Aspvb survey form işler
Merhaba ek de belirtmiş olduğum görsellerin aynısı olacak şekilde bir resimli masaüstü uygulaması bilgi yarışması yapılması ihtiyacım ve Kullanıcı paneli olarak 2 giriş ekranına tc ve admin tarafından ooluşturulacak şifre ilegiriş yapı form projesi olarak yapılması gereken uygulamada her soru 25 saniye süreli ve toplam da 50 adet görüntü sorusundan oluşmalı.50 sorunun ilk 25 i 3 secenekli (a,b,c) geri kalanı 25 soru ise 6 seçenekten (a,b,c,d,e,f) oluşacak sekilde ayarlanmalı.Kullanıcı sınav bitiminde sonuclarını göre bilmeli ve sonuçlar veri tabanında kayıt altına alı Birde veri tabanında soruları random usülü almalı.Veri tabanında sorular kolay,orta,zor, tablolarına kayıt cevap seceneklerı işaretlendikten snra g&ou...
İsteğinize Bağlı Olarak Tasarımda Değişiklikler Yapabilirim.
C# gibi bir program ile yapılan bir uygulama olacak ve gönder tuşuna basıldığında bilgi benim mailime gelecek bu şekilde bir program istiyorum.
Gib tarafından Aracı Kurumlardan istenen XML formatlı dosya için web tabanlı Xml dönüştürücü projesi...
Merhaba ek de belirtmiş olduğum görsellerin aynısı olacak şekilde bir resimli masaüstü uygulaması bilgi yarışması yapılması ihtiyacım ve Kullanıcı paneli olarak 2 giriş ekranına tc ve admin tarafından ooluşturulacak şifre ilegiriş yapı form projesi olarak yapılması gereken uygulamada her soru 25 saniye süreli ve toplam da 50 adet görüntü sorusundan oluşmalı.50 sorunun ilk 25 i 3 secenekli (a,b,c) geri kalanı 25 soru ise 6 seçenekten (a,b,c,d,e,f) oluşacak sekilde ayarlanmalı.Kullanıcı sınav bitiminde sonuclarını göre bilmeli ve sonuçlar veri tabanında kayıt altına alı Birde veri tabanında soruları random usülü almalı.Veri tabanında sorular kolay,orta,zor, tablolarına kayıt cevap seceneklerı işaretlendikten snra g&ou...
işimizde kullanmak zorunda olduğumuz bir sitede belli bir formu hepsini aynı şekilde doldurup kaydedecek bir program yapılması gerekiyor. çok basit bu proje karşılığında tek seferlik mütavazı bir ücret ödenecektir. ek gelir yaratmak isteyen öğrenci yazılımcı için uygundur. php, js ve html dilleri bilen
Merhaba , ekteki görüntülerde görüldüğü üzere 3d model yükleme ve dinamik form oluşturulmasını istiyoruz. ve benzeri yazılımları kullanarak kolayca geliştirilebileceğine inanıyoruz. Model ölçülerine ve seçeneklere göre fiyatta değişiklik olmasını istiyoruz bunu web sitemizde kullanacagız. proje maliyetini uygun tutmak için ilk etapta sadece 2 dosya uzantısıyla çalışması yeterli.
Antalya’da faaliyet gösteren yazılım şirketimize; Mevcut projemizde, yazılım geliştirme konusunda çalışmak üzere takım arkadaşları aramaktayız Tam zamanlı veya Yarı zamanlı
.NET ile SOAP API bir adet form hazırlanacak. Formdan karşı tarafa bir doküman request gönderilecek ve dönen response PDF olarak çıktı. Yapılacak işlem tek bir sorgu ve onun cevabı olarak düşünülebilir. İşyerim benden istedi. PHP ile yaptım ama windows form ile yapılmasını istendi. Bütçem çok yok, yardımcı olursanız çok sevinirim. Örnek dokümanlar ve SOAP zarfları ile ilgili kaynaklarım vardır. Şimdiden teşekkürler.
Merhaba, Veritabanına bir talep formu tasarımı yapılacak (FORM SQL İŞLEYECEK VE MAİL GÖNDERECEK) Veritabanına listeleme yapılacak belli kriterlere göre rapor alacak ve excel e aktaracak ve yazdıracak MSSQL veritabanı ! Teşekküler.
...paylaşılacaktır. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As FA Research and Consultancy, we are looking for a PHP developer freelancer or company (team) to develop our online survey distribution web site (PHP) project. The project has initiated and needs to be developed by its backend and frontend sections. There are several project management panels in Backend. Frontend has a registration form and informative pages. The main idea and service of our website is; Users will register on the site, complete the html questionnaires (surveys) and earn gifts or money in return. Surveys will be displayed on the site via iframe. Selected gifts or prize mone...
PDF sayfasında gördüğünüz ekranın Yeni Kayıt Ekleme ve Güncelleme sayfası yapılacaktır. Sayfa php ile yapılacaktır. Sistemin JSF ile çalışır demosu mevcuttur. Teklif vereceklere demo üzerinden detaylar anlatılacaktır. Sayfada kullanılacak bazı mesleki protokoller : Z39.50 (php_yaz), MARC_Files (php pear)
PDF sayfasında gördüğünüz ekranın Yeni Kayıt Ekleme ve Güncelleme sayfası yapılacaktır. Sayfada kullanılacak bazı mesleki protokoller : Z39.50 (php_yaz), MARC_Files (php pear)
I want 8 form. 1 User registration, 2 user login, 3 profile editing, 4 messaging between users, 5 send notification to the user, 6 car rental registration form and registration, 7 rental car, search, 8 make comments for the rental car, and the stars.
Php ile form gönderme işi, formun tüm alanları zorunlu olacak. E-mail yanlış yazma kriterleri göz önünde bulundurulacak. Form detayları aşağıdadır. Firma Adı (Textbox) E-Posta (Textbox) Filo Sorumluusu (Textbox) Sevk Adresi (Textbox) Araç Sayısı (Combobox) (20 ye kadar sayılar içerecek) -araç sayısı kaç seçildiyse o kadarın araç bilgisi girilmesi istenecek. Bunlar ; Departman (Textbox) Plaka (Textbox) Marka (Textbox) Model (Textbox) Benzin (Textbox) Motorin (Textbox) Fuelopass (Textbox) Kart (Textbox) Viu (Textbox)
kullanıcılara verdiğimiz uniq bir kod ile web sitemizde register yapılması ve bilgilerin bir veri tabanına kayıt edilmesi.
Merhaba, örnek sitedeki gibi kalem simgesine basılınca açılan bir iletişim formu istiyorum. Daha sonrasında müşterilerden gönderilen mailler benim mail adresime yönlendirilecek. Örnek site: .Sağ alt köşede ki kalem butonuna basıp iletişim formunu incelemeniz gerek.
Sınırdurum kişilik bozukluğu Narsistik kişilik bozukluğu Histerik Kişilik bozukluğu Anti-sosyal kişilik bozukluğu Obsesif Kompulsif Kişilik bozujluğu Herbirinden ayrı ayrı 1500 kelime, en az 5 adet türkçe makale' den alıntı, APA formatı (TNR, 12 punto, 2 boşluk), referanslar APA6. Genel olarak bu hastalıklar hakkında literatür taraması intro, literature survey, conclusion.-
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
joomla breezing form select list and google dokumanlara transfer işim var çok kısa yardımcı olmak isterseniz
Greetings, Friends, we have a phone application projects. I try to explain briefly below capable, confident, friends, leaving half of the project please examine the project. * Membership to the system (Membership page, home page, home page with social media, comment pages, like the member details, panel members, membership regulations, etc.) * Can upload videos Pull * Survey system will be * Be able to associate with Amazon Web Services * You can imagine it would be much less than what they are in the line * Native to write. I await your return with your reference, I wish you good work. ------------------------------------------ Türkçe Metin Selamlar, Arkadaşlar bir telefon uygulama projemiz var. kısaca aşağıda anlatmaya &ccedi...
...şu adresteki formun yerine koymak, ve formda istediğim bilgiler girilmediğinde ya da form gönderildiğinde şu sitedeki gibi uyarı vermek istiyorum. bu formdaki gibi üst kısımda eksik bilgi uyarısı ile form başarılı şekilde gönderilmiştir uyarısı verdirtmek istiyorum. Daha sonra ziyaretçi formu doldurup gönderdikten sonra, formu gönderene bir form takip numarası vermek ve sitenin belli yerlerine form sorgula kısmı ekleyerek ziyaretçinin bu kısma daha önce aldığı takip numarasını girerek başvuru durumu hakkında bilgilendirme yapmak istiyorum. Form için admin panel olacak, gönderilen formlar hem belirlemiş olduğum mail adresine pdf olarak gelecek hemde bu admin panelde formları takip ed...
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Build a php form to generate reports for 3 levels of administration'
android tabletlerde kullanilacak web serverli anket programi yapabilirmisin?
Lime survey uygulaması açık kaynak kodlu bir anket uygulamasıdır. Bu anket uygulamasının mobil andriod app uygulamasını yaptırmak surveyle entegre çalışacaktır. Web tarafı lime surveyde yönetilecek android tarafı webden otomatik okuyarak webe otomatik olarak yazacaktır.
My multi-step Gravity Form needs optimization for better performance and speed. Currently, the page is refreshed every time a user goes to the next step. I would like to start using AJX in order to speed up the the form. The issue is that the final step of the form utilizes jQuery to generate random images, which seems to conflict with AJAX. (AI suggested I add the below bullet points) - The primary focus should be on improving the speed of final results generation. - The images do not need to be dynamically updated based on user input; they can be generated at the end. - The images in question are standard photos, not custom graphics or complex diagrams. I'm not a developer, so I'm looking for an expert who can identify the best solution - whether it'...
...Google Form for mixed data (text and numeric) entry. This project involves: - The creation of a Google Form or Web form for data entry. - Utilization of Google Sheets for data processing. - Implementation of coding for comprehensive data analysis. - Implementation of conditional logic to adapt form questions based on responses. - Setting up automatic syncing of form data with Google Sheets. - Thorough testing of the created Google Form or Web form for functionality and errors. - Setup of custom notifications or alerts based on specific form submissions. - Incorporation of user authentication to ensure data security. - Ensuring the form is responsive and works well on different devices. - Providing user training materials o...
Do you wear sarees? In order to know different saree draping styles and real-life experiences, I would like to hear some feedback on your saree draping style as well as your experiences while on saree when you tried it both below and above the navel styles. Please don't bid and waste your time without reading the above description and you are not open-minded to share these stories. Please Note: I need you to answer a few questions before I will hire you, this is just to verify that you have experience with sarees. Thank you!
I'm looking for a developer who can create a pre-order form on my WordPress site. The form should capture customer details, specifically their name, email address, and phone number. Key Requirements: - The form submissions should be sent to my email. - The form should be well integrated into my WordPress site, maintaining the site’s aesthetics. - Prior experience with WordPress and form creation is a must. Please note, the form should not only be functional but also user-friendly, encouraging potential customers to place their pre-orders with ease.
I'm in need of a Java developer who can create a user data form for me. This form should be capable of collecting various types of user data, including both string and integer data. The form should also be able to generate a report based on the collected data. Key Requirements: - The form should be able to collect 'user data' which includes personal, employment and education details. - The report should be generated within a time frame of 20 days. - The budget for this project is fixed at 7k to 9k. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Java - Experience in developing data collection forms - Ability to create reporting features within applications - Strong understanding of user data privacy and security measures.
I'm seeking a highly skilled programmer with expertise in machine...skilled programmer with expertise in machine learning and AI for an exciting project that intersects computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Computer Vision techniques - Advanced skills in Sentiment Analysis - Experience analyzing survey responses Ideal candidates will have a strong programming background, with a focus on machine learning and AI, alongside a proven track record working with computer vision and sentiment analysis. You will be tasked with interpreting survey responses using sentiment analysis, and leveraging computer vision techniques to enhance the project outcomes. Your ability to deliver high-quality analysis will be crucial to the su...
Set up IF-SO WITH Formidable Forms and Zapier integration to help me configure FIRM ON KANDING OAGE Key Responsibilities: - Configure the Formidable Forms to manage and track orders efficiently - Set up triggers for Zapier to automate processes and notifications - Make the if-so short codes dynamic for real-time updates and adjustments Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in setting up and configuring Formidable Forms - Extensive experience with Zapier integration - Understanding of logistics and order management systems - Ability to make dynamic settings for real-time tracking and updates Skills in WooCommerce, Shopify, or Magento are a plus, but not necessary. The primary goal is to enhance shipping coordination and order tracking through the effective use of these tools.
Project Details $250.00 – 500.00 USD I'm looking for a professional web developer who can create a web form for collecting user information. The web form should be able to collect: - Contact details (name, email, phone) - Survey responses - Sign-up or registration details Additionally, all the collected information needs to be stored in a database. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in web development - Experience in creating interactive web forms - Knowledge of database management - Understanding of user data privacy and security protocols More Info: See attachement and our convo
we have already discussed here on this project
I'm looking for a professional to create a fillable 3-page PDF form for application submissions. This form will primarily be used to collect personal information and income details. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing fillable PDF forms - Ability to incorporate specific data fields for personal and financial information - Attention to detail to ensure the form is user-friendly and functional The ideal candidate will have a strong background in PDF form creation and data collection processes. A keen eye for design and usability will be a significant advantage.
I need a survey of raptors in the Mill Creek area of Healdsburg. The survey should focus on basic observation and counts within forested environments. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in ornithology, particularly with raptors - Experience conducting bird surveys in forested areas - Ability to perform basic observation and counts - Strong attention to detail - Capable of working independently in the field - Strong ability to identify different raptor species The survey needs to be conducted immediately.
I need a quick modification to my PHP form for testing purposes. Specifically, I need the hashed passwords in to be updated to MD5. All necessary files and SQL are included, and this project should take no longer than 5-10 minutes. Ideal skills for this project: - Proficient in PHP - Experience with MD5 hashing - Familiar with SQL Please note, the MD5 hashing is only required in the file for this project. Existing passwords in the database do not need to be updated to MD5, only new passwords will need this hashing applied. Max Budget 10.00
I am looking for a freelancer who can help me with an issue I am experiencing on my static HTML website's contact page. I recently made some changes to the website, and since then, I have not been receiving any emails from the contact form. Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in HTML and website development - Experience troubleshooting issues with contact forms - Knowledge of email settings and configuration The ideal freelancer should be able to identify and fix the issue causing the contact form emails to not be received. They should also be able to ensure that the emails received are complete and correct.
Do you wear sarees? have you ever tried a low-waist drape? In order to know different saree draping styles and real-life experiences, I would like to hear some feedback on your saree draping style as well as your experiences while on saree when you wear it both below and above the navel styles. Please don't bid and waste your time without reading the above description and you are not open-minded to share these stories. Please Note: I need you to answer a few questions before I will hire you, this is just to verify that you have experience with sarees. Thank you!
Hi, I need a wordpress plugin that will create me a form with several steps. The form will send the details to an API. You must have a very good experience in working with Wordpress plugins and with an API as well. Please share examples.
...developers to participate in an exciting research study exploring how AI code assistants like GitHub Copilot impact security programming tasks. Your participation will contribute to pioneering research that could shape the future of AI in software development. Study Details: - What You’ll Do: Solve two coding problems—one with GitHub Copilot and one without. After each task, you’ll fill out a survey to share your experience. The sessions will be recorded for analysis. - Duration: Approximately 2 hours - Compensation: $100 AUD for completing the tasks as per the study guidelines. Who Can Join: - Java developers with at least 1 year of professional experience and familiarity with VS Code. - Applicants must not have participated in this study previously. Let&rsq...
I'm looking to prepare an online raffle that will be hosted on my website. Key Requirements: - Development of an online raffle form that includes user registration and automatic winner selection features. Ideal Skills: - Experience with web development and form creation. - Knowledge in implementing user registration systems. - Expertise in programming automatic winner selection features. Please note that the raffle will not require payment integration, but it will need to handle user registration efficiently.
We are seeking a detail-oriented Business Analyst to join our team, starting Feb 1. You will play a pivotal role in assisting with survey logistics. Key Responsibilities: -Onboarding: Begin by reviewing current profiles and previous work records from the Opportunity Tracker to understand our expert networking sites. -Meetings: Conduct consecutive meetings to gather high-level requirements. Survey Management: -Assist with survey logistics within 15 minutes during work hours (7 PM to 3 AM BD Time). -Weekly Web Form Submissions: Submit the web form at the end of each week. -Maintain Trackers: Keep accurate trackers for surveys and VB forms. If you are an organized professional with experience in business analysis and project management, apply now to join...
I'm looking for a web developer who can integrate a ChatGPT form on a webpage that generates quotes for users. Key Requirements: - The ChatGPT form should be able to provide quotes based on user inputs from a form. - The form should collect relevant user information such as name, contact details, and specifics about the service or product they are interested in. - The estimated budget of the user should also be a field in the form. - Quotes should be delivered to the user via email and screen. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development, with experience in integrating AI tools like ChatGPT. - Good understanding of form creation and data collection. - Experienced in setting up email delivery systems from web forms. enhance our current incident form to allow employees to upload additional incident information in PDF format. This should trigger an email alert to the admin team. Additionally, in the admin view, we need a more user-friendly report that allows us to search by various criteria such as employee name, city, vehicle number, etc. The goal is to include more fields in the form to gather relevant data for better tracking and reporting. Features needed include: - More fields in the incident form for comprehensive incident details - Email alerts to the admin team upon form submission - A user-friendly admin view with search capabilities by various criteria - Ability to download reports in spreadsheet and PDF formats Ideal candidate should: - Have experience in ...
...AI-powered feature you wish existed? Would you be open to an AI consultation if solutions were easy to implement? Deliverables Summary Report (Concise & Actionable): Industry-wise pain points & AI opportunities Key trends & insights from interviews/surveys Any recurring themes or objections to AI adoption What would encourage a company to adopt - save on money/time/something else? Raw Data (Survey responses, interview notes, or transcripts) Ideal Researcher Experience in B2B market research Strong communication skills for outreach & interviews Understanding of AI & automation trends (preferred but not mandatory) Ability to deliver results quickly & concisely Budget & Timeline: Looking for a cost-effective solution Delivery within 1-...