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    2,000 ethical hacking email password iş bulundu

    Merhaba, ben bir quiz app yapmaya çalıştım. Login sayfası, Register sayfası , Forgot Password sayfası ve quiz app klasörü hazır. Sizden istediğim, 1- kullanıcı sisteme kaydolacak ve quiz'i çözecek. Kullanıcının kayıt bilgileri ve quiz sonucundaki başarısı Firebase'e kaydedilmeli. Kaydedilen bu veriler aşağıdaki gibi scoreboard tablosu oluşturmak için kullanılmalı 2- Daha önce soruları çözüp tabloda kendine yer edinmiş biri tekrar quizi çözerse, eski yeri tablodan silinmeli ve yeni başarısına göre tekrar sıralamaya alınmalı 3- Kullanıcı eğer şifresini unutursa forgot-password sayfasındaki inputa e-posta adresini girecek ve ilgili e-posta adresinin sisteme kayıtlı şifresi kullanıcıya elektro...

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    Python, siniflandirma yöntemleri ile Emaillerin Spam ya da Phishing girisimi olup olmadigini tespit etme

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Merhaba, Yandex üzerinden mail alıyorum ( 3 tane farklı maile ) Bu 3 maile gelen maillerdeki linki anında ( hız çok önemli ) chrome üzerinden açacak bir uygulama ihtiyacım var. gmail üzerine yaptırdığım bir uygulamam var şimdi de yandex gerekli.

    €180 Average bid
    €180 Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    Ticimax Platformunu kullandığımız e-ticaret sitemizin; -Blog sayfasının Hazırlanması; Blog Sayfasının Görselleri ve 10 adet Seo Uyumlu Yazı Girilmesi -Web Sitesine Email Entegrasyonu; Üye Olunduğu Zaman, Sipariş Sonrası, Kargolama Sonrası ve Kampanyalarla İlgili Mail Şablonlarının Hazırlanması -Web sitesi Sms Entegrasyonu; Sipariş Sonrası,Kargo Teslim edildiği zaman ve Kampanyalarda v.b. Bildirilmek üzere Sms şablonlarının Hazırlanması

    €240 Average bid
    €240 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler
    php script
    Bitti left

    ...program, in the accounts that will make rt fav comments ...... rt number ...... fav number ...... number of comments 5 seconds after the indication and the tweet. catch the tweet and it should throw the indicated rt fav and comment There will also be a manual section in the program. by typing tweet url ...... rt ..... fav ..... we can make comments Note: accounts must be absolutely username: password: enter the program in the form of mail & phone and there must be proxy support....

    €149 Average bid
    €149 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Merhaba websitesinin ön tarafı için ana sayfa, içerik listeleme, içerik oluşturma, içerik yayınlama, statik bilgilendirme sayfaları,...sayfası, 500 sunucu hatası sayfasi gerekli bunların jQuery, Bootstrap 3++, SASS or CSS olması gereklidir. Sayfaların görsel tasarımı ve renk uyumu önemlidir. Arka taraf yazılmış durumdadır. Teşekkürler Hello to whom it may concern, the website for the frontend; the scope is home page, content listing, content creation, content publishing, static information pages, sign up, my profile, forgot my password, content rating, 404 error page, 500 server error pages required. These are has to be written one of these (jQuery, Bootstrap 3 ++, SASS or CSS). The visual design and color matching of the pages are ...

    €449 Average bid
    €449 Ortalama Teklif
    18 teklifler

    Androdi telefon table platform için TV Player uygulaması yapmak istiyorum Anasayfada yer alacak menüler sırasıyla PLAYER 2. LİVE STREAM 3. WORLD CHANNELS CHANNELS 5. TURKVOD vb. 1. Menüde iptv adreslerini yazarak girilmesini sağlayan bir tv player yapmak istiyorum Örnek: İSİM: test ADRES http: Username:.test Password: test çıkış seçenekli .ts .hls .mpegts gibi 2. menüde kodi deki live stream pro mantığıyla olacak ama misal girilen iptv adres çıkışı xml formatında tv playera aktarılıp oynatılacak. ve yine server ekleme olacak veb ben de internet üzerinde uygulama sahiplerine liste verebileceğim şekilde olmalı 3 ve 4. menüde yine benim tarafımdan internet üzerinde liste paylaşmamı sağlayacak şekilde olmalı ...

    €532 Average bid
    €532 Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    Hello there, We want to have a stylish listing application with small but effective design. As a general feature, all web services will be given by us and we would like to take delivery with design and coding. The main points of the application are; 1 - User login operations, password renewal and other operations. (user can login with e-mail or social media accounts) 2 - The design should be visually light but effective. 3 - We have an entry form with three or four lines. There are screens that record and list this form. 4 - Notification library for OneSignal. 5 - Settings screen. We don't have too many settings on the settings screen. 6 - Native or hybrid structure. 7 - Ios & Android Compatible. We are waiting for your offers on the topic.

    €156 Average bid
    €156 Ortalama Teklif
    20 teklifler

    Şimdi ilk oncelikle aklımadaki senoryo tam olarak şu ; Instagram Story Save Veya Instagram Profilime Kim Baktı Uygulaması Yapacağız.İstediğim Olay Şu Kişi Geldi Username Password Yazdı Instagrama Login Oldu Çerezi Belirtiğimiz Sunucuya Postaladı.Sonra Web View Olarak Bir Sayfa Açıp Bırakı İş İçin Tekliflerinizi Bekliyorum. Aynı Şekilde Satın Almış Olduğum Story Save Uygulamaları Sıkıntısız Şekilde Çalışmakda Yapmamız Gereken Şey Aynı Şekilde Çerezleri Kaydedip Gondermesini Sağlamak Bu Proje Düzenlemesi İçinde Fiyat Verebilirsiniz

    €164 Average bid
    €164 Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    Halen Zinbra kullaniyoruz ve G Suite' e gecis yapmak istiyoruz. Bu konuda email kurulumu yapacak ve Zimbra daki emailleri Gsuite e aktaracak bir freelancer ile calismak istiyoruz.

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Windows Python Merhabalar, biz yeni bir Metin2 pvp server açıyoruz ve yeni serverimiz için metin2 nin kendi id password kısmını kullanmak istemediğimizden yeni bir tane tasarlattık fakat python ile kodlanmaya ihtiyacı var. Ücretli destek sağlayabilir misiniz?

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 teklifler

    android uygulamasında ssid ve password yazarak wifi bağlantısı kurması. Daha önce hiç girmediği bir ağa girecek

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    username-password Login ekranı, basit SELECT ile Gridview Liste Rapor ve 6-7 field içeren Form Kayıt ekranı olmak 3-4 ekranı geçmeyen basit bir mobil uygulama geliştirilecek. İnternetten sunucuya (database) güvenli ulaşmayı sağlayacak web servis veya socket servisi de lazım.

    €169 Average bid
    €169 Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler

    ben web sayfasından bağımsız çalışacak bir otel online rezervasyon sitemi istiyorum sanal pos da dahil size vereceğim örnek siteyi inceleyebilir detayları bilirsiniz birebir aynısı olamada ona yakın olsun istiyorum modüler olması şart değil orda modüller yıllık kiralık bir bir bütün olsun istiyoruz. örnek domain : admin panel : https://app.hotelrunne...bir otel online rezervasyon sitemi istiyorum sanal pos da dahil size vereceğim örnek siteyi inceleyebilir detayları bilirsiniz birebir aynısı olamada ona yakın olsun istiyorum modüler olması şart değil orda modüller yıllık kiralık bir bir bütün olsun istiyoruz. örnek domain : admin panel : user name : info[at] password : 123654

    €1198 Average bid
    €1198 Ortalama Teklif
    22 teklifler

    User : admin Password : admin Turkish: Bu iki sitede benimdir. Aşağıda belirttiğim admin paneli temasını değiştirmek istiyorum. Yukarıda belirttiğim admin panel teması gibi yaptırmak istiyorum. Kolaylık olması açısından admin paneli teması dosyalarını da verebilirim. English: my two sites. theme thema I want to make. In terms of convenience. I can give an example of the site's theme file. User: admin Password : 123asd123

    €406 Average bid
    €406 Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler

    Newsletter Gönderimi için HTML şablonu oluşturma

    €24 Average bid
    €24 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler

    Merhaba kayako 4.67 versiyon windows vps de kurulu. Email ayarlarının yapılmasını istiyoruz.

    €34 Average bid
    €34 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Merhaba arkadaşlar elimde bir form var. Bu form şifremi unuttum olayında işe yaramakta. Bu formun 'Kullanıcı adımı unuttum' şeklinde yapılmasını talep etmekteyiz. Kişi mail adresini yazacak, mail adresine da...olayında işe yaramakta. Bu formun 'Kullanıcı adımı unuttum' şeklinde yapılmasını talep etmekteyiz. Kişi mail adresini yazacak, mail adresine databasede kayıtlı olan kullanıcı adları mail yolu ile gönderilecek. ---- Hi everybody. I have a 'Forgot my password' form. But I need a 'I FORGOT USERNAME FORM'... User is come my site, click 'I FORGOT MY USERNAME' button. Type mail adress and push SEND button. After, script found username for the register mail adress on database and send user mail adress to USERNAME. I s...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler

    Sistem yazılımlarının güvenlik test ve denetimleri yapılacaktır. Yapılacak testler, sadece sunucular üzerinde çalışan servislerin araştırılmasından oluşmayacak, kullanılan veri tabanı ve geliştirilecek UYGULAMA’ya has güvenlik açıkları da araştırılacaktır. Test ve denetlemeleri yapacak kişi, en az Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) sertifikasına sahip bilgi güvenliği uzmanı olmalıdır. Belirtilen güvenlik test ve denetimleri garanti süresince 6 aylık dönemler itibariyle 4(dört) defa yaparak sonuçları sunacaktır. Bu kapsamda yapılacak denetlemeler aşağıda detaylı olarak açıklanmıştır. • Veri Denetimi o Girdi denetimi o Çıktı denetimi o Değiştirilen içeriğin tespiti o H...

    €2417 Average bid
    €2417 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Alışveriş sitem için 3 adet email tasarmı yaptırmak istiyorum bu maillerde değişiklik yapmak istiyorum yani bu üc maili üzerinde değişiklikler yaparak sürekli kullanmak istiyorum

    €48 - €48
    €48 - €48
    0 teklifler

    Merhabalar; Elimizde bir program var program çalışması için gerekli program otomatik olarak harddisk fabrika numarasını alıyor ve benden 2 adet şifre istiyor internet bağlanmam açılırken bu aş...program çalışması için gerekli program otomatik olarak harddisk fabrika numarasını alıyor ve benden 2 adet şifre istiyor internet bağlanmam açılırken bu aşamayı geçirecek yazılımcı aranıyor delphi yazılmıştır program We have a program programs needed to run the program automatically takes the hard disk serial number and password 2 wants me to connect internet'm opening my developers wanted to pass this stage the program is written in Delphi

    €8 - €14 / hr
    €8 - €14 / hr
    0 teklifler

    Merhabalar; Elimizde bir program var program çalışması için gerekli program otomatik olarak harddisk fabrika numarasını alıyor ve benden 2 adet şifre istiyor internet bağlanmam açılırken bu aş...program çalışması için gerekli program otomatik olarak harddisk fabrika numarasını alıyor ve benden 2 adet şifre istiyor internet bağlanmam açılırken bu aşamayı geçirecek yazılımcı aranıyor delphi yazılmıştır program We have a program programs needed to run the program automatically takes the hard disk serial number and password 2 wants me to connect internet'm opening my developers wanted to pass this stage the program is written in Delphi

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Merhabalar; Elimizde bir program var program çalışması için gerekli program otomatik olarak harddisk fabrika numarasını alıyor ve benden 2 adet şifre istiyor internet bağlanmam açılırken bu aş...program çalışması için gerekli program otomatik olarak harddisk fabrika numarasını alıyor ve benden 2 adet şifre istiyor internet bağlanmam açılırken bu aşamayı geçirecek yazılımcı aranıyor delphi yazılmıştır program We have a program programs needed to run the program automatically takes the hard disk serial number and password 2 wants me to connect internet'm opening my developers wanted to pass this stage the program is written in Delphi

    €29 - €240
    €29 - €240
    0 teklifler

    mysql veritabanımda 100 tane altalta sıralanmış email adres var. Bu adreslerin google plus ve twitter a üye olup olmadıklarını öğrenmek istiyorum. Yapılacak yazılım her çalıştığında 10 tane adresi alacak googleplus, twitter hesaplarının olup olmadığını araştıracak bulursa profil resimlerini ve profil bilgilerini kayıt edecek. Teşekkürler.

    €10 - €29
    €10 - €29
    0 teklifler

    ...interface that allows users to browse, select, and purchase cars. - Shipping Logistics Management: This section should enable users to manage the shipping of their purchased vehicles. - Flexible Payment Gateway Integration: The platform should accommodate a variety of payment methods. User Authentication: The platform should have a simple yet secure user authentication process, utilizing email and password for sign-in. UI/UX: The design should be detailed and feature-rich. Given the complexity of the services provided, a comprehensive yet easy-to-navigate interface is crucial. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-commerce and logistics platforms. - Strong skills in UI/UX design, particularly in creating detailed and feature-rich interfaces....

    €941 Average bid
    €941 Ortalama Teklif
    132 teklifler

    I'm in need of a proficient copywriter and data entry specialist, primarily focusing on crafting and managing our email marketing materials. Key Responsibilities: - Creating engaging and persuasive copy for our email campaigns - Assisting with data entry tasks related to the email outreach Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in copywriting, specifically for marketing materials - Proficiency in data entry with a keen attention to detail - Familiarity with email marketing platforms is a plus

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    28 teklifler

    I require a skilled React developer to create a web-base...employees to log their working hours. - Leave Management: A component for tracking and managing employee leave requests is necessary. - Attendance Reporting: The system should be capable of generating reports based on attendance data. Authentication: The system should use a straightforward email and password authentication method for user access. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and web development - Experience in creating attendance or similar management systems - Understanding of implementing email/password based authentication - Capability to create user-friendly interfaces. Please note, no specific third-party integrations are currently needed, but the system should be designed to allow for f...

    €51296 Average bid
    €51296 Ortalama Teklif
    17 teklifler

    I need a versatile tool that can effectively monitor a specific phone, and provide me with comprehensive data regarding its use. This is a personal project that nee...Social media monitoring: I need to track all social activities happening on various platforms. - GPS and location data: It's crucial for me to be able to access and analyze all location data from the targeted device. - Keylog monitoring: Additionally, this tool should include a keylogger that can capture all keystrokes on the said phone. Ideal candidates for this project should be professional ethical hackers, or have substantial experience in creating surveillance applications or software. Knowledge in creating applications that can bypass standard phone security measures without being detected is also recommend...

    €106 Average bid
    €106 Ortalama Teklif
    80 teklifler

    I am seeking a highly skilled developer or team with extensive experience in mobile and web app development to create a feature-rich parental control application. This app should be compatible with iOS, Android, and web platforms, mirroring the functionality of the referenc...parents to listen to their child's surroundings in real-time. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in creating similar parental control applications. - Excellent knowledge of iOS and Android app development. - Proficient in web-based app development. - Familiarity with activity monitoring, screen time management, and content filtering features. - Strong understanding of privacy regulations and ethical considerations in app development. - Able to ensure a user-friendly interface and seamless cross-platform...

    €293 Average bid
    €293 Ortalama Teklif
    34 teklifler

    I need an experienced professional who can assist me with configuring my Office 365 email settings. NOTE: We have Office 365, and our domain is in Godaddy; the website is hosted on Hawkhost. Our emails have not come through since putting the website on Hawkhost. Ideal Skills: - Proficient with Office 365 - Experience with email setup and management - Knowledgeable in configuring email settings

    €120 Average bid
    €120 Ortalama Teklif
    35 teklifler

    ...two-year-long cyberstalking ordeal. The harassment I am experiencing includes: - Hacking into my accounts - Tracking my online activities - My phone being mirrored, apps are being mimicked, and malware is being uploaded on startup. I need a professional who can help to: - Secure my accounts effectively - Identify and eliminate any threats on my devices - Provide a comprehensive network and endpoint security solution to prevent future breaches Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in network, application, and endpoint security - Proven track record in dealing with cyberstalking cases - Expertise in identifying and eliminating malware - Skills in securing personal accounts against hacking attempts - Ability to provide a comprehensive securi...

    €49 / hr Average bid
    €49 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    14 teklifler

    ...enhance the management of my email aliases. Key Requirements: - Expert in Cloudflare API: The primary purpose of this integration is to facilitate the creation and management of my email aliases through Cloudflare API. - Email Forwarding Support: The email aliases should support forwarding to another email. This is a crucial aspect of the project, so a keen understanding of how to implement this is necessary. - Familiarity with Custom Domains: Experience working with custom domain email systems is a plus, as I am using my own domain for this project. - Performance Optimization: While the main focus is on email management, I would appreciate any insights or optimizations you can suggest for enhancing performance overall. You will be wor...

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler

    Descripción General de Experiencia:** Soy un profesional con más de 1 años de experiencia en marketing digital, especializado en campañas de email marketing. He trabajado con diversas empresas en el diseño y ejecución de campañas efectivas que han alcanzado a millones de destinatarios. ### Proyectos Relevantes: 1. **Campaña de Lanzamiento de Producto:** - Diseñé y ejecuté una campaña para el lanzamiento de un nuevo producto en el sector [indicar sector], enviando más de 5 millones de correos electrónicos. Utilicé técnicas de segmentación avanzadas y personalización del contenido, logrando una tasa de apertura del 80% y una tasa de clics del 70% 2. **Pr...

    €32 / hr Average bid
    €32 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler

    I'm seeking a Virtual Assistant to help with managing email, data entry and making cold calls. Key Responsibilities: - Handling email management - Conducting data entry tasks - Making cold calls Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite - Previous experience in a similar role is preferred - Strong communication skills for handling cold calls Working Hours: - The assistant needs to be available only during business hours.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    69 teklifler

    I'm seeking a Virtual Assistant to help with managing email, data entry and making cold calls. Key Responsibilities: - Handling email management - Conducting data entry tasks - Making cold calls Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite - Previous experience in a similar role is preferred - Strong communication skills for handling cold calls Working Hours: - The assistant needs to be available only during business hours.

    €121 Average bid
    €121 Ortalama Teklif
    171 teklifler

    ...Data Capture & Email **Job Title:** Excel VBA Developer Needed for Automated Screenshot and Email Generation Task **Description:** We are seeking an experienced Excel VBA developer to create a macro that automates the following tasks: 1. **Country-Based Data Selection**: - Read a country name selected in one sheet (e.g., "CountrySelection" sheet). - Locate the corresponding row in another sheet (e.g., "Data" sheet) where the country is listed. 2. **Dynamic Data Range Capture**: - Identify the relevant row and its associated columns dynamically. - Capture this data as a screenshot or export it as an image. 3. **Email Integration**: - Embed the screenshot/image into the body of an email. ...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    22 teklifler

    I need a fullstack developer proficient in ASP.NET and AngularJS to create an e-commerce web application for me. Key Features: - User Authentication and Profiles: Implement a robust system for user registration, login, password recovery, and personalized profiles. - Product Catalog and Search: Develop a comprehensive product catalog with a powerful search functionality. - Shopping Cart and Checkout System: Create a seamless shopping cart experience and a user-friendly checkout system. Integration: The application doesn't require any external API or service integration at this stage. Ideal Candidate: The perfect freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience with ASP.NET and AngularJS. - Strong background in e-commerce website development. - Excellent under...

    €14 Average bid
    €14 Ortalama Teklif
    22 teklifler

    I need a skilled data scraper to extract product details from various e-commerce sites. This project involves: - Identifying and accessing relevant e-commerce sites - Efficiently gathering product details including descriptions, prices, spec...product details from various e-commerce sites. This project involves: - Identifying and accessing relevant e-commerce sites - Efficiently gathering product details including descriptions, prices, specifications, and availability Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with web scraping, particularly on e-commerce platforms. Proficiency in using automated scraping tools while adhering to ethical guidelines and website terms of service is essential. Previous experience with data analysis and handling large datasets will be an added ...

    €69 Average bid
    €69 Ortalama Teklif
    83 teklifler

    ... Note: The wireframe is provided only to get the flow of the application and what should appear when a specific user navigates from one page to another. It is NOT mandatory to exactly replicate the views given in the wireframe. Students can work on their own frontend idea. Core Functionalities Admin login and user login (RBAC) A login/register form with fields like username, password etc. for sponsor, influencer and admin login The application should have only one admin identified by is role. You can either use Flask security or JWT based Token based authentication to implement role based access control The app must have a suitable model to store and differentiate all the types of user of the app. 2. Admin Dashboard - for the Admin The admin should be added automaticall...

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    ...settings with the in-vehicle DVR system, including: Video recording quality (e.g., resolution). Detection thresholds for AI object/event alerts. Storage preferences (internal or external). Post-event recording durations and pre-event recording buffers. Any changes made via the app are reflected in the vehicle system in real-time. User Login and Authentication Secure login to the app using: Email and password. Biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint or face recognition). Data Privacy and Security All data transmissions (live streams, vehicle data, and notifications) are encrypted to ensure user privacy. Custom Alerts Allow users to set custom thresholds for AI detection and event alerts. ...

    €4328 Average bid
    €4328 Ortalama Teklif
    40 teklifler

    ...groups, and plan trips collaboratively. Core Features for MVP: User Authentication: User registration and login with email and password. Basic profile creation (name, interests, region). Group Management: Users can create travel groups with: Destination, travel dates, group size, and budget. A dashboard for users to view and manage created or joined groups. Group Search and Discovery: Users can search for travel groups by destination, interests, or travel dates. A dynamic list showing available groups. Group Communication: Basic chat,, call, video call feature for discussions within a group. Safety Measures: Implement age restriction (18+) with a message at registration. Email verification for basic identity validation. User Interface: Landing page with app pu...

    €1118 Average bid
    €1118 Ortalama Teklif
    208 teklifler
    Google Workspace Email Setup
    6 gün left

    I need assistance with setting up my Google Workspace email. This includes the basic setup without the need for configuring custom email domains. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Workspace - Experienced in email setup and management - Knowledgeable in cyber security for spam setup

    €33 Average bid
    €33 Ortalama Teklif
    18 teklifler

    WARMUP phase 10% 2.500 = USD 10 I'm seeking assistance in sourcing new email addresses for a mail merge. The countries of interest include Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and Yemen. Key Details: - Industry Focus: The email addresses must be from the Engineering, Project Management, Construction, and Plant Engineering sectors. - Contact Level: I'm specifically looking for C-Level contacts, Presidents, and Heads of departments. - Target Job Titles: The email addresses should belong to individuals with the job titles of CEO/President, Head of Engineering, or Head of Project Management. Deliverables: 2500 valid email addresses up to date Make sure you are using a bot or can share data from a designated provider Mandatory: Make su...

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler

    I need help to send messages to around 2000 emails, EMAILS WE WILL PROVIDE, about an online course and its features. The course is a test series for a state-level PSC competitive exam. The email campaign's main objectives are: - Increase course enrollments - Inform recipients about course features Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in email marketing, particularly in the education sector. Skills in copywriting, digital marketing and knowledge about competitive exams will be a plus.

    €37 Average bid
    €37 Ortalama Teklif
    22 teklifler

    I'm in need of a comprehensive background investigation focused on verifying criminal history for employment purposes in Kuwait. Your expertise will help ensure the integrity of potential hires. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in conducting thorough background checks - Familiarity with employment verification processes - Understands the legalities and ethical considerations of background investigations - Previous experience with criminal record checks, specifically in Kuwait, would be advantageous.

    €15 Average bid
    €15 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    ...groups, and plan trips collaboratively. Core Features for MVP: User Authentication: User registration and login with email and password. Basic profile creation (name, interests, region). Group Management: Users can create travel groups with: Destination, travel dates, group size, and budget. A dashboard for users to view and manage created or joined groups. Group Search and Discovery: Users can search for travel groups by destination, interests, or travel dates. A dynamic list showing available groups. Group Communication: Basic chat,, call, video call feature for discussions within a group. Safety Measures: Implement age restriction (18+) with a message at registration. Email verification for basic identity validation. User Interface: Landing page with app pu...

    €28 Average bid
    €28 Ortalama Teklif
    47 teklifler

    I'm seeking a talented designer to assist with designing email templates for email newsletters and promotions along with design for print materials such as brochures and flyers. Key Responsibilities: - Design print materials such as brochures, flyers - Create templates for email newsletters and promotional content Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in design software (Adobe Creative Suite, etc.) - Experience in creating print and digital design - Knowledge of effective design principles for marketing purposes Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal. This will be an ongoing project and requires the designer to understand our brand and create a new impactful feel to our promotional material.

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    48 teklifler

    ...Upload: The LMS should support various types of content, including audio, text, video, and images. - User Access: There will be different levels of access; Client access, their employee access, and Admin access. The Admin will have the capability to upload LMS modules and track subscriptions as well as monitor class progress. - User Authentication: The application will require a simple, secure email and password user authentication system. - Payment Options: The LMS will offer two payment methods for clients - Credit/Debit Card and Bank Transfer. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-learning platforms or LMS. - Strong knowledge in integrating various content types into an application. - Familiarity with user authentication systems and payment g...

    €381 Average bid
    €381 Ortalama Teklif
    89 teklifler

    ...groups, and plan trips collaboratively. Core Features for MVP: User Authentication: User registration and login with email and password. Basic profile creation (name, interests, region). Group Management: Users can create travel groups with: Destination, travel dates, group size, and budget. A dashboard for users to view and manage created or joined groups. Group Search and Discovery: Users can search for travel groups by destination, interests, or travel dates. A dynamic list showing available groups. Group Communication: Basic chat, call and video callfeature for discussions within a group. Safety Measures: Implement age restriction (18+) with a message at registration. Email verification for basic identity validation. User Interface: Landing page with app p...

    €214 Average bid
    €214 Ortalama Teklif
    75 teklifler