Baseball news aggregator websites işler


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  • baseball news aggregator websites
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2,000 baseball news aggregator websites iş bulundu

Project Description: We need a web-based tool that will compare football odds from the following websites: • • • Betfair Exchange The system should compare the odds from these sites and identify the differences based on a percentage difference filter. The comparison should cover the entire sports schedule (fixture) and refresh every 5 seconds to ensure up-to-date data. This system should function similarly to platforms like Oddsmath and Betburger. Developers can review these platforms to understand the expected functionality. Scope and Key Features 1. Websites to Compare: • (Football odds) • (Football odds) • Betfair Exchange (Football odds) 2. Odds Types to Compare: • Full-time Result (Home - Draw - Away)

€683 Average bid
€683 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

...diğer teknolojiler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmanız beklenmektedir. We are seeking a freelancer to create an AI-assisted video news presentation based on a provided news script. The project requires the following components: Text-to-Speech (TTS) Integration: Convert the provided news script into a high-quality, natural-sounding voiceover using an appropriate TTS model. Video Generation: Utilize AI technology (such as deepfake or similar) to generate a video where a specified individual presents the news script. Background Video Integration: Automatically select and incorporate a background video that is relevant to the news script. Subtitle Addition: Add the news script as synchronized subtitles to the final video. Project Duration: 3 weeks ...

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler
Haber Portalı
Bitti left

Bir haber portalı için web tasarımcısı arıyorum. Haber portalı çok detaylı olmayacak. Sadece bir haber girişi ile bu girilen haberleri aynı anda tüm sosyal medya hesaplarından yayınlayacak bir site yapacak bir kişi arıyorum. Mevcut hazır yazılımlar çok kapsamlı ve çok detaylı siteler. Oysa benim aradığım sadece bir bülten. I need a news website. But i dont wat complicated. Just a news, and when i enter a news from admin panel, website must send all social media account such as LinkedIn, X, Facebook and Instagram. We can develop, in future, according to new improvment.

€129 Average bid
€129 Ortalama Teklif
30 teklifler

Merhaba mysql veya mongo veritabanına google news üzerinde bulunan tüm haberlerin, tüm dillerde resimleri ile birlikte kategori ve topicler halinde çekilmesini istiyorum. Hosting üzerinde çalışırsa sevinirim. Mükerrer kayıtlar kabul edilmeyeceği gibi haberler çekilirken içerisinde bulunan url ve özel işaretlerin olduğu satırların temizlenerek rewrite edilmesi ve daha önceden aynı cümle aynı dilde bir başka haberde geçiyorsa silinmesini istiyorum. Bu işi yapacak arkadaşların teklifini bekliyorum.

€37 Average bid
€37 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

Merhaba mysql veya mongo veritabanına google news üzerinde bulunan tüm haberlerin, tüm dillerde resimleri ile birlikte kategori ve topicler halinde çekilmesini istiyorum. Hosting üzerinde çalışırsa sevinirim. Mükerrer kayıtlar kabul edilmeyeceği gibi haberler çekilirken içerisinde bulunan url ve özel işaretlerin olduğu satırların temizlenerek rewrite edilmesi ve daha önceden aynı cümle aynı dilde bir başka haberde geçiyorsa silinmesini istiyorum. Bu işi yapacak arkadaşların teklifini bekliyorum.

€18 Average bid
€18 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler
Heck New world
Bitti left

make football news Futbol haberleri yapmak

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

Türkiye,de veya dünya geneli blog sitelerinde tanıtım yazısı dofollow Turkey blog wrbsites seo write and link dofollow

€4 / hr Average bid
€4 / hr Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

web sitem için kaliteli bir haber akışı hazırlamak istiyorum. Bunun için en kaliteli haber akışı yapan yazılımcı ile çalışmak istiyorum

€45 Average bid
€45 Ortalama Teklif
6 teklifler
news magazine
Bitti left

O dan kodlama olsun. 2020 dizayn

€155 Average bid
€155 Ortalama Teklif
10 teklifler

... Following are some of the features in the product: *Patient Can search various doctor by specialisation, location and can take appointment Can look for available time slots. Private Consultations with doctors. Look for daily Health Tips by various doctors. Ask Public Questions. Get daily updates of various Events & News. Set Reminder for new appointments , medicines and so on.. Also can give Rating to doctor , hospital and write feedback. Medicine reminders Scribble Pad, Documents Upload *Doctor Accept Appointment requests. Manage Timeslots. Manage Profile. Manage Patient’s Profile. Private Consultations with patients. Can go for Home visit. Post daily Health Tips which is useful to all users. Answer to Public

€1564 Average bid
€1564 Ortalama Teklif
23 teklifler

Merhaba; Sektörünün liderlerinden, google news ve yandex zen kayıtlı da tanıtımınızı yaparım.

€42 Average bid
€42 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

...Sites: Following are some of the features in the product: *Patient Can search various doctor by specialisation, location and can take appointment Can look for available time slots. Private Consultations with doctors. Look for daily Health Tips by various doctors. Ask Public Questions. Get daily updates of various Events & News. Set Reminder for new appointments , medicines and so on.. Also can give Rating to doctor , hospital and write feedback. Medicine reminders Scribble Pad, Documents Upload *Doctor Accept Appointment requests. Manage Timeslots. Manage Profile. Manage Patient’s Profile. Private Consultations with patients. Can go for Home visit. Post daily Health Tips which is useful to all users. Answer to Public

€1733 Average bid
€1733 Ortalama Teklif
11 teklifler

web scraping Sample web site. Mysql table in price .

€29 Average bid
€29 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

Google news kayırlı 15 adet siteden backlink çıkışlı tanıtım yazısı yayınlıyorum

€68 Average bid
€68 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

Hem bilim ve teknoloji konusunda kaynak eksikliğini gidermek hem de keyifli bir ortamda çalışmak harika olmaz mı? Türkçe bir bilim&teknoloji sitesi için yazarlar arıyoruz. Farklı yabancı kaynaklardan çeviri de yapılabilir ya da yorumlar da eklenebilir. Konular teknolojik gelişmeler (özellikle uzay teknolojisi), astronomi ve sağlık alanlarında yoğunlaşmaktadır. Sitenin en temel mantığı uzmanlık seviyesindeki bilgileri anlaşılabilir genel düzeye indirmek ve okuyucuya hap şeklinde sunabilmektir. Günde 2 makale yazılacak.

€6 / hr Average bid
€6 / hr Ortalama Teklif
31 teklifler

3 Adet web sitem için çalışma yaptırmak istiyorum 15 günlük çalışma olacak. Bol tanıtım yazısı ve backlink almak istiyorum. - I want to work for 3 websites for my 15 day work. I would like to get plenty of promotional material and backlinks.

€266 Average bid
€266 Ortalama Teklif
38 teklifler
News Portal
Bitti left

Yeni bir haber portalı için söyleşi ve haber fotoları çekecek bir fotoğrafçı arayışı iç hafta minimum altı söyleşinin veya haberin kaliteli fotoğraflarına ihtiyacımız olacak. Kendisine kişi ve yer bilgileri verilecektir. Yol ücretleri kendisine aittir, belli saatte bulunması gereken çok nadir durumlar dışında randevulu olarak fotoğraf kişisi ile buluşmalarını kendi ayarlayabilir. Standart ve statik çekimler istemiyoruz. İş disiplini ve kalitesine bağlı olarak söz konusu adayla belli bir süre sonunda düzenli çalışmayı tercih edebiliriz. Aşağıda belirtilen sabit fiyatlı teklifimiz aylık bazda ifade edilmiştir.

€562 Average bid
€562 Ortalama Teklif
12 teklifler

wordpress haber sitesi teması örnek site : WordPress news site theme sample site:

€157 Average bid
€157 Ortalama Teklif
20 teklifler

Sizin için yüksek kalitede website tasarımı yapabilirim,size sunabilir ve üstelik destek verebilirim! I prepare amazing websites for you!

€9 - €28
€9 - €28
0 teklifler

I want to improve an existing website theme by adding some features. The theme link is this: I want to add a review system to this theme. The review system should be connected with agent profiles and it should be filterable like those in the following websites : It may be a plugin which may be added to existing theme. It is preferable if the rating system can be also used for the properties too.

€417 Average bid
€417 Ortalama Teklif
13 teklifler
news portal
Bitti left

news portal haber icerigi girilecek yazarların ayrı giriş yetkileri olcak example :

€367 Average bid
€367 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

I am looking for a php web devoloper to build several commerce websites. Magento devoloper is most preferred

€911 Average bid
€911 Ortalama Teklif
21 teklifler
.net projectss
Bitti left

news dlmsadmalsmd dsamdlsamdşsa dmsadmsalmdşlas dsaşldsamdşlmsaşldsa şlmdsamdşlsamd mlşdmsaöşldmsaşld şl sald şlas dsadsad

€9 Average bid
€9 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

Kamusal alanda yayın yapacağımız ekranlar için kanal ismi arı ekranlar hareketli alanlarda olacaktır. Bu ekranlarda reklam, güncel haberler ve eğlenceli videolar yayınlanacaktır. Kanal ismi için ipuçlarımız."Digital media, Mobil, Moving Media" We are looking for a channel name that will broadcast in puclic space. Some of the screens will be in the moving spaces. There will be advertisings, news and funny videos in those screens. Key words are for this channel: Digital Media, Mobility, Moving Media etc. For more information you can contact with us.

€28 Average bid
€28 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

Fenerbahçe taraftar uygulaması için metin ve görsel içerik hazırlanacaktır. Metin içerikler aşağıdaki iki örnekte verilen biçimde olmalıdır. İçerikler, Fenerbahçe ile ilgili önemli kişi ve yerler ile ilgili olabilir. Görsel içerikler metinde yazılan isimler ile uyumlu, jpg biçiminde ve 250x250 piksel boyutlarında teslim edilmelidir. Görseller iyi kalitede ve renkli olmalıdır. Bu proje teslim edilecek 100 farklı içerik metni ve görselini kapsamaktadır. Benzer içerik projeleri ile devam edilecektir. ÖRNEK METİN: { "id" : 1, "label" : "1", "specific" : { "image" : "", "path...

€23 Average bid
€23 Ortalama Teklif
7 teklifler

Bir haber portal sitesi yaptırtmak istiyoruz. We want the programmer to build us a news portal.

€231 Average bid
€231 Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

...*************************** Anasayfa Ürünler Sayfalar Yapısı (Recent Work) min.3-6 -------------------------------------- 420x336 Veri Resimleri Yapılacak (Biz Resimleri 300x240 Kullanacağız) Üzerine gelince çıkacak olan kısa başlık ve açıklama yazılacak ************************************************************************ Anasayfa İçerisine Eklenecek Olan Verilerin Resimleri (Last News) -------------------------------------- 420x268 Max 3 Adet Kullanılabilir (300x191 Kullanılacak) Bir Kısa Başlık Max 90 karakter değerinde içerik değeri ************************************************************************ Anasayfa Footer Üzerinde Bulunan Panel İçerisindeki verileri İçin kullanılacak (Featured ...

€5 / hr Average bid
€5 / hr Ortalama Teklif
5 teklifler

hello i want to personal web for myself i will put there everything related with me videos photos informations daily news like everyday. menu will be like this but i need proffessional design. merhaba ben kişisel web sitesi tasarımı düşünüyorum, hergün kendim ile ilgili bilgi haber resim video girişi yapmak istiyorum. Linkteki menüler olacak amadaha profesyonel tasarım istiyorum.

€24 Average bid
€24 Ortalama Teklif
3 teklifler

Merhaba, Wordpress platformuna kurulmuş sitemizin güncellemelerini yapacak web tasarımcılar aranmaktadır. Ayrıca yılda 1 kez belirlenen şablona göre güncelleme desteği de talep edilmektedir.

€521 Average bid
€521 Ortalama Teklif
15 teklifler

'Anatolian news' gazetesi için türkçe- inglizce tercüman ariyoruz.

€92 Average bid
€92 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

We need coders to code our websites. The websites are already designed (PSD), all the content is created and the final site is approved by the client already. We simply convert the PSD to HTML5/CSS3/JS sites and send them back!I am looking for somebody who can start right now and could deliver the results in next 24 hours. We are looking for a long term relationship with the right candidates. Must have experience in Twitter Bootstrap Responsive design. please see 3 attach file.

€123 Average bid
€123 Ortalama Teklif
8 teklifler

I'm looking for a freelancer to help me design a domain for a blog. Key Requirements: - Expert in WooCommerce platform as this will be the base for the blog's e-commerce features. - Proven experience in designing websites with essential pages such as Home, About Us and Contact Us. - A portfolio demonstrating previous blog and e-commerce website designs. The ideal candidate will understand the nuances of a blog website and incorporate necessary e-commerce elements seamlessly within a WooCommerce framework. Please include examples of your work that you believe to be relevant.

€118 Average bid
€118 Ortalama Teklif
38 teklifler

I'm in need of a freelancer to help download 750 videos from specific website platforms. All videos are publicly accessible. Key Requirements: -Total Number of Videos: 750 unique videos (no duplicates or repeats) -Source: You will download the videos directly from specific websites (which will be provided). -Quality and Size: Videos should be shared in the same quality and size as the original. -Excel File: Provide a link to each video (from its page) in a single Excel file for reference. -Time Frame: 3 weeks from the start date. Skills Needed: - Attention to detail to avoid duplicates - Ability to follow instructions meticulously - Proficient in Excel for documentation Ideal candidates should be able to start immediately and deliver within 3 weeks. Please apply with relevan...

€71 Average bid
€71 Ortalama Teklif
9 teklifler

With over 6 years of experience, I specialize in extracting valuable data from websites to help you gain insights and make informed decisions. Whether you're gathering market research, competitor data, or any other insights, I offer tailored scraping solutions to meet your Choose My Service?Custom Solutions: Each web scraping project is designed to meet your unique goals and data Techniques: I use cutting-edge tools and methods to extract data from even the most complex web : I work closely with you to understand your needs and deliver precise, actionable You Get:Full web scraping solution for your specific use caseAccurate, structured data ready for analysisOngoing support and maintenance to ensure your data remains freshKey

€229 Average bid
€229 Ortalama Teklif
1 teklifler

I'm looking for a Python expert who can scrape a specific website for text content. The scraped data needs to be saved in an Excel file. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python, specifically with web scraping libraries such as BeautifulSoup or Scrapy. - Excellent understanding of data extraction from websites. - Strong skills in data organization and Excel. Experience: - Proven track record of web scraping projects. - Prior experience with data extraction saved to Excel. there is a limit in scaping for the particular website and developer need to be extra careful while scraping this site. Prior experience with handling such senstive issue is a necessity to prevent being blocked.

€41 Average bid
€41 Ortalama Teklif
30 teklifler

...availability on different platforms, and customer reviews. Fetch trending products from platforms like TikTok and Instagram and find their purchase links if available on subscribed affiliate websites. Automated Posting & Categorization: Post product details to designated Telegram and Discord channels. Ensure posts include the product title, price (Amazon and other platforms), and a review link from our discussion thread on Discord. Categorize posts based on product type, availability (e.g., India-only products), or platform source. Automatically post trending products if available on our subscribed affiliate websites. Customization & Control: Option to edit product details before posting. Ability to set posting schedules (instant or scheduled posting). Su...

€6 Average bid
€6 Ortalama Teklif
2 teklifler

I'm looking for an SEO content writer who can help increase my website traffic through engaging blog posts. Key Responsibilities: - Write SEO-optimized blog posts covering industry news, how-to guides, and case studies - Use effective SEO techniques to enhance visibility and attract more visitors to the site Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO content writing - Excellent understanding of SEO strategies - Ability to write compelling, informative, and engaging content - Familiarity with industry news and trends - Experience with writing how-to guides and case studies

€16 / hr Average bid
€16 / hr Ortalama Teklif
66 teklifler

I'm looking for an SEO expert to help boost the visibility of my pet adoption and rescue website on Google. The primary goal is to increase traffic to the site. The ideal candidate should have a strong track record in SEO, particularly in boosting site visibility for non-profit and pet-related websites. Experience in driving traffic to pet adoption and rescue sites would be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of your previous work and its impact on the site's traffic.

€84 Average bid
€84 Ortalama Teklif
49 teklifler

I'm seeking a seasoned journalist with a strong background in radio journalism to write and possibly help produce segments for online and social media platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Craft engaging and timely news segments - Help produce segments with a focus on online and social media platforms - Potentially cover a variety of topics from politics to health and wellness to technology Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive radio journalism experience - Strong writing and editing skills - Proficiency in understanding and producing content for online and social media platforms - Versatile across various subject matters

€93 Average bid
€93 Ortalama Teklif
24 teklifler

I'm seeking a skilled web designer to create a comprehensive e-commerce website on Shopify. The site should be smooth and trustworthy for customers. - User Reviews: I want to incorporate a user review section for each product. This feature should be easy to navigate and contribute to a sense of community among shoppers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Shopify: A deep understanding and experience with Shopify is a must. - E-commerce Web Design: Prior experience in designing e-commerce websites is highly desirable. - UI/UX Design: Skills in user interface and user experience design will be beneficial to create an engaging and easy-to-use website. - Knowledge of Security Protocols: Understanding of secure payment systems is essential to ensure customer sa...

€1918 Average bid
€1918 Ortalama Teklif
55 teklifler

I'm looking for a skilled web scraper using UiPath or similar software. The target data is focused on a specific geographical area, which will be discussed in detail once the right freelancer is found. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web scraping tools, especially UiPath - Experience in data extraction from various websites - Understanding of geographical data scraping - Ability to deliver clean, structured data - Good communication skills for discussing project specifics - A list of postal codes (about 30K+) will be provided in Excel file. Only 1 postal code to be entered in the website to extract the corresponding geographical area. - The website has reCaptcha verification.

€74 Average bid
€74 Ortalama Teklif
33 teklifler

...bookmarks on reputable and active platforms. Language Distribution: 50% in French 20% in English 15% in Spanish 15% in German or Portuguese. Provide a detailed report of platforms and links created. Backlink Creation: Build 250 high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites relevant to finance, investment, or blockchain topics. Ensure backlinks meet the following criteria: Domain Authority (DA)/Domain Rating (DR): 40+ preferred; a mix of DA/DR 70+ and 40-69. Spam Score: Below 5% (Moz metric). Relevance: Links must come from websites related to finance, investment, or blockchain. Placement: Links should be embedded within contextually relevant content. Diversity: A mix of DoFollow and NoFollow links, with a preference for DoFollow. Language Distribution: 50% in French ...

€82 Average bid
€82 Ortalama Teklif
52 teklifler

Job Title: Website Designer (Russian Language & Yandex Ads Specialist) Location: Dubai, UAE Company: Apex Gulf Trading LLC Job Description: We are looking for a talented Website Designer with expertise in Russian-language websites and Yandex Ads. The ideal candidate should be able to design, develop, and optimize websites for the Russian market while effectively managing online advertising campaigns on Yandex. Key Responsibilities: Design and develop responsive and SEO-friendly websites in Russian. Manage and optimize Yandex Ads campaigns for maximum reach and conversion. Improve website UI/UX for better user experience and engagement. Implement SEO strategies specific to Yandex search engine. Ensure website content is localized and culturally appropriate for R...

€1926 Average bid
€1926 Ortalama Teklif
57 teklifler

I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a sleek and modern travel agency website. The primary objective of this site is to allow users to book various travel services, including guided tours, flight and hotel bookings, transportation services, and curated various travel services, including guided tours, flight and hotel bookings, transportation services, and curated travel packages. Key Features: - Attractive and user-friendly interface - Integration of a seamless booking system - A blog section offering travel tips and guides - A section for user reviews and testimonials Ideal Candidates: - Strong background in designing travel industry websites - Proven experience in implementing interactive and engaging user experiences - Passion for travel and ...

€427 Average bid
€427 Ortalama Teklif
256 teklifler

I'm looking for a web developer to build a simple, modern, one-page, scroll-down website for me. This site, which is designed in a sleek, minimalist style with a modern twist, will primarily serve as an informational hub. Key features include: - Only images and text - A clear, user-friendly, modern design - Password protection via basic authentication - S... As this site is not intended for public viewing, it is crucial that the password protection is secure yet simple. I aim to use basic authentication for this purpose. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proven experience in web development - Knowledge of modern design principles - Ability to implement basic authentication securely and efficiently - Skills in creating clear, informative websites I look forward to se...

€60 Average bid
€60 Ortalama Teklif
125 teklifler

I'm in need of a skilled web designer to create 2-3 Web3 landers/websites each week. Your ability to work at pace without sacrificing quality is key. Key requirements: - Proven experience in web design, specifically in the Web3 space - A portfolio showcasing your work Please share your samples of work and add the word "blue" to your application.

€404 Average bid
€404 Ortalama Teklif
137 teklifler

I'm looking to improve the user experience of my 3 page website. Key Goals: - Enhancing navigability: The site should be easy to navigate, with intuitive pathways and a clear structure. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Web Design: Strong background in creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites. - UX/UI Expertise: Proven experience in enhancing user experience and interface design. - Understanding of Navigation Principles: Skill in implementing clear and intuitive site pathways.

€10 / hr Average bid
€10 / hr Ortalama Teklif
57 teklifler