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The voice recorder with the USB connection extended
Spirit hunting EVP recorder paranormal equipment
Digital voice EVP recorder for ghost hunting and paranormal investigation
The best EVP recorder for ghost and spirit hunting

The Best Digital EVP Voice Recorder

$213.92 including VAT



The Olympus EVP Recorder is the best EVP Recorder currently on the market for ghost hunting purposes.

EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. EVP and disembodied voices usually occur at a frequency which is lower than the human ear can detect. This device will allow you to hear within that range, and record it. It is a highly sensitive piece of equipment, and will allow you to record any disturbances that may be heard within that range at a high quality to playback throughout, or after you have completed the paranormal investigation.

What does the EVP Recorder do?

The Olympus EVP Recorder is excellent for interacting with spirits and ghosts, and to get insight through asking questions throughout a paranormal investigation or when on a ghost hunt.

The Olympus EVP Recorder is incredibly lightweight and easy to hold and transport, allowing you the option to leave it on a surface, or alternatively walk around the area which you are conducting your paranormal investigation in. It is sturdy and will last a long time alongside your other ghost-hunting equipment.

EVP Recorder features:

  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later), Mac OS X
  • Dot-matrix
  • Comes with a built-in memory of 4 GB
  • Voice-activated
  • 1040 hours recording time
  • Twin speed recording
  • 4 separate recording qualities
  • Stereo voice recorder
  • Conference recording and dictation modes
  • Playback the material at a fast and slow speed
  • A to B repeat function
  • 5 folders
  • Multiple uses – can be used as an MP3 player
  • Storage via Micro SD
  • Ability to transfer and play WMA files
  • USB connector is built-in

How does EVP Recorders work?

EVP Recorders have been used throughout research into the paranormal for years. What used to be a cassette situation has developed into something much more sophisticated. Paranormal researchers and ghost hunters like using EVP Recorders as they are also a great way to record your thoughts and musings throughout a paranormal investigation.



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3 ReviewsStar 1Star 2Star 3Star 4Star 5

  1. Rating

    Frank M. Gonzales

    This is the best EVP recorder I have used to date. I have tried many in the past with no class A EVP’s, soon as I tested this out at a local haunted place, I was getting amazing results.

  2. Rating


    I am happy with my purchase, I have caught a few spooky sounds ☺️ I definitely recommend buying this.

  3. Rating


    Highly recommend this voice recorder.
    Have used it many times.
    Really impressed with sound pick up. Great service.
    Would highly recommend “SpiritShack”

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