Assis Zang is a software developer from Brazil, developing in the .NET platform since 2017. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games and reading good books. You can follow him at: LinkedIn and Github.
In this post, we will understand what Docker is, how it works and how to create a complete environment to deploy ASP.NET Core applications in Docker containers.
Creating an API from scratch can be laborious and error-prone due to syntax errors and typos. However, Visual Studio scaffolding makes this process easier, saving time and avoiding complications.
AI has the potential to transform data analysis and manipulation, making them significantly simpler. Learn how to integrate an ASP.NET Core application with the OpenAI API to perform data analysis directly on the backend.
An API gateway provides a central point for managing routing, security and data aggregation in web applications. Explore the key benefits of this approach, such as securing APIs by creating an external layer, rate-limiting access and optimizing performance using Ocelot.
Hangfire is an excellent tool for executing background tasks accurately and reliably. Check out how to create a routine system in ASP.NET Core using the three types of jobs available in Hangfire.