Electric vehicle battery charger circuit diagram lithium işler
...Admins can see every detail of a company as if viewing from the company's own page and can send messages (like SMS) to companies (API integration will be provided). Company Operations: Company Management: Added companies can manage assets such as vehicles, trailers, personnel, supervisors, warehouses, silos, and branches. Vehicle Management: If a vehicle is a truck, it can be paired with a trailer. Both the truck and the trailer can be assigned to a staff member, and all vehicle information can be entered into the system. Personnel Management: Detailed personnel information can be entered for each company. Silo Management: Companies can monitor the silos in their branches. For example, the cement silo in Branch A may contain 105 tons. Supervisor Management...
yeni kurulan ve sürekli büyüyen organizasyonumuzda yer alan her türlü bilgisayar ,server, yazıcı , router , kamera ,modem ,switch gibi donanımları aktif olarak listeleyecek ve bir diagram harita üzerinde gösterip , bunların güncel olarak tutulması işi . Örnek çizim dosyası ektedir. / Edrawmax üzerinde çizilmiş network diyagram - İşlem bir kez yapıldıktan sonra ayda 1 güncelleme yapılması talebimiz bulunmaktadır. aktif olarak 50 bilgisayar , 80 kamera , server i ups gibi toplamda 300 e yakın donanım mevcuttur.
I need 3D vehicle models with PBR material and maps to be used for games. Truck, Bus, Minibus Etc. Photos of the vehicles will be given and modeled on it. PBR textures will be made in substance painter. Max poly will be 50k It will have a smooth topology Coatings and PBR maps will be made It will be compatible with the game engine Detailed explanation will be made
Algılanmasını istediğim frekans grubu Schultmann rezonans frekanslarına benzer frekanslardır. Düşü...platformunda yazılması gerekiyor. Kullanacağım mikrodenetleyici freebeatle ESP32 IOT. Zaman kısıtlıdır. Detaylı senaryo ektedir. Türkiye dışından da bu işe el atacak kişiler olabilir; The frequency group I want to be detected are frequencies similar to Schultmann resonance frequencies. Since there are low frequencies, antenna, amplifying circuit and peripherals need to work in harmony. I'll take care of the antenna part myself. simulation, printed circuit board diagram and software will be prepared according to the scenario I wrote. It needs to be written on the Arduino ide platform. The microcontroller I will be using is freebeatle ESP32 IOT. D...
...arıyoruz. (İstanbulda olması tercihimiz) Project name: Low voltage single phase protection relay 60A. Function : Over/under current (with built in mini current transformer), over/under voltage, time delay - two screens and 6 leds required ,-The design should be carried on with our case -The design should be carried on with our terminals, black one prototypes devices fully working 2.circuit design and schematics , BOM list, PCB design (Gerber), firmware and hex file, human interface program file(please let me know if I forgot anything) , with technical data, user manual instructions test procedure. manual for us 6.3D design of PCB with component if possible ...
3 table design with Mongo db Location Information Driver Information Vehicle Information With the layered architecture, vehicle and location information will be obtained, and driver information will be obtained.
Wordpress deki kullanıcı hesapları ile giriş yapılabilen Araç KM takibi, Bakım bilgileri, Masraf giderleri, Marka Model ve Plaka tercihli uygulama/ Vehicle KM tracking, Maintenance information, Expense expenses, Brand Model and Plate preferential application, which can be logged in with user accounts on Wordpress
UML (Unified Modeling Language) nesneye yönelik yazılım geliştirme sürecinde yaygın kullanılan bir tasarım dilidir. Bir UML tasarımının en önemli öğesini sınıf diyagramı (class diagram) oluşturur. Sınıf diyagramları bir yazılım projesindeki sınıfları ve bunlar arasındaki ilişkileri göstererek yazılacak olan kodu çerçeve olarak oluşturmaya yetecek bilgi içerir. Model tabanlı yazılım geliştirme teknolojileri tasarım diyagramlarının dönüşümler (transformations) yoluyla alternatif platformlara uygun hale getirilmelerini sağlayabilir veya daha az veya daha çok soyut hale getirebilir. Model tabanlı yazılım geliştirmenin en son hedefi ise tasarımlardan otomatik olarak kod üretmektir. Dönüşümleri kural...
Merhaba pazartesi günü database projem var ER diagram, tables, views, stored procedures, triggers,functions,normalization gibi detaylar var yardımcı olabilir misin? microsoft sql manager üzerinden yapıyoruz.
...zamanda hazır olup hızlıca cevaplayıp çözümlerini bana gönderme, göndereceğim soruları önceden belirlenecek zaman diliminde detaylıca çözüp anlatıp cevaplamayı içeriyor. Ücret karşılıklı değerlendirilerek belirlenebilir. Yanlış çözüm olmamasını umuyorum. Uzun bir zaman diliminde gerekli olan homeworkler için de yardım isteyebilirim. This project requires to answer my questions about the electric circuit theory lesson thoroughly and detailed by sending the detailed solutions to me in the predetermined required time period. It also requires to answer the very hard 7 questions(2 in some) that i will be sending for the online exams that i will be taking in the said predetermined time period ...
Seçilecek herhangi bir elektronik devre elemanının ısı transferiyle ilgili rapor hazırlanacaktır. Örnek bir rapor paylaşılacaktır. 1- Problemin tanımı 2- Analiz sonucu 3- Model Çizimi 4- Model Ölçüleri ve Sınır Şartları 5- Analizde Kullanılan Modüller 6- Problemin comsol mu...tanımı 2- Analiz sonucu 3- Model Çizimi 4- Model Ölçüleri ve Sınır Şartları 5- Analizde Kullanılan Modüller 6- Problemin comsol multiphysics programı üzerinde gösterilmesi 7- Problemin mesh görünümü 8- Multiphysics Arayüz görüntüsüHesaplamalar vetahmini hesaplamasüresi (5s.) 9- Sıcaklık dağılımı ve açıklama 10- Max-min sıcaklık noktaları ve açıklama 11- İsotermal sıcaklık kont...
...correctly, it must get the location from the google maps application, not the phone hardware. When installing the application on the phone, necessary changes should be made to ensure that the application runs in a high priority classroom and the application works without any restrictions when the phone switches to battery saving mode. Actions to be taken: 1-Fix location update error of app 2- Changing app permissions to high priority 3-Ensuring that the application is not affected by battery saving restrictions Turkish language: Android telefonda çalışan GPS izleme uygulaması GPS cihazını doğru şekilde gösterse de, uygulama telefonun konumunu yanlış gösteriyor. Uygulamanın konum bilgisini doğru gösterebilmesi için telefon donanımından değil ...
Fotoğraflarını eklediğim ürünün aynısından yapılması gerekiyor. Dokunmatik anahtar ve 3 farklı renk led olacak. Her dokunulduğunda diğer renge geçecek. Basılı tutulduğunda rengin parlaklığı değişecek (opsiyonel). Usb ile şarj edilebilecek. Ürünün aynısı Çin'deki meşhur sitede mevcut ancak Corona sebebiyle yerel üretim istiyorum. Yapabilecek elektronikçi arkadaşlar veya temin edebilecek arkadaşlar ile fiyata bağlı miktarı konuşuruz.
4 bit counter circuit... 4 bit sayıcı devre yapımı projesidir yapacak arkadaşara çok teşekkürler.
Devre (Circuit) sıkıntılarını çözebilen bir iş yapmanız beklenmekte. İşler basit seviyede olup kısa süreli ancak birden fazla miktarda olmaktadır. İş için teknik bilgi yeterlidir. Daha detaylı bilgi için iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Elektrik Makineleri dersi için 2 tane kısa soru çözülecek 3 fazlı trafolar ve indüksiyon Motor. 2 sorudan 1ini çözseniz de olur ona göre anlaşılır soruları eklemiyorum konuyu bilen varsa daha sonra gönderirim For the Electric Machinery course, 2 short questions will be solved, 3 phase transformers and induction motor. Even if you solve 1 of 2 questions, I wouldn't add clear questions accordingly. If anyone knows the subject, I will send it later.
Merhaba, linkinde bulunan araçlar gibi 8 adet araç yaptırmak istiyorum. Örnek linkte seçmiş olduğunuz aracın rengini değiştiriyorsunuz, ben ise renk değiştirmek yerine ''her araç'' için işi yapacak arkadaşa ''3'er resim'' vereceğim. (Toplamda 24 resim olacak) Bu 3 resimden hangisi tıklanırsa o resim aracın üzerine otomatik olarak kaplanacak. Aslında bu işe ''ARAÇ KAPLAMA'' diyebiliriz. Araştırmalarım sonucu ''.glb'' uzantılı dosya tipi günümüzdeki tüm tarayıcı ve mobil cihazlarda sorunsuz şekilde çalışıyormuş, bu yüzden export esnasında dosyaların ''.glb'' uzantısı olmak zorunda. 8 araçtan 4 tane...
...geliştirilmesi, üretim yönetimi eklenecek, filo yönetimi (Araç takibi ve sevkiyat planlama) eklenecek. English Dolibarr Erp open source php software design changes and additional modules are required. Detailed information will be discussed. Briefly speaking, the structure of the menu, the opening structure of the forms, the development of reports, production management will be added, fleet management (vehicle tracking and shipment planning) will be added....
Arduino analog çıkışı veya potansiyometreden 0-5V sinyal ile 12V sabit gerilim ve 0-2A arası değişen güç kaynağı istiyoruz. Pcb olabilir devre şeması da olabilir. Örneğin arduino analog çıkışı 1V için 12V ve 0.4A ardui...olabilir. Örneğin arduino analog çıkışı 1V için 12V ve 0.4A arduino analog çıkışı 2V için 12V ve 0.8A arduino analog çıkışı 3V için 12V ve 1.2A arduino analog çıkışı 4V için 12V ve 1.6A arduino analog çıkışı 5V için 12V ve 2.0A I want to control 12V and 0-2A by 0-5V signal. I need a circuit and when I apply signal it's output will give me Signal 1V and circuit output 12 and 0.4A Signal 2V and circuit output 12 and 0.8A Signal 3V an...
Elimde yaklaşık 60 000 excell verisi var. C# ile bu verileri bir veritabanına aktarıp bunların veri madenciliği yöntemleri ile basit bir kaç tane görselleştirmesini istiyorum. Bu görselleştirmeler bir diagram vs şeklinde olabilir. Amacım bu veriler arasındaki ilişkileri görebilmek.
Electric pipe production / Elektrik boru üretimi yapacak firma için logo tasarrımı
Elimizde , kendisi metal sensorleri ile korunan bir bilgisayar var , diger tarafta bi bilgisayara yapistirilarak calisan elektronik bir duzenek. bilgisayaramiz metal sensorleri ile korundugu icin , elektronik cihazimizi bilgisayara yapistirdigimizda , bilgisayarin metal sonsoru devreye giriyor ve alarm veriyor. kullandigimiz parcalar icinde , bu sensore yakalanan , sadece 10 mah lik Lithium ion polymer battery . ne yapmak lazim ki bu pili yalitkan yapalim ve bu sonsore yakalanmayalim.
Devrenin gorevi cikis konrolu yapmak. Devrede 2 sensor + 2 button var. (Besleme girisi 220 V Sensorler 30mV Cikis en fazla 30 mV) Calisma ornegi = acik buton acik ise cikis = + 30 mV kapali buton acik ise cikis = 0 V bir buton acik iken sensor kapali ise cikis = 0 V English Electronic circuit task is exit voltage control. Circuit components are sensors and button. (Input 220 V and sensor signal is 30 mV exit voltage max 30 mV ) Working example ; 1. If Sensor On, Button On = Exit + 30 mV 2. If Sensor Off Button On = Exit 0 V 3. If Any button On and Any Sensors Off = Exit 0 V You can my shema.
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'Touch sensor and power circuit design for a smart doorbell'
I have a list of UK car models in multiple text files. I need this list turned into a comprehensive database. The database should include an integrated third-party API to fetch detailed technical specifications of the vehicles. Key Requirements: - Transforming a text file into a struc...car models in multiple text files. I need this list turned into a comprehensive database. The database should include an integrated third-party API to fetch detailed technical specifications of the vehicles. Key Requirements: - Transforming a text file into a structured database. - Using a pre-selected API to pull vehicle data. - Focus on gathering technical specifications. Ideal skills for this project would include database creation, API integration and understanding of vehicle technica...
Development of a Vehicle Inspection App for a Car Hauler Company **Project Description:** We are looking for an experienced developer to create a mobile application for vehicle inspections tailored for car hauler companies. The main goal of the app is to streamline the inspection process before and after transportation, ensuring greater efficiency, accuracy, and clear documentation. **Main Features:** 1. **User Registration:** - User login and authentication (drivers and administrators). - Access levels based on user type. 2. **Inspection Recording:** - Dynamic form for recording vehicle details (make, model, year, color, etc.). - Upload photos of the vehicle from different angles, with the ability to add annotations to each ima...
Hi there I did read your project description and it looks you are looking for an electronics engineer having experience in circuit, PCB layout designing, and microcontrollers coding/firmware development. My name is Engr. Saddam Gul, I am an electronics engineer having 5+ years of experience in circuits designing, PCB layout designing, and embedded system microcontrollers (Arduino, ESP32, FPGA, C2000, STM, and Rpi) coding/firmware development. I have successfully executed numerous complex projects, which you can view in my portfolio as samples. Please feel free to share more details about your project, and don't hesitate to contact me for any further discussions. Thank you Regards Engr. Saddam Gul
I'm seeking an expert in battery state of charge (SOC) estimation, specifically utilizing the Kalman filtering method. The goal is to achieve an estimation accuracy within the 3-5% range. Key requirements: - Proficient in Kalman filtering - Experience with lithium-ion battery SOC estimation - Ability to work with voltage and current measurements The data available for this project consists of voltage and current measurements. If you have the right skills and experience, I look forward to your proposal.
...a local electrical contracting business, Glow Electric, and I am looking for a freelancer to assist with the following design projects: 1. Business Card Design I need a straightforward yet professional design for our business cards that aligns with our branding. 2. Branded Sticker Design – Glow Renewables This sticker will be used on products we install to label them as completed by our company. Key requirements include: Branding: The sticker should incorporate a modified version of our existing Glow Electric logo, adapted to reflect our Glow Renewables division. Details: Include our contact information, social media icons, and a small QR code linking to our website. Content: Highlight the three core services of Glow Renewables: Solar Battery EV Charging De...
...allows us to define and update per-kilometer prices for different cities (e.g., Ankara: $1.20/km, Istanbul: $1.30/km, Bodrum: $1.50/km, Antalya: $1.25/km) across six vehicle categories. The solution should allow us to easily modify pricing at any time via the admin panel without requiring further development. Key Deliverables: Develop and integrate a pricing management system into the existing Laravel-based admin panel. Implement a city-specific per-kilometer pricing model for six vehicle categories. Create a user-friendly interface that allows admin users to define, update, and save pricing changes for each city and vehicle type. Ensure seamless functionality with the current website infrastructure, ensuring no disruptions to existing features. Provide documenta...
I'm looking for a talented web developer to design a custom front-end and back-end website. The site will enable customers to select vehicle parts, and will fetch pricing data from another source via API. Ultimately, an AI system will generate a detailed invoice based on the collected data. The project will involve the following steps: 1. Customer selection of the item: The customer will choose the brand, year and specific part. 2. Data fetching: The system will retrieve the original price from an external website. 3. Price calculation: The system will mark up the price with a pre-defined margin. 4. Invoice generation: A PDF invoice will be produced, showing itemized details. 5. Payment processing: The customer will complete their purchase through an integrated payment gatewa...
I'm in need of a talented 3D designer who can create detailed visualizations of branded vans from perspectives including the front, side, and top-down view. The vehicles will be based on models such as Tata Ace or Eicher. Key Details: - The 3D renders should have a medium level of detail,...will be based on models such as Tata Ace or Eicher. Key Details: - The 3D renders should have a medium level of detail, incorporating textures but not requiring photo-realistic lighting or shadowing. - I will provide all necessary brand guidelines and color schemes, so adherence to brand specifications will be crucial. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Experience in creating 3D vehicle models - A strong understanding of brand representation in 3D design - Proficiency in rel...
...restaurant/event space. The design should bring our vision to life with a photorealistic and visually captivating representation. Project Scope: Type of Space: A dual-purpose restaurant and event venue. Deliverables: Photorealistic 3D render(s) of the interior and/or exterior. Multiple angles showcasing key features (e.g., seating arrangements, decor, lighting). Optional: A floor plan or layout diagram. Design Style: [Insert preferred style, e.g., modern, rustic, industrial, etc.] Requirements: Proven experience in 3D rendering for hospitality or event spaces (please share your portfolio). Expertise in tools like SketchUp, 3ds Max, Blender, or similar software. Strong attention to detail and ability to capture ambiance through lighting, texture, and layout. Ability to incorpor...
I need a plumbing riser diagram for a residential kitchen I am renovating. Here is the requirement of the Village for permit: New plumbing work must provide a riser diagram for water, waste and vent lines even if existing plumbing remains. This must be indicated on plans and meet the 2014 Illinois Plumbing Code requirements. Currently the sink is in the peninsula and I would like to move it to the wall where the peninsula is attached. me know if you are interested. Thanks The ideal freelancer should have a strong background in plumbing and architecture, with experience in creating riser diagrams for residential properties. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm working on an Arduino project that involves...working on an Arduino project that involves various hardware components and I need help with several aspects of it. - Main Goal: The project revolves around both hardware and coding. - Hardware: The project will use sensors, motors, and displays. - Specific Tasks: I need assistance with circuit design and wiring, writing and debugging code, and integrating the hardware components. Ideal skills and experience for this job would include: - Extensive knowledge and experience with Arduino - Proficiency in circuit design - Strong coding skills, especially in Arduino's programming language - Experience with various hardware components like sensors, motors, and displays - Excellent debugging skills - Able to integrate har...
We are looking for an experienced developer or a small team to create a QR code-based system to manage the use of company vehicles. The system should allow employees to log in and out of vehicles by scanning a QR code, with data displayed in real-time on a central dashboard.
I'm looking to develop a full stack mobile application with primary focus on tracking linked to a physical product. The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Full stack development experience - Proficient in developing cross-platf...implementation - Physical product linking - iOS and Android development Real-Time Tracking: Track the broadhead’s location with updates and map display. 2. Signal Monitoring: Show the strength of GPS and communication signals. 3. History/Logging: Log the path of the broadhead. 4. Deployment & Retrieval Mode: Confirm deployment and assist in retrieving the broadhead. 5. Alerts: Notify for signal loss, battery alerts, and other issues. 6. Geofencing/Navigation: Help the user navigate to the ...
...experienced electronic circuit designer to create a compact (30mm x 15mm) BTE hearing aid circuit. The primary function of this device will be noise reduction. Key features to be integrated include Bluetooth connectivity and a Telecoil for phone use. The device will be powered by a disposable battery. Key Responsibilities: - Design and create electronic diagrams and PCB layouts based on my specific instructions. - Ensure the design is compact and efficient, suitable for a small hearing aid. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in designing electronic circuits and PCB boards. - Previous experience with hearing aid design would be a plus. - Proficient in creating designs compatible with Bluetooth and Telecoil technology. - Ability to design for a dis...
I'm looking for a skilled and experienced professional in raspberry pi or Arduino design and programmin...Frame: 2 weeks Budget: as low as possible Ideal skills for this project: - Extensive knowledge and experience with raspberry pi or Arduino - Ability to design a user-friendly system - Proficiency in programming and troubleshooting - Creative problem-solving skills Program: Scan barcode and play audio based on barcode Audio can be paused, skip forward or back Led screen shows audio track #, battery life Requirements: ,schematic, PCB design, BOM ,components and website to find these components Understanding of electronics and ability to work with various sensors and devices is a plus. Please include examples of previous home automation projects you've work...
I'm looking for someone to help clean out our large toy room, sort the toys into donate and discard categories, and transport the donations to local centers. Key Responsibilities: - Assist with sorting toys into donate and discard categories - Transport donated toys to any available donation center Ideal skills and experience: - Experience with organizing and sorting - Access to a large vehicle for transportation - Compassionate and willing to help those in need.
I'm looking for an experienced writer to help me pen a step-by-step guide on vehicle pre-sale inspections aimed at individuals with no automotive experience. The book should be written in a formal and professional tone, and include the following elements: - Illustrations or diagrams to help visualize the inspection process - Real-life examples or anecdotes to provide context and relatability - Checklists and worksheets to facilitate hands-on learning and practice The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in automotive knowledge, technical writing, and creating educational materials. A knack for simplifying complex concepts and a keen understanding of the needs of a beginner audience will be crucial for the success of this project.
I'm looking for a professional who can convert my Altium Designer schematic diagram into a Gerber file. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Altium Designer, with experience in generating Gerber files. - Able to deliver high-quality work on time. Please note, there are no specific design rules or constraints to be applied. Default settings should be used.
i want to resell my bandwidth to a small isp and he wants to use his own asn and ip pools. But my primary isp is saying that multiple bgp session is not possible on the single circuit which i have taken from them
...and maintain high-quality delivery standards. Follow traffic rules and adhere to all safety regulations. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by interacting professionally and courteously with customers. Resolve any delivery-related issues efficiently and effectively. Maintain a positive and professional demeanor at all times. Vehicle Maintenance: Ensure your vehicle is in good working condition and properly maintained. Adhere to all vehicle safety and insurance requirements. Technology Utilization: Utilize our delivery app effectively, including navigation, order tracking, and communication features. Performance Monitoring: Track your delivery performance and strive to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. Qualifications: Proven Experienc...
...vehicles. The primary goal of this project is to increase online reservations. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in web development, particularly for e-commerce and reservation systems, and a good understanding of the car rental industry. Key Features: - A user-friendly booking interface: This is crucial for the success of our online reservations. - Real-time vehicle availability: Users should be able to see the current status of our fleet. - Booking history: Customers should have access to their past reservations. - Automated reminders: These will help keep our customers informed and engaged. Additional Requirements: - The website should support online payments and provide API access for future integrations. - Fleet and customer management s...
...high-resolution video feeds from 360° cameras, customizable recording settings, AI-powered object detection, event alerts, and detailed vehicle status monitoring, including speed, throttle/brake status, and battery health. It also supports intelligent storage management and persistent connectivity features like keeping Wi-Fi or mobile data active after the engine is off. Through real-time synchronization, changes made via the mobile app—such as video quality adjustments or detection thresholds—are instantly reflected in the car system. With secure login, encrypted data transmission, and advanced alert customization, this interconnected system offers robust vehicle security and enhanced user convenience. Car App Main Screen Camera View Button: Instan...
I'm seeking an expert with Arduino and robotics experience to create a voice-controlled, obstacle-avoiding vehicle. The vehicle must be capable of selecting an optimized path from a source to a destination using an open-source GPS API. Key Project Details: - The vehicle should start and stop based on voice commands. - In the event of an emergency, the vehicle should halt upon receiving a voice command. -vehicle speed should be controlled by voice command or web application -vehicle should maintain average speed when speed is not set through voice command or web application -vehicle speed must reduce when an obstacle is triggered or based on road conditions - The vehicle must follow a predetermined path under normal condition...
I need a digital circuit designed that will sequentially display the number "210707069" on a seven-segment display. The design should be built using a 555 timer-based oscillator, JK flip-flops (7476 IC), and a BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) encoding system. The circuit should continuously loop the number, correctly displaying it in sequence. Key requirements: - Use of 4-6 bit BCD encoding for each digit. - Simulation using Proteus software. - Deliver a fully functional circuit and a detailed report at the end. Primary focus: Accurate number display on the seven-segment display using Proteus. The circuit's simplicity and the simulation setup's ease are secondary considerations. The final report should provide a detailed account of the circuit d...
I need a high poly model of a 2022 Ford F250 Roush for a video game. It should be detailed as this will be a key prop in the game. Key Aspects: - The model needs to be a prop/item, not a character or environment. - Attention to detail is critical, as the model needs to be high poly. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency ...high poly model of a 2022 Ford F250 Roush for a video game. It should be detailed as this will be a key prop in the game. Key Aspects: - The model needs to be a prop/item, not a character or environment. - Attention to detail is critical, as the model needs to be high poly. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software such as Maya, Blender, or 3DS Max. - Previous experience in creating vehicle models for video games. - Strong understanding of high poly modeling t...