Code retrieve music album işler
...are SEO-friendly. - Integration with the search button and a chat icon on all pages. 2. **API Integration** - Integration of the ChatGPT API with OpenCart and the Journal theme. - Detailed documentation on where files should be placed and which lines of code need to be modified. - Adding options in the admin panel to test if the ChatGPT API key is connected using a Postman-like functionality. 3. **Admin Panel Enhancements** - Adding a SEO button to products in the admin panel (including CSS and code), which generates product descriptions and H2 tags. - Automatically generating product descriptions and H2 tags in the admin panel. 4. **Customer Interface Enhancements** - Adding ChatGPT integration to the OpenCart search button (including CSS)....
Game's kit, assets, music and UI is ready. I am aiming to create a prototype of the game from these assets and kit. It's rather easy to do as the kit is already comprehensive enough and there will be no request to code any extra functionalities as whatever is in the kit is already enough. As i've stated, this will be a prototype of the game. Aside from the current request, if the job is done good enough i would like to work more with the developer. Game will be on Unity. It's going to be a first person shooter game. Game will be on Mobile.
Merhaba. Codecanyon dan aldigim uygulama 50adet ingilizce kelime mevcut (Cok basit olan Start / Stop vs gibi ) Onlar tr olacak ve apk alinip console hesabbima yuklenecek
Merhaba , Offline music player uygulamasına ihtiyacım var . Android studio programında raw klasöründen veya asset folder içinde bulunan mp3 dosyalarını oynatacak bir programa ihtiyacım var . Copyright kod istemiyorum.
Projemiz için Java script , ThreeJS kütüphanesini kullanmayı bilen biri gerekiyor. Bizim modelimizdeki kütüphanede “distance ve orbit limitations” kurulması (kısa bir kod) description olması ve kopyala yapıştır her modele eklenmesi gerekiyor. Obje etrafında dönmek (orbit) ve zoom in zoom out (distance) komutlarına bir kısıtlama (limitation) eklemek amacımız.
Offline Music Player uygulamasında istediğim özellikleri aşağıda belirtiyorum. 1- İstediğim uygulamanın nasıl olması gerektiği hakkında görsel yükledim. Yüklediğim görseldeki gibi olmasını istiyorum. Görselde görünen gibi üç ekran olmasını istiyorum. Renk ve temayı tamamen uygulamayı oluşturan kişi belirleyebilir. 2- Uygulama andorid telefonlar için java diliyle oluşturulacaktır. Google Admob Reklamları (21.05 sdk) entegre edilecektir. 3- Her ekran geçişinde, geçiş reklamı çıkacaktır. Ve google admob politikalarına uygun akıllı banner reklamı olacaktır. 4- Arka planda çalacaktır. Ve telefona arama geldiği zaman çalmayı durduracaktır. 5- Uygulamanın içine yerleştireceğimiz masal mp3, ...
Offline Music Player uygulamasında istediğim özellikleri aşağıda belirtiyorum. 1- İstediğim uygulamanın nasıl olması gerektiği hakkında görsel yükledim. Yüklediğim görseldeki gibi olmasını istiyorum. Görselde görünen gibi üç ekran olmasını istiyorum. Renk ve temayı tamamen uygulamayı oluşturan kişi belirleyebilir. 2- Uygulama andorid telefonlar için java diliyle oluşturulacaktır. Google Admob Reklamları (21.05 sdk) entegre edilecektir. 3- Her ekran geçişinde, geçiş reklamı çıkacaktır. Ve google admob politikalarına uygun akıllı banner reklamı olacaktır. 4- Arka planda çalacaktır. Ve telefona arama geldiği zaman çalmayı durduracaktır. 5- Uygulamanın içine yerleştireceğim...
hello, , I think this website has a media player problem and I need a friend who can run as many movies, TV shows, music and TV channels as I can find in the world and prepare this media list. I need a person who can activate many features such as monitoring, I am waiting for an answer for more detailed information and study.
Preis Music Workstation İçin Bir Web App Yapabilecek Yetenekli Freelancerlar Arıyorum. Preis Workstation Şöyle Olacak: Her Hangi Bir Müzik Dağıtım Sitesi (Distrokid, Tunecore, Toolost vb.) Gibi Bir Site Olacak. Tüm Özellikleri Bu Sitelerle Aynı Olacak Sadece Teması Farklı Olacak. Ama Ön Sayfasının AWAL'a Benzemesini İstiyorum.
I need landing page about dental clinic. I need best design and best and clear html and css codes. it must be %100 suitable mobile when finished webpage it must be pass google page speed PLESAE SEND US YOUR REFERENCE WORK
Bir müzik klip videomuz için için Youtube'a reklam vermek ve izlenme artırmak istiyoruz. Nasıl bir bütçeleme ile nasıl çalışabiliriz.
Merhaba Android telefonda çalışacak bir müzik programı istiyorum Özellikler Arka planda çalışmalı Müzik bittiğinde diğer şarkıya geçmeli Müzikler içine gömülü olmalı Estetik olarak göze hitap etmeli Ayrıntılar teklifden sonra konuşabilir
Bir verici ile wifi üzerinden haberleşen adreslenebilir ledleri ortamdaki seslere göre renk değiştiren bir proje. Bu projede esp8266, Nodemcu v3 kullanılıyor. Bu projenin arduino kodunda sıkıntılarım var. Bu sıkıntının çözülmesi için paylaşıyorum. Bu projenin şemalarını aşağıda yükledim.
projem hazır code bankinh yapılacak 64k üstü için
projem hazır 64k üstü ayarlarını yaptırmak istiyorum
Merhabalar Youtube için çektiğimiz bir skeç şova 15 snlik animasyona ihtiyacımız var. Sadece şovu ismini gösteren bir ekranda hareket olsun istiyoruz. Müziğimiz hazır. Şu animasyon tarzında bir şey ama 15 sn: Teşekkürler Hi there We need a 2d animation for a YouTube comedy show. We already have the background music. Total animation time is 15 sec. This is an example of what we want: Thanks
uygulamaya login olmalıyız ilk çalıştırdığımızda bizden kişisel bilgileri alarak kaydetmeli sonraki seferlerde sormamalı asıl işi qr kod okumak olmalı ancak qr kod okuturken aynı zamanda ön kamera görüntüsü de gözükmeli yani ekranda arka kamera tarafından alınan qrkod ve üstünde ise ön kamera tarafından alınan selfi görüntüsü olmalı aynı zamanda konum bilgisine de erişim yetkisi almalı qr kod ile alınan linkteki ilgili alanlara bizden aldığı bilgileri girmeli ve konum bilgisini de ilave edip göndermeli
Music player app for babies. With forward, backward, stop, play, random, continuous functions. the music list will contain pictures, music names and images. AdMob will have ad adjustments, It will be delivered with the source code.
Engilish I want freamwork structure to create modules without writing code Turkish Kod yazmadan modüller oluşturmak için freamwork yapısı istiyorum
Modern and Contemporary Music in Turkey Toplam Kelime Sayısı 1750 Kelime Çalışma içerisinde Başlıklar Şu Şekildedir. 1. Introduction Konu ile alakalı genel bilgilerden ve konu içeriğinden bahseden 200 kelimelik bir yazı 2. Modern and Contemporary Music Bu iki kavramın tanımsal açıklamalarına yer verilmesi gerekmektedir. Aralarındaki farka dair bilgiler sunulmalıdır. Burada metin içi atıflara yer verilmesi gerekmektedir. Alıntılar apa stiline uygun olarak yapılmalıdır. (300 kelime) 3. Türkiye'de Modern ve Çağdaş Müziğin Tarihi Bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalar, gelişmesinde etkili olan isimler, devam eden çalışmalar ele alınarak bilgi verici nitelikte yazım yapılmalıdır. (750 Kelime) 4. Tartışma Bu b&o...
I have 50.000 page albums. This album is a page printing page, there are photos and writings. The size of the fonts, fonts, and the sizes, colors, and locations of the photos on the page can vary on every page. Sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes right, sometimes in the left corner, sometimes in the middle, sometimes full page. There are texts in full-page photos. For example, an advertising poster. I have to write these things (Photos, texts, titles) that can separate them from each other.
Özetle geçecek olursak istediğim şey okuldaki final ödevim olan music non stop az 2.5 dakika (müziğin süresine göre),kısacası seçtiğimiz müziğe müziğe uyumlu klip çekicez,yöntemleri ise ya stop motion ya cut out yada kendimizin yaptığı vektorel grafikler veya internetten bulunan grafiklerle fakat kesinlikle müziğin sözleriyle bağlantılı olucak herşey,yani binevi klip çekilecek ama bunu yaparken AFTER EFFECT kullanı elbette gerekli zaten ama after effectten efekt eklersek daha güzel karakter üzerindende gidebilirsiniz orası sizin yaratıcılığınıza bağlı.Mesela bi adam yaparsınız yürütürsünüz onun yolda başına gelenleri yaparsınız veya müzikle uyumlu bir hale getirir...
Araç üzerinde çalışan anroid ünite için android yazılım yazılacak. music player, fm radio,bluetooth,navigasyon (varolan entegre edilecek),ipod,Aux,Video player bunlara arayüz yazılacak.
English: must use freeglut library. I have a tank made out of quads that strafes. I need help adding a .raw file to 1 four cornered quad, and 3d collision detection for my one tank object. I have to turn this thing in 12 hours
English: Existing openGL project will be edited. There are 3 tasks and they are so basic that will only require 2 3 lines of codes for each and it says what to do in tasks. Just simple c++ code and opengl nothing complex. It is on visualstudio 2013 on my computer. Only condition is job will be done by connecting to my computer using teamviewer. I am not able to send the project to you or there is no copying. Turkish: Var olan bir projeye bir kac ekleme yapilacak. neler eklenecegi dosyada yazili. 3 dosya duzenlenicek toplam ve yazilacak kod sayisi 2 3 satir dosya basina. cok basit bir proje var olan bir seyin ustune ekleme yapilacak ve ne yapilmasi gerektigi belirtilmis. Agir C++ kodlariyla degil en basit sekilde. Tek sart teamviewer ile benim bilgisayarima baglanarak yapi...
Establishing a web service - API for a web page. Code written as C# NVC but any solution for API is OK. End user will respond 9 questions from a website, API will retrieve pre-defined SQL data from remote server, prepare a pre-defined pdf report and bring it to the client. While doing this, API will count and record the number of usage to the log where the database is. Project to be completed in one month. Son kullanıcının web sayfası üzerinden cevaplayacağı 9 soru ile; ilgili Web API, Uzaktaki bir Server' dan önceden belirlenmiş SQL'leri kullanarak aldığı veriler Yardımı ile oluşturacağı yine formatı ve içeriği önceden belirlenmiş PDF formatında ki raporu İstemci tarafına getirecek. Web API bu işlemi yaparken Database in olduğu server a cou...
servisler ile vatandaşlar arasında bir platform olacak. Örneğin ben bir yerden bir yere yada bir maça yada bir organizasyona gitmek istiyorum. Yazılımcıya istanbul adres kodları ve istanbul dışı şehir adreslerini vereceğiz. Ben oturduğum yeri kutucuğa yazıcağım ve oturduğum yerin yada işyerimin sokağını seçiyorum diğer kutucuğuda gideceğim yerin yada organizasyon yapılacağı yeri seçiyorum. diğer konuda servisler için tedarikçi olan servisler sisteme arabanın çalışma saatleri dışında nerede durduğunu seçiyorlar ve hangi saatler arasında çalıştıklarını giriyorlar. bende böylece hangi servisin hangi saatler arasında hangi lokasyonda müsait olduğunu görüyorum. kullanıcıların girdikleri talepleri servislerle...
Solidbase tv ve Effectribe Music isimli kuruluşumuza festivallerde ve tanıtımlarda kullanılmak üzere tasarlanacak logolar ve bunun yanında psychedelic, fütüristik t-shirt tasarımlarına ihtiyacımız var. İlgilenen kişilerin detayları konuşmak için özelden ulaşmalarını rica ediyorum
Implementation of 1. Plisio payment gateway 2. Services mark Favourite task 3. Music system
I'm in search of a video creator who can edit my car review content. The editing style should be minimalistic, focusing on the content of the reviews. Key Responsibilities: - Edit video footage incorporating my commentary. - Include background music, text overlays, and graphics/animations at appropriate points. Ideal Skills: - Video editing expertise with a minimalistic style. - Ability to incorporate various elements seamlessly. - Experience with car content is a plus.
READ ATTACHED SCR...SCRIPT BEFORE SUBMITTING BID: Due: January 3rd, 2025 I'm looking for a skilled video editor and animator who can help create a 4-minute training video on how to make money as an affiliate for our Spanish website: Key Responsibilities: - Character based narration - Edit the video and add animation where relevant - Incorporate voice-over narration, text overlays, and background music - Animated whiteboard and math calculations - Enhance the video with animation of text and images Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience in 2D or 3D animation, ideally with a focus on making content engaging - Ability to create and incorporate text overlays in a visually appealing and clear manner READ ATTACHEMENT BEFORE SUBMITTING PROPOSAL:
I'm seeking a skilled Final Cut Pro video editor for a 15-minute YouTube video. The video should be edited in a documentary style, complete with: - Text overlays and titles in custom fonts and animations - Background music - Seamless transitions between scenes The ideal candidate should have prior experience in documentary style video editing( Dhruv rathe style) and be adept at using Final Cut Pro. It is crucial that you can create engaging text overlays using custom fonts and animations. Please provide samples of your previous work in this style.
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an AI chatbot with an educational focus. The primary aim of this chatbot is to assist students by providing information and support in their learning journey. Key Responsibilities: - Design the chatbot to retrieve and relay product details, website content and information from PDFs, textbooks - Ensure the chatbot is capable of engaging with university-level content and concepts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development. - Experience in creating educational tools or resources. - Familiarity with university-level curriculum and content.
I'm in need of a skilled sound engineer for mixing my music tracks. The primary focus of this project is on music production. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in mixing music - Proven track record in music production - Ability to enhance audio quality and overall sound - Familiarity with various music genres (pop, classical, electronic)
I'm fun and lively, capturing the essence of a lighthearted and enjoyable video. - Main Style: The reels should be edited in a fun and entertaining style, making them appealing and enjoyable for viewers. - Transitions: I prefer smooth transitions throughout the video. Fast cuts and zooms are not preferred, rather the editing should maintain a seamless flow. - Sound: I will provide the specific music and sound effects that should be used. The editing should sync well with the provided audio. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in video editing software - Understanding of pacing and rhythm in relation to sound - Ability to create engaging and entertaining content - Experience with Instagram reel editing Please provide a portfolio of similar projects yo...
I'm seeking an experienced video editor who can edit both short-form and long-form content reminiscent of Ankur Wariko's style. Key Requirements: - Expertise in editing for social media and YouTube - Proficient in incorporating text overlays and graphics - Skilled in selecting and syncing background music and sound effects - Creative with transitions and video effects - Able to maintain a professional and formal tone throughout the edits Connect me Asap - 7998099499 Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience editing similar content - Strong attention to detail - Excellent understanding of pacing and visual storytelling - Ability to work with provided content and follow specific guidance Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this project.
I'm looking for someone who can edit a 10-15 second reel for me. The primary purpose of the reel is for entertainment, so it needs to be engaging. Key Requirements: - The editing style should be dramatic and cinematic. - Since I don't have a specific track, I need suggestions for suitable music or audio that can enhance the reel. Ideal skills for this job include experience in editing entertainment-focused content and a good ear for music that fits a dramatic, cinematic style. Aesthetic and lofi . Im kinda doing outfit check in it
IMPORTANT - please message with a note about your music industry experience and links to your previous work. Generic AI messages will be ignored. Job Title: Social Media Manager (must have music industry experience) Location: Remote Hours: 15-20 hours a week to start, potential to be full time Availability: Flexible Pay: TBD, based on experience We are actively seeking a social media pro who lives and breathes indie music and firmly understands the scene to join us as our next Social Media Manager. If you’re the go-to person for all things social, can juggle multiple accounts like a pro, and get hyped on growing artists’ brands, we want to hear from you. What You’ll Do: - Run the show on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for our clients - Cr...
I'm seeking a traditional-style video invitation for my marriage. The video should incorporate texts and set to Bollywood music. Ideal skills for this project include video editing and animation, with a preference for those experienced in creating traditional-style, Bollywood-themed content. Please be prepared to showcase relevant samples from your portfolio.
I've purchased a Flutter project from Codecanyon and I'm looking for an experienced Flutter developer to set it up for Android. Requirements: - Set up the purchased Flutter project on my Android environment. - Minor integration with existing APIs.
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help with processing football video compilations. This will include editing together player sk...highlights into engaging compilations of the best moments. Specific Instructions: - I will provide detailed guidance on the editing process and how I'd like the final compilation to look. Music: - The background score will be dramatic and intense, requiring a good understanding of pacing and build-up to match the music. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience in editing sports videos, particularly football (soccer). - Ability to follow specific instructions and provide creative input when necessary. - Good sense of timing and understanding of music ... I have a VB6 executable file (EXE) and I need to reverse engineer it to recover the lost source code. There are no related files or documentation available, so I need someone who can work independently and has a deep understanding of VB6 and reverse engineering techniques. I am particularly interested in understanding the code logic behind specific functionalities within the application, which include: - User interface elements - Database interactions - Business logic The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in reverse engineering, particularly with VB6 executables - Proficiency in VB6 programming - Strong analytical skills to understand complex code logic - Ability to work independently without provided documentation or file...
...**Graphic Designer** who’s passionate about crafting stunning visuals and engaging content for social media! If you have an eye for design, a knack for creativity, and know Instagram and Facebook inside-out, we want to hear from you. **What You’ll Do:** - Design scroll-stopping social media posts, both videos and images. - Create visually appealing short videos from images, complete with music and seamless transitions. - Edit and enhance images, including dulling out backgrounds, to align with our brand’s style. - Follow briefs and work within brand guidelines to create on-brand content. - Optimize content for Instagram and Facebook, understanding platform-specific formats, post options, and best practices for image and video sizes. **What We&rsq...
I have an Microsoft MVC Web App with a target framework of .NET 8.0 that accesses a Microsoft SQL Database on my local machine. I am using Entityframework as well as Dapper to access the database. Everything runs succes.......[03:29:46 ERR] An exception occurred while iterating over the results of a query for context type ''. .......: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. I understand its a connection string issue and maybe also a firewall rule issue. I require a genius to just talk me through these issues so i can successfully retrieve data from the database. Also i would like to use Entra ID passwordless for the final Azure Web App. Also i would like to use Entra ID passwordless for the final Azure Web App.
... sophistication, and class. • Style: Modern and luxurious, reflecting the prestige of high-end fashion. • Duration: 3-4 seconds. • Purpose: This video will be used at the beginning of promotional videos, showcasing the essence of BrandsDelux. Guidelines: 1. Visuals: Use sleek transitions, premium textures (e.g., gold, marble, or velvet themes), and brand elements to evoke exclusivity. 2. Music/Sound Effects: Include soft, refined audio that complements the luxury theme. 3. Text/Logo: Highlight the “BrandsDelux” name/logo prominently, with sophisticated typography or animation. 4. Inspiration: Think runway elegance, timeless sophistication, and high-class aesthetics. Reward: Impress us with your creativity, and the winner will not only receive ...
I'm seeking a proficient CNC programmer to create a G-code program for a lathe. The task involves machining simple geometric parts from steel. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with CNC programming, particularly for lathes - Proficiency in G-code - Understanding of machining steel - Capability to design for simple geometries - Good problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
...and back-end website. The site will enable customers to select vehicle parts, and will fetch pricing data from another source via API. Ultimately, an AI system will generate a detailed invoice based on the collected data. The project will involve the following steps: 1. Customer selection of the item: The customer will choose the brand, year and specific part. 2. Data fetching: The system will retrieve the original price from an external website. 3. Price calculation: The system will mark up the price with a pre-defined margin. 4. Invoice generation: A PDF invoice will be produced, showing itemized details. 5. Payment processing: The customer will complete their purchase through an integrated payment gateway. Key features of the AI system will include: - Calculating prices - G...
I'm seeking a .NET C# developer to rectify an issue in my ongoing desktop application project. This application, primarily serving as a system utility, is running on Windows. The task involves modifying the code to ensure that certain windows close when specific conditions are met. Key Requirements: - Proficient in .NET C# - Experience with Windows desktop applications - Able to troubleshoot and fix code issues Your expertise will be invaluable in enhancing the functionality of this system utility application.
We are looking for a passionate writer or blogger from Meghalaya, Assam, or nearby NE states to join our team to cover upcoming music fests in different parts of North Eastern States of India Duration : 3 months ( Extendable) Payout : Based on your experience, competitive payout, fresher's can apply as well Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging, well-researched travel content that showcases the unique beauty and culture of North East India. Ideal Candidate: - A love for travel and storytelling - Strong writing skills - Familiarity with the NE region - Ability to produce high-quality content consistently Please include samples of relevant work in your application.
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to refine my mini vlog for YouTube. The editing style shou...viewing experience. Key Tasks: - Edit the video to achieve a sleek, polished finish. - Implement noise reduction to ensure the audio is clear and pleasant to listen to. - Enhance the voice to bring out the best in the audio. - Add background music at appropriate intervals to enhance the mood and pace of the vlog. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in video editing, preferably for YouTube content. - Strong skills in audio editing, particularly voice enhancement and noise reduction. - A knack for selecting and integrating background music seamlessly. - A portfolio showcasing a smooth and professional editing style. Please provide examples of your previous work ...