Computer repair flyer free işler
...customer satisfaction, provide live support via email and the RM3 Panel software, coordinate technical support processes, and keep customers informed. The ideal candidate should be capable of managing complex non-technical relationships, working independently, possessing strong written communication skills, and having proficiency in basic computer programs. Turkish nationals are preferred. Summary: You will focus on customer satisfaction by working at your computer, providing direct support to customers, and coordinating with the customer support and management/finance teams. Applications are accepted through the CAREER section on our website. Redspades . net...
...customer satisfaction, provide live support via email and the RM3 Panel software, coordinate technical support processes, and keep customers informed. The ideal candidate should be capable of managing complex non-technical relationships, working independently, possessing strong written communication skills, and having proficiency in basic computer programs. Turkish nationals are preferred. Summary: You will focus on customer satisfaction by working at your computer, providing direct support to customers, and coordinating with the customer support and management/finance teams. Applications are accepted through the CAREER section on our website. --->
Mобильное приложение Будет о том, как устанавливать, устранять неисправности и обслуживать кондиционеры. Можете копировать какой нибудь вэб сайт На главном экране появится предупреждение Дизайн логотипа и изображения принадлежат вам, но есть некоторые изображения. Klima montajı nasıl yapılır, arızası nasıl giderilir ve bakımı hakkında bir mobil uygulama olacak. ana ekranda uyarı olacak logo tasarımı ve resimler size ait ama bazı resimler vardır There will be a mobile application about how to install, troubleshoot and maintain air conditioners. There will be a warning on the home screen The logo design and images belong to you, but there are some images
"""458. Nedávno sa môj počítač začal úplne rozpadať. Cievky bzučia, všetko hučí, dokonca aj tie najjednoduchšie hry neťahá. Začal ma to už naozaj štvať. A ja som predsa hráč - milujem hrať nové hry! Musel som chodiť do počítačového klubu, aby som si splnil svoje túžby. Ale to predsa nie je ono, však? (ukázať herný PC) Rozhodol som sa spraviť mini počítačový klub u seba doma! (stlačiť tlačidlo zapnutia) Len sa pozri, aký je krásny! Hneď vidno - silný! A nevydáva žiadne zbytočné zvuky, je super tichý, stoja v ňom drahé chladiče! Teraz budem hrať všetky novinky ako prvý!""&...
...Kurdish. This position is for male candidates only. For this position you will need a fast internet connection and a performing computer. Your reactivity and skills with the internet are important to me, as you will need to have these skills to successfully perform the tasks you will be assigned. You must also be willing to learn new skills as this role offers many development opportunities. Your main task is to assist me from Monday to Thursday and Saturdays from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. This position will be rewarded with a salary of 5110 TL. Regardless of your location, you are welcome to apply if you have a reliable internet connection and a performing computer. Fluency in English is essential and knowledge of Kurdish and Arabic would be a plus. I would like to emphasize...
Game Content: An mobile game with 79 dots and 38 pawns, candycrush-like, checkers-like, unique, single player and 3 difficulty levels against the computer, with a 2D interface. Project content: UI and Assets are ready. Everything about the mechanics of the game is clear. Apart from this, animation, sound, coding, publishing, en-tr language option, testing if necessary, adding advertisements, monitoring and finalizing the process belong to the seller. Wishes: - Special skills should come with the accumulated combo points and can be used during the game. - At the end of the game, the total score should be calculated from data such as time, number of combos, abilities used, number of moves, etc. - Leveling up, reward system, etc. with the total score calculated. it would be nice. - T...
Hello, I have been using computer and internet since my childhood and I developed myself on web design, SEO, Digital marketing, graphic design. I have at least 5 years of agency experience and simultaneous freelance experience. What studies can we do together? > Web Design (Personal, Corporate, E-commerce, Special projects) > SEO (100 percent increase in a short time) > Graphic Design (Coolest modern designs for Social Media and Web sites) > Digital Marketing (I make your project or brand popular on all social platforms in a short time and provide the desired return.) Merhaba, çocukluğumdan beri bilgisayar ve internet ortamını kullanmaktayım ve kendimi web tasarım, SEO, Dijital pazarlama, grafik tasarım üzerinde geliştirdim. En az 5 yıllık ajans deneyimim ve...
bir sonucu sistemi. oyunlarınıza bir sonucu eklemek istiyorsanız doğru yerdesiniz. bu sonucu oyunlarınızda multiplayer oyun için kullanılır ------------- <-İÇİNDEKİLER-> <-1 adet ücretsiz sonucu dosyası <- 1 adet sonucu programı freeserverM <- 1 adet sonucu belgesi (sunucu kimliği,sonucualanı adı, sonucu şifresi) <- 1 adet sonucu sitesi ( ip adresiniz alınıp yapılandırma yapılacak)
Merhaba, E-ticaret sitesi için DEMO içerikleri hazırlatmak istiyoruz. Sistem linki: 4 banner 1 slider, 8 ürün yükleme, Kategori oluşturma Menü Oluşturma kategori isimleri, ürün isimleri, ürün fiyatları temsili girilecek. Slider ve bannerlar demo başvurusu yapanın resimlerinden ya da free image’lerden hazırlanıyor. (Görsel bulup şu şekilde düzenlemeler yapılacak. Örneğin ""Elif'le alışverişe başla"" yazılmış. Görsel boyutlarını paylaşacağız ve 4 banner 1 slider hazırlamanızı isteyeceğiz. ) Ürün ve görsel çalışması firma bazlı olacak ve ayrıntılar anlaşma sonrası paylaşılacak. Demo başına 10 TL teklif ediyoruz. Öğrenci vb. kişilerle bağlantı kur...
Java war dosyasını maven projesine dönüştürülmesi gerekiyor. Sistem web tabanlı. İşlem için uzak bağlantı ile bilgisayarıma bağlanıp eclipse üzerinden yapılması gerekmekte. Bilen için 5-10 dk'lık bir işlem. Java war file needs to be converted to maven project. The system is web based. For the process, it has to be connected to my computer with a remote connection and done via eclipse. It takes 5-10 minutes for those who know.
Merhaba Ben omurilik felçliyim Televizyonu eller serbest olarak sesli kumanda edebilecek bir cihaza ihtiyacım var Yardımcı olabilirseniz sevinirim. Tam olarak buna benzer bir şey istiyorum
ASP , PHP ve Mysql tabanlı websitesi bakım onarım ASP, PHP and Mysql database using through to website. we need to repair some commitments.
RE/MAX’de Gayrimenkul Danışmanıyım. Gerek sosyal... web sitesi ile ilgili yeni bir oluşuma hazırlanıyorum. Bu oluşum ile ilgili bazı flyerlar yapmak istiyorum Kabaca aklımdakileri aşağıda size aktarmak isterim. A4 flyer olabililir. Arkalı önlü olacak Önde sadece bir paketin avantajları öne çıkartılacak, arkada tüm paketler ile kıyaslama tablosu olacak. Bir tane de A5 boyutunda gene arkalı önlü bir flyer Bu flyer’da da tüm paketlerin öne çıkan hizmetleri gene daha çok görsel daha az yazı şeklinde sunulacak. Bu broşürdeki tüm öne çıkan hizmetlerin de ayrıca jpg’lerini tek tek sosyal medyada paylaşabilmek istiyorum. Bu 2 flyer ile ilgili fiyat...
Hi thepasserby82 Merhaba Ankara'da bir şirketiz.,Bir VoIP-SIP programı geliştirmek istiyoruz. Farklı olarak speech to text ile entegre olacak. Bunun örnek kodları github ta mevcut. Bunu imkan veren en iyi voip open source çözümü olarak asteriks bulduk. Türkiye de biri ile çalışmak bizim için da...istiyoruz. Farklı olarak speech to text ile entegre olacak. Bunun örnek kodları github ta mevcut. Bunu imkan veren en iyi voip open source çözümü olarak asteriks bulduk. Türkiye de biri ile çalışmak bizim için daha avantalı olacaktır. İletişim bilgilerini paylaşırsan daha ayrıntılı bir şekilde konuşabiliriz. İyi çalışmalar. NOT: Bütçe miktarı ve süresi örnek olarak doldu...
...veren bir de DentArmada iştiraki bulunuyor. Bu büyümeyi özetleyecek bir logo tasarlatmak istiyoruz.. Logo aşamasından sonra kurumsal kimlik tasarımıyla da devam edilecek bir sürece başlamak isterseniz bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.. Hi, As Armada Yazılım, we decided to launch a wind of change. Armada Yazilim, was founded in 1997 as a Value Added Reseller (VAR) for the CAD (Computer Aided Design), CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), PDM (Product Data Management) and ERP solutions with a vision to be the #1 resource provider for 3D engineering software and manufacturing productivity tools in Turkey. Our mission is to put the proper engineering tools in the hands of our customers, so they may realize a shorter time to market and a reductio...
hills köpek maması 12 kg paketlerin içine 2.5 kg free eklenmiş. bu ürünlerin kampanyasının yapılmasını istiyorum.
Coded Stock Chat System Previously Written And I Want I Want You entered someone else unsold both mobile and the computer
...ordered (for example: your order will be received within 45 minutes, etc.) 5. When the customers open an order: for example he orders a pizza. While he is choosing the specialties of the pizza such as S, M, L, the administrator can add or omit the ingredients that are determined before ''as seen on below photo'' the unit price of the added/omitted products must effect the cost. Some ingredients are free, and some others can be added for a fee. Two separate sections can be made for them. I can give detailed information via Skype to you if you want. 6. While the customer opens an order, there can be a section showing that the customer who bought this also bought following product (orientation) 7. Adress restriction, and information about order a...
English: Existing openGL project will be edited. There are 3 tasks and they are so basic that will only require 2 3 lines of codes for each and it says what to do in tasks. Just simple c++ code and opengl nothing complex. It is on visualstudio 2013 on my computer. Only condition is job will be done by connecting to my computer using teamviewer. I am not able to send the project to you or there is no copying. Turkish: Var olan bir projeye bir kac ekleme yapilacak. neler eklenecegi dosyada yazili. 3 dosya duzenlenicek toplam ve yazilacak kod sayisi 2 3 satir dosya basina. cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart teamviewer ile benim bilgisayarima baglanar...
Var olan bir projeye bir kac ekleme yapilacak. neler eklenecegi dosyada yazili. 3 dosya duzenlenicek toplam ve yazilacak kod sayisi 2 3 satir dosya basina. cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. ...yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart teamviewer ile benim bilgisayarima baglanarak yapilacak. Projeyi size gonderemiyorum malesef. An existing opengl project needs to be edited. There are 3 tasks and all tasks are so basic. Its an easy project and each task require 2 3 line of code. Only limitation is you will have to connect my computer via team viewer and complete in any time. I cannot send the project to you. ...
...gece 4 günlük bir parti gemisi planladık. Gemi 326 kamara olup tamamı ile bizim tarafımızdan kapatıldı. Gemi Çeşme Mikanos ve Santorini turu yapılacaktır. Mykaonos ve Santorini’nin en iyi gece klüplerinde de partiler yapacağız. Sitemizin genel renkleri ve formatı bunun için uygun ama görseller anlamında deniz cruise ve mykanos santorini öğeleri de kullanabiliriz. Talepler: Poster Flyer ve Key Visuallar : Festival ismi: Summerfest “Cruise Gathering” – Vurgu cruise gathering üzerinde olsun. Tarih: 27-30 Ağustos Tur: Çeşme-Mykonos-Santorini yazalım Djler: Ozan Doğulu / Milk & Sugar / Tom Novy / Outwork / Ozan Çolakoğlu (Sanatçı isimlerini yazmamız yeterli fotolara ihtiya...
Restaurantımız için hafta da bir adet flyer a ihtiyacımız var. Yardımcı olabilir misiniz? Vurgulamak istediğimiz romantizm, kalite lezzet Belki bizim fotoğraflarımızdan yada sizin daha iyi fikirleriniz varsa kullanabilirisiniz Sormak istediğiniz bir şey olursa dan ulaşabilirisiniz.
Kaliteli, Estetik, Modern Afişler için Ulaşınız. 0545 545 76 29
I'm seeking a manager with a robust understanding of machine learning and specifically, graph neural networks, to oversee my project. The task involves technical oversight of machine learning components, with a key emphasis on the utilization of ne... 2) Ensure that any worker hired to do Machine Learning is doing their job properly. You must have an understanding of how the training process works and what the project is about 3) Check the report produced for any inaccuracies/mistakes 4) Check the code to see if it being done properly 5) Explain anything and everything to me. This may include going through how to run the project on my own computer. This is for a small project which will take about 2 months maximum and you honestly will not have to do much. I'm looking to ...
Develop a specialized WordPress website for a B2B computer retailer. The site will feature a dynamic configurator that guides customers to the ideal PC setup based on specific software requirements or use cases. It will include detailed product pages, trade-in options, multi-language support, and integrations with systems like Moneybird, eBay, and Google Merchant. The project emphasizes seamless user experience and strong SEO foundations
...this is for a bakery) Ideally, the design should feel inviting, creative and a bit luxurious Logo Usage: This logo will appear on packaging, signage, social media and website – so it should work well in both color and black/white versions. Deliveries: Full color logo (gold and turquoise) Monochrome version (for simpler applications) Files: PNG, JPG, SVG and AI or EPS (for scalability) Please feel free to add any creative flair you think would enhance the design - we are open to ideas that combine the deliciousness of the cakes with the symbolism and beauty of the Hamsa....
I have an old juke box that is beyond repair, so I want to remove the existing components and turn it into a large Bluetooth speaker that still looks like a jukebox and sounds like a juke box. I can custom build a cabinet inside the existing jukebox to house a subwoofer and speakers and cover it with speaker cloth instead of the existing glass case. The jukebox cabinet will be refurbished and painted. I need advice on what components to buy - subwoofer, speakers, Bluetooth amplifier that will produce the sound I am looking for. I have attached a picture of the jukebox and can provide more details as requested. Thanks
...reliable wall adhesion. Additional adhesive point: A small recess or flat hole on the support bar (about 1-2 cm in diameter) to accommodate adhesive pads or double-sided tape. Each Character as a Separate File: Letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and punctuation (!, ?, ., ,, @, #, %, &) should be saved as individual files. Optimized STL Files: Ensuring printability: Models must be watertight and error-free for SLA/DLP resin printing. Letters should be positioned flat on the build plate to minimize support usage. No excessive overhangs. Deliverables: STL files for each letter/punctuation mark as a separate model. If needed: A reinforced version for particularly thin characters. Optional: A test file for printability verification before creating the full set. Additional Notes: I...
Earn $5,000 in Trump or Ravana Tokens! ? I'm hosting an exciting referral contest with a grand prize of $5,000 USD worth of Trump or Ravana tokens (your choice)! Here's how it works: 1. Sign up for a free account on Ravana X using my referral link: Join Ravana X 2. Generate your own unique referral link on the platform. 3. Promote your link using your preferred marketing methods—social media, blogs, ads, videos, or any creative strategy! 4. The contestant with the most referrals over 10,000 wins the prize! Why Join? $5,000 Prize: Choose between Trump or Ravana tokens. Unlimited Earning Potential: Earn rewards for every referral even if you don't win. Flexibility: Use any marketing strategy you want! How to Win: Be creative: Use social media, ads...
I'm seeking motivated individuals aged 18-45 for a work-from-home customer service role. No prior experience required as training will be provided. We offer: - Remote work with flexible hours. - Weekly commission-based earnings. - Minimum of 5 hours of work per day. Requirements: - Internet connection of at least 6 megas. - Headphones with a microphone. - Computer and cellphone. - Language: Spanish If you're eager to learn and grow professionally, this is your chance!
I need a minimalist-style landing page for product sales directly from Facebook. Key Requirements: - Direct sales optimization: The landing page must be mobile friendly to facilitate smooth, hassle-free purchases. - Payment Gateway Integration: Experience with integrating PayPal and Stripe - Minimalist Design: A sleek, uncluttered, minimalist design is imperative. It should be modern yet simple, without any bold or overly colorful elements. Please use this as template
I am in need of an experienced Python developer to troubleshoot and repair my Python program used for monthly sales reporting. The script is currently throwing runtime errors preventing successful execution. Scope of Work: - Review provided .py file, , and logs. - Identify and resolve runtime errors preventing successful execution. - Ensure the program runs correctly and produces the expected reports. Requirements: - Strong experience in Python and debugging. - Familiarity with data processing and reporting scripts is a plus. - Ability to work efficiently and provide clear documentation of fixes. The script processes sales data stored in CSV files.
We are a micro business that has three members of a family working together in the school's photography market. I need an A5 business flyer designed with an upbeat appearance to promote our products and services. The flyer should feature our logo's, and complimentary colours (jpg attached). The flyer is to feature highlights and offerings unique to our business, which will be given or sent to our existing and potential clients. As values change over time, a PSD of the design is desirable. (Bullet point) No postage costs - saving £5.99 (Subtext) all orders can be sent to the customer’s home, meaning no photographs to distribute (Bullet point) No ‘late order charges’ - saving £4.50 (Subtext) no deadline, customers can order w...
I need a skilled developer who can help me fix some issues with my iOS application and CodeIgniter. iOS Application: - There are some bugs related to performance and UI/UX that need to be addressed. CodeIgniter Application: - There are issues with backend functionality that need to be resolved. The ideal candidate for this fix some issues with my iOS application and CodeIgniter. iOS Application: - There are some bugs related to performance and UI/UX that need to be addressed. CodeIgniter Application: - There are issues with backend functionality that need to be resolved. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience with both iOS development and CodeIgniter. You'll need to work on my computer via Anydesk. Please only apply if you can sta...
...should incorporate the UTAUT2 model and take into account various aspects such as: - Purpose of AI Tool Usage: Investigate for what tasks students are using AI tools (assignments, class activities, revisions, etc.). - University Policy: Examine whether the university has a policy regarding AI tool usage that all students are aware of. - Subscription Status: Determine how many students are using free versions of these tools versus paid subscriptions. - Plagiarism Awareness: Assess students' awareness of plagiarism and whether they check their AI-generated content for originality. Additionally, please include a literature review on current trends in AI tool usage, any issues that have arisen, etc. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in data ...
Job Title: Python Developer with Data Analytics Expertise Experience Level: 5 to 8 ...Experience with data manipulation and analysis libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-learn Familiarity with data visualization tools like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly Knowledge of SQL and experience with relational databases Experience with data integration and ETL processes Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail Excellent communication and teamwork abilities Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field. Preferred Qualifications: Experience with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP Knowledge of machine learning algorithms and frameworks Familiarity with version control systems such as Git Previous experience working in an Agile developm...
...specialize in creating eye-catching logos and promotional flyers that reflect your brand's identity and resonate with your target audience. Whether you are a startup looking for a unique logo or an established business in need of fresh marketing materials, my design skills will help elevate your brand. - Services Offered: - Custom Logo Design tailored to your brand's values and aesthetics. - Flyer Design for events, promotions, or general business advertising. - What I bring to the table: - A strong portfolio showcasing diverse design styles. - Proficiency in the latest design software (e.g., Adobe Creative Suite). - Excellent communication skills to ensure your vision is realized. - A detail-oriented approach to revisions and feedback. - Prompt delivery...
I'm looking for an expert in Python and computer vision, specifically experienced with HRnet and TCPFormer, to implement a 3D pose estimation system for testing on a mobile application. The primary goal of this project is to create fully functional pipeline for movement tracking on server that connects to mobile app via API. Key requirements and responsibilities: - Implement HRnet + TCPFormer based 3D pose estimation in Python. - Ensure the 3D pose estimation supports precise movement tracking. - The program should recieve .mp4 video and return json file with frame index and 3D position of all keypoints + confidence (if model provides) Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Python with extensive experience in HRnet and TCPFormer. - Experience with 3D pose estimation t...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a modern, minimalistic one-page website for my company. The site will simply showcase our work with around ten pieces of text and images. I will provide all the wording in French and a rough idea of how the page should be organized. Your job will be just to make it look professional, easy to ready on a computer or a phone. Key Requirements: - Design style: Modern and minimalistic - Color scheme: Cool (blue, green) - Layout: Single column layout The ideal candidate will have experience in creating clean, minimalist designs and should have a strong portfolio demonstrating their ability to deliver professional, high-quality work.
Update expired woo commerce files Change cover section to fixed image for the purpose of increasing page load speed metrics Relocate section on site “why resurgence travel” to above header Advise why latest post on home page is not displaying the latest post Remove section carousel for choose by destination Check on configuration of cart to advise why customer previous items remain in cart on subsequent visits and they subsequently cannot remove items not wanted from cart
I need a skilled Minecraft server developer to diagnose and rectify issues with my Spigot - Bungeecord server. The server is currently not starting at all after a recent installation of a lobby set up. Ideal Skills & Experien...and rectify issues with my Spigot - Bungeecord server. The server is currently not starting at all after a recent installation of a lobby set up. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience with Minecraft server development, specifically Spigot and Bungeecord. - Proficiency in diagnosing server issues and implementing effective solutions. - Capability to optimise server performance post-repair. - Experience with lobby setups and understanding of potential issues arising from such installations. - Strong problem-solving skills and ability to wo...
I need a talented graphic designer to recreate my professionally styled charity flyer designs in InDesign or Illustrator. The purpose of these flyers is to promote our programs in an inspirational tone. I will supply all necessary content and details. Key Responsibilities: - Recreate the provided designs accurately in InDesign or Illustrator - Incorporate all provided content with precision Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience - Previous work recreating professional flyer designs - Exceptional attention to detail - Proficiency in InDesign and Illustrator - Ability to convey an inspirational tone visually The final designs need to be delivered in PDF format. Ultimately, the goal of these flyers is to increase awareness of our charity programs.
I need a talented graphic designer to recreate my professionally styled charity flyer designs in InDesign or Illustrator. The purpose of these flyers is to promote our programs in an inspirational tone. I will supply all necessary content and details. Key Responsibilities: - Recreate the provided designs accurately in InDesign or Illustrator - Incorporate all provided content with precision Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience - Previous work recreating professional flyer designs - Exceptional attention to detail - Proficiency in InDesign and Illustrator - Ability to convey an inspirational tone visually The final designs need to be delivered in PDF format. Ultimately, the goal of these flyers is to increase awareness of our charity programs.
I'm searching for a seasoned Unity 3D Game Developer to create a 4v4 multiplayer cyberpunk fighting game, reminiscent of Valorant and Free Fire's Clash Squad mode. The game is to be developed for PC, played from a first-person perspective, utilizing dedicated server multiplayer networking. Key Responsibilities: - Develop fast-paced combat scenarios - Implement futuristic weapons and unique abilities - Design small, immersive cyberpunk arenas - Handle multiplayer networking - Optimize combat mechanics and UI - Ensure performance optimization The ideal candidate should possess: - Extensive experience in Unity 3D - Proven track record with multiplayer game development - Strong understanding of combat mechanics and UI design - Ability to optimize performance for peak gaming...
...a keen ear, strong language skills, and attention to detail, we invite you to apply. *Job Responsibilities:* - Accurately transcribe Gujarati audio recordings into written text. - Ensure high-quality and error-free transcription. - Adhere to project guidelines and deadlines. - Collaborate with project managers for clarifications and updates. *Job Requirements:* - Proficiency in Gujarati (written and spoken). - Previous experience in transcription, data entry, or linguistic projects is an advantage. - Strong listening and typing skills. - Access to a computer and a reliable internet connection. - Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. *Skills Required:* - Transcription - Typing - Language Proficiency (Gujarati) - Accuracy and Atte...
...skins or decals and an easy-access Netflix shortcut or button. In addition to Netflix, I would like the following streaming apps pre-installed: YouTube, TikTok, and Spotify. The laptop's aesthetics should mirror the Zenith Portable Player DVP615 in a sleek, professional white. Ideal candidates for this project should be experienced in custom laptop setups and have a good understanding of computer hardware and software. Creativity in designing user-friendly features is a plus....