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    2,000 csv to geojson npm iş bulundu

    ...& Vue.js developer to undertake several tasks and help me in developing an exemplary web application that will be adopted for basic usage involving ASP.NET Core Web Api & Vue.js. Key Responsibilities Include: - Domain Driven Design (project must be seperated by related Class Lib) - Developing the backend of the web application using .NET Core & Web Api - Frontend development using Vue.js - Efficient integration of APIs throughout the application - In - there are various historical data as formatted csv. I want import Historical Trades to PostgreSQL database, Daily spot and USDM CSV files can be downloaded. I want Vue.JS front end page for upload these downloaded csv files. Backend should be Core Web api. Sample CSV...

    €224 Average bid
    €224 Ortalama Teklif
    23 teklifler
    Excel Makro
    Bitti left

    Csv olarak gelen verileri yine farklı bir şablona csv olarak uyarlamak. şablona göre makro ve vsb bilgisi

    €92 Average bid
    €92 Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler

    Benim ingilis dili contentim var. Onu ingilisceden turkceye tercume isterim. Toplam, 4770 soz ve 4770 cumle var. bir excel CSV formatinda gondericem, ayni weyleri uzerinde degishiklik yaparaq geri atmasi lazim bana.

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Ortalama Teklif
    89 teklifler

    Android ve ios için hazırlanmış sdk'ların react native e bridge edilerek npm paketlerinin oluşturulması.

    €437 Average bid
    €437 Ortalama Teklif
    5 teklifler

    ...linkle veri alıyorum, sonra da excel dosyasını python ile okuyabiliyorum ve CSV’ye yazabiliyorum, ama bu istediğim şey değil). Biliyorum DDE eski bir veri noktasıdır, ancak MTX'ten veri almanın başka bir yolu -yani TCPI veya başka bir yöntem- olup olmadığını bilmiyorum. Eğer DDE dışında bulabilirseniz ona da OK’im. 2. Verileri bir yere zaman serisi şeklinde kaydetmek. Bu yer, access veritabanı, txt, csv olabilir ama tercihen biraz daha hızlı bir yol çünkü birçok hisse senedine ait gün içi verileri ile ilgileneceğiz ve daha sonra dinamik ve gerçek zamanlı grafik yapmak için o verileri okumamız gerekiyor). Ayrıca belki bir sonraki aşamada gün içi analiz yapmak için bu verileri okuyacağız... ...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Sayin Ufuk Bey, Benim Prestashop Websitem var ve Reklam icin idealo ve icin CSV Export Files e ihtiyacim var bunu yapabilirmisiniz? mümkünse otomatik güncellemeli. Toplam 43 makalem var. Siz bi bakarsiniz fiyatini siz gördükten sonra anlasabiliriz.

    €49 Average bid
    €49 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Sarı sayfalardan Şirket isimleri, açıklamaları, adresleri, telefon numaraları ve sitede bulunan tüm şirketlere ait bilgileri csv formatında talep ediyoruz

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Ortalama Teklif
    8 teklifler
    Veri çekme
    Bitti left

    Belirlediğimiz sarı sayfalardan Şirket isimleri, açıklamaları, adresleri, telefon numaraları ve sitede bulunan şirketlere ait bilgileri csv formatında talep ediyoruz

    €132 Average bid
    €132 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    App, kullanici secimleri dogrultusunda kisiye alert gonderecek. Ana fikir bu. App icerigini kendimin yazdigi bir algoritma ile guncellemeyi dusunuyorum. Ilgili yazilim duzenli olarak(gunluk haftalik vs) otomatik istedigim lokasyona icerik dokumanlari uretecek, xlsx veya csv. App bu lari alip icerisindeki icerikleri guncelleyecek. Veya belirli bir moderator platformu olur ben yuklemesini yaparim. Ama icerik baya yuklu olacagi icin, otomasyon daha guzel olur. Bu sekilde bir app in yapimi hakkinda destek aramaktayim.

    €6001 Average bid
    €6001 Ortalama Teklif
    10 teklifler

    AiT Themes Directory + Firma rehberi olarak kullanmak istiyoruz. Acik bir databasadan kendi rehberimize sehir, kategoriler ve firmalari indirmek istiyoruz. Acik databasa JSON ve CSV destegi olup cok bir gelismis API destek sayfasi vardir. Bu transferi gerceklestirecek bir plugin aldik CSV-import-export Bu pluginin calismasi icin kaynak ve yerel databasa tabelalarinin uyusmasini gerceklestirmek lazim. Rehberimize JSON veya CSV uzerinde yukleme yapabilecek bu Plugini bize uygun hala getirebilirmisiniz? Daha detayli bilgiler icin lutfen beni arayin...

    €160 Average bid
    €160 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    Magentoda sisteme csv ile ürün yüklemeye çalışıyoruz ancak hata veriyor 1 gün içerisinde çözülmesi gerekiyor.

    €35 Average bid
    €35 Ortalama Teklif
    12 teklifler

    (Sadece Türkçe Konuşan Freelancer'lar için) Ekte verdiğim csv dosyasında her satırda bir Wikipedia makalesine link bulunmakta. Sizden istediğim linke tıklayıp makaleye konu olan kişinin doğum ve ölüm yılını bulmanız ve dosyadaki ilgili sütuna yazmanız. Eğer doğum veya ölüm yılı metinde açıkça belirtilmiyorsa ama kişinin 1910'dan önce doğduğu anlaşılıyorsa (mesela 1905'te mezun olduysa) ya da 1935'ten sonra öldüğü anlaşılıyorsa (mesela 1955'te emekli olduysa) ilgili sütunlara "Evet" yazmalısınız. Bu adımı doğum ve ölüm yılı açıkça belirtilen kişiler için yapmanız gerekmiyor.

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    (Sadece Türkçe Konuşan Freelancer'lar için) Ekte verdiğim csv dosyasında her satırda bir Wikipedia makalesine link bulunmakta. Sizden istediğim linke tıklayıp makaleye konu olan kişinin doğum ve ölüm yılını bulmanız ve dosyadaki ilgili sütuna yazmanız. Eğer doğum veya ölüm yılı metinde açıkça belirtilmiyorsa ama kişinin 1910'dan önce doğduğu anlaşılıyorsa (mesela 1905'te mezun olduysa) ya da 1935'ten sonra öldüğü anlaşılıyorsa (mesela 1955'te emekli olduysa) ilgili sütunlara "Evet" yazmalısınız. Bu adımı doğum ve ölüm yılı açıkça belirtilen kişiler için yapmanız gerekmiyor.

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    47 teklifler

    Bir otobüs firmasının rezervasyon ve bilet kayıtlarını ...herşeyi yapabilme seçenekleri (gerek veriler gerekse kullanıcılar ile ilgili) sunulsun. 7- Senaryonun özelliğine göre kendi seçeceğiniz, veritabanından kayıt silme işlemlerini gerçekleştirecek ve silinen kayıtları da “Silinmiş X Kayıtları” isimli bir tabloya yazacak olan işlemleri tasarlayınız. 8- Kendi senaryonuza özgü olarak belirleyeceğiniz bir, “veri import/export” uygulaması tasarlayarak txt/csv/xls… gibi örnek bir uzantılı dosyadan veri alma (import) ve veri verme (export) uygulaması yapınız. 9- “Yedekle” ve “Yedekten Dön” şeklinde iki butonla, projenizde kullandığınız veritabanınızın (en az 3 tablo i&cced...

    €282 Average bid
    €282 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Merhaba, Bir projede kullanmak icin asagidaki detaylarda ucreti karsiliginda VERITABANI gere...siteleri (Giyim-Kusam, Taki, Kozmetik, forum, tartisma...) Seri Ilanlar (Her turlu ilanlar) Elaman - Is Arama siteleri Sektorel Ilanlar (Sirket ilanlari, bilgileri, usta arayanlar, meslek gruplari) Sikayet Siteleri Yerel Siteler (Ozellikle belirli bir sehre ait her turlu data: eleman arama, seri ilanlar, forum...) Film-Muzik verileri gibi veritabani ortaminda: resimli, detayli MYSQL / CSV bilgilere ihtiyac var. Yani yukaridaki konulari kapsayan icleri DOLU veritabani lazim. Bu veritabanlari SADECE bazi testler icin kullanilacaktir. Aktif satis vs icin kullanilmayacaktir. Elinde bu tarz veri olanlarin baglantiya gecmesini bekliyoruz. Veriler icin odeme yapilacaktir. ...

    €132 Average bid
    €132 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    İşin Tanımı: Şirketimiz bünyesinde gerçekleştirilen ODOO (OPEN ERP) kurulum sürecini, IT yöneticimizle birlikte yürütecek yazılım uzmanı aranmaktadır. Bu süreçte; dataların transferi, Xml rapor tasarımının yapılması, "KEY USER" olarak şirket çalışanlarına eğitim verilmesi, ve aşağıdaki işlerden oluşur. - XML, HTML mimarisini kullanarak rapor ve sayfa tasarımı yapılması - SQL-EXCEL-CSV ile data ayıklama ve aktarımı - Python ile modul geliştirilmesi. - Bilgisayar kullanıcılarına temel eğitimlerin verilmesi. (odoo eğitimleri) - Diğer kullanıcıların karşılaştığı sorunlarda donanımsal ve yazılımsal destek. Aranan Nitelikler : *Yazılım konusunda En az 2 yıl tecrübeye programlara algoritmasına sahip olmalı. *X...

    €21 / hr Average bid
    €21 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    Gelirortakları'ndan aldığım csv ürünlerinin çıktısını siteye import etmesini bilen birisini arıyorum.ürünlerden birine tıklandığında affilete product gelirortakları linki ürün sitesine yö wordpress

    €175 Average bid
    €175 Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler

    ...import sistemini geliştirmek istiyoruz. 2. XML harici dosya formatı olarak CSV import seçeneği de eklemek istiyoruz. 3. Eklenen bu dosyaların belirlenen sürelere göre düzenli olarak taranarak mevcut güncelleştirmeleri yapmasını istiyoruz. 4. Dosya ile eklenen ürünleri düzenli olarak karşılaştırarak dosyada silinen ürünlerin silinmesini, varsa yeni eklenen ürünlerin de eklenmesini istiyoruz. <-- Özet Akış Şeması ---> 1. Sitemizde ürünlerini listelemek isteyen mağazalar sisteme kayıt oluyor. 2. Mağaza yönetim panellerinden XML/CSV dosyalarını yüklüyorlar veya URL olarak giriş yapıyorlar. (örnek : veya ) 3. Admin panelden yüklenen XML vey...

    €142 Average bid
    €142 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    İşin Tanımı: Şirketimiz bünyesinde gerçekleştirilen ODOO (OPEN ERP) kurulum sürecini, IT yöneticimizle birlikte yürütecek yazılım uzmanı aranmaktadır. Bu süreçte; dataların transferi, Xml rapor tasarımının yapılması, "KEY USER" olarak şirket çalışanlarına eğitim verilmesi, ve aşağıdaki işlerden oluşur. - XML, HTML mimarisini kullanarak rapor ve sayfa tasarımı yapılması - SQL-EXCEL-CSV ile data ayıklama ve aktarımı - Python ile modul geliştirilmesi. - Bilgisayar kullanıcılarına temel eğitimlerin verilmesi. (odoo eğitimleri) - Diğer kullanıcıların karşılaştığı sorunlarda donanımsal ve yazılımsal destek. Aranan Nitelikler : *Yazılım konusunda En az 2 yıl tecrübeye programlara algoritmasına sahip olmalı. *X...

    €37 / hr Average bid
    €37 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    2 teklifler

    usb kart okuyucu eimza ile pdf ,doc,xlsx,xls,csv ve html dosya imzalayacak ve imza doğrulayacak MVC projesine java applete veya .net projesi

    €1140 Average bid
    €1140 Ortalama Teklif
    3 teklifler

    2048*2048 sensörlü platformdan ayak basınç verileri elde edilmektedir. bu veriler belirli oranlarda bölünmesi gerekmektedir topuk ayağın ortası vs.... buna uygun br arayüz ve algoritma geliştirecek yazılımcı aranmaktadır

    €560 Average bid
    €560 Ortalama Teklif
    7 teklifler

    We are looking for a freelancer to compile a structured dataset of consumer electronics officially released in India, including mobile phones, headsets (wired and wireless), AirPods/true wireless earbuds, power banks, Bluetooth speakers, tablets, gaming consoles, action cameras, professional cameras, and other similar consumer electronics. The dataset should be presented in a chronological tabular format, with each category listed separately and products within each category arranged by release date, from the oldest to the newest. The table should include the following fields: Category (e.g., Mobile Phones, Tablets), Brand Name (e.g., Apple, Samsung, Sony), Product Name (specific model name), Release Date (official launch date in India), and Price (current price in INR). The ...

    €11 Average bid
    €11 Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler

    I'm looking for a Nodejs and web scraping expert, preferably new freelancers eager to showcase their skills. The primary goal of this project is to extract structured data from repositories for analysis. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Nodejs - Excellent web scraping abilities - Writing Data to CSV Experience: - Prior web scraping projects - Data extraction for analysis

    €6 / hr Average bid
    €6 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    14 teklifler

    I need a skilled freelancer who can efficiently extract social media content from various sources including websites, social media profiles, and directories or databases. The extracted data should be delivered in Excel/CSV format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data extraction and mining - Familiarity with social media platforms - Experience with web scraping - Ability to deliver data in specified formats

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    45 teklifler

    ...significant project involving over 1000 mechanical pipes. I am seeking an expert in Navisworks with over 5 years of experience who has worked on similar projects - preferably in mining or LNG. The task involves integrating inspection data from multiple Excel CSV files into the Navis drawing. Key Responsibilities: - Reflect the inspection data over the Navis drawing. - Update Navis drawings from 3D scans. - Previous experience with data modeling. The purpose of this integration is to enable different teams to use the drawing with data to extract specific details for various purposes, including: - Maintenance schedules - Compliance reports - Performance metrics - Pipe condition and defect Reports - Clash detection and inspection report Ideal Skills and Expe...

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    13 teklifler

    I'm looking for a proficient data engineer to create a basic data analyzing application in Palantir Foundry. The application will primarily be analyzing company and employee data, with a focus on data visualization and report generation. Key Requirements: - Expertise in using Palantir Foundry - Strong capability in data visualization techniques - Experience in creating applications that facilitate report generation - Proficiency in handling and analyzing CSV files Your role will be to build this application with the above functionalities in mind, allowing for clear visual representation of our data and easy generation of comprehensive reports. Please only apply if you have relevant experience and can demonstrate a strong understanding of the required skills.

    €125 Average bid
    €125 Ortalama Teklif
    15 teklifler

    ## Project Overview Need a Python developer to backtest an existing gap trading model on SPY data. The model predicts gap fills using logistic regression. Model code will be provided. ## Required Deliverables ### 1. Data Collection - Pull 5 years of SPY daily data using Interactive Brokers API - Required fields: Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Pre-market data - Focus only on SPY (no other symbols needed) ### 2. Backtesting Implementation - Use provided logistic regression model - Test on 5 years of historical data - Basic entry rules: - Enter when model predicts high probability of gap fill - Exit when gap fills or at market close - Track simple P&L ### 3. Performance Metrics Provide CSV report with: - Win/Loss ratio - Average profit per trade ...

    €135 Average bid
    €135 Ortalama Teklif
    14 teklifler

    I'm looking for a professional to create a Google Colab notebook or an R script for me. This script should retrieve all the PubMed IDs (PMIDs) of articles on multiple sclerosis (MS) from the year 2000 to the present. For each article, it should gather the following information: - Title - Journal (and possibly its impact factor) - Year of publication - Full names of all authors - Full name of the first author - Full name of the last author - Total number of authors - Gender of each author (determined based on their name) - Affiliation of the last author - Country of the last author The retrieved data should be formatted as a CSV file. Ideal skills for this project include proficiency in R or Python, experience with Google Colab, and familiarity with data extracti...

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Ortalama Teklif
    35 teklifler

    I need a skilled machine learning expert to train, validate and test a sentiment analysis classification model using BERT, RoBERTa and ModernBERT on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Key Requirements: - The model will be trained on a sample dataset containing approximately 300k records. - Input data will be provided in a CSV file format. - I have partially labeled data for training and validation, but assistance with labeling may be needed. - The outputs of the model should be shared in an Excel file. - Include detailed data preprocessing steps and techniques. - Define clear performance metrics for evaluating the model, such as accuracy, F1 score, precision, and recall. - Outline the approach for hyperparameter tuning to optimize model performance. - Describe techniques f...

    €263 Average bid
    €263 Ortalama Teklif
    21 teklifler

    I need a professional to develop a Bayesian Network for a decision support system. The primary goal of this project is to leverage the Bayesian Network's capabilities to assist in making informed decisions. Key Requirements: - Integration of existing data sets I have, which are in CSV format. - Expertise in developing and implementing Bayesian Networks. - Experience in creating decision support systems. Please, submit your bid if you have the relevant skills and experience. I look forward to collaborating with you!

    €19 / hr Average bid
    €19 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    28 teklifler

    I'm looking for an expert in web scraping. The primary purpose of this project is to gather data for analysis. fixed $20 Key Requirements: - Proficient in web scraping techniques and tools - Experience in data collection for analysis purposes - Ability to deliver data in CSV format The ideal candidate will have a strong background in data analysis and web scraping, with the skills to deliver clean, well-organized data in a timely manner. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your proposal.

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Ortalama Teklif
    4 teklifler
    MT940 to CSV
    5 gün left

    Hello! I found this project that you did before. Did you create a converter tool? We need a tool or routine to convert MT940 to CSV. I will provide output format. Important is description part is completed completely . The tool should be developed using Python. The CSV should follow a custom layout specified by us. The tool should include advanced error handling and logging for all operations. Please ensure errors trigger email notifications to us. Error notifications should be sent immediately when an error occurs. Please use the following method for email notifications: Outlook email. The expected turnaround time for the project is 1-2 weeks. The MT940 files will have consistent formatting. No user interface is needed for the tool. Input MT940 fil...

    €39 Average bid
    Gizlilik Anlaşması
    €39 Ortalama Teklif
    16 teklifler

    I'm seeking an experienced data analyst and Power BI expert to design an engaging and insightful dashboard for tracking both project progress and financial metrics in the construction industry. Key Features: - The dashboard should track project-related metrics such as completion percentage, milestones achieved, and tasks overdue. - Financial metrics should include revenue forecasts, expense categorization, and project rating. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Power BI - Strong background in project management tracking and financial reporting - Experience in the construction industry is a plus - Excellent data visualization skills The dashboard should integrate data from Excel/CSV files. start proposal with PREMIER

    €94 Average bid
    €94 Ortalama Teklif
    56 teklifler

    Building a website like PB Tech NZ () requires careful planning, design, and development. PB Tech is a large e-commerce platform specializing in electronics, computers, and tech gadgets. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you create a similar website: 1. Define Your Goals and Requirements Purpose: Sell electronics, computers, and tech products online. Target Audience: Tech enthusiasts, businesses, and general consumers. Key Features: Product catalog with categories (e.g., laptops, smartphones, accessories). Advanced search and filtering options. User accounts and profiles. Shopping cart and checkout system. Payment gateway integration (e.g., PayPal, Stripe, credit cards). Order tracking and management. Customer reviews and ratings. Responsive design for

    €662 Average bid
    €662 Ortalama Teklif
    132 teklifler

    I'm in need of an AI agent that can help me streamline my data extraction...Requirements: - Data Extraction: Primarily from Instagram, but also from other platforms like Facebook, TikTok, X, and YouTube. The AI should be capable of extracting 'Name' and 'Email', compiling this data into a CSV file. - Email Management: The AI should check for duplicate entries and manage email campaigns, sorting emails based on their status, with a focus on 'Opened'. It should have the ability to send emails in batches. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI development - Experience with data scraping - Understanding of email marketing systems - Ability to create and manage CSV files I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a system that...

    €46 Average bid
    €46 Ortalama Teklif
    9 teklifler

    ... - Specific tracking on all major social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. - AI-powered analysis to identify and highlight patterns or connections in the gathered data. - Multiple data export options including CSV, PDF, and other formats for easy reporting. - Historical data retrieval to access information that has been deleted or altered. - User-friendly interface that allows investigators to easily navigate and use the software. - Cross-platform compatibility to ensure the tool works on different operating systems. - Anonymity features to conduct research without revealing the investigator's identity. - Advanced search filters to narrow down searches by date, keywords, and other criteria. Ideal Skil...

    €171 Average bid
    €171 Ortalama Teklif
    38 teklifler

    I need an SQL expert to help me export specific query results from my SQL database into a CSV file. - Database Type: SQL - Export Format: CSV - Data to Export: Custom query results Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in SQL with experience in data extraction. - Familiarity with exporting data to CSV format. - Ability to understand and execute custom queries. - Attention to detail to ensure data is accurately exported. No additional data processing or transformation is required before exporting the data. The data needs to be exported at scheduled intervals. The data needs to be exported daily at scheduled intervals.

    €1007 Average bid
    €1007 Ortalama Teklif
    150 teklifler

    THIS IS NOT AI GENRATED POST>>> PLEASE READ PROPERLY to APPLY IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT TO DO JOB Need quick help in Wordpress product migration from Non Wordpress site Concern: We are able to download product CSV file from Non Wordpress site but when we are uploading in our current wordpress development site which is not supporting. I hired scarpper also who scrapped product data from Non wordpress site and build custom CSV file for wordpress site, you need to validate and see if everything is good to import. if not then scrapper can also help you get desire CSV file. Need someone who already have experience in this and available immediate to start. Your expertise in this area is crucial for a smooth and swift tran...

    €73 Average bid
    €73 Ortalama Teklif
    34 teklifler

    I'm looking for a professional with data scraping experience to help me export descriptions from active eBay listings. Key Requirements: - Extracting descriptions from various sellers' active listings on eBay - Exporting the data to a CSV file - Identifying listings by specific seller usernames Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data scraping tools and techniques - Familiarity with eBay's platform and its listing structure - Experience in creating and managing CSV files

    €111 Average bid
    €111 Ortalama Teklif
    73 teklifler

    ...someone to review and fix my log viewer page on my automotive website. It needs to be able to accept uploaded files (such as a csv file with data in it) which will then display the results into a graph. Unfortunately this isn't fully functional and I require someone to fix the errors. I have attached a csv file for you to upload it into the website link above and see how it all works. There is a CSV file which gets created from a automotive software called RossTech. This CSV file contains data that gets logged from the car sensors. Every column is a different sensor. When uploading the CSV file into my log viewer page, it needs to translate from numbers to a graph. At the moment it pushes the data...

    €271 Average bid
    €271 Ortalama Teklif
    64 teklifler

    ...images using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) API for predefined locations specified in a GeoJSON file. The retrieved images will be used for machine learning-based change detection, aiming to identify structural modifications in buildings over time. The system extracts geographic coordinates from the dataset, fetches true historical satellite imagery, and saves the images systematically in Google Drive for later processing. Project Scope Data Input: Loads a GeoJSON file containing geographic features (buildings/locations). Extracts latitude and longitude from the centroid of each feature. Retains metadata properties from the GeoJSON for reference. Historical Satellite Image Retrieval: Uses Google Earth Engine API to query satellite imagery from dataset...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Ortalama Teklif
    25 teklifler

    ? Job Advertisement: Developer Needed for Automated HTM to CSV Converter ( Data) ? ? Project Overview: I am looking for a skilled software developer to create an automated system that converts large HTM files (100MB+) into multiple CSV files (each under 8MB). This software will be installed locally on my laptop and should efficiently process backtest results for analysis. ? Key Requirements: ✅ Automated HTM to CSV Conversion – Extract structured data (trades, timestamps, profit/loss, balance, etc.). ✅ File Splitting Logic – Ensure each CSV file remains under 8MB while preserving data integrity. ✅ Standardized CSV Format – Make sure the output files are structured for easy merging and analysis. ✅ User-Friendly Interfa...

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Ortalama Teklif
    16 teklifler

    I'm in need of an experienced freelancer who can efficiently scrape sales leads from LinkedIn and Crunchbase. I want to target specific job titles within various industries, focusing primarily on the technology sector. Target Job Titles: - CEO/Founder - Technology head - Instrumentation head - Quality head - Digitization manager - Methods and process excellence The primary focus of this project is on gathering phone numbers of these targeted users. However, the deliverable should also include a CSV or Excel file with validated data points such as names, job titles, company details, and contact information. Along with this, a brief report detailing the scraping methods used would be appreciated. Your proposal should include your budget and an estimated timeline for pr...

    €27 Average bid
    €27 Ortalama Teklif
    27 teklifler

    Use csv provided and save the images as

    €71 Average bid
    €71 Ortalama Teklif
    1 teklifler

    I'm looking for an expert in data extraction and cold outreach to help my merchant export company. Key Responsibilities: - Extract data of purchase managers from the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. - The data should include their Name, Email address, and Phone number. - Organize the extracted data into a CSV file. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data extraction and analysis. - Experience in B2B cold outreach, specifically targeting purchase managers. - Familiarity with export-import industry is a plus. - Excellent attention to detail and data accuracy. Your role will be pivotal in helping me initiate email campaigns and WhatsApp bulk messages to potential business partners.

    €69 Average bid
    €69 Ortalama Teklif
    6 teklifler

    ...users will be able to download their ID cards from their dashboard. The admin panel should allow administrators to monitor user sign-ups, view user data, and manage memberships. Requirements: 1. User Registration and Membership Form: User Registration: Users should be able to register on the platform via email or social login (optional). After successful registration, they should be directed to a membership form. Membership Form: The form will include fields such as: Full Name Email Phone Number Address (optional) Date of Birth Profile Picture Upload Other relevant membership fields as per business requirements. After submitting the form, the user will receive a confirmation message or email. 2. User Dashboard: Once the user submits the form, they will be r...

    €108 Average bid
    €108 Ortalama Teklif
    20 teklifler

    I need an experienced LinkedIn professional to add leads from the Persona's we have created. Then download all of the leads to CSV file, and also utilise Sales Navigator better for a private LinkedIn business professional profile in Australia. We also have a business Premium account that needs to be utilised by an experienced Business Preium account user. We have 4 hours a week of work to start with, please quote your hourly rate.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Ortalama Teklif
    15 teklifler

    I'm looking for someone to collect information on over 5 million influencers from major Western social media platforms, specifically TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. The specific data points I need include: - Influencer's Name - Channel Names on platform - Number of followers - Engagement metrics - Content topics - Channel Category - Contact information The collected data should be delivered in CSV format. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience with data collection, familiarity with social media platforms, and ideally, some understanding of influencer marketing. Proficiency in tools for data scraping and data management is a plus. Please ensure you have the capacity to handle large datasets and deliver accurate and organized information.

    €126 Average bid
    €126 Ortalama Teklif
    55 teklifler

    Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.

    Özellikli Mühürlü Gizlilik Anlaşması

    I need assistance with installing the Pose Animator repository on my Windows machine. I'm trying to install the repository locally, but some errors are happening in VSCODE while installing using yarn or npm. My current version of Node.js v22.12.0 Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Windows OS - Experience with Node.js - Ability to troubleshoot installation issues

    €36 Average bid
    €36 Ortalama Teklif
    14 teklifler