Adult rpg games işler
...101 rules and strategies. * Expert programming skills (Python strongly preferred for ML/AI). * Extensive experience in AI development, with a focus on game AI and anti-cheat systems. * Deep understanding of game theory, decision-making algorithms (MCTS, Minimax, Reinforcement Learning), and anomaly detection techniques. * Proven experience integrating AI and anti-cheat into online multiplayer games, especially in real-money environments. * Proficiency with Unity, Node.js, Colyseus, and GraphQL. Anti-Cheat System Requirements: The anti-cheat system should focus on detecting collusion, particularly the intentional discarding of tiles to benefit known opponents. Consider the following methods: * Statistical Analysis of Tile Discards and Takes: Analyze patterns in discarded an...
...emin olmak için benimle yakın çalışmaya istekli olmalıdır. I am looking for a developer to create a web-based multiplayer strategy game in 2D. The game will require the use of a custom engine, and the target platform is web browsers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience creating web-based games using custom engines - Strong understanding of multiplayer functionality - Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript - Previous experience developing strategy games - Knowledge of game design principles and mechanics The project will involve designing and developing the game from scratch, including creating the game mechanics, designing the user interface, and implementing multiplayer functionality. The developer must also...
I need 3D vehicle models with PBR material and maps to be used for games. Truck, Bus, Minibus Etc. Photos of the vehicles will be given and modeled on it. PBR textures will be made in substance painter. Max poly will be 50k It will have a smooth topology Coatings and PBR maps will be made It will be compatible with the game engine Detailed explanation will be made
Merhaba AddonVision infotech, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
Selamlar, Biz oyun geliştirmeyle uğraşan, yazılım mühendislerinden oluşan startup tarzında bir ekibiz. Şu anda hikaye bazlı, interaktif bir adult oyun geliştiriyoruz. Bunun için senaryomuzla uyumlu olacak şekilde ecchi tarzında resimler çizebilecek sorumluluk sahibi ve proje sonuna kadar bizimle devam edebilecek bir çizere ihtiyacımız var. Bizimle çalışmayı düşünür müydünüz?
2D mobil oyun yaptırmak istiyorum kesinlikle oyun motoru olarak Unity kullanılmasını istemiyorum online ve rpg istediğim tarz bir oyun var play store üzerinden Idle Heroes oyuna bakarsanız anlarsınız ciddi ilgilenenler yazsın öyle boru gibi maliyet çıkaranlar hiç yazmasın.
Hi Omni Games, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat. Merhabalar, sizlerle çalışmak isteriz eğer anlaşırsak. Multiplayer bir oyun yapmak istiyoruz. Eğer elinizde hazır oyunlarda var ise onun içinde konuşmak isteriz. İyi çalışmalar. mail: aykuttamer1@
Merhaba Omni Games, profilinizi farkettim ve size projemi önermek isterim. Detayları sohbet üzerinden tartışabiliriz.
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Unity üzerinde satın almış olduğumuz 3d assets ile yeni bir sahnede mekan oluşturabilecek eleman arıyoruz. iş yerimizde bilgisayar teminini biz yapacağız. elimizde olan tasarım bu tasarım ile mekanlar oluşturulacak. ek 3d tasarım yapılmayacak sadece var olan objelerin yerleştirilmesi yapılacak. detaylar için pm atabilirsiniz. şirket istanbulda. Ankarada da şubemiz var.
Linkte bulunan uygulamadaki uygulama gibi oynanan tum oyunları aynı sekilde yeni bir duzen ve tema ile gelistirilip ayrıca 2-3-4 kisi oyuna bağlanıp multiplayer ozelligi ile baglanıp oynamalı sekilde tasarımlanacak hem iphone hem android
Merhaba, arkadaşlar. wep,İos,Android üzerinde çalışan Online, Okey-101-Poker-Batak-Tavla oyunu yaptırmak istiyorum. Oyun kalitesi olarak, Peak Games kahvehane oyunlarıyla aynı düzeyde olmasını istemekteyim. Yapabilecek arkadaşlar Bu bilgilerle Pm atarsa sevinirim. -Oyunun yapım süresi -Genel ücret -İleride yapılacak güncellemeler de talep edilecek ücretler Not; Yaptırılacak iş, amatör olmayacaktır. Aynı zamanda, hazır yazılım üzerinden editleme vs.. istenmemektedir.
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Merhaba, Mobil RPG türü oyunlar ile arası iyi olan freelancer olarak günde en az bir saat çalışabilecek ekip arkadaşı arıyoruz. Müşteri hizmeti olarak tecrübe şartı vardır Her bir cevap için 30 kuruş ödeme yapılacak yaklaşık aylık 350-500 lira arası bir tutar yapmaktadır
Yeni bir web sitesine ihtiyacım var Bunu tasarlayın ve kurun Diğer ya da belirsiz Adult Site Kurulum Ve Tasarım Yetişkinler İçin +18 Site
tüm mobil oyun çeşitleri ile ilgileniyoruz. istendiği takdirde örnek proje fotoğrafları gönderilecektir. basit ve kolay oyunları arıyoruz. fiyat bizim için önemli. aynı kişi ile devamlı çalışmak istiyoruz. yapılmış ve yayında olan oyunlarda olur. özellikle unity ve unreal motoru ile projeler ile ilgileneceğiz. ama oyun ilgimizi çekerse hepsine bakabiliriz. açık kaynak kodlu oyun istiyoruz.
Yeni bir web sitesine ihtiyacım var Bunu tasarlayın ve kurun Blog Bir games hakkında blogger açmak istiyorum.
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sahip olduğum html 5 oyunumu android studyo da yerel web sayfası olarak yükletmek istiyorum . oyunun linki:
Merhaba, Bir projede kullanmak icin asagidaki detaylarda ucreti karsiliginda VERITABANI gerekiyor. Konular: Alisveris sitesi (Emlak-Vasita-Al-Sat, Kisisel Alisveris....) Forum siteleri (Adult siteleri disindaki tum konular olabilir) Kadin-Moda-Guzellik siteleri (Giyim-Kusam, Taki, Kozmetik, forum, tartisma...) Seri Ilanlar (Her turlu ilanlar) Elaman - Is Arama siteleri Sektorel Ilanlar (Sirket ilanlari, bilgileri, usta arayanlar, meslek gruplari) Sikayet Siteleri Yerel Siteler (Ozellikle belirli bir sehre ait her turlu data: eleman arama, seri ilanlar, forum...) Film-Muzik verileri gibi veritabani ortaminda: resimli, detayli MYSQL / CSV bilgilere ihtiyac var. Yani yukaridaki konulari kapsayan icleri DOLU veritabani lazim. Bu veritabanlari SADECE bazi testler...
We need 10 different characters for box games. This characters will be drawn back of cards. Every drawing must describe a situation. For example "Help me". But, in this it is important the drawing. Drawings must be nonsexual. And 5 years old child must understand with this drawing it is a call of help. The characters will be in situations such as "I need help," "I am afraid," and "I endure." The drawing must be in vectoral form. Tasarımı yapılacak karakterler, eklediğimiz örnek resimlerden 01 nolu resim gibi duyguların çok ön planda olduğu bir karakter olabilir, 02 nolu resim gibi tamamen tanımsız ve özgün bir karakter olabilir, 03 nolu resim gibi unisex normal bir karakter olabilir (gerçi burada kara...
i develop many android games in unity3d using c# and java scripts my projects on play store are 1:
Example/Örnek: Yukarıdaki linkte bulunan kelime oyununu istiyorum./I would like the game in the link above.
...yazılım olucak. TeamViewer , UltraVNC tarzı bir yazılım. Farkı bir sunucuya aynı anda birden fazla bağlantı olabilecek. Bu bağlantıyı sağlayacak yazılım istiyoruz. ******************************************************************************************** Hello . Our cloud gaming project . User game will mercilessly punish the cloud server . To play singleplayer games like FIFA, PES, GTA V , Assassin's Creed ,The Witcher . Games will run on the server and the user will go screenshot . That stream is going to be . I plan to use in the server operating system Linux. In addition the system is going to be as rough as . Users - is going to be a combination of software for server connections. TeamViewer software UltraVNC style . Differences may be multiple concurrent ...
Türkiye lokasyonu için adult, escort, sex içerikli web sitesi için seo yaptırmak türkçe ve ingillizce arama kelimelerinde gelen sayfada ilk sıralarda websitemin görünmesini salamakk
Merhaba tasarım örneği mevcut olan video şablonunu tüm çözünürlüklerde sorunsuzca görüntülenecek şekilde responsive css dökümü yapabilecek birine ihtiyacım var. Toplamda 3-4 sayfa mevcut olup gereksiz kodlamalara girmeden işi hızlıca halledebilcek arkadaşları bekliyorum. Dökümde sadece % kullanılacak (px istemiyorum)
php ıle kodlanmıs ve bırcok kısının oynıya bılecegı rpg mafya tarzı onlıne oyunda bulunmasını ıstedıgım kısaca bolumler cesıtlı rank ve sevıyeler olmalı ornegin godfather fırstlady gibi oyunda 7 adet sehır kumarhaneler hastane vb oyuncular kendı mafya aılelerını kura bılmelı bır sehırde cesıtlı ıs objelerı bulunmalı ornegın araba objesı bu araba objesını alan aıle uyelerıne cesıt araclar gelmelı gunde 1 kereye mahsus oyuncular baska bır oyuncu ıle coklu suc yapa bılmelı 2 kısılık 4 kısılık ve 6 kısılık suclar gıbı oyuncular arasında oyuncular bırbırlerını oldurmek ıcın dedektıf kıralamalı ve olen account en bastalı ılk sevıyeden yenı bır ısım ıle yenıden sevıye kasmaya baslamalı ve scprıt gelıstırılmeye acık olmalı mobıl odeme seceneklerı konulmalı oyuncunun he...
Online oyun sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmamıza 3D Artist arayışındayız. Katı ve organik modelleme konusunda yetenekli, Karakter ve yeryüzü şekillerini modelleyebilecek bir arkadaş arıyoruz. 3DS Max ile modelleme yapması tercih sebebidir. Sağlıklı haftalık toplantı yapabilmemiz için İstanbul'da yaşayanlar önceliklidir.
Hello, We have online games and 7/24 chats in them. The language is Turkish. We require moderators to watch those chats and kick, ban, punish users. Working days and hours: Tue- Sat 00:00/ 08:00 Sun- Mon 00:00/ 16:00 Merhaba, 7/24 chat bulunan online oyun projelerimizde çalışacak chat moderatörleri arıyoruz. Görev tanımı: Oyun sohbet ekranlarını aşağıdaki çalışma gün ve saat aralıklarında takip etmek, sohbet düzenini sağlamak; bunun için belirlenen oyun kurallarına göre oyunculara ceza vererek chatten uzaklaştırmak. Çalışma günleri ve saatleri: Salı - Cumartesi 00:00/08:00 Pazar - Pazartesi 00:00/16:00
I need a developer to create a GPT site akin to freecash or prize rebel. The site should include functionalities such as games, an offer wall, and survey implementation. A comprehensive admin backend is crucial, enabling me to suspend accounts, create promo codes, and manage content. Key Components: - User Engagement: The site should facilitate playing games, completing surveys, and interacting with offer walls. - Full Control Admin Panel: The admin area should allow for detailed user management (including tracking IP addresses and managing a telephone verification system), overseeing promo codes, and handling surveys, games, and offer wall content. - Fraud Detection and Prevention: The system should have measures in place to identify and prevent fraudulent activity....
Lütfen detayları görmek için Kaydolun ya da Giriş Yapın.
Olá a todos, gostaria de criar uma loja (principalmente utilizando a plataforma Dropi, mas poderá ser uma outra plataforma que saiba mexer melhor) para a minha loja virtual, preciso de alguns banners para a loja, a logo ...utilizando a plataforma Dropi, mas poderá ser uma outra plataforma que saiba mexer melhor) para a minha loja virtual, preciso de alguns banners para a loja, a logo eu já tenho, preciso de tudo (Páginas de produtos clicáveis que redireciona o cliente até o produto, preciso das informações obrigatórias) Pode se basear na loja da Kabum por exemplo, minha Loja é uma loja de produtos em geral com foco em games (Teclados, Mouses, HeadSet) -Pago o valor combinado e conforme a minha satisfa&cce...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to tutor with the integration of 3d assets (weapons, armour, etc.) into games such as Skyrim, Fallout, and Starfield. I know how to make 3D models, texture, UV unwrap, and optimize them, but I don’t know how to actually get them into these games as functional objects. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with 3D asset integration into games - Familiarity with game engines and modding tools for Skyrim, Fallout, and Starfield - Creative problem-solving abilities and attention to detail
I'm seeking a freelance...up. Key Requirements: - Design and develop an engaging, fun an educational interactive web based game that can capture and hold the attention of young children. - The game should be based around an animated theme, appealing to the target age group. - It should convey the key messages about hygiene in an engaging and easy-to-understand way. Ideal Skills: - Experience in developing interactive games for children. - Strong skills in animation and game design. - Understanding of educational content creation for young children. - Ability to convey important messages in a fun and engaging way. This project is a fantastic opportunity for a creative professional who can combine their skills in animation and game design to make a fun, educational tool for ...
Fortnite is one of the most competitive battle royale games in the world, requiring skill, strategy, and quick decision-making. While I enjoy playing the game, I often struggle with certain aspects, such as building, aiming, knowing the best landing spots, and making the right moves in fights. To truly improve and compete at a high level, I believe hiring a Fortnite coach would be the best decision. A professional coach could help me master all these essential skills and take my gameplay to the next level. One of the most important skills in Fortnite is building, and I know that my building needs serious improvement. I often find myself panicking when I need to build quickly, which results in me getting eliminated. A coach could teach me advanced building techniques like 90s, tunne...
Fortnite is one of the most competitive battle royale games in the world, requiring skill, strategy, and quick decision-making. While I enjoy playing the game, I often struggle with certain aspects, such as building, aiming, knowing the best landing spots, and making the right moves in fights. To truly improve and compete at a high level, I believe hiring a Fortnite coach would be the best decision. A professional coach could help me master all these essential skills and take my gameplay to the next level. One of the most important skills in Fortnite is building, and I know that my building needs serious improvement. I often find myself panicking when I need to build quickly, which results in me getting eliminated. A coach could teach me advanced building techniques like 90s, tunne...
I'm developing an online casino gaming app similar to RoyalFace, with core casino games (Poker, Blackjack, Slots, etc.), real-money transactions (crypto & fiat), and strong user authentication. I'm currently looking to raise $1M in investment and would love to connect with investors interested in gaming, fintech, or blockchain projects. I’d love to discuss whether you have experience in this space and how you typically work with startups to secure funding. Would you be open to a quick chat to explore potential collaboration?
I'm looking for a proactive, open-minded and creative Online Engagement and Sales Specialist to join my team. The primary platform for this role will be infloww, where you'll engage with subscribers and maintain active, meaningful conversations. Discussing the model of the platform and content provided. The main aim will be to sell the adult content to the subsciber Key Responsibilities: - Drive sales and hit targets while ensuring a high level of interaction. - Manage the profile of clients and sell entertainment-based video content. - Actively engage in conversations and respond promptly. Ideal Skills: Excellent written communication skills in English. Ability to maintain a positive and engaging tone. Strong interpersonal skills and a knack for building connections. Re...
I'm looking for a professional writer to help me pen a Self-help book targeted at adults. This book will be in the non-fiction genre. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in writing self-help books or similar non-fiction works - Deep understanding of adult issues and interests - Ability to convey complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way - Strong storytelling skills to keep readers interested - Excellent command of English and grammar Please provide samples of your previous work in the self-help genre when you bid.
I'm looking to build an online educational game platform named Gamepanda. This platform will enable educators to create, store, and share interactive learning games. The scope of this project includes support for a variety of game types, SCORM/xAPI export capabilities, and student tracking functionality. Key Components: - The platform should support a wide range of educational games, including quizzes, puzzles, and various forms of interactive content and e-learning games. - The interactive content types will need to encompass drag-and-drop activities, hotspot activities, sequences, word cloud selections, unscrambles, and mind maps. - The platform should be user-friendly for educators and engaging for students. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experien...
I'm seeking a skilled game developer to create a mobile real-time strategy (RTS) game with a focus on online multiplayer. Core Features: - The game must include a robust multiplayer matchmaking system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in developing mobile games, particularly RTS titles. - Expertise in implementing multiplayer systems. - Knowledge of mobile game monetization strategies, even though in-game purchases are not a core feature, some insight into this would be beneficial. Please share your previous work that aligns with this project.
Company: Froker Job Type: Full-Time (Remote) Salary: ₹10,000 - ₹15,000 per month Job Overview: Froker is seeking a skilled and discreet Adult Video Editor (18+) to join our team. You will be responsible for editing and enhancing adult video content while maintaining high-quality production standards. If you have experience in video editing, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to handle sensitive content professionally, we’d love to hear from you! Key Responsibilities: Edit adult video content, ensuring smooth transitions, color correction, and high-quality output. Add effects, graphics, sound, and other elements to enhance visual appeal. Maintain confidentiality and professionalism while handling sensitive content. Work with producers and content creators to...
I'm developing an action-packed game where players embody "The Gadget Guru", a genius inventor and tech hero. outsmart enemies using a range of innovative gadgets. - Puzzle-solving: Players will also face intricate puzzles which need to be solved in order to progress. - Diverse Environments: The game will take players through different settings, primarily urban landscapes and natural terrains. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Game Development: Proven experience in developing action-combat games. - Combat Design: Expertise in designing mixed combat (both melee and ranged) scenarios. - Puzzle Design: Ability to create intricate puzzles that are challenging yet solvable. - Environment Design: Experience in designing diverse environments, specifically ur...
We operate the website , which focuses on Asian finance and market analyses (around 4,000 articles). Despite our site’s entirely professional content, our AdSense application keeps getting rejected due to alleged "adult content." We are looking for an experienced AdSense specialist who can: Conduct a thorough analysis and identify any potential issues (keywords, metadata, links, etc.). Recommend and/or implement adjustments to ensure compliance with Google AdSense policies. Ensure our website is successfully approved for the AdSense program. Requirements: Proven experience in successfully getting websites approved for AdSense Strong knowledge of SEO, content review, and Google policies Fast, clear communication and a solution-oriented approach We look forward to r...
...Rainbow Tag effect in my Roblox game. This effect should be triggered by purchasing a gamepass. Key Requirements: - Upon purchasing the Rainbow Tag gamepass, players should have a rainbow effect in-game. - The Rainbow Tag effect should not be permanent. It should be renewable based on players' achievements. - Achievements that will renew the Rainbow Tag effect include winning a certain number of games and completing specific in-game missions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Roblox game development. - Experience with creating and integrating gamepasses. - Understanding of creating in-game achievements. - Knowledge of implementing visual effects. URL: Note: Add the sentence on the top of your
...fantasy-themed artwork - Experience with game design and card art - Ability to design a variety of character types - Strong understanding of deckbuilder game aesthetics Early access version of the game including free demo (happy to provide full key for artist to get a better feel for current game content): I have attached screenshots from similar games in the genre - my desired aeshetic is something a little darker/less vectorised. Though given there will be hundreds of cards something simpler stylistically could work for cards - but I would more detail in character artwork and landscapes. The full list of cards currently in the game including their temporary artwork: :Cards
...manual (players request withdrawal, admin approves & sends funds). 2. Player Account Management ✅ Deposit & Withdrawal Section (track available balance). ✅ Game History Section (list of matches played and results). ✅ Payment History Section (deposits, withdrawals, pending transactions). 3. Admin Dashboard Features ✅ User Management (view users, balances, transactions). ✅ Game Monitoring (active games, stakes, and winnings). ✅ Transaction Control (approve withdrawals, manage deposits). ✅ Manual Adjustments (credit or debit user balances if needed). 4. Game Modes & Betting System ✅ Players can choose different stake levels before starting a match. ✅ Winner receives a percentage of the total pool, with a small platform fee deducted. ✅ Leaderboards based on the high...
I'm looking for a developer to create a basic web platform for managing a team-based gaming tournament. Key Features: - Team registration: The site should allow for easy registration of teams. - Automati...registration of teams. - Automatic approval: Once a team registers, they should be automatically approved to participate. Ideal Skills: - Web development: Strong skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and backend languages are crucial. - Experience with gaming websites: Prior experience in creating gaming platforms will be a huge plus. - Understanding of team-based gaming: Familiarity with team-based games and their tournament structure will help in designing an efficient platform. I'm looking for an individual who is able to deliver a user-friendly, efficient, and reliable...
I am looking for a skilled game developer to help me create a simple card game. This game will feature multiplayer capabilities and will be launched on both the iOS and Android platforms. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Extensive knowledge in game development, specifically for mobile platforms. - Proven experience in creating engaging multiplayer games. - Understanding of strategy card games and ability to incorporate elements that will make the game challenging and fun. - Proficiency in iOS and Android game development tools. The successful freelancer will be able to demonstrate a portfolio of similar projects and will have excellent communication skills to collaborate effectively with me on this venture.