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    2,000 fake keyboard input maker iş bulundu

    ...big project, it would be healthier if I explain it mainly in details. 1. The site should definitely open very fast 2. Optimizations on the site are very important 3. The site should be suitable for both Turkish and English most important part of the site (features offered after member login) optimizations are flawless 5. Automatically pulls shipping prices from country to country and the input of this optimization is very simple - AMAZON - EBAY, there are api integrations with many companies such as these. In fact, what I want from you is a full site support, the amount I write here is not important, what I want is a continuous employee and I want to find not the most competent person but the team. Some people say that they can do it in 1 - 2 days, this is impossible, even if

    €1891 Average bid
    €1891 Ortalama Teklif
    33 teklifler

    Proje Kapsamı KVKK kapsamında yazılımda kullanılan cep telefonu fake MAC adreslerinin verisinin; yazılımda nasıl kullanıldığı belirtmek için bir danışmanlık hizmeti alınacaktır. incelenecek hususlar; - Face MAC adresinin projede hangi amaçla kullanıldığı - Verilerin serverda saklanması gereken süre ile ilgili kısıtlar (bağlı olan MAC adresleri için) - Verilerin işletim amacı Örnek use case: bir otele gelen misafirlerin yoğunluk haritalarının oluşturulması

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    ...historical data as formatted csv. I want import Historical Trades to PostgreSQL database, Daily spot and USDM CSV files can be downloaded. I want Vue.JS front end page for upload these downloaded csv files. Backend should be Core Web api. Sample CSV File Columns: id trade ID price Price qty Quantity base_qty Base Quantity time Time in unix time format is_buyer_maker Was the buyer the maker Desired App Features: - PostgreSQL Database Connection - An excellent responsive design that will work across various screen sizes and platforms Ideal Candidate: The ideal candidate for this job should possess profound knowledge and extensive work experience in .NET core and Vue.js. An ability to develop a responsive design as well as an exceptional competence in API i...

    €223 Average bid
    €223 Ortalama Teklif
    23 teklifler
    Python script
    Bitti left

    hali hazırda yazılı olan bir projem var projemin içeri klavye mouse hareketleri bazlı resim ve rgb tarama üzerine kurulmuş bir otomasyon bu hali hazırda olan kodlarımın klavye input kullanımı kullandıgım platform tarafından getirlen güncelleme ile engellendi yani klavye mouse tuş vuruşları yapay oldugunu bi şekilde anlıyorlar yazdıgım scriptin donanım olarak algılanmasını sağlamak istiyorum bu konuda ücreti karşılığında yardım edecek arkadaşları bekliyorum

    €140 Average bid
    €140 Ortalama Teklif
    14 teklifler

    ...uygulama içi satın alması yapması için tasarlanmasını talep bot mesajlar gönderebilen ve atılan mesajlara tek bir panel üzerinden cevap verilebilen bir işleve sahip olması beni tatmin hesaplar eklenebilir ve profillerine fake ses kayıtları eklenebilir, kullanıcılar fotoğraf göndermek isterse vip olması gerekecektir veya sizin gönderdiğiniz fotoğrafları görmek için vip olması gerekmekte gibi özellikleri olmasını rica etmekteyim. Android Kullanıcı Tarafında Olmasını İstediğim Özellikler -Bot Mesaj Özelliği -Uygulamada İçi Fake Eşleşme -Bot Hesaplar -Kullanıcı Kime Yazarsa Yazsın Mesajlar Panelinize Düşsün. -Bildirim Gelen Mobil Uygulama Paneli İle Hiçbir Mesajı ve Kullanıcıyı Kaçır...

    €497 Average bid
    €497 Ortalama Teklif
    16 teklifler
    logo maker
    Bitti left

    et lokontam için logo yapıcısı arıyorum

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Ortalama Teklif
    28 teklifler

    Python ile yazdığım bir proje var. Gerçek zamanlı video üzerinde işlem yapıyor. Proje kısaca şöyle: Derin öğrenme tabanlı Yolo algoritması ile eğitilmiş bir ağım var. Bu ağı kullanarak yeni input olarak verilen bir videodaki nesneleri tespit ediyorum ve onları etiketliyorum. Video çalışırken işlem yapıyor yani gerçek zamanlı olarak çalışıyor. İstediklerim: 1. Bu uygulamaya bir arayüz istiyorum. arayüzde bazı dosya ve parametre bilgilerini alarak çalıştıracak, video arayüz üzerinde çalışacak. 2. Uygulamaya "optical flow" eklenmesini istiyorum. 3. (isteğe bağlı) Diğer nesne tanıma algoritmaları uygulama

    €175 Average bid
    €175 Ortalama Teklif
    5 teklifler

    Temelde kullanıcılardan input alıp sonrasında bu inputlara göre output veren, uygulama içi satın alma içeren, ve bir bilgiyi internetten teyit ettirip sürekli güncel tutan bir uygulama.

    €1140 Average bid
    €1140 Ortalama Teklif
    27 teklifler

    an interface needed... When programmed device boots a fullscreen video player appears and start playing "" (located on SD card) loops till digital trig signal comes with the digital signal program selects video according to 4bit binary input value and start that video for example if b3,b2,b1,b0 = "0011" start playing with a busy signal via digital out when video over and digital signal reset and play back to what ever binary inputs are till the digital trigger signal true again

    €203 Average bid
    €203 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    Merhaba Ben Zeynel Eroglu. Namı diğer Medyum & Metafizik Uzmanı Zeynel Hoca. Aşağıdaki işlerin yapılması ve takibi için fiyat teklifi istiyorum. • Web sitesi bakım ve güncelleme hizmetleri (5 site) Web sitelerim , ve benzeri sistemlerin yönetimi • Youtube kanalının düzenlenmesi ve yönetimi, Gerekli zamanlarda uygun içerik ve video üretimi • Youtube videolarının başka video paylaşım sitelerine aktarılması ve takibi (dailymotion, Vimeo vb.) • Ios ve Android platformlarında yer alan application’ların işlerliğinin sağlanması, takibi • Gerek Web, gerekse sosyal medya da isim ve resimlerimizi kullanan sahte – fake hesapların takip edilip kaldırılması, bulunursa olumsuz yorumların sildirilme...

    €1329 Average bid
    €1329 Ortalama Teklif
    18 teklifler

    Html ile yapılan bir tabloda aynı sütün içerisinde filtreleme işlemi yapılması gerekiyor. Başlangıç ve bitişi olan iki input etiketi olacaktır. Başlangıç etiketine yazılan değerin o sutundaki yeri tespit edilecektir. Daha sonra bitiş etiketine yazılan değerin bulunduğu yer de tespit edilecektir. En nihayetinde bu iki değer arasında kalan kısımlar tabloda getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Tablo için framework kullanılacaktır. Görsellerde bulunan sıralama ilk sutundaki değerler için yapılmıştır. Örneğin görselde bulunan başlangıç input etiketine "a12345" değeri girilmiştir. Bitişe ise "c12345" değeri girilmiştir bu nedenle bu değer aralıkları arasında kalan veriler getirilmiştir.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    ...detay olarakta Kargonun gönderilebilmesi için container volume’unun en az yarısının dolu olması gerekiyor. Ve gönderildikten sonra kar miktarını hesaplayıp veri dosyasına yazmalı. Bunun haricinde eğer kargo gönderilemeyecek durumdaysa bunu bir hata olarak ekrana vermeli ve listede tutmaya devam etmeli ve yapabilirsen programı kapatıp açtığında gönderilmeyen kargolar ekranda direkt olarak gelmeli (input olarak vermemiz gerekiyor yani). zaten detayı halihazırdaki proje metninde yazıyor. Dokümentasyon kısmında ise diagramların projen ile uyumlu olmalı. Örneğin ne kadar class’ın varsa class diagramında o kadar class içermeli. Bunun gibi detaylara dikkat etmeliyiz. Ayrıca açıklama eklerseniz de iyi olur, yani diagr...

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 teklifler

    Profesyonel logo maker yapılır teklif vermeniz şekkürler

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    Merhaba Murat bey, instagram takipçi paneli için bir servis kura bilirmisiniz? Yani ben fake hesablar ekledikde onu başka hesaba aktara bilmem için kodlamanız lazım. Mesala 1000 hesab eklediysem onu takip, beğeni, izlenme olarak diger instagram hesaplarına yollaya bilmem için bir site ve ya servis kurmanız lazım. Teşekkürler yardımçı olursanız sevinirim.

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    raspberry pi ile barkod okuyacak, input output larla kucuk bir otomasyon yapılacak ( röleler kontrol edilecek) ve ekranda yönlendirmeler yapılacak

    €1020 Average bid
    €1020 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    Merhaba, belirteceğim sayfada input girişi olacak ve bu giriş olduktan sonra inputa girilen alanın değperi url'ye gidecek yeni sayfa oluşacak bonus talep edecek ve admin panleden düzenlenecek

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    Merhaba arkadaşlar, İstediğim: Bir sitenin hangi kelimede kaçıncı sırada olduğunu öğrenebilmek. Sadece php kodunu istiyo...açıklamak gerekse: Site adı: Kelime: merhaba Google'da "merhaba" kelimesi aratıldı. sitesi "merhaba" kelimesinde kaçıncı sırada? Amacım bunu öğrenebilmek. EK BİLGİLER Netteki birçok scripti kurup denedim. Birçoğu hatalı sonuçlar gösteriyor. Amaç doğru sıralamayı öğrenebilmek. Sıralamaya reklamlar dahil olmayacak. Sadece organik sıralama sonucunu öğrenmek gerekiyor. input ve buttona gerek yok. Sadece PHP kodunu bana iletmeniz yeterli olacak. Elinde hazır kod olan varsa demo linki sunanlar ve uygun ücret verenler tercih sebebi. Sormak istedi...

    €44 Average bid
    €44 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    ...Birden fazla ekran tasarlanarak "Akış Tasarımı" bölümünde birbirine bağlanabiliyor. 4."Akış tasarımı" sayfaların birbirine bağlanmasına ek olarak bir takım işlemlerin yapıldğı bölümdür. Matematiksel, metinsel işlemler yapılabiliyor, database 'e bağlanılabiliyor, email gönderilebiliyor, webservice'e gidilebiliyor vs. Sayfalar arası bağlantılardan önce bu işlemler yapılabiliyor bir çok farklı yerden input alınabiliyor. 5. Tüm bu işlemlerden sonra xml bir çıktı üretiliyor. Bu xml çıktı içerisinde yapılan tüm tasarımların serialize edilmiş hali bulunuyor. 6. Daha sonra diğer bir uygulama tarafından bu xml çıktı alınarak dinamik olarak ekran hazırlanabiliyor. 7...

    €3673 Average bid
    €3673 Ortalama Teklif
    11 teklifler

    Produced software code to be executed by the Google API. The data in the Google AdWords panel will be changed in the program to be written example, this software will also be simultaneously has received many representations few addition, people can stop the campaign will be able to upgrade the program can be written s new keyword input or cost-per-clicks.

    €1172 Average bid
    €1172 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Devrenin gorevi cikis konrolu yapmak. Devrede 2 sensor + 2 button var. (Besleme girisi 220 V Sensorler 30mV Cikis en fazla 30 mV) Calisma ornegi = 1.Sensor...gorevi cikis konrolu yapmak. Devrede 2 sensor + 2 button var. (Besleme girisi 220 V Sensorler 30mV Cikis en fazla 30 mV) Calisma ornegi = acik buton acik ise cikis = + 30 mV kapali buton acik ise cikis = 0 V bir buton acik iken sensor kapali ise cikis = 0 V English Electronic circuit task is exit voltage control. Circuit components are sensors and button. (Input 220 V and sensor signal is 30 mV exit voltage max 30 mV ) Working example ; 1. If Sensor On, Button On = Exit + 30 mV 2. If Sensor Off Button On = Exit 0 V 3. If Any button On and Any Sensors Off = Exit 0 V You can my shema.

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    Facebookta verecegim sayfaya 2000 turk kullanici begenisi istiyorum. Begenenlerin duvarlarına, benim sayfamda paylastiklarim gorunecek. Sanal begenme yada fake olmayacak.

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    I'm on the hunt for a talented illustration designer who can help me bring my abstract t-shirt concepts to life. I have 1-3 ideas that I would like to be designed, but I'm open to your creative reinterpretation. Requirements: - Deliver final designs as vector files in EPS format - A mix of strictly following my concepts and your own creative input - Ability to create in an abstract style but yet not too much. - Ability to use minimal colors and solid patches as the designs are to be printed using screen printing method. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in abstract illustration - Proficiency in design software capable of creating EPS files - Experience in t-shirt design - Creative thinking and ability to reinterpret concepts

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Ortalama Teklif
    14 teklifler

    ...if I will click one time on selected photo it maximalize the miniature of image and if i will doubleclick click on the photo it will open the original photo. In showing mode there should be buttons with left and right arrows for selecting throught all pictures. Also if I will click one time for maximalize the miniature it should use the left and right arrows on keyboard for click through all images. It should also use ESCape on keyboard for closing the maximalization of miniature image. It should also support the "elevateZoom - A jQuery image zoom plugin" that zoom into area in miniature if i will move the mouse into picture. The videos should be played directly in the browser with as much as supported formats. If the video will use unsupported format (for examp...

    €119 Average bid
    €119 Ortalama Teklif
    105 teklifler

    I need an AD maker who can enhance the style and tone of the AD . The target audience for the content is general public. Ideal skills and experiences: - Strong editing background - Excellent understanding of style and tone adjustments - Experience working with content aimed at the general public - Exceptional grammar and punctuation skills - Familiarity with SEO best practices - High level of attention to detail The content should have a formal style and tone.

    €81 Average bid
    €81 Ortalama Teklif
    17 teklifler

    I need a skilled JavaScript developer to correct the mapping table of my Chrome extension's auto-populate code. The extension is primarily used for form filling, sourcing data from local storage. Key Requirements: - Correct the mapping table so that the serial number in the matching table aligns with the serial number in the detect input fields table. - Ensure the data being mapped, primarily user information, is populated accurately. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in JavaScript, particularly in relation to Chrome extension development. - Experience with form auto-fill extensions. - Strong attention to detail for accurate data mapping.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Ortalama Teklif
    31 teklifler

    I'm looking for a talented game developer to create a video game called Sprunki. The style, platform, and gameplay mechanics are yet to be finalized, so I would appreciate your input and creative suggestions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in game development and programming - Experience in creating engaging gameplay mechanics - Ability to suggest and implement suitable graphic styles - Understanding of different platforms for game deployment - Strong problem-solving and creative thinking skills Please provide your portfolio with examples of your previous work in game development. Example: I need creat video game Sprunki Example:

    €40 Average bid
    €40 Ortalama Teklif
    39 teklifler

    I'm looking for a software that can automate the creation of abstracts and taking measurements for civil engineering projects, specifically focusing on infrastructure projects. The software will need to take input from manual entries of dimensions and details. Key Requirements: - The software should be able to create abstracts and take measurements automatically based on the input data. - Designed specifically for infrastructure projects. - Able to process input data from manual entries of dimensions and details. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in civil engineering software development. - Proficient in algorithms for measurements and data processing. - Knowledge of infrastructure project specifications.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    I'm looking for an Excel expert to create a comprehensive tipping calculator for me. The calculator should: - Allow for 5 tippers, with points ranging from 5 down to 1 - Tabulate the points for each selection - Convert these points into odds The data input will be manual, so the interface needs to be user-friendly and intuitive. A key feature will be the use of macros for automation, which will streamline the process and make it more efficient. Ideal skills for this project include: - Advanced Excel proficiency, particularly with Macros - Experience in creating user-friendly spreadsheets - Ability to convert complex requirements into a simple, functional tool.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    51 teklifler tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or similar software. Strong portfolio showcasing social media graphics and cartoon character sketches. Ability to modify designs quickly and efficiently based on content changes. Solid understanding of color theory, typography, and composition principles. Excellent communication skills to understand project requirements and provide creative input. Experience with motion graphics or animation (preferred, but not required). What We Offer: A platform to showcase your creative talent in diverse projects. Competitive pay based on experience and skills. Flexibility to work remotely or in a hybrid setup. Opportunities for professional growth and learning. Pay Range: If Candidate is available for Full Tim...

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    20 teklifler

    I'm looking for a modern-style logo with representational imagery for my company. I am also looking for input on colours and font to use for branding. The company is a full service recruitment agency connecting top talent with local employers. The company name is two short words with the first word being the main name and is tied to themes of connection, professionalism and quality

    €52 Average bid
    €52 Ortalama Teklif
    106 teklifler

    ...Features: - Zoom in/out functionality for detailed exploration. - Seamless transitions between key parts of the model (e.g., floor plans, elevations, structural components). . Presentation Ready: - A polished animation suitable for client presentations, stakeholder reviews, and educational purposes. - Highlight key design and construction elements during the explanation phase. --- Input Materials - High-quality 3D renders of the building project (to be provided). --- Technical Requirements: - Compatibility with presentation tools (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote) and standalone use. - High-resolution output (1080p or 4K). - File formats: MP4 for video and/or an interactive viewer-compatible file (e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine, or WebGL). --- Project Goals: - Create an int...

    €17 / hr Average bid
    €17 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    19 teklifler

    I'm in need of a logo that is modern and minimalist in style. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a solid portfolio showcasing similar styles and a keen eye for clean, simple design. Key Aspects: - Design a modern, minimalist logo - Flexible with color suggestions - Open to creative input and ideas

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Ortalama Teklif
    59 teklifler

    ...ensure compatibility with all standard VSCode functionalities to have a right-to-left direction and right alignment. - RTL support should include the main editor as well as the diff view and source control view. - RTL support should cover all the functionality of the editor like cursor movement, selections, multi cursors, etc. - RTL support should work well whether controlling the cursor through keyboard or mouse. - The editor should also be able to view mixed documents, i.e. documents with parts of it displayed right-to-left and others displayed left-to-right. - Determining text direction should be auto detected based on the first character in the line. - The editor should respect the RTL mark and LTR mark unicode characters when determining text direction. - When the first char...

    €2711 Average bid
    €2711 Ortalama Teklif
    49 teklifler

    I'm looking for a diligent data-entry freelancer to assist with modifying builder attributes in a game based on conditional logic outlined in a CSV file. This role requires accurate data input and capturing screenshots. Key Responsibilities: - Manually changing in-game builder attributes based on conditional logic from a CSV file (around 1 to 2 minutes per row). - Capturing screenshots of the modified attributes and in-game progress. Requirements: - A basic PC capable of running games and providing good resolution. - Precision and attention to detail for data entry. - Ability to follow conditional statements from the CSV file accurately. -I will need you to provide me the images in batch Ideal Skills: - Experience with data entry and screenshot capturing. - Familiarity sport...

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    102 teklifler

    I need a PowerApps application that acts as a user-friendly replacement for an Excel-based form interface. The original form interface includes dropdown menus for most input, with some fields auto-populated using Excel formulas. Key project requirements include: - The app must be accessible via OneDrive, with the Excel database connected to it. It should also allow access to the database via the Excel app without the need for the app. - The app ideally should work seamlessness within the Microsoft 365 environment without needing installation to the native computer - The form interface should enable editing and adding to the database, and auto-repopulate from the database for ease of use. - The form interface should be capable of being printed to a PDF for documentation purposes. ...

    €72 Average bid
    €72 Ortalama Teklif
    31 teklifler

    I'm seeking a skilled editor for my educational Instagram Reels. The ideal freelancer will be adept at creating dynamic and engaging edits that can capture and retain viewer attention. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into compelling Instagram Reels - Apply a dynamic and engaging editing style to educational conten...viewer engagement Skills and Experience: - Proven experience editing Instagram Reels or similar content - Exceptional understanding of pacing, rhythm, and timing for dynamic edits - Strong creative vision with the ability to think outside the box - Experience with editing educational content is a plus Please note, while I have not specified the exact effects to include, I am open to your creative input and expertise in determining the most effective tec...

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Ortalama Teklif
    33 teklifler

    ...stock investing research website. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both frontend and backend technologies - Strong database management skills - Experience in developing finance-related web applications Your role will encompass: - Designing and implementing the user interface - Developing the server-side logic - Ensuring the responsiveness of the application - Managing the database and server Your input will be crucial to the successful launch of this project. If you have a keen interest in finance and stock investment, this could be an exciting opportunity for you. Pay start at $1,000-$2,000 depending on full or part time. Once our company gets launched and revenue increases pay will definitely increase. Want honest hardworking people we can make lonflgterm relationships wit...

    €42 / hr Average bid
    €42 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    154 teklifler

    I'm looking for an AI tool that can translate English into Chinese and vice versa. This tool will be us...AI tool that can translate English into Chinese and vice versa. This tool will be used by soldiers at the International Border, so it needs to support offline functionality. Key Features: - **Language Support**: The tool should translate between English and Chinese. - **Platform Compatibility**: The AI tool should be compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows. - **Input Methods**: The tool should support both voice and text input. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in AI and machine learning. - Extensive knowledge in developing cross-platform applications. - Experience with creating offline functionality in applications. - Understanding of military communic...

    €52 Average bid
    €52 Ortalama Teklif
    18 teklifler

    I'm looking for an expert in spreadsheet development to build a custom Excel sheet for tracking progress claims on construction projects. Key Features: - Automatic calculations: The sheet should be able to compute totals, subtotals, and other necessary financial figures without requiring manual input. - Customizable templates: The spreadsheet should be template-based, allowing for easy customization to suit different projects. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel with a strong understanding of its advanced features (formulas, pivot tables, macros etc.) - Experience in construction project financial tracking would be a significant advantage. - Ability to create user-friendly, customizable templates. - The data in the current pdf spreadsheet does not need to be fully replicated...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    23 teklifler

    I'm seeking a meticulous data entry professional to help with organizing and validating customer data. The data is currently in Excel/CSV files and requires detailed validation for accuracy. Key Responsibilities: - Input, sort, and organize customer data with precision. - Perform detailed validation checks to ensure data accuracy. - Assist with data management and reporting as needed. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional attention to detail and accuracy. - Proficiency with Excel/CSV files. - Experience with data entry and quality control. - Strong administrative support skills. With over 24 years of experience in administrative roles, including expertise as a Steno-Typist, Personal Assistant, and Admin Manager, I am confident this project will be a success. I look forward to your b...

    €10 / hr Average bid
    €10 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    85 teklifler

    I'm looking for an expert in spreadsheet development to build a custom Excel sheet for tracking progress claims on construction projects. Key Features: - Automatic calculations: The sheet should be able to compute totals, subtotals, and other necessary financial figures without requiring manual input. - Customizable templates: The spreadsheet should be template-based, allowing for easy customization to suit different projects. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel with a strong understanding of its advanced features (formulas, pivot tables, macros etc.) - Experience in construction project financial tracking would be a significant advantage. - Ability to create user-friendly, customizable templates. - The data in the current pdf spreadsheet does not need to be fully replicated...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler

    ...experienced programmer to develop a specialized software to analyze and simulate sequences of cards dealt by a Continuous Shuffling Machine (CSM) at a blackjack table. The primary objective of the program is to determine if the sequences generated by the CSM are fair or if they exhibit any statistical bias. The program should include the following features: Sequence Analysis: Analyze an input sequence of cards for statistical irregularities. Perform tests such as frequency analysis, chi-square tests, and independence tests to detect patterns or biases. Compare the observed sequence against a fully random sequence for validation. Blackjack Simulations: Simulate blackjack games using the provided card sequence. Calculate key metrics such as Expected Value (EV), standa...

    €486 Average bid
    Gizlilik Anlaşması
    €486 Ortalama Teklif
    18 teklifler

    I'm in need of a straightforward web app where my small team can enter monthly data via a form. Key Features: - Data Entry: The app should have a user-friendly form for data input. - Data Access: Once the data is entered, users should be able to view, edit, delete and then share via email. 1) Master user can access the entire data from all users in one place. 2) Multiple user logins. 3) User Can create multiple locations. 4) Once data is inputted by the user for specific location then that specific data can be shared via email in table form. 5) Each location will have three tables. (Business No.1 / Vyapar No.1 / CPA (auto populate) 6) If possible, Master gets notification if each of location did not fill out monthly sales data by 15th of the month. (January Sales Data should...

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Ortalama Teklif
    109 teklifler

    I'm in need of a desktop-based, Windows-compatible program that can assist with thoroughbred horse handicapping, eliminating the tedious manual input from a racing form. The program should ideally be able to upload information for instant scoring, streamlining the entire process. Key Requirements: - Development of a thoroughbred horse handicapping program - Desktop application for Windows - Ability to upload information for instant scoring Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in desktop application development - Experience with data processing and scoring systems - Understanding of horse racing and handicapping is a plus

    €449 Average bid
    €449 Ortalama Teklif
    77 teklifler

    I'm seeking a meticulous individual who can follow instructions carefully and provide high-quality work. The task involves collecting specific property details and listing them in a provided spreadsheet. - Key Responsibilities: - Collect and input property details including street address, email, number of units, number of stories, and year built for each property. - Ideal Skills: - Attention to detail - Proficiency in data entry - Ability to follow instructions - Basic understanding of property details Experience in real estate data collection is a plus. Please ensure you can access Google Sheets as this is the platform used for this project.

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Ortalama Teklif
    82 teklifler

    I'm developing a Flutter app that will use native IOS AVFoundation for camera code. Below are the items i'm looking to add to my Existing starter project. Looking for someone to collaborate with me closely on the project. 1. **Video Capture** - **AVCaptureSession**: Use `AVCaptureSession` to manage the flow of data from input devices (like the camera) to outputs. - **AVCaptureDevice**: Select and configure the camera as the input device. - **AVCaptureVideoDataOutput**: This output allows you to access each frame of video data as it's captured. You can use a delegate method to process each frame. 2. **Buffering Frames with DispatchQueue** - **CMSampleBuffer**: Each frame is captured as a `CMSampleBuffer`. You can access the pixel buffer and metad...

    €119 Average bid
    €119 Ortalama Teklif
    35 teklifler

    ...Experience: Ensure compatibility with iPhones and iPads. Optimize the layout for responsiveness across devices. Enhance the storybooks display with a swipe feature for mobile users. Design Enhancements: Modernize the visual design to reflect an engaging and professional look. Use vibrant, kid-friendly graphics that align with the themes of each series. Suggestions and Cost Estimate: Open to creative input for additional features that improve usability or engagement. Provide a cost estimate for the project, detailing: Basic implementation costs. Additional costs for converting coloring pages to a Color by Numbers feature. Deliverables Fully functional, modernized website. Separate landing pages for each book series with intuitive navigation. Mobile-friendly features (swipe navi...

    €610 Average bid
    €610 Ortalama Teklif
    135 teklifler

    ...timeless, sophisticated designs. * Timeline: We aim to launch the brand next year, so we would need the designs completed by February. Please provide your rate, along with an estimated total cost for the swimwear designs Additional Information: * Feel free to reach out with any questions or if you need further clarification on any aspect of the project. * We value collaboration and creative input, so we’re open to your suggestions throughout the design process....

    €677 Average bid
    €677 Ortalama Teklif
    43 teklifler February. Please outline your estimated timeline for each phase (swimwear designs, logo, and packaging). Please provide your rate, along with an estimated total cost for the swimwear designs, logo, and packaging design. Additional Information: * Feel free to reach out with any questions or if you need further clarification on any aspect of the project. * We value collaboration and creative input, so we’re open to your suggestions throughout the design process....

    €770 Average bid
    Gizlilik Anlaşması
    €770 Ortalama Teklif
    33 teklifler

    ...intended emotion of the scene. 2. AI Video Generation/Deepfake Technology: • Deepfake software or AI video tools: Tools like Synthesia or Hour One allow you to upload a real actress’s image or video footage and then animate that image to create specific actions and expressions using AI. Some tools also let you input specific body movements, like tripping or gesturing, and animate the face to match the scene’s tone. • Steps: • Upload the actress’s image or video into the tool. • Input the voiceover or script you generated. • Choose the animation and expressions you want (e.g., tripping, scrambling, smiling nervously, giving a thumbs-up). This will allow you to create a realistic video of the actress performing the s...

    €265 Average bid
    Gizlilik Anlaşması
    €265 Ortalama Teklif
    41 teklifler