The Update on Stage 2 of the Single-Use and Takeaway Items Reduction Strategy, including amendments to the Single-Use and Takeaway Items Bylaw, was approved by Toronto City Council on May 23, 2024.
Effective September 1, 2024, retail businesses that provide single-use beverage cups are required to post signage that they accept reusable cups. Signs and posters are available in multiple languages.


The City is taking further steps to reduce waste from single-use and takeaway items. On May 23, 2024, City Council adopted the Update on Stage 2 of the Single-use and Takeaway Items Reduction Strategy, including amendments to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 702, Single-Use and Takeaway Items (the Single-Use and Takeaway Items Bylaw) which took effect March 1, 2024.

Under the bylaw a retail business establishment is required to:

  • Ask-First/By-Request
    • Prior to distributing a single-use accessory food item, either (i) ask a customer if they need the item, (ii) have a customer request the item, or (iii) make the item available to customers in a self-serve station.
    • Prior to distributing a single-use paper shopping bag, either (i) ask a customer if they need the bag or (ii) have a customer request the bag.
  • Accepting the use of Reusable Items
    • Accept the use of reusable shopping bags and beverage cups by customers.
  • Compatibility
    • Only distribute single-use paper shopping bags to their customers that are compatible with the City’s waste diversion programs.

On May 23, 2024, City Council updated the Single-Use and Takeaway Items Bylaw as follows:

Effective May 25, 2024

  • Delivery Exemption for Single-Use Paper Shopping Bag Ask-First/By-Request
    • Retail business establishments are not required to Ask-First/By-Request their customers if they want a single-use paper shopping bag if their purchase is being delivered by the business or a third-party delivery service.
  • Beverage Cup Definition Clarification
    • Definition of “beverage cup” was amended to clarify that a cup may also include a lid.

Effective September 1, 2024

  • Post Acceptance of Reusable Beverage Cup Notice
    • Retail business establishments that sell or provide beverages in single-use beverage cups are required to post signage that they accept reusable beverage cups.

Effective January 1, 2025

  • Restricted Events Required to Ask-First/By-Request
    • Retail business establishments located at restricted events will be required to either (i) ask a customer if they need the item, (ii) have a customer request the item, or (iii) make the item available to customers in a self-serve station before providing single-use accessory food items and single-use paper shopping bags.

The City is committed to helping retail business establishments comply with the bylaw through targeted education and outreach activities.

Single-Use and Takeaway Items Reduction Strategy and Bylaw

Learn about the initiatives the City has implemented to reduce single-use and takeaway items including the bylaw that took effect on March 1, 2024.

Ways to Reduce Single-Use

Learn why it's important and simple ways to reduce single-use and takeaway items.

Resources for Businesses Reducing Single-Use and Takeaway Items

Find resources to help transition away from single-use and takeaway items to reusable alternatives, including small signs and posters to display in your business.

Directory of Businesses Reducing Single-Use and Takeaway Items

A directory for residents to find businesses that are taking action to reduce single-use and takeaway items within their operations.

Directory of Service Providers for Businesses Reducing Single-Use and Takeaway Items

A directory for businesses to find service providers that can help them reduce their use of single-use and takeaway items.

Case Studies

Find examples of small businesses or organizations in Toronto that have successfully reduced their use of single-use items or helped businesses replace these items with reusable alternatives.