Actionscript email submit button işler
...Project Timeline: This project will be developed, tested and put live within 1 week. We are looking for applications from confident and experienced Senior Android Kotlin Developer candidates who can manage the project from start to finish. Note: Only candidates who have read the project thoroughly and submitted a proposal that meets the requirements will be considered. Interested candidates can submit their applications with their detailed CV and references....
...Video Generation: Utilize AI technology (such as deepfake or similar) to generate a video where a specified individual presents the news script. Background Video Integration: Automatically select and incorporate a background video that is relevant to the news script. Subtitle Addition: Add the news script as synchronized subtitles to the final video. Project Duration: 3 weeks Budget: Please submit your bids considering the scope and timeline. Additional Information: The project requires parallel processing of tasks to ensure timely delivery. Applicants should provide references and examples of previous work relevant to this project. Familiarity with the AI models, software, and technologies to be used in this project is expected.... button and a chat icon on all pages. 2. **API Integration** - Integration of the ChatGPT API with OpenCart and the Journal theme. - Detailed documentation on where files should be placed and which lines of code need to be modified. - Adding options in the admin panel to test if the ChatGPT API key is connected using a Postman-like functionality. 3. **Admin Panel Enhancements** - Adding a SEO button to products in the admin panel (including CSS and code), which generates product descriptions and H2 tags. - Automatically generating product descriptions and H2 tags in the admin panel. 4. **Customer Interface Enhancements** - Adding ChatGPT integration to the OpenCart search button (including CSS). - Ensuring ChatGPT integration wi...
Web Sitesi, simple online shop - hakimizda - galerie - fiyat listesi - tel nr button - reservasyon online - social media buttons ama almanca yazilar olacak textleri ben vericem size logo ve resimler tasarim ben yapicam
Bir dijital menu holder prototipi geliştirmek istiyoruz. Prototip acryl bir holder stand ve elektronik kismindan olusuyor. Basit bir button ile code göstereliyor. Bütce görüsülebilir.
Python, siniflandirma yöntemleri ile Emaillerin Spam ya da Phishing girisimi olup olmadigini tespit etme
Merhaba, Yandex üzerinden mail alıyorum ( 3 tane farklı maile ) Bu 3 maile gelen maillerdeki linki anında ( hız çok önemli ) chrome üzerinden açacak bir uygulama ihtiyacım var. gmail üzerine yaptırdığım bir uygulamam var şimdi de yandex gerekli.
...kullanıcı submit butonuna bastığında, bir sonraki sayfada yıllık min ve max kazancınız budur tarzı bir yazı yazacağız. Hemen yanında mail adresi ve telefon numarası boxı olacak ve orada kullanıcıyı içeri almış olacağız. Bu işlemi yapan backend kod, html css tasarım tek bir sayfada php ile yazılacak ve biz o kod parçacığını eklenti yardımı ile çalıştıracağız. Örneğin İstanbul için ilçe ilçe mahalle mahalle aşağıya doğru sıralanmış bölgeler olacak. Sütunlarda da oda sayıları olacak. Her biri için değer olarak fiyat aralıkları olacak. Bu dataseti ile kullanıcıya il ilçe mahalle seçtirip sonrasında oda sayısını seçtireceğiz. Butona bastıktan sonra yeni bir sayfaya yönlendireceğiz ve o sayfada ta...
Ticimax Platformunu kullandığımız e-ticaret sitemizin; -Blog sayfasının Hazırlanması; Blog Sayfasının Görselleri ve 10 adet Seo Uyumlu Yazı Girilmesi -Web Sitesine Email Entegrasyonu; Üye Olunduğu Zaman, Sipariş Sonrası, Kargolama Sonrası ve Kampanyalarla İlgili Mail Şablonlarının Hazırlanması -Web sitesi Sms Entegrasyonu; Sipariş Sonrası,Kargo Teslim edildiği zaman ve Kampanyalarda v.b. Bildirilmek üzere Sms şablonlarının Hazırlanması
ENG. : Hi I want to open another website within the website that belongs to me. When I press a button on my own website, I want to have pressed an area or button at the same time. I want to click on the site opened within the site. but I want to give the button command through my own website. who can help me with this? TR : Merhaba bana ait web sitesi içerisinde, başka bir web sitesini açmak istiyorum. sonrasında kendi web sitem üzerindeki bir tuşa bastığımda, site içerisinde açılmış olan web sitesinde belirlediğim bir alana yada butona da aynı anda basmış olmak istiyorum. site içerisinde açılan siteye tıklama yapmak istiyorum. ancak buton komutunu kendi web sitem üzerinden vermek istiyorum. bu konu hakkında bana kim...
Kardeşim merhaba. Ben akdeniz üniversitesi Tıp fakültesinde Stajyer Doktorum. Unity üzerinden bir program kodluyoruz. Bize inputfield üzerinden scrollview deki Sahne/Butonları bulmaya yarayacak bir arama motoru gerek. Örneğin; Scrollview de 200 tane ülke ismini içeren 200 button var. Inputfield üzerinden "Tu" yazıyorsun, Tunus ve Turkey buttonları kalıyor, diğerleri eleniyor. İlgilenmek istersen dönüş yapabilirsin. İyi çalışmalar.
Bir buton: 1 milyon kişi aynı anda bu butona tıklayacak, hangisi önce tıklarsa IP adresi ve tıklama zamanı 10:00:00.12345678 şeklinde diğerlerine Realtime gösterilecek. Forex ekranları gibi ya da chat ekranları gibi realtime gösterimi çok hızlı yazılım gerekiyor. webservice olabilir ya da daha hızlı metodlar konuşulur. Sayfa refreshi, ajax olmamalı. Bu konuda tecrübe sahibi tercih sebebimdir. (Ankarada ikamet tercih edilir.)
Şirketim için yeni oluşturulacak yeni bir web sitesine ihtiyacım var. Kurum kültürünü anlayabilecek, bu konuda ayrıntılı ve profesyonel çalışacak arkadaşlara ihtiyacım var. Başvuran adaylar önceki çalışmalarından örnekler göndersinler lütfen I need a new website to be created for my company. I need friends who can understand corporate culture and work in detail and professionally. Applicants must submit samples from their previous work.
Wordpress icinde calisacak, sag alt kosede kapali durup tiklayinca acilan bir pop-up hesap makinesi. Ziyaretci email bilgisi girdigi zaman "show price" a tiklayinca gorebilecek hesaplamayi. Girilen email bilgileri bir DB de yada excel de tutulabilir. Ekteki gorsellerde wireframeimsi tum bilgiler mevcut. EKSTRA BILGI Boat Type (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor) Destination (Hesaplamayi etkilemiyor) Number of people (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor) Dates (Hesaplamayi etkiliyor. Dusuk ve yuksek sezon olarak. Her destinasyon icin farkli) Visitor Email address (Hesaplamayi etkilemiyor) Show Price Button 5 gun icinde hazir olmasi gerekiyor. Tesekkurler
Halen Zinbra kullaniyoruz ve G Suite' e gecis yapmak istiyoruz. Bu konuda email kurulumu yapacak ve Zimbra daki emailleri Gsuite e aktaracak bir freelancer ile calismak istiyoruz.
Gittigidiyora 50-100 adet urun girişi yapılacaktır. İlgilenen arkadaşlardan cevap bekliyorum
oyunum için button gerekiyor. (Play, next vb..) 2. Oyun adı Logo tasarımı (giriş sayfasında kullanılacak) 3. Açılış sayfası için (Logo tasarımı) 4. Pençere tasarımı
...Subject, Department, Ticket Content, File Upload, - - - THIS IS DEFALT FIELS - - - E need extra Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, CRID, (This fiels is unvisible) We will get this fiels value from the url. This fiels saved to ticket tables. Please get phone number and crid value from the the url (with GET) For example i use this url () I want to see old tickets created by this phone number. under the ticket create form if exist. --- TICKET CREATE PAGE --- --- TICKET DETAILS --- I want to see this extra fiels, ( Phone Number, Email, Name Surname, City Plate No, Label No, ) under the Ticket info Tab. --- TICKET DETAILS --- --- TICKET LIST
Devrenin gorevi cikis konrolu yapmak. Devrede 2 sensor + 2 button var. (Besleme girisi 220 V Sensorler 30mV Cikis en fazla 30 mV) Calisma ornegi = acik buton acik ise cikis = + 30 mV kapali buton acik ise cikis = 0 V bir buton acik iken sensor kapali ise cikis = 0 V English Electronic circuit task is exit voltage control. Circuit components are sensors and button. (Input 220 V and sensor signal is 30 mV exit voltage max 30 mV ) Working example ; 1. If Sensor On, Button On = Exit + 30 mV 2. If Sensor Off Button On = Exit 0 V 3. If Any button On and Any Sensors Off = Exit 0 V You can my shema.
Merhaba kayako 4.67 versiyon windows vps de kurulu. Email ayarlarının yapılmasını istiyoruz.
Merhaba arkadaşlar elimde bir form var. Bu form şifremi unuttum olayında işe yaramakta. Bu formun 'Kullanıcı adımı unuttum' şeklinde yapılmasını talep etmekteyiz. Kişi mail adresini yazacak,...şifremi unuttum olayında işe yaramakta. Bu formun 'Kullanıcı adımı unuttum' şeklinde yapılmasını talep etmekteyiz. Kişi mail adresini yazacak, mail adresine databasede kayıtlı olan kullanıcı adları mail yolu ile gönderilecek. ---- Hi everybody. I have a 'Forgot my password' form. But I need a 'I FORGOT USERNAME FORM'... User is come my site, click 'I FORGOT MY USERNAME' button. Type mail adress and push SEND button. After, script found username for the register mail adress on database and send user mail adress to USERNAME. ...
bast bir ios - buton uygulamasına ihtiyaç var. telefon uyanık olduğu süre boyunca üst köşede duracak. diğer uygulamaların üzerinde de görünecek, mesela film izleniyor olsa da görünecek. örnek : assistive touch
...olsa bile seçtiği plakalı aracın otomatik olarak yine seçtiği biniş koordinatlarına yaklaşması durumunda üyeye uygulama üzerinden mesaj göndermeli ve bu mesaj sesli ve görüntülü bildirim olarak cihaz ekranında görünmelidir. Üye biniş saat aralıklarında canlı takip yaparken aracın kendisine ulaşmasına tahmini ne kadar sürenin kaldığını uygulamanın sağ alt köşesinde görebilmelidir, ayrıca ek bir button ile araçla kendi koordinatları arasında kaç km. mesafe olduğunu da görebilmelidir. Uygulama içerisinde bulunan ayrı bir alanda, aynı araç içerisinde seyahat edenler birbirlerini görebilmeli, birbirleri arasında mesaj gönderip alabilmeli, facebook ile bağ...
Alışveriş sitem için 3 adet email tasarmı yaptırmak istiyorum bu maillerde değişiklik yapmak istiyorum yani bu üc maili üzerinde değişiklikler yaparak sürekli kullanmak istiyorum
mysql veritabanımda 100 tane altalta sıralanmış email adres var. Bu adreslerin google plus ve twitter a üye olup olmadıklarını öğrenmek istiyorum. Yapılacak yazılım her çalıştığında 10 tane adresi alacak googleplus, twitter hesaplarının olup olmadığını araştıracak bulursa profil resimlerini ve profil bilgilerini kayıt edecek. Teşekkürler.
Program bir eBay satıcısı tarafından kullanılacak. Programın amacı; satılan ürünler hakkında günde 100-150 adet soru gelmekte ve bu soruların çoğunun cevabı aynı olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu cevapları bir text dosyasından arayıp bulmaktansa böyle minik bir programla halletmek gerekmekte. 1 dropbox, "ürün tipi" adlı, içeriği editlenebilir, yeni ürün tipleri e...textboxların hepsinin üstünde bir label (hangi sorunun cevabı olduğunu anlamak için textbox'ın okumamak için her seferinde) dropboxlarda 20 kadar ürün türü, ve türlerin altında 20 ürün modeli var. bu toplam ürün sayısının hepsinin de 8 tane kopyalanabilir text içeriği olacak. bu textleri...
...Stage (module) Want to Buy Delivery with all source code. It also will be published under the name of our company is our Mobile Market. 1 Step - Web Site 2 Step - IOS (Iphone & Ipad) and the Android App 3 Step - Facebook App 4 Step - Black Berry App 5 Step - Windows Mobile App My friend, and all the web services specialized in Website Application security configuration will be required to submit the completed form....
...the source code delivered with the system in Phase 5. It also will be published under the name of our company is our Mobile Market. 1 Step - Web Site 2 Step - IOS (Iphone & Ipad) and the Android App 3 Step - Facebook App 4 Step - Black Berry App 5 Step - Windows Mobile App My friend, and all the web services specialized in Website Application security configuration will be required to submit the completed form. In all phases of the project are those who aspire to preference. They do not aspire to all stages of the project manager, and they can not be that person's responsibility as a project manager will be followed by sections on our behalf....
...TradingView indicator into an automated trading bot. The bot will need to execute trades based on a trend-following strategy, and it should be compatible with Zerodha or any other Indian broker. indicator link - to be implemented on nifty future timeframe - 3 minute or 5 minute (should be configurable) quantity - should be configurable Bot should have On/Off button Bot to be deployed in such a way that it automatically starts 9.15 AM IST Monday to Friday. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python, with previous experience in developing trading bots - Familiarity with TradingView indicators - Understanding of trend-following trading strategies - Knowledge of integrating with Zerodha or other Indian brokers The ideal candidate will deliver a high-quality
...and eye-catching, yet sophisticated. We encourage the use of colors that convey trust, excellence, and innovation. - Typography: The logo should feature modern, legible typography that complements the design and enhances brand recognition. - Symbolism: Incorporate elements that reflect the values of the FLORA Group—growth, community, and quality service. Submission Guidelines: - File Formats: Submit your logo in both vector (AI, EPS) and raster (PNG, JPG) formats. - Background: Provide a brief description of your design concept and the colors chosen. - Deadline: All entries must be submitted by [insert deadline date]. Judging Criteria: - Creativity: Originality and innovation in design. - Relevance: How well the logo represents the FLORA Group and its various branches. - ...
This is to implement a skill control system and 30 skills for a Roblox combat game. I will provide Button image, animation and VFX for those skills. I only need scripting. The scripting has to be modular and high quality, exactly as how each skill is described in the doc. Details matter a lot. The skill control system needs to be delivered EXACTLY as described in the doc and it has to be delivered in 3-4 days. The 30 skills could be delivered one by one with a less aggressive timeline.
...manage all leads. Filters and search functionality for easy navigation. 2. Lead Entry Details: Fields to store lead information, such as name, email, phone number, company, and notes. Ability to add custom fields if needed. 3. Notes Section for Each Lead: Allow users to add, edit, and timestamp notes for each lead. Maintain a history log of all notes for reference. 4. Convert Lead to Client: A "Convert to Client" button that uses lead information to create a new client in Blesta. Automatically populate the client profile with the lead’s data. Redirect to the client profile for issuing quotes, invoices, or further actions. 5. Email and Communication Tracking: Option to send emails directly from the module and log all communication...
We have a renovation and interior design company based in Dubai. We are looking for an experienced social media freelancer to manage our online presence and help us grow our brand. Key Responsibilities: Develop a social media stra...a similar industry). Strong portfolio showcasing successful campaigns and content creation. Familiarity with Dubai’s audience and design trends. Expertise in paid advertising on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Ability to deliver measurable results. Deliverables: Monthly content calendar. Weekly performance reports. Consistent growth in followers, engagement, and inquiries. To Apply: Please submit the following: A brief proposal outlining your approach to this project. Your portfolio or examples of past work. Estimated timeline and results yo...
I'm looking for a freelancer skilled in Selenium for browser automation specifically in Chrome. I need assistance with automating the process of clicking buttons and links in Chrome. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in Selenium for browser automation - Proficient in automating Chrome - Experience with scripting button/link clicks
I need a freelancer to help me update my email signature and Word header picture. I need the PO Box address line removed from both files Specific Tasks: - Modify my current Word header image - Update my email signature without an outdated address I have all the necessary images ready to go, so no creation work is needed. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience with graphic design and be proficient in editing images for professional use.
I'm looking for a skilled designer to create an impactful email hero banner. As this project has not yet been fully defined, I am open to suggestions and creative ideas from the freelancer. PROMO DETAILS 10% Off All Orders Code:CRUSH10 15% Off $100+ Code: THEONE15 20% Off $200+ Code: FOREVER20 *Excludes Select Designers & Custom Logo HEADINGS & TAGLINES Heading: Valentine's Day Sale! Tagline: Look good on your big date. REQUIRED BANNERS Email Hero Banner (1820px x 939px) Website Hero Banner (2400px x 675px) Mobile Website Hero Banner (1223px x 612px) DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1. Even spacing wherever possible 2. Include disclaimers in the bottom right corner of the hero images 3. Include the promo details in the hero banners 4. Emphasize the promotion in ...
Job Description: We are seeking experienced photographers located in North America, Australia, or Europe to capture 5,000 high-r...region. • Familiarity with construction safety practices and environments. • Strong organizational skills to deliver high-quality, well-organized photo batches. Project Details: • Scope: 5,000 unique photos per region, delivered in organized batches • Budget: Negotiable based on experience and project scope. • Timeline: Immediate start, with flexible delivery deadlines. How to Apply: Please submit the following: 1. A portfolio showcasing relevant industrial or construction photography. 2. Your location and confirmation that you can work locally (no travel required). 3. Your pricing structure. 4. Any questions or sugg...
I am looking for a professional video editor to transform my wedding footage into a cinematic 5 to 10 minute video. The final product should encapsulate the essence of the day in a stylish and engaging way. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into a 5-10 minute cinematic wedding video. - Incorporate a mix of provided and recommended music tracks. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in video editing, particularly in creating cinematic-style content. - Proficiency in using professional video editing software. - Excellent sense of timing and rhythm to sync footage with music. - Creative storytelling abilities to translate raw footage into an engaging narrative. Please submit examples of your previous work, particularly any wedding videos you have edited in the past. ...
I'm looking for a skilled designer to join my team. The majority of the work will be in Figma, with some tasks in Framer. - DO NOT SUBMIT PROPOSAL IF YOU AREN'T SKILLED IN FIGMA & FRAMER Your deep knowledge of UI/UX, Typography, and other visual elements will be essential in creating stunning visual designs for our website. Designer should be aware of current design trends, typography foundaries, and be able to lead a design process from wireframe to completed project. Key Responsibilities: - Visual Design: Transforming concepts into visually appealing designs. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Figma, experience with Framer is a big plus. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles. - Excellent Typography skills. - Knowledge of other visual elements. Your primary ta...
I am looking for a skilled developer to create an automation script or robot that works with Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. The robot will interact with multiple Airbnb listing tabs that I will open manually. The key functionalities include: 1. Automated Message Sending: • The robot should click the “Send Message” button on each Airbnb host’s profile in the open tabs. • Copy a pre-written message (provided by me). • Paste and send the message to the host. 2. Timed Execution: • After sending the message in one tab, the robot should wait 45 minutes before moving to the next tab and repeating the process. 3. Error Handling and Notifications: • If there is an error or issue while sending a message (e.g., a blocked request, failed s...
I'm looking for an experienced game designer to create an engaging mobile puzzle game with a 2D visual style. Key Details: - Genre: Puzzle - Platform: Mobile - Visual Style: 2D graphics Ideal Skills: ...Implementation - User Experience (UX) Design - Prototyping and Testing Experience with creating mobile puzzle games, particularly with 2D graphics, will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of your previous work in this genre and style. Description: The game teaches young kids (3-4 years old) the alphabet (ie ABCs). It is interactive in that it asks the student to push a certain button to proceed to the next stage of the game. The graphics will be mainly 2D. It will have sound, animation and be designed for iPads / computers / iPhones. The game will be desig...
...Performance test shows no lags with 50 concurrent users. 2. Enhance Resume Detail Page Goals: 2.1 YouTube Video Integration: - Support multiple videos per profile (e.g., for different languages). Measurable Outcomes: - Each profile displays up to 5 videos without layout issues. 2.2 WhatsApp Integration: - Add a button for direct WhatsApp messaging with the agency. - Include a link for workers' interviews via WhatsApp. Measurable Outcomes: - Button functionality tested across 5 profiles, directing messages correctly and displaying accurate details. --- 3. Redesign Specific Pages Pages to Redesign: - [Release Your Helper]() - [Check Before You Hire]() - [FDW
...Blueprints: Clear, precise, and ready for construction. 2. Basic 3D Renderings: Provide a visual representation of the house (not photorealistic, but clear and functional). 3. Revisions: At least 1 round of revisions based on feedback. --- Budget: $500 total (including all deliverables and revisions). --- Timeline: Initial drafts: 2 weeks Final deliverables: 4 weeks --- How to Apply: Submit your portfolio, specifically projects related to container homes or similar architectural work. Include a brief description of your experience and approach to the project. Confirm that you can meet the timeline and budget. --- Additional Notes: 1. Preference will be given to freelancers from regions where this budget aligns with market rates (e.g., India, Philippines...
I'm in need of a talented animator who can create a Rive animation featuring a cartoon-style penguin dressed as a doctor. The delivery must be in the form of a rive file, but for the contest you can submit previews as gifs or images. There is an example character attached, but if you feel like you can make a better looking penguin, please showcase that. The quality of the penguin design will heavily influence my decision. The penguin will be used in a health app so it should be charming, charismatic and caring. I need 3 sets of animations: * Penguin pulls out a present. When the user taps on the present, the lid should open and one of 2 variants should happen: 1. the user wins and cash flies out of the present 2. the user doesn't win and the penguin looks sad * Pengu...
...experience working on small business retail projects and understanding of tight budget constraints. Experience with modern/boho design styles and retail spaces. NOTHING ORDINARY Creativity in utilizing affordable, practical solutions for space planning and decor. Strong portfolio showcasing retail design projects with an emphasis on product displays, customer flow, and visual appeal. To Apply: Please submit your proposal including: A brief introduction and why you’re a good fit for this project. Your portfolio (specifically highlighting any modern/boho retail spaces or small business design work). A breakdown of your estimated cost for this project. Tools/software you will use for the project. Your availability and estimated time to complete the project. We’re excite...
I'm involved in a high court matter concerning commonwealth law fraud and need a skilled forensic accountant to help with the investigation. The primary goal of this project is to recover stolen assets. Key tasks and requirements: - Conduct a comprehensive forensic accounting investigation - Focus on identifying and...investigation - Focus on identifying and recovering stolen assets - Provide evidence and support for ongoing litigation Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in forensic accounting, particularly in fraud investigations - Proven track record of asset recovery - Ability to provide litigation support and evidence for legal proceedings - Deep understanding of commonwealth law Please submit your proposal if you meet these criteria and can assist in this...
...20k contacts. We've used basic email-hosting so far but aren't able to send out enough emails at a time. We have an automating system to actually send out the emails but our servers are constantly out of capacity and dont allow us to send out in short periods of time. as we send out a very high volume of emails, our email end up in spam too often which we'd like to get fixed. We're also looking for an effective alternative for Mailchimp. Ideally, we would keep our existing email-addresses (5 email addresses) and "transfer" to a system that can handle more volume. So we don't need a software really, but someone who sets up our email-hosting in a more professional way. Open to solutions. Key Requirements: - The soft...
I'm in need of a professional and modern Microsoft email banner. The banner will be used on all emails to share information. The title of the banner should be What's Important Now (WIN) and include my name and title: Josh Rowan VP - Projects, Americas It also needs to include the company name and logo () and be in the company's color scheme. Ideally also a photo of the plant. These are included for the project. A prior email banner is included as an example.