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...managing companies. This platform will enable personnel, managers, supervisors, and other authorized staff to perform their tasks and facilitate company management. Additionally, customer data for all companies will be stored in a single database, but each company will only be able to see its own customers. Companies will also be able to add different business fields to the system in the future. Modules and Functions Admin Operations: Admin Control: Admins can add, edit, delete, and activate/deactivate companies, as well as manage subscriptions. Admins can see every detail of a company as if viewing from the company's own page and can send messages (like SMS) to companies (API integration will be provided). Company Operations: Company Management: Added companies c...
Although the GPS tracking app running on the Android phone shows the GPS device correctly, the app shows the phone's location incorrectly. In order for the application to show the location information correctly, it must get the location from the google maps application, not the phone hardware. When installing the application on the phone, necessary changes should be made to ensure that the application runs in a high priority classroom and the application works without any restrictions when the phone switches to battery saving mode. Actions to be taken: 1-Fix location update error of app 2- Changing app permissions to high priority 3-Ensuring that the application is not affected by battery saving restrictions Turkish language: Android telefonda çalışan GPS izleme uygulaması G...
I am using an existing panel. I want to add an additional feature to this panel that I have used. The panel name is opengamepanel. I want to add plugins for counter-strike. Open the plug-in, close the plug-in, there will be plug-in information. That's all I want. price: 10 $ website panel.
Hareketli bir şekilde firma logosu ve isminin yer aldığı bir gift oluşturup bunu instagramda kullanmak istiyorum
...belirtilen rt fav ve yorumu atması lazım programda bir de manuel bölüm olucak manuel işlemelerde tweet url ni yazarak ......rt .....fav .....yorum attırabilecegiz Not : hesaplar kesinlikle kullanıcıadı:şifre:mail&telefon şeklinde programa -girmeli ve proxy destegi mutlaka olmalı programa ister proxyli ister proxysiz hesap ekleyebilmeliyiz. 1 eye of porgram rt - fav - commenting accounts will be loaded 2 eyes of the program will be uploaded only tweeting accounts We will say that we will process in 2 eyes ...... ...... sec. by txt file throw tweets respectively in 2 favorite accounts when tweeting will continue to throw tweets out of the txt file where delete the old tweet before the account in the 1st row throws the second tweet will have the option In the second...
Merhaba, Hali hazırda ile geliştirilen masaüstü yazılımı için, swarm check-in ekleme ve silme modülü yaptırmak istiyorum. Bu modül bir form üzerinde 3 adet buton ve datagridview kullanılarak ekteki görselde ki gibi bir yapıya sahip olabilir. Start check-in butonu, gridview'da bulunan kullanıcıları aynı satırda bulunan mekanlara check-in yapma üzere başlatmak için kullanılır. Stop check-in butonu, tüm işlemleri durdurmak için kullanılır. Delete All check-in butonu, Yapılan check-in'leri silmek amacı ile kullanılır. Tüm işlemler foursquare api üzerinden gerçekleşir
Reklam filmine Türkçe altyazı dosyası (.srt) oluşturmak istiyorum. Videonun uzunluğu 11 dakika 44 saniye.
Merhaba, 10 adet gift ve 3 icon yaptırmak istiyorum. Giftlerin oranı 320x480 veya 480x800 yakın oran ve 10 mb geçmeyecek şekilde. iconların biçimi kristal effect olarak. Giftlerin içeriği hava durumu şeklinde olacaktır. 10 adet gift hava farklı durumları ile ilgili olacak. Telefon ön yüzünde olucağından çok yoğun değilde hem telefona ekranda bakabilecek şekilde olsun (Kar, Yağış, güneşli, ilkbahar, sonbahar, bulutlu, sisli, Rüzgarlı, fırtınalı, buzlu. ) 1. icon hangi ünlüye benziyorum uygulaması için 2. icon hangi burç benim uygulaması için 3. icon hava durumu için
websitemizde satışını yaptığımız AMAZON GIFT CARDS, FACEBOOK GIFT CARDS,GOOGLE PLAY GIFT CARDS,ITUNES GIFT CARDS,KARMA KOIN GIFT CARDS,LEAGUE OF LEGENDS GAME CARDS,MINECRAFT GIFT CARDS,NINTENDO WII POINTS GIFT CARDS,PLAYSTATION NETWORK GIFT CARDS ürünleri hakkında nasıl kullanılır nasıl üyelik açılır ayrı ayrı resimli ve açıklamalı makaleler yazılmalıdır. Her bir ürün makalesinde en ucuza 'dan alınabileceği mutlaka eklenmelidir.
...websitemizde satışını yaptığımız AMAZON GIFT CARDS, FACEBOOK GIFT CARDS,GOOGLE PLAY GIFT CARDS,ITUNES GIFT CARDS,KARMA KOIN GIFT CARDS,LEAGUE OF LEGENDS GAME CARDS,MINECRAFT GIFT CARDS,NINTENDO WII POINTS GIFT CARDS,PLAYSTATION NETWORK GIFT CARDS ürünleri hakkında nasıl kullanılır nasıl üyelik açılır ayrı ayrı resimli ve açıklamalı makaleler yazılmalıdır. Her bir ürün makalesinde en ucuza 'dan alınabileceği mutlaka eklenmelidir. 3. proje: sitemiz var bitcoin bakiyelerini virtual card şekinlinde pazarlıyoruz. bitcoin alış satışı ile ilgili mobil ödeme ile bitcoin satın alma, kredi kartı ile bitcoin satın alma, havale ile bitcoin satın alma, paypal ile bitcoin satın alma, steam cü...
...--------- kredi kartı ile bitcoin yükleme mobil ödeme ile bitcoin yükleme paypal ile bitcoin yükleme perfect money ile bitcoin yükleme webmoney ile bitcoin yükleme elden bitcoin yükleme bitcoin satış siteleri yerli bitcoin satış siteleri yabancı bitcoin ile alışveriş yapılabilen siteler bitcoin borsaları yerli bitcoin borsaları türk (gift card ile bitcoin yükleme amazon steam walmart gift kartlar gibi) Bitcoin Nasıl Bozdurulur? Bitcoin Cüzdanlar (bu bölüme alt kategorileri eklenecek) alt katagoriler web tabanlı cüzdanlar ------------------------------------ blockchain wallet cüzdan Coinbase wallet Circle wallet Strong coin wallet Xapo Wallet ...
Önceki projemizle ilgili süregelen çalışmam var 'Add jquery elements/add interaction to html/css website'
Gift list oluşturma ve hediye satın alıp alıcıya yönlendirme amaçlı web sitesi tasarımı. Site adı ve logo tasarımı gerekli. Üye olup kendi veya arkadaşımızın özel gününe hediye seçme amaçlı grup oluşturabileceğimiz, başka arkadaşlarımızı gruba katılması için davet yollayabileceğimiz bir websitesi. Özel gün sahibi alınmasını arzu ettiği hediyeleri, websitesine kayıtlı diğer e-alışveriş sitelerinin sayfamızda görüntülenecek olan ürünlerinden kategori filtreleyerek seçebilir ya da istediği ürün sayfamızda yer almıyorsa sadece ürün adı, tipi markası vs girip arkadaşlarının arzuya göre kendi şartlarını kullanarak hediyeye ulaşmasını sağlayabilir. Özel gün sahi...
...İki aşamalı projemiz için tasarımcı arkadaşlara ihtiyaç duymaktayız. İlk aşamada, ekte göreceğiniz şekilde bir ana sayfa tasarımı belirledik. Özetle; Bir dükkan kapısında üye olacak iş yerlerinin arama kriterleri yer alacaktır. Cam kısmında ise, yeni üye iş yerlerinin reklamını içerecek tasarım. Dükkanın üstünde bir akvaryum yer alacak ve Ek-2'de göreceğiniz gibi akvaryumda bir animassyon veya gift yer alacak. Dükkanın sağ tarafında bir direk ve dükkanı aydınlatıyor havası verecek. Direkte flama olsun istiyoruz. (Reklam için.) Dükkanın altında Üye olmak isteyenlerin bize ulaşması için sizin yaratıcılığınıza kalan bir footer tasarımıa ihtiyaç duyuyoruz. İkinci aşamada...
We have owned for a web page, a different system with 10 user-name, image entry will be provided on a specific subject. 700 photos are required to be on average per week. The site's name and picture to be drawn of the categories will be told after the agreement. Sites like Pinterest are working with. Photos must be of high quality. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sahibi olduğumuz bir web sayfası için , Farklı 10 kullanıcı adı ile sisteme , belli bir konuda resim girişi sağlanacak. Ortalama haftada 700 resim olma zorunluluğu vardır. Sitenin ismi ve resimlerin çekileceği kategoriler anlaşmadan so...
Add links to many different sources about a website. 100 links = 10 USD Belirtilecek olan web sitesi ile ilgili linkleri, internetteki farklı kaynaklara ekleyin. 100 link = 10 dolar
Önceki projemizle ilgili devam eden işlerim var 'Activity Gift Shop Magento'
I need to create a payment page. There's 4 options of payment for our magnetic insoles and 3 sizes to select. I also need to add a background image on home page and payment page . also add footer and links for terms and privacy page, phone links to buy buttons on home page .All the images are in the library..There's very few work to be done. I will supply the access to the word press Thanks.
I'm seeking a graphic designer to add the text 'Luxury Car Service' to my existing logo. Key Details: - The current format of the logo is a PDF. - The text should be positioned below the existing logo. - The font style can be any that complements the original logo. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software. - Ability to work with PDF files. - Excellent understanding of typography and design aesthetics.
Hi! I hope this message finds you well. You photoshopped a few wedding pictures to add my dad back a few years ago. My sister just got married and I was wondering if you still do photoshop? I would like to have a few pictures photoshopped with my late father
Enhance flywheel graphic by adding two key elements: 1) Before State (5 bullet points) – Positioned to the left of the flywheel. 2) After State (5 bullet points) – Positioned to the right of the flywheel. Key Design Requirements: * The Flywheel and the columns underneath it should remain the primary point of emphasis. (e.g., use grayscale for new). * The new items should match the existing theme and style. I will also provide PDF sketch with placement for the Before and After bullet points.
We're looking for an experienced web developer or team to build a business website that allows guests to contribute funds as wedding gifts. Key features include: • A dedicated, customizable page for the couple with an integrated QR code for quick access. • Secure payment integration for accepting funds via various methods. • A communication module to facilitate messaging between guests and the wedding party. • Mobile-responsive, modern design with a focus on user experience. • Guidance on the best technologies for payment and QR functionalities. Timeline: The project should be completed before the summer. Budget: Open to proposals. Please include your cost estimates along with your bid as the final budget is still under research.
I'm currently working on an audio signal processing project using Matlab and the Matlab Audio Toolbox. The objective is to enhance my Feedback Delay Network (FDN) with two Allpass filters in series within the delay line, followed by an additional delay block. Key project components include: - Utilizing the Allpass filters to create a specific audio effect, namely reverb, within the FDN. - Implementing real-time processing capabilities. - Understanding and manipulating audio signal processing, coding, and the Matlab Audio Toolbox. An ideal freelancer for this project should possess strong skills and experience in: - Matlab programming, particularly with the Audio Toolbox. - Audio signal processing, with a focus on music synthesis. - Coding for real-time audio processing. - Creating a...
...dedicating hours every day to her craft. She experimented with new styles and techniques, often staying up late into the night. The more she practiced, the better she became, and soon people from the town began to notice her talent. One fateful day, a traveling art teacher came to town. She was an old friend of Emma’s grandmother, and when she saw Emma’s sketches, her eyes lit up. “You have a rare gift,” the teacher said. “You must go to the city and study art. I can help you make that dream come true.” Emma was torn. She knew that going to the city would mean leaving her family behind, and the thought of leaving her parents, who relied on her, was painful. But with her grandmother’s encouragement, Emma made the brave decision to pursu...
I'm in search of a talented developer to create a delightful, cow-themed virtual pet game, akin to a Tamagotchi, as a special gift for my partner. Key Features: - Core virtual pet interactions such as feeding, cleaning, playing, sleeping, and potentially evolving - A simple yet adorable UI/UX design - Platform flexibility: Open to a website, a mobile app, or a downloadable program (Windows only) - Lightweight and user-friendly - Optional bonus features like animations, small interactions, and name customization Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in game development (preferably using engines like Unity or Godot) - Skill in creating charming 2D animations - Experience with web or mobile development - Understanding of simple AI and pet simulation If you're interested, please shar...
I'm looking for someone to quickly add 39 products into my WooCommerce store. This will involve manually copying information from one place and pasting it into my store. Key Requirements: - Include product images: Please ensure that all product images are included. - Specific details in product descriptions: Include the price and product features, as well as dimensions and specifications. I will handle product categorization myself, so there's no need to categorize them. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience with WooCommerce and product data entry. Attention to detail and efficient work pace are key to successfully completing this task.
I'm looking for a creative designer to help me design a personalized Amazon gift card. This gift card will be for a colleague or acquaintance, so the design should be professional yet warm and approachable. It should convey a sense of thoughtfulness and generosity, while maintaining an appropriate tone for a workplace context. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with creating gift card designs - Understanding of professional workplace aesthetics - Creativity and attention to detail
We’re already running a SaaS service with an admin page built in Vue.js, and we use for web building. The completed output is stored in S3 and loaded through , which serves as our main router. We’re planning to convert our entire admin page to React due to the complexity of the current setup and because the combination of and updates rather slowly. When you work on this project, you only need to set up the admin page’s basic features, such as admin login, a menu system, and the capability to build pages and publish them. Our in-house team will take care of the rest. We also need to modularize some commonly used functionalities, but you do not need to implement every module yourself. Please convert two modules into components, and then provide a manual
...enabling the construction of the Docker image. - The Docker image must encompass all required source files and dependencies, ensuring it can operate independently in an offline environment. - The WebTrader application should be reachable from a local browser, pre-loaded with mock data sufficient to showcase its functionality across all aspects. - A detailed document should be included, explaining the workings of the project, as well as step-by-step guidance on how to write new extensions for it. The mock data that should be pre-loaded in the WebTrader application includes all data necessary to demonstrate its functionality. There are no specific dependencies or versions that need to be included in the Docker image. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extens...
...“mobile home parks” (check zoning or descriptions). 4. Find parks that seem big enough for 50+ pads (check lot size or use a satellite map view to guess). 5. Write down the owner’s name and mailing address for 3 parks. 6. Try to find more contact info: • If the owner is a company (like an LLC), search the company name on the Idaho state business registry site (search “Idaho business search”) to find an email or phone number. • What to Write Down (add to the Google Sheet in a new tab): • Property Address (or parcel number if no address) • Estimated Pad Count (guess from satellite view if needed) • Owner Name (e.g., “Target City LLC”) • Owner Mailing Address (e.g., “123 Main St”) &b...
I would like to create a simple app mockup that will run on a dedicated iPad mini 6th generation. The app controls my car (To actually make the control add to code a comment stating add code here for X). The app is mostly a design job, but I will want to have functioning buttons, with their animations etc working on my iPad. Few important notes: User experience is important, so if we can fit everything in one screen with smart buttons, it will be best The design is going to be used in real life, so it must fit the surroundings, with dark colors background for example. I’m attaching the current system design only to get a better understanding. Our family logo should appear in the screens, perhaps in the background with transparency and somewhere on top that is visible....
...Daily Task Management Position Type: Remote · Flexible Hours · Ongoing Microtasks Rate: $0.40 per 15-minute task ($1.60/hour) Responsibilities Place food delivery orders (Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc.) 1-3 times daily Book taxis/rideshares (Uber, Bolt) as requested Source low-cost items (<$2 USD) on AliExpress, Amazon, and niche marketplaces Conduct cross-region price comparisons using VPNs Manage gift purchases and time-sensitive deliveries Requirements Technical Proficiency: Experience with VPNs/proxy tools Ability to quickly adopt new software/platforms Operational Skills: Respond to task alerts within 5-10 minutes Maintain detailed order logs Follow precise instructional workflows Ethics: Handle sensitive account credentials securely Sign mandator...
...Daily Task Management Position Type: Remote · Flexible Hours · Ongoing Microtasks Rate: $0.40 per 15-minute task ($1.60/hour) Responsibilities Place food delivery orders (Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc.) 1-3 times daily Book taxis/rideshares (Uber, Bolt) as requested Source low-cost items (<$2 USD) on AliExpress, Amazon, and niche marketplaces Conduct cross-region price comparisons using VPNs Manage gift purchases and time-sensitive deliveries Requirements Technical Proficiency: Experience with VPNs/proxy tools Ability to quickly adopt new software/platforms Operational Skills: Respond to task alerts within 5-10 minutes Maintain detailed order logs Follow precise instructional workflows Ethics: Handle sensitive account credentials securely Sign mandator...
..., where you will work on the implementation. The admin will occasionally submit new articles to the web portal (Insights and Case Studies) for external users to view. You need to build an engine that allows easy submission. We believe WordPress or Wix may be too slow. The website you build must be quick and fast and comply with high SEO standards. Fast means the website must be loaded within a second of launching the browser. You must decide on the technology you use to achieve the objectives. It has to be responsive and work on mobile as well as desktop. Front page > About > Team Insights > Format similar to Case Studies > Format similar to Events Consultation
Add functions like for the other exchanges. Please also try to add support for 'Broker ID'.
Hey, we are producing good quality images for posts on social medias. We would like to animate it, we can provide psd. Please let me know a budget per image. See example attached here
The project is to create 2 different files for all 570 images for a total of 1140 images to make. Create one set with the text and create another set without the text. The instructions are attached. The final image names will have the same so be sure to MAKE TO DIFFERENT IMAGES AND PLACE THEM IN 2 Different files Place finished images WITHOUT TEXT in one file Place finished images WITH TEXT in another file. Please confirm you have the files and understand what to do before you begin. Larry
I need a iOS developer with firebase experience. I need to enable notification for my iOS app. The app uses swift ui to display articles which are loaded from the content api. has web hook functionalities that enable sending notifications using web-hooks. I need my ghost website hosted by to send webhooks to my firebase functions which will then trigger native notifications in my swift app. Im able to get most of the work done but im running into some issues. Im able to get the webhooks to trigger my firebase firestore database to load the contents of the web hook into a new collection but for some reason the next step of generating a native notification in app doesnt seem to work. I need someone to take a look at the code and fix the issues. I am able to deploy
I'm looking for a proficient Laravel developer who can assist me in modifying my existing Laravel code. Here's a breakdown of what I need: - ADDITION OF FUNCTIONS: - User authentication - Pramalink - Email template - Checkout page - Email login - DISABLEMENT OF FUNCTIONS: - Otp login - Chat No integration of third-party services or APIs is necessary for this project. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with Laravel - Strong understanding of user authentication mechanisms - Prior work with email templates and checkout pages - Capability to disable certain functions without affecting the overall system integrity. I look forward to your bids.
I need a website dedicated to selling gift cards exclusively for retail stores and online services. All transactions must be made using cryptocurrencies, so a secure, efficient crypto payment gateway is a must. Key Requirements: - E-commerce functionality tailored for gift cards - Integration of a reliable and secure crypto payment gateway - A user-friendly for effortless navigation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing e-commerce websites - Prior work with crypto payment systems - Strong understanding of gift card e-commerce - Excellent web design skills to create an engaging interface
Job Description: Remove Old Logo and Add New Logo on Product Images (4K & 8K Resolution) Remove old logo from product images without affecting product texture or quality. Add new logo seamlessly with precise placement and natural blending. Deliver high-quality 4K and 8K resolution images. Ensure consistent logo size, position, and opacity across all images. Maintain original image sharpness and background details. Provide final images in PNG, JPEG, PSD formats and all source files.
...CMS. - **Restaurant Application for Customers** - Branded app with logo, colors, and CMS. **Key Features**: - Multi-location support - Multiple menus (Delivery, Pickup) - Order scheduling - Payment processing (Tilled integration) - Gift card, wallet, and loyalty points system - Customers earn loyalty points from the program **Customer Features**: - Login/Signup - Order history - Saved location and payment methods - My Reservations, Wallet, Gift Card, and Loyalty Points - Delivery fees (radius + special fee + geo-fencing) - Option to purchase gift cards - List of offers/promotions (iframe on website) **Reservations**: - Book from website, app, cashier, or POS - Manage opening/closing hours, holidays, and exceptions - Reservation reminders (website + ifram...
My video website, running on WordPress with the WP-Script theme, is experiencing significant performance issues that need urgent attention from an expert. The site’s speed and overall performance are below acceptable levels, particularly under heavy load. Key Issues: - The server CPU is heavily loaded, even with only 50 real-time users. - When Cloudflare's "Under Attack Mode" is disabled, the site slows down drastically, with CPU usage spiking to 4X-5X compared to normal. Previous Optimization Attempts: - Implemented caching rules from Cloudflare. - Installed Jetpack Plugin with Site Accelerator (activation not working). Despite these efforts, the site still needs significant improvement. I would like to focus on optimizing plugins specifically. There's...
...stage/stable and prod environments on account level in AWS. • Setup proxy for Bugsnag. • Add health checks and metrics to all services and make a dashboard for a quick overview of product health. • Improve usage of Newrelic (we are using it on a pretty basic level now). • Upgrade RDS (Postgres) from 13 to 16. • Optimize RDS (Postgres) performance (probably not a job for DevOps, but it would be helpful for us to do it). CORE AWS SERVICES • Amazon Simple Storage Service • AWS Lambda • AWS Data Transfer • Elastic Load Balancing • Amazon Relational Database Service • Amazon Location Service • AWS Systems Manager • Amazon Elastic Container Service • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud • Amazon EC2 Container Regi...
Opulent Handcrafted Crystal Vase – Elevate Yo...charm and refinement. Versatile & Functional Luxury Perfect for displaying fresh blooms or standing alone as a work of art, this vase seamlessly complements both contemporary and classic interiors. Its sleek silhouette and radiant finish make it an ideal gift for weddings, anniversaries, or housewarming celebrations. Why Choose Our Crystal Vase? ✔ Handcrafted from premium crystal for exceptional brilliance ✔ Elegant, timeless design that enhances any decor ✔ Versatile centerpiece for floral arrangements or standalone display ✔ An exquisite gift choice for discerning home owners Indulge in the art of fine living with this luxurious crystal vase. Elevate your home decor with a piece that embodies grandeur, elegance, a...
Opulent Handcrafted Crystal Vase – Elevate Yo...charm and refinement. Versatile & Functional Luxury Perfect for displaying fresh blooms or standing alone as a work of art, this vase seamlessly complements both contemporary and classic interiors. Its sleek silhouette and radiant finish make it an ideal gift for weddings, anniversaries, or housewarming celebrations. Why Choose Our Crystal Vase? ✔ Handcrafted from premium crystal for exceptional brilliance ✔ Elegant, timeless design that enhances any decor ✔ Versatile centerpiece for floral arrangements or standalone display ✔ An exquisite gift choice for discerning home owners Indulge in the art of fine living with this luxurious crystal vase. Elevate your home decor with a piece that embodies grandeur, elegance, a...
...theme, making it perfect for romantic and fun-loving audiences. Color Palette & Symbolism: Red & Pink: Represent love, passion, and playfulness. Gold & Glittery Accents: Symbolize luxury, magic, and celebration. Rainbow Colors: Add a sense of fun, fantasy, and positivity. Leopard Print: Brings a touch of wild, stylish, and trendy fashion appeal. Brand Identity & Purpose: This design is perfect for Valentine’s Day-themed apparel and accessories, including: ✔ T-Shirts, Hoodies & Sweatshirts ✔ Tote Bags, Phone Cases & Mugs ✔ Stickers, Greeting Cards & Digital Prints ✔ Gift Items for Kids, Women & Couples Key Design Elements: - A cartoonish style for the unicorn. - Incorporation of classic Valentine's elements like hearts and Cupid a...
The project was developed using for the front-end and Flask for the back-end. Currently, we're encountering issues with file downloads in our Google Workspace add-on. We're seeking a developer with experience in Google add-on development to help resolve these challenges.