Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Budget Instructions and Forms

As we move into the development of the fiscal year 2025-2026 budget, the goal is to continue to provide high-quality services at the lowest possible cost to taxpayers. To do this, agencies should use the following fiscal policy objectives to guide their work in putting together both their cost increase and efficiency plans:

  1. Ensure a clear link between the administration’s priorities and agency strategic plans and any new spending requests.
  2. Invest in programs and initiatives supported by evidence and research to improve outcomes and return on investment.
  3. Evaluate and identify opportunities within the base budget to reallocate dollars to the areas of greatest need.
  4. Maximize agency resources by removing redundancies, minimizing cost shifts, finding efficiencies, and maintaining a lean workforce.
  5. In shared service agencies, examine all business processes to ensure low-cost services to line agencies.

The instructions sent out to all agencies from the Commissioner can be found below. Please note that operating and capital outlay budget requests are due to the Division of Budget by Monday, September 16, 2024.

Please contact your budget office analyst if you have any questions on any aspect of your budget request.


Sherpa will be available for FY 2026 request entry on August 26, 2024


Operating Budget

FY 2025-2026 Operating Budget Instructions (pdf)

Cost Increase Support Form (Word template)

Base Reduction Support Form (Word template)

For guidance on completing the FY 2026 support forms, please visit the Office of Evidence and Impact’s website.


Capital Budget

FY 2025-2026 Capital Budget Instructions (pdf)

FY 2025-2026 Capital Budget System (CP90)

Download Instructions:
•    Click on the link. An information download box will appear, Save will be an option.
•    Select SAVE. You will be prompted to select the directory where the file is to be downloaded.
•    Refer to the Budget instructions from this point forward.

Memorandum - Capital Outlay Fixtures, Furnishings, and Equipment (FFE) (pdf)

Reference - General Guidance for FFE Expenditures (pdf)