15, 98mins
15, 103mins
The man who sued God
15, 90mins
Vendredi Soir
15, 90mins
The Great Dictator
U, 125mins
Traces of a Dragon
No cert, 94mins
CON ARTISTS have fascinated audiences ever since Subtle, Face and Dol Common perpetrated their scams on unwitting fools in Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist. There’s something reassuring for viewers about being in on a con. It’s almost as if we’re privy to the artistic process, visitors to a hallowed film set, holders of a backstage pass. As Edward Burns’s character says of his masterplan in Confidence: “It’s like putting on a play — as long as we know our lines, nothing can go wrong.” He forgot the bit about bumping into the furniture.
The Sting is, perhaps,