Project # CFHWY00604 / Federal # 0001659
This project is the third phase of a longer-term effort to improve the northern segment of Spenard Road between the Minnesota Drive on-ramp to the north and the intersection with Minnesota Drive to the south. The first two phases of this work were led and funded by the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA). This third phase focuses on the section between Benson Boulevard and Minnesota Drive. Design of this phase is federally funded and will be led by DOT&PF, in collaboration with MOA.
This project will address operational, safety, pedestrian, and transit issues including:
DOT&PF is proposing to rehabilitate this section of Spenard Road to:
This effort started as a Highway Safety Improvement Project in the early 2000s. A Preliminary Engineering Report, completed in 2007, established design standards for the corridor and recommended a three-lane roadway alternative for Spenard Road from Hillcrest Drive south to the intersection with Minnesota Drive.