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2,000 city project for school iş bulundu

...user earns 5% “para puan” (cash points) for every 100 km of transfer purchased. Points can be used in future transfers. Users can view past transfers and accumulated points in their account. Supported Currencies USD, EUR, TRY, GBP. Integrated with the points system mentioned above. Multi-Currency Pricing & Payment Display vehicle prices in 5 different currencies. Users can choose which currency to pay with. Reservation Search Button Design Desktop: horizontal search button. Mobile: square button, fully responsive and aesthetically similar to the example site. Dynamic icons (e.g., airport icon if “airport” is searched, hospital icon if “hospital” is searched). Google Maps Integration & Region-Based Prices Distance calculation via Goo...

€1230 Average bid
€1230 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...user earns 5% “para puan” (cash points) for every 100 km of transfer purchased. Points can be used in future transfers. Users can view past transfers and accumulated points in their account. Supported Currencies USD, EUR, TRY, GBP. Integrated with the points system mentioned above. Multi-Currency Pricing & Payment Display vehicle prices in 5 different currencies. Users can choose which currency to pay with. Reservation Search Button Design Desktop: horizontal search button. Mobile: square button, fully responsive and aesthetically similar to the example site. Dynamic icons (e.g., airport icon if “airport” is searched, hospital icon if “hospital” is searched). Google Maps Integration & Region-Based Prices Distance calculation via Goo...

€1130 Average bid
€1130 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...user earns 5% “para puan” (cash points) for every 100 km of transfer purchased. Points can be used in future transfers. Users can view past transfers and accumulated points in their account. Supported Currencies USD, EUR, TRY, GBP. Integrated with the points system mentioned above. Multi-Currency Pricing & Payment Display vehicle prices in 5 different currencies. Users can choose which currency to pay with. Reservation Search Button Design Desktop: horizontal search button. Mobile: square button, fully responsive and aesthetically similar to the example site. Dynamic icons (e.g., airport icon if “airport” is searched, hospital icon if “hospital” is searched). Google Maps Integration & Region-Based Prices Distance calculation via Goo...

€1183 Average bid
€1183 Ortalama Teklif
36 teklifler

Merhaba Ufuk, Umarim hersey yolundadir. Bir proje icin iletisime gecmek istemistim. Goruyorum ki, $22 saatlik ucret belirlemissin. Benim butcem haftalik $125. Peojem ise bir cesit city directory/listing web uygulamasi. proje C#/.Net ve Angular ile baslandi. Backend tarafinda bir problem oldugunu dusunmuyorum ama frontend icin yeni bir arayuz ile tekrar calismaya baslamak istiyorum. Benim butcem icin haftada ne kadar zamanini ayirabilecegin ve projenin detaylarini konusmak icin gorusuruz umarim.

€46 Average bid
€46 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I am a classifieds site owner. Location plugin used on the site entered the site and looked at an detail city new came back to the home new york request home page you're back to be global zone. not new york

€20 Average bid
€20 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler
Trophy icon Logo Tasarım Yarışması
Bitti left

...ekli dosyadan ulaşabilirsiniz. -CESummit is looking for a new logo as one of the biggest events of IACES METU LC. We are accepting the designs until 30th October. Attached document includes detailed information about what we expected from a design. What is CESummit? CESummit is one of the biggest and most prestigious events which IACES METU LC organizes every year. The event, CESummit, comprises several seminars and workshops that create an environment for the students, which are mostly from civil engineering, architecture, city and regional planning etc., to connect with companies directly, creating contacts, learn newest technologies in our sector and socialize with their colleagues. CESummit is organized in METU campus and continuous for two days every ye...

€22 Average bid
40 girdi
web yazılım
Bitti left

I want software for school online conferences

€1101 Average bid
€1101 Ortalama Teklif
16 teklifler
otel projesi
Bitti left

5 yıldızlı bir şehir oteli için yapılan 3D GÖRSELLERİ 3D VISUALS for a 5-star city hotel

€339 Average bid
€339 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

I want a software developer to work with me for 30 days to turn my website in from 2 days in a Week, 7 hours a day in the office environment.. ( in a turistic city ) The site is a dating site, the front-end design will be included in the back-end. Flight tickets, accommodation and meals will also be provided… Bid by typing in expertise fields, age, country/city and language… Web sitemin 0 dan anahtar teslimi yapılması için bir yazılımcının 30 gün boyunca benimle çalışmasını istiyorum…haftada 2 gün izin, günde 7 saat ofis ortamında çalışacak.. Site dating sitesidir, front-end tasarım back-end dahil yapılacaktır. Uçak bileti, konaklama ve yemek ayrıca karşılanacaktır… Uzmanlık alanlarını, y...

€966 Average bid
€966 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

Çalışma 2 konu olarak belirtilmiştir. Ayrı Word belgeleri üzerinden çalışması gerekmektedir. Her biri 250'şer kelime olacaktır. 1. Konu: Virginia Wolf writes: "for most of history, the anonymous was a woman". Watch the film Her (2013, Spike Jonze) and comment on the physical absence of Samantha who exists as an anonymous artificial intelligence. Discuss in 250 words femininity in the film in the absence of a female body. the female character exists in voice, etc. 2. Konu: Anonymity in the city Bu çalışma için ekte kaynak yer almaktadır. Bu noktada biraz da günümüz koşulları ele alınarak konu bir veya 2 kaynak belirtilerek yazım yapılmalıdır. Ödenecek tutar 50 tlirasıdır.

€15 Average bid
€15 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

emlak projesi olan web site çalışmamız için google maps in yeni özelliği olan kürsel görünümden lokasyona bazlı listeleme yaptırmak istiyoruz. Ö...yazdığında harita google eart animasyonu gibi hareket edecek ve ziyaretçinin istemiş olduğu ilin üstüne gelecek ve o ildeki satılık kiralık gayrimenkuller pop up şeklinde listelencek. -- For real estate project, we would like to make a listing based on the new feature of google maps. For example: When the site is opened, we will have a search rectangle from the top of the global google maps map, and when the visitor writes the name of the province they want to call home, the map will act as a google eart animation, and the city will be on top of the ...

€868 Average bid
€868 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

Question: How do these films relate to critical urban theory? (address concerns of urbanization, dissolution of the public space, the right to the city, how immigrants survive in London’s informal economies, and etc) *Beautiful People (Jasmin Dizdar, 1999) *The Last Resort (Pavel Pawlikowski, 2000) *In This World (Michael Winterbottom, 2002) *Dirty Pretty Things (Stephen Frears, 2002) *It’s a Free World (Ken Loach, 2007) *Ghosts (Nick Brumfield, 2006) Ekte ki slayt içerisinde yazılması gereken konu anlatılıyor.Üstte ki filmlerden bir tanesini seçip, o film ve slaytlarda anlatılan konu ile ilgili 1000 kelimelik ingilizce essay yazılacak. En az 5 farklı kaynaktan yararlanmak gerekmektedir. En az üç akademik kaynak kullanılması gerekmektedi...

€30 Average bid
€30 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

Tongkun Group Hangzhou eyaletinin Tongxiang City şehrinde konumlanmış. Polyester ve polyester bazlı iplik endüstrisinde hizmet gösteren büyük çaplı anonim ortaklığına sahip bir yatırım şirketidir. Suneast Tekstil ise, Tongkun Group'un Türkiye ve orta doğu piyasalarıyla ilgilenen iletişim ofisidir. Tongkun Group ilk olarak 1982 yılında Tongxiang şehrinde kurulmuş bir sentetik iplik fabrikası olarak hizmete girmiştir. Kurulumdan 30 yıl sonra kendi bünyesi altında polyester iplik imalatı yapan 5 fabrikaya, 13 holding şirketine ve 16.000 çalışanıyla 14 milyar dolar ciroya ulaşmış bir şirket olmuştur. Çin iç piyasasında lider konumda bulunan Tongkun yıllık üretimini 1.8 milyon ton polyester ve 2.1 milyon ton polyester...

€232 - €696
€232 - €696
0 teklifler
Moda Tasarlama
Bitti left

moda tasarım meslek lisesi mezunuyum. yakın zamanda ise yurt dışına moda okulu yüksek lisans için'de gideceğim. moda tasarım çizimleri yapıp satıyorum. Bu yüzden satmak için buradayım :) I graduated from vocational school of fashion design. I go on to graduate school fashion recently, abroad. I sell them fashion design drawings. That's why I'm here to sell. :)

€140 Average bid
€140 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

... Ticket Content, File Upload, - - - THIS IS DEFALT FIELS - - - E need extra Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, CRID, (This fiels is unvisible) We will get this fiels value from the url. This fiels saved to ticket tables. Please get phone number and crid value from the the url (with GET) For example i use this url () I want to see old tickets created by this phone number. under the ticket create form if exist. --- TICKET CREATE PAGE --- --- TICKET DETAILS --- I want to see this extra fiels, ( Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, ) under the Ticket info Tab. --- TICKET DETAILS --- --- TICKET LIST --- When i click

€78 Average bid
€78 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler
Bitti left

AppStore'da New York City Guide isimli bir uygulama var. Turuncu renkli, Ulmon şirketine ait bir uygulama. Bunun aynısını ya da daha basitini İstanbul şehri için düşünüyorum.

€4785 Average bid
€4785 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

City Transfer şirketi airport-hotel arası lüks minibüsler ile yolcu taşımacılığı yapmaktadır. Müşterilerini internet üzerinden bulmakta sitesinden rezervasyon almaktadır. Hedef kitlesi özellikle İstanbul'a yurtdışından gelen yabancılar ve İstanbul'da yaşayan orta ve üst gelir grubu. İşadamları ilk sırada. Güvenilir vip hizmet, ciddiyet, lüks sınıf yolcu taşıma, özel şoförlü kiralık araç, limuzin kiralama, airport shuttle service konularında hizmet vermektedir. Araçların tamamı siyah olup firma siyahı hakim renk olarak kullanmak istemektedir. Mavi ikincil renk olarak düşünülmektedir. Logo tasarımında bunların dikkate alınmasında yarar görüyoruz.

€30 Average bid
€30 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

Kurs yönetim sistemi (online kayıtların ve içeriklerin yönetilebileceği) Grafik arayüzü sağlam Siteden: Katılımcı Kayıtı, Kurs içerikleri, ekli d...paneller mevcut fakat önpaneli hepsinin loginli amacımız müşterinin ihtiyacı olan etkinlik bilgilerini ön yüze vermek, kurs takvimi, sınıftaki öğrenci durumu, kurs içerikleri, hocanın bilgisi, gibi böyle bir sistem yapıp, devamlı geliştirecek birilerini arıyorum. Ödeme Projenin uygulanabilir durumu sitemde yayınlanmaya başlandığında yapılacaktır. Admin paneli için beğenilebilir bir uygulama Open School comminty sunmuş, PLesk panel arayüzü gibi bir arayüz istemekteyim önyüz ve içerik : daki gibi olabilir. Yapabilec...

€777 Average bid
€777 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

...Address, Manager's Name, Manager's Contact Information, and more. Additional Information: - If available, please also include the number of employees, year established, and type of services offered for each lead. Sources for verification: - Company websites and social media profiles MUST HAVE INFORMATION IN THE CSV FILE: The leads should be provided in a CSV file with the following fields: - BUSINESS NAME - BUSINESS ADDRESS - BUSINESS CITY - BUSINESS STATE - BUSINESS ZIPCODE - MANAGER'S OR OWNER'S NAME - BUSINESS PHONE NUMBER - EMAIL ADDRESS - WEBSITE ADDRESS Ideal skills and experience for this job involve: - Proficiency in data mining and lead generation - Strong market research skills - Experience in generating business leads part...

€90 Average bid
€90 Ortalama Teklif
32 teklifler

I'm a student looking for a side job writing product descriptions for home goods. Key Responsibilities: - Craft engaging, SEO-friendly product descriptions that highlight the features and benefits of a variety of home goods. - Work within deadlines to ensure all product descriptions are completed in a timely manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in freelance writing, specifically product descriptions, is highly preferred. - A keen interest in home goods and an understanding of what makes a product appealing to potential buyers. - Strong SEO knowledge to optimize product visibility. - Excellent time management skills to balance work and school commitments.

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Ortalama Teklif
27 teklifler

...CSV file containing a list of jewelers who specifically sell diamond jewelry across the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, and the UAE. The file must include, but not be limited to: - Dealer Name - Website URL - Contact Phone Number (or multiple if available) - Contact Email - Country - City - Address Initially, we're focusing on jewelers trading in diamond jewelry. Future phases will require lists of jewelers selling fine jewelry (not exclusive to diamonds) and subsequently all other jewelers. Ideal candidates for this project: - Proficient in research with access to reliable online directories, jewelry trade associations, and social media platforms. - Experienced in data compilation and CSV file creation. - Excellent attention to detail to ensure the accuracy of dea...

€309 Average bid
€309 Ortalama Teklif
32 teklifler

I need a complete set of fully dimensioned plans for a residential building. The plans must cover all living areas in the house. a Comprehensive Construction Plan In accordance with SECTION 107 of the 2018 IBC and the PDSD Building Plan Requirements, a Page 2 of 4 Revised July 12, 2023 complete set of fully dimensioned plans demonstrating the full scope of work shall be provided. All plans must be sealed and signed by an Architect or Engineer registered in the State of Arizona. Note. The term ‘building plans’ may refer to structural, electrical, plumbing, or any other trade regulated by the associated suite of codes adopted by the City of Tucson. Rental Unit #3 was exposed to and damaged by fire from neighboring property to the west. The west wall siding, roo...

€359 Average bid
€359 Ortalama Teklif
77 teklifler

I'm seeking a professional web developer to create a modern, clean school website primarily for information dissemination. The site needs to include sections for news and announcements, academic programs, and a staff directory. A user-friendly WordPress Content Management System (CMS) is crucial, enabling me to easily update these sections myself. Key requirements: - Proficiency in web development and design - Expertise in creating and implementing WordPress CMS - Experience in developing educational websites - Skills in ensuring accessibility and user-friendliness - Knowledge of SEO best practices Accessibility feature: The website must include a high contrast mode to support users with visual impairments.

€9 / hr Average bid
€9 / hr Ortalama Teklif
39 teklifler

Overview We're looking for a local partner in Argentina to manage and expand hardware deployment locations for blockchain-based passive income hardware. We are a UK based startup operating in the DePIN (Decentralised Physical Infrastructure Networks) space, combining hardware and blockchain technology to create passive income opportunities. Our business invests in and deploys hardware across strategic locations, earning yield on each device. We're expanding to Argentina and looking for a local partner to help identify, secure, and manage deployment locations for our hardware. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with strong networking, business development, sales, or operations skills who is interested in blockchain, crypto, and passi...

€10276 Average bid
€10276 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

I'm looking for a small student well-being website focused on mental health resources specifically designed for high school students. Key Features: - A dedicated section for mental health resources which includes articles and tips. - Self-assessment tools to help students gauge their mental health. Ideal Skills: - Web development skills, preferably with experience in creating interactive and user-friendly websites for young audiences. - Understanding of mental health and ability to curate appropriate content. - Experience with creating self-assessment tools would be a bonus.

€180 Average bid
€180 Ortalama Teklif
123 teklifler

I just need this design to be put on the shoe pattern so it looks more symmetrical looking. It's for a school project.

€22 Average bid
€22 Ortalama Teklif
24 teklifler
Job & Rent Search Software
6 gün left

I need two applications that can help me find jobs and homes for rent. Job search application: - Search through , , , and - Criteria: job title, required skills/qualifications, required experience, location - Display results as both a list of URL links and an Excel list with the criteria data - Include job descriptions in the search results Rent search application: - Search through a variety of property rental websites - Criteria: for rent, monthly rent limit, location (city), number of rooms - Display results as both a list of URL links and an Excel list with the criteria data - Include brief summaries of properties in the search results Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in software development, particularly in creating

€172 / hr Average bid
€172 / hr Ortalama Teklif
39 teklifler

Hello talented designers, I’m looking for a creative graphic designer to design a wraparound book cover (front, spine, and back) for a notebook featuring an artistic representation of Lingen, Lower Saxony, Germany. The book will contain blank pages, so the focus is entirely on making the cover visually appealing. Project Details: The design should be inspired by Lingen, capturing its essence in a unique and artistic way. I would prefer something more than just a collage of photos—a graphic design piece or an interesting edit of photos that feels creative and original. The style is open-ended! You have full creative freedom, whether that means a modern design, a stylized illustration, or even a vintage-inspired look based on one of the images I provide. Th...

€19 Average bid
30 girdi

...Jamaica) My family immigrated to Toronto, Canada where I was born I had colorful, extraordinary childhood experiences as my father was eccentric and entrepreneurial (today we know he was on the "spectrum" We owned a trailer park, built a fish farm back in the 80's, and raced thoroughbred horses in the 90's which I was the primarily responsible for running starting at the age of 12 (think of the movie Big Fish) I left home at 17, finished high school, graduated from undergrad, followed by an MBA Became an investment banker and bank executive Had two further mixed children (Scottish + my mix) who we identified are sensitive with anxiety During Covid realized I was highly sensitive and had an anxiety disorder through my children's sensitivity and anxi...

€11 / hr Average bid
€11 / hr Ortalama Teklif
44 teklifler

Cell division stop motion. Focus only on MITOSIS and don't have to explain Meiosis. But include a basic comparison between Mitosis and Meiosis in the LAST SLIDE. Must be at least 3 minutes (You can stall, or do whatever. Just make it 3 minutes). Must be completed by 9th March before 11pm. Example, the video in Youtube, titled : Mitosis - Stop Motion Animation - Jordyn Alexander.

€30 Average bid
€30 Ortalama Teklif
18 teklifler

...Create KPIs for Australian Housing Prices in Tableau Description: I need an experienced Tableau expert to help create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a housing price dataset in Australia. The KPIs should provide actionable insights for decision-making. Key Questions to Address with KPIs: Price Efficiency: What is the price per square foot for each property, and how does it compare across different cities and property types? Space Utilization: What is the lot utilization ratio (built-up area to lot area percentage) for properties, and how does it vary by property type (e.g., townhouse, apartment, villa)? Cost Distribution: What is the average price per bedroom and price per bathroom, and how do these metric...

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

I'm seeking an experienced iOS and Android app developer. The goal is to create a unique application that primarily connects individuals with professionals across various fields. The app will also feature: - An educational interface covering school-level subjects, designed to facilitate learning and personal growth. - An AI agent capable of simulating casual interviews, offering users a platform to practice and improve their conversational skills. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in cross-platform app development, with proven experience in creating interactive and user-friendly interfaces. Skills in AI integration and knowledge in developing engaging educational content will be highly advantageous. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've com...

€12 / hr Average bid
€12 / hr Ortalama Teklif
52 teklifler
Trophy icon Logo Design for Skincare Packaging
2 gün left

Brand Overview: Solarae by Helioderm Labs is a trusted sunscreen brand blending cutting-edge sun protection technology with a modern, aspirational lifestyle aesthetic. Anchored in science yet designed to seamlessly fit into a sun-soaked, outdoor lifestyle, Solarae is positioned at the intersection of innovation and everyday elegance. Whether on the beach, hiking trails, or city streets, Solarae offers trusted protection that empowers people to live beautifully under the sun. Target Audience: Active, health-conscious individuals and families who value both skin protection and outdoor lifestyles. Consumers who seek, scientifically backed products without compromising on aesthetics or experience. Style-savvy outdoor enthusiasts, beauty lovers, and wellness advocates. Core Brand Attri...

€87 Average bid
Özellikli Garantili
607 girdi
Trophy icon uw-topia Logo Design
2 gün left

I need a logo for my new venture, uw-topia. This logo should maintain a familial resemblance to my existing uw-umlaut logo, yet still be distinct enough to stand on its own. My business, uw-topia, is a consultancy focusing on technical education housing projects. The target audience primarily consists of local government officials and school board members involved in school construction or renovation. Key Considerations: - The new logo should convey the message of collaboration, as this is central to our approach in building schools. - The uw-umlaut logo should be integrated into the uw-topia logo. - The color scheme is strictly Black and White. - The logos should have a modern, minimalist style akin to competitors like ICS advisers and Hevo. Ideal Candidates: A g...

€19 Average bid
270 girdi

Add the following fields in the settings sectin of chrome extension so that these values are automatically filled in forms in website pages. First name Last name Full name Your name Name Subject Company Job Title Country Website Skype Zip code Address City Whatsapp Mobile Phone industry username

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm seeking a professional with strong accounting knowledge and video production skills to create a series of engaging, interactive video tutorials aimed at high school student. The primary goal of these lessons is to help students understand basic accounting principles. Key requirements: - Strong understanding of basic accounting principles - Experience in creating educational content, particularly video tutorials - Ability to explain concepts in a clear, engaging manner suitable for high school students - Knowledge of accounting principles relevant to high school curriculum - Skills in video production and editing Please include examples of previous similar projects in your proposal.

€19 Average bid
€19 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

I'm in need of a dedicated salesperson based in Electronic City, Bangalore, to help promote my preschool. The focus will be on selling advertising materials, specifically flyers and brochures, that outline our curriculum and programs. The ideal candidate should have: - Experience in sales and advertising - Understanding of the educational sector - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Ability to work independently and reach set targets The primary objective is to effectively communicate the unique features and benefits of our curriculum to potential customers.

€84 Average bid
€84 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I would like a Logo designed for an Educational Programme in Schools based on our business, Western Rock Lobster. The western rock lobster industry is an iconic, world-class fishery that is based on the spiny lobster (Panulirus cygnus) found along Western Australia’s coast from North West Cape to Cape Leeuwin. Western Rock Lobster is Western Australia’s most valuable fishery contributing over $400 million annually to the state’s economy and has historically been Australia’s most valuable single-species wild capture fishery. Driven by family-owned local businesses, the industry remains a key regional employer generating around 1,850 direct and indirect full-time jobs in the fishing, processing, transport, boat building, and tourism industries. The logo ...

€29 Average bid
293 girdi

We are looking for an experienced CodeIgniter developer to fix data issues related to grade and transport subscription functionality in our monthly subscription-based school management system. Issues to Fix: If transport subscription is not activated for a student, you can still assign a grade, but it incorrectly shows "Transport Required". Sometimes, there's a calculation error in the printed receipt: If grade is unpaid but transport is paid, the receipt incorrectly shows both as paid. When only the guard fee is paid, the payment history does not appear on the receipt. The financial report (rapport financier) should display all fees, but the guard fee is missing. After installing a grade, sometimes a student cannot be added to transport. Additional Not...

€25 Average bid
€25 Ortalama Teklif
22 teklifler

I need a designer to finalize a poster design for high school students. The poster should convey an inspirational message in a motivational tone. I have the poster text and general design completed, just needs to be finalized. Key requirements: - Design should primarily target students - The message should be uplifting and motivating - Prior experience in designing educational or inspirational posters would be a plus - Work must be done through Canva Please provide past samples of similar work.

€71 Average bid
€71 Ortalama Teklif
133 teklifler

I'm looking for a simple, yet significantly creative company logo. The design should be minimalistic, utilizing pastel shades rather than bold or monochrome colors. An ideal logo will include both an icon and text, rather than being purely text-based or abstract. Company's name is "atakran" or "ATAKRAN". Don't forget you can prepare logo with capital or lowcase letters, you can use both styles. Depends on the design you may use mono (black and white) colors. Also if the design is ambitious it may be only text depends on the design. It don't needed to be too futuristic and sophisticated it can be old school and mindful. Key Competencies: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Vector Graphics - CREATIVE Thinking * - Simplici...

€67 Average bid
984 girdi
Trophy icon Book Title Logo Design
4 gün left

We are looking for an illustrator who can create a unique book series title logo. The logo needs to display the letters "Dr-V" and match the feel of the book series. This logo is for a dystopian/action/adventure young adult book series that is about a veterinarian who rescues animals amidst escaping from the city, where AI has taken control. The logo should be minimalistic, somewhat distressed, conveying an intelligent/medical theme that aligns with animals. It should also have the feel of a dystopian action/adventure story. LOGO SPECIFICATIONS: - Include the following letters: Dr-V - Include a dash between the Dr and V rather than a period - Have a modern, yet somewhat distressed look that is consistent with the futuristic, but dystopian society in which th...

€139 Average bid
Özellikli Garantili
408 girdi

I'm in need of a comprehensive web scraping tool that can collect car listings from various South African websites and post them onto my own site...Requirements: - The tool should be able to scrape detailed car information including make, model,variant, year, price, colour, fuel type, body type, manual or automatic, mileage, seats, and doors. - It should also collect seller information, car photos, as well as the features and description of the cars. - The geographic data (province and city of the car listed) needs to be included as well. The objective is to have this data exported and posted to my website for the same dealer listings. Ideally, you should have experience with web scraping, data integration, and website development. Knowledge of the South African car m...

€130 Average bid
€130 Ortalama Teklif
77 teklifler

I'm seeking a designer for a challenge coin with a traditional military style, but specifically tailored for a Fire Department. Key Features: - One side of the coin will incorporate our Fire Department logo and an image I will provide. - The other side of the coin will need to depict a fire-related scene or equipment, with a space for member names to be engraved. - The design should reflect the City of St Albert. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - 3D Modelling - Experience with Challenge Coin Design Experience with designing for military or fire department themes would be a plus. Please provide a portfolio of relevant work.

€64 Average bid
€64 Ortalama Teklif
61 teklifler

Let's discuss the goto market strategy for each of the cities... ie the TampaTwenty, MiamiTwenty, FortLauderdale Twenty etc... basically around the regional airports (which at some level dictate business). The idea could be to partner with a college in town... or just use Tampa University for all..... some level of assistance. there is also "the WAVE"....

€14 Average bid
€14 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

...(this isn’t important but if you can do it then it would be nice) Finally provide the price estimation and the payment screen (in terms of payment I would like it to have apple pay or add a voucher/credit card option). we’d like for the user to be able to enter the phone number and name of the person at pickup and the phone number and name of the person to drop it off to, this can be a page after choosing the locations. Estimated price calculation Within city it’ll be some base amount like 5CAD + x amount per km City to city we can increase the base amount to 20 CAD for neighboring cities but going across multiple cities the base amount goes up to 75 CAD. If you’re able to find a way to find the tolls and cost of the tolls on r...

€2307 Average bid
€2307 Ortalama Teklif
169 teklifler

Campaign – Earn $40 Per Visited Appointment ? Opportunity Overview: We’re offering a straightforward and profitable opportunity for call centers to help businesses across the U.S. connect with trusted Janitorial Service Providers (JSPs). Your role is simple: set up free on-site inspections & quotes, and earn $40 per visited appointment once the JSP completes the visit. ? Campaign Details: ✅ Target Market: Businesses across U.S. NJ states (specific states will be provided) ✅ Target Audience: Decision-makers responsible for janitorial services ? What Your Team Will Do: ? Call business decision-makers responsible for janitorial services ? Schedule appointments for FREE on-site inspections & quotes ? Ensure the JSP completes the visit an...

€49 Average bid
€49 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

I need a professionally designed flyer for a gala celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the New York City Chapter of the Association of Black Social Workers. Key Requirements: - The design must be formal and elegant, in line with the theme of the event. - The colour scheme is strictly black and gold. - Logos from the initial flyer need to be extracted and incorporated into the design. - The most prominent element on the flyer should be the 50th Anniversary. Details to Include: - The event is titled "50th Anniversary Gala" and will be held on Sunday, October 26, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Eastwood Manor Catering Hall, Bronx, New York. - Ticket price is $125.00. - For further information, email details from the initial flyer. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Desi...

€9 Average bid
79 girdi

I'm looking to have a school website built primarily for information dissemination. The site should include sections for news and announcements, academic programs, and a staff directory. A key requirement is that the site comes with a user-friendly Content Management System (CMS), which will allow me to easily update these sections myself. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience with creating and implementing CMS - Understanding of creating educational websites - Skills in ensuring accessibility and user-friendliness - Knowledge of SEO best practices for information dissemination websites.

€96 Average bid
5 girdi