
TACC offers a variety of opportunities to learn about systems and software from domain experts.

Join us at TACC to learn new skills and meet fellow researchers. TACC provides training for all skill levels, introductory to advanced. Learning opportunities include multi-day institutes, as well as in-person and online courses to meet the needs of researchers from around the world. We also make key sessions available on TACC's YouTube channel.

Byte Size Basics – A collection of easily digestible discussions on a variety of training topics.

Upcoming Training


The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.


TACC Training Highlights

Introduction to PETSc with Victor Eijkhout

PETSc provides a framework for the development of computational science codes. Its focus is on solving linear and nonlinear systems, but it is more than a collection of algorithms: it is a complete toolkit supporting parallel data structures, linear algebra, PDEs, meshes.

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TACC Institute Series  

The TACC Institute series is designed to help researchers further their science through applied computational techniques. Our goal is to broaden the number of people who use advanced computing; whether it’s for research, industry, or as a facilitator, there is an institute designed with you in mind.

Institutes are held on site at the Texas Advanced Computing Center and are in-person only. Meals provided. Detailed agendas will be posted when registration opens.

TACC HPC Leadership Institute

👤 In-Person

The High Performance Computing (HPC) Leadership Institute is specifically tailored to managers and decision makers who are using, or considering using, HPC within their organizations. It is also applicable to those with a real opportunity to make this career step in the near future. Topics covered will include:

  • Procurement considerations.
  • Pricing and capital expenditures.
  • Operating expenditures.
  • Cost/benefit analysis of adding HPC to a company's or institution's R&D portfolio.


High Performance Computing and Scientific Visualization

👤 In-Person

  • MPI, CUDA, OpenMP, and a variety of other HPC topics with hands-on labs using TACC resources.
  • Introductory and advanced courses.
  • Connect with HPC experts to discuss algorithms, implementations, programming models, and more.
  • Hands-on exploration of basic techniques using the parallel visualization package Paraview.


Machine Learning

👤 In-Person

  • Fundamentals and theory of AI, machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) techniques with Python libraries including pytorch.
  • Running AI, ML, and DL workflows at scale on HPC systems.
  • A survey of advanced topics, including Large Language Models, Reinforcement Learning, and advanced visualization for AI.


What to Expect

Instruction on the latest tools, topics, and trends in advanced computing.

Hands-on experiences and guided exercises.

Presentations on the application of advanced computing technologies from TACC researchers, users, and partners.

Opportunities to network with TACC research staff and other attendees.

Certificate of Attendance

Attendees to TACC Institutes will receive a certificate of attendance with their name, the title of the institute and the dates of the program.


The cost of Institutes includes the use of TACC resources, in-person access to experts, and lunch/snacks. Pricing varies for Academic, STAR, and Industry partners.