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Two balls, touch activated flashing cat balls for spirit communication
Motion activated flashing cat toy balls, use them to talk to ghosts
Ghost touch sensor flashing cats balls for hunting ghosts
Three light up balls that flash for ghost hunters

Touch Activated Flashing Balls (3 Pack)

$26.72 including VAT



These Touch Activated Flashing Balls are motion-activated. Also known as Flashing Cat Balls or Ghost-Hunting Cat Balls.

Our SpiritShack Motion-Activated Flashing Balls light up and flash when touched or moved. They are just toys for pets, also known as flashing cat balls or ghost-hunting cat balls. They have broken out in the paranormal investigation world as a great and cost-effective way to identify if there is a spirit nearby.

Since we sell these ghost-hunting cat balls in a pack of three, you can easily identify if you are in the presence of an intelligent spirit. Use them by simply asking the spirit to touch or move a ball. If it flashes, you know you are in the presence of a paranormal spirit. You can ask the spirit to touch an individual ball or move one, then the other. It is a great way of communicating with spirits. We have had some great results during paranormal investigations, particularly when attempting to communicate with spirit children.

Many popular ghost-hunting teams, including Ghosts of Britain and K9 Paranormal, have used touch-activated flashing balls. They have been used mainly for assisting in the communication of spirit children, whose spirits may not be strong enough for detection on our more sophisticated ghost-hunting equipment, such as our spirit box or EVP.


  • Includes 3 Touch Activated Flashing Cat Balls
  • Colour: Clear
  • Material: Plastic
  • Batteries: Included

How Do They Work?

These are just plastic balls, but when spirits move them, they are motion-activated and begin to flash. Since we sell them in a pack of three, you can easily identify if you are in the presence of an intelligent spirit. You can use them by asking questions to spirits, asking them to make a ball move for “yes” and “no”. They are great for detecting if you are with a spirit that is happy to communicate and intelligent.



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8 ReviewsStar 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

  1. Rating

    Psychic connection

    I love mine, I have had some fantastic results with them. Lit up in response to asking questions, and as you literally have to touch them to activate makes me feel the response is genuine paranormal response

  2. Rating

    Lenard Smith

    The results we have had were excellent. Sam was very helpful. I would recommend these, as it shows in Sam’s video.

  3. Rating

    David Farmer

    Arrived fine, have yet to experiment.

  4. Rating

    Jane F.

    Quick delivery professional service

  5. Rating

    Tanya Saliba

    Excellent, thanks.

  6. Rating

    Mandy Jones

    Love these, I’ve been after some for a while but have been too expensive on other sites, so I was delighted to have three for this price.

  7. Rating


    Very fast delivery.

  8. Rating


    I’ve brought these. Brilliant, ghost love them so much, so I had to turn them off at one point as they wouldn’t stop playing with them. 😀

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