 336 × 280 Large rectangle 300 × 250 Inline rectangle 120 × 600 Skyscraper 160 × 600 Wide skyscraper 300 × 600 Half-page ad 970 × 90 Large leaderboard 240 × 400 Vertical rectangle 980 × 120 Panorama 930 × 180 Top banner 250 × 360 Triple widescreen 580 × 400 Netboard File types: Formats .SWF Max. size 150KB İşin kalitesi ve çal...
I'm looking for a professional 3D designer to create a business logo for me in 3D. The logo should be designed in a "Like for Like" style, meaning it should closely match my existing logo, but divided into parts for different colours. I need the base to be one piece with inserts for the Letters and frame pieces to be glued in as i can only print one colour at a time. For a width of 150mm and the base to be 4mm total (i will scale it up and down as needed in print software), with the 2mm Letter and frame inserts.
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
...(e.g., credit card terminals). GND, VCC, and configurable signal inputs for expanded compatibility. 2. Universal Output Support The PCB must be able to send translated payment signals to vending machines, hoppers, and other peripherals: Supported Devices: MK4 hoppers Soda vending machines Other standard vending machine interfaces Configurable Output Protocols: ccTalk (all variations) MDB (Multi-Drop Bus) Pulse/Mars Parallel SSP 3. Power Handling & Distribution Powered by the vending machine or bill acceptor power source (12V/24V). Pass-through power design: The PCB must distribute power to connected peripherals. Voltage regulation: Integrated regulators for 5V and 3.3V for logic circuits and microcontroller operation. 4. Intelligent Protocol Translation & Multiplexin...
...(origination) and then select a "drop off" point (destination). We will provide a calendar so they can pick the date, and we will provide the hours so they can select the time to be pick up and start their trip. They can choose to pre-pay for the trip or they can pay in cash at the pick up point. If they use our Mobile App, then we can keep track of their GPS location as to where we will pick them up, so the driver can see exactly where they are at. But if they are using the Web App to book an appointment then what we will do is that once we pick them up the driver can click on his app once he pick up the passenger at that point, this way we will record and keep track of the date, time, and GPS location of where we pick up that passenger, and then when, where we ...
I'm seeking a talented, professional female American voice over artist for an audio book recording of approximately twelve thousand words. The ideal candidate will have: - A clear, engaging and professional tone, suitable for an audio book - A warm and friendly undertone to keep listeners interested - A native American accent Your voice should be able to convey the narrative of the book in a captivating way, making it easy for listeners to follow along. Experience in voice over work, particularly for audio books, is highly desirable. Please provide samples of your work that match this description.
I need an expert to optimize my Meta pixel and set up additional tracking on Google and Snapchat. Currently, my pixel only tracks adtocarts and pageviews, with an event match quality of 4.4/10. There are also restrictions on the pixel that need to be resolved. Key Tasks: - Optimize current Meta pixel - Set up Google and Snapchat pixels - Track purchases and button clicks - Troubleshoot and resolve pixel restrictions - Improve event match quality Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Meta, Google, and Snapchat pixels - Strong troubleshooting skills - Ability to improve event match quality - Knowledge of e-commerce tracking
I'm looking for a talented writer to create luxury and high-end jewelry descriptions for our website. The descriptions should be warm and inviting, yet reflective of the sophistication of our pieces. Key Elements to Highlight: - Material and Craftsmanship: The descriptions should detail the quality of the materials used and the expert craftsmanship behind each piece. - Design Inspiration...Elements to Highlight: - Material and Craftsmanship: The descriptions should detail the quality of the materials used and the expert craftsmanship behind each piece. - Design Inspiration: Please include the story or inspiration behind each design, which will help our customers connect with the pieces on a deeper level. It needs to be written in our style. I can provide examples. It needs to ...
I have a family video full of travel adventures that I need to enhance with music and sound effects. The ideal candidate for this project is a sound mixing professional with a keen sense for synchronizing music with visuals. Key Requirements: - Add movie s...professional with a keen sense for synchronizing music with visuals. Key Requirements: - Add movie score music to accompany the video - Synchronize music with specific moments in the video - Create a seamless blend of sounds to enhance the viewing experience Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video sound editing and sound mixing - Exceptional understanding of music and ability to match it with video content - Prior experience with family or travel videos preferred Please include examples of your previous work in...
I'm in need of a talented composer who can create dramatic and intense tracks for my short, 30-second clips. These clips are made up of AI-generated images that escalate in intensity with each prompt...just one clip to see how well you can sync the music with the images, then potentially taking over the scoring for all my clips. Key Details: - Any genre or mix is welcome. - The music should convey an increased intensity to match the visuals. - You can use any kind of instruments; I'm open to all possibilities. Ideal candidates for this project will have experience in music composition, particularly for visual media. A background in creating tension-filled tracks across a variety of genres will be beneficial. Please provide samples of your previous work that match...
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
...should be divided into 3 sections: Center: Company logo (main branding area) Right Side: Product information (ingredients, usage instructions, etc.) Left Side: Additional details (nutritional facts, barcode, certifications, etc.) ? Design Style: Bold, attractive, and eye-catching for food packaging Should reflect the crispy, golden nature of fried chicken Modern and premium feel Colors should match the theme of fried chicken products ? Deliverables: High-resolution print-ready file (CMYK, 300dpi, PDF/AI format) Editable source files (AI, PSD, or EPS) Mockups for visualization ? Ideal Skills: Experience in food product packaging Knowledge of label printing requirements Strong branding and typography skills...
...more battles. Knowing where to land is also crucial in Fortnite, and this is another area where I could benefit from a coach. Sometimes, I land in locations that don’t have enough loot, which leaves me at a disadvantage. Other times, I land in hot spots and get eliminated too quickly. A coach could teach me the best landing spots based on my playstyle and help me make better decisions on where to drop to maximize my chances of survival. Another major area I need improvement in is fighting strategies. I often rush into battles without a plan, which results in unnecessary eliminations. A coach could teach me different strategies, such as when to push an enemy, when to disengage, and how to position myself for the best advantage in fights. By learning these tactics, I would ...
I'm seeking a skilled developer who can customize the WPRentals plugin on my existing website for a car rental service. Website : BUDGET 125 USD -Homepage: Replace all accommodation-related terms with car rental terms "Accommodation Type" becomes "Car Type"; listings adjusted accordingly -Search Bar & Results: Update search fields to include car rental specifics (pickup/drop-off points and date/time) -Product Page: Revamp booking form for car rental details Remove irrelevant information (e.g., sleeping arrangements) -Login/Sign Up: Modify pages to allow custom fields and file uploads Introduce a validation process where users submit documents for admin approval, with pending status until approved -New Listing Submission: New car listings by owners ...
...more battles. Knowing where to land is also crucial in Fortnite, and this is another area where I could benefit from a coach. Sometimes, I land in locations that don’t have enough loot, which leaves me at a disadvantage. Other times, I land in hot spots and get eliminated too quickly. A coach could teach me the best landing spots based on my playstyle and help me make better decisions on where to drop to maximize my chances of survival. Another major area I need improvement in is fighting strategies. I often rush into battles without a plan, which results in unnecessary eliminations. A coach could teach me different strategies, such as when to push an enemy, when to disengage, and how to position myself for the best advantage in fights. By learning these tactics, I would ...
Please correct the Logout URI to match the new DDNS address
I have a 2,000-word insurance-related document that needs urgent translation from English into several languages: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam, and Kannada. - Looking for individual translators not agencies. 0.75p per word. Key Responsibilities: - Accurate translation of the insurance document. - Verification of the final file. - Availability for revisions if needed. The ideal candidate will be a professional manual translator with experience in the insurance field. While I do not have a specific glossary for this project, I expect the use of industry-standard terms. Payment Terms: Please note that payment will be processed 30 days after the final DTP is completed and invoiced. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in English and the listed target lan...
...Instagram — whatever works) ✅ Present my art in a way that gets their attention and interest ✅ Help me follow up and close deals The ideal freelancer: ✅ Speaks and writes excellent English ✅ Has experience selling art, design products, or creative work — especially to international clients ✅ Knows how to research and find the right decision-makers (not just generic emails) ✅ Can work flexible hours to match UK and USA time zones when needed ✅ Is creative and resourceful — you know how to open doors and make people curious Please reply with the word blue whale in capital letters. When you apply, please include: ✅ Any experience you have selling art, creative work, or luxury products ✅ A quick explanation of how you would approach this project ✅ Why you think ...
Custom Image Cropping and Sizing Tool for Wix Store We are seeking a skilled Wix developer to create a custom solution that enhances our custom...the custom size and cropped image. A "Reset" button to clear the custom size and cropping selections. Closing the Lightbox: Saving the settings, then closing the lightbox and passing the details to a product page Have the cross symbol "X" to close the lightbox without saving. Important Notes: The cost is usually based on standard pre-set sizes. If someone requests a custom size that doesn't match these exact dimensions, they will be charged according to the next larger standard size. Custom sizes will be charged at the price of the next size up plus $3. Implement logic to determine the next size in the dat...
...duplicate button. The duplicated image is automatically added with a 0.5 cm margin, and you can move and edit it like any other image. If the duplicated image is too large to fit in the montage, it should be colored red so the user can see that it needs to be moved or resized within the montage. Moving and Positioning Images: Images can be moved freely within the margin of the canvas. You can also drag and drop images and snap them into place using a "snap-to-grid" feature. Grid and Guides for Precision: An optional grid overlay can be enabled to make it easier to align images. The grid takes the margin into account. You can add manual guides to align the images precisely. Margin Display: The 0.5 cm margin can be visually displayed as a border around the canva...
...interactive learning games. The scope of this project includes support for a variety of game types, SCORM/xAPI export capabilities, and student tracking functionality. Key Components: - The platform should support a wide range of educational games, including quizzes, puzzles, and various forms of interactive content and e-learning games. - The interactive content types will need to encompass drag-and-drop activities, hotspot activities, sequences, word cloud selections, unscrambles, and mind maps. - The platform should be user-friendly for educators and engaging for students. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in game development, particularly in educational contexts. - Proficiency in SCORM/xAPI standards. - Ability to create engaging, intuitive user i...
...customizable. This includes the ability to adapt and change based on the situation at hand. It will be crucial for the AI to be able to learn dynamically from its interactions to continuously improve and provide relevant responses. - The AI software should support English only. However, the quality of the voice should be clear, professional, and capable of handling different tones and emotions to match the context of the call. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge in AI and voice software development - Experience in creating call center software - Ability to develop fully customizable and dynamically learning AI systems - Proficiency in English with a good understanding of voice modulation and tone - Experience in working with AI voice software is a plus. Please provide examples...
Project Brief: Product Label Series Design for MR DURO Food Manufacturing Company 1. Scope of Work: • Develop a cohesive product label series for a food manufacturing company specializing in spicy mixes, sauces, and condiments. • Ensure that the design aligns with the company’s branding and product identity. 2. Brand Identity: • The company name is MR DURO. • The font style should match the Western-style typography used in the attached reference file. • The label design should reflect a bold, high-quality, and appetizing visual aesthetic suitable for food packaging. 3. Mockup Requirements: • Create realistic product mockups using dummy data sourced from real food products. • For example, labels could feature items such as Bolognese ...
I'm seeking a seasoned developer to help me build an AI agent platform focused on sales, utilizing OpenAI frameworks. This platform will communicate through text and voice, targeting channels like WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, and more. Key Responsibilities: - Create a SAAS based, user-friendly drag-and-drop platform with tiered access. - Develop a dashboard for managing diverse AI agents. - Implement features for lead generation, sales follow-up, and customer engagement analysis. - Incorporate a token system, requiring users to purchase credits for usage. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in AI, particularly with OpenAI. - Proficiency in developing SAAS platforms. - Experience with creating customer service and sales AI agents. - Knowledge of integrating with mul...
✅ Two separate videos (one masculine-themed, one feminine-themed). ✅ AI-generated visuals—MidJourney, Runway ML, Kling AI, or similar tools preferred. ✅ The perfume bottle MUST BE AN EXACT MATCH to the reference image (shape, gradient, cap, and logo). ✅ Cinematic, slow-motion, high-quality (1080p, 1 horizontal 1 vertical). ✅ Luxury aesthetic similar to high-end perfume ads from brands like Dior, Tom Ford, and Chanel. ✅ Elegant text animations for branding and tagline. ✅ Must include smooth camera transitions and lighting effects. 1️⃣ Masculine Version ? Mood: Bold, powerful, and mysterious. ? Color Palette: Dark tones—black, deep blue, silver, and metallic textures. ? Scene Ideas: • A high-tech, futuristic environment with metallic reflections. • A man in a...
...initial version should be in **English**, and once it is 100% finalized, we will translate it into **German**. Requirements: - **No e-commerce functionality needed** (not a shop). - Should have a clean, professional design with a **focus on speed and usability**. - The website should be visually aligned with **** (similar colors & reusable images). - The template I found (**80% match** to my needs): *h5xz4q*_gcl_aw*R0NMLjE3NDA3NDYwMDguQ2owS0NRaUEyb1ctQmhDMkFSSXNBRFNJQVdydTdQdm5BZHRuOUZLbWFFaWwybWc4T0w0OUZlcmljVDV5bkxMYlFEbko4aHRwVk1fTm9GVWFBaGIyRUFMd193Y0I.*_gcl_au*NTg1NDY4MjQwLjE3NDA3NDAwMzg.*_ga*MTU3NTkwMTQwOS4xNzQwNzQwMDMw*_ga_FTPYEGT5LY*MTc0MDc0NTYzMi4yLjEuMTc0MDc0NjA1NC42MC4wLjA - You can use this or suggest something
I have a partially implemented Python script that connects to KuCoin's WebSocket for real-time market ...the expertise of an experienced developer to debug and resolve issues. Key Responsibilities: - Debug the script to fix issues related to WebSocket connections, data subscriptions, and error handling. - Ensure the script can handle high data volume without dropping connections. - Implement robust error handling to manage unexpected disconnections. Issues Observed: - The WebSocket connections may drop frequently. - There are instances where the script is unable to establish a connection. Skills Required: - Proficiency in Python, if possible with library. - Experience with WebSocket connections. - Strong debugging skills. - Ability to implement effective error handling stra...
...Instagram — whatever works) ✅ Present my art in a way that gets their attention and interest ✅ Help me follow up and close deals The ideal freelancer: ✅ Speaks and writes excellent English ✅ Has experience selling art, design products, or creative work — especially to international clients ✅ Knows how to research and find the right decision-makers (not just generic emails) ✅ Can work flexible hours to match UK and USA time zones when needed ✅ Is creative and resourceful — you know how to open doors and make people curious Please reply with the word blue whale in capital letters. When you apply, please include: ✅ Any experience you have selling art, creative work, or luxury products ✅ A quick explanation of how you would approach this project ✅ Why you think ...
...invoice into a CSV file formatted for MySQL import via phpMyAdmin. ? ? Input Data: A PDF file containing an invoice structured in a table format. Each row in the invoice contains: item number, description, quantity, unit, unit price (HT), VAT rate, and total price. ? ? Goal: Automatically extract data from the PDF. Convert the extracted data into a CSV file with specific column formatting to match my database structure. Allow flexibility to select and reformat extracted data (e.g., concatenate description and name). Fully automate the process to avoid manual work. ? Expected Output Format (CSV Columns): The script must generate a CSV file with the following structure: sql Copier Modifier spb_prestation_lot__numero_devis spb_prestation_lot__nom spb_prestation_lot__descript...