In this video we will go over the Orion core platform to help you get up and running and show you how to customize your monitoring.
First we need to define a few key terms, starting with Orion core platform which we will reference on a number of occasions. Orion is the back-end platform that many of the SolarWinds products run on. You may hear it referred to as Orion, Orion Core, and sometimes just core.
The Orion platform handles all your primary monitoring functions. It manages the polling jobs that collect your data... It then passes that polling data on to the database… It provides web services so you can easily view the data… It takes care of alerting and reporting jobs... If you have multiple polling engines, it handles synchronization between the polling engines... And if you deploy remote server agents or DPI sensors, it manages communication with those as well.
Most of the basic actions you’ll perform in your monitoring will be part of the Orion core and don’t change based on the specific Orion products you have installed. So anytime I mention Orion, you’ll know I’m talking about something that’s product neutral.
The Orion web console is the web-based interface that you'll login to to manage your deployment and monitor your devices or applications.
When you login, you'll be presented with your home page. By default, this home page will be the Orion Summary Page. You can easily customize this default view.
At the top of the summary page, you'll see a series of pull down menus that allow you to navigate throughout the console.
Under the My Dashboards menu, you will be able to see a list of all of the products that you have installed grouped in a logical order such as Network, Applications, Configs and so on. If you do not have certain products installed, these categories will simply not be displayed. As you add new functionality, the categories will automatically be added.
Alerts and Activities will give you the ability to navigate to Alerts, events, Syslog Messages, Traps, and Message Center pages.
From within the summary page, you can drill down into details about the monitored device simply by expanding the node tree to the device you are interested in and clicking on it. This will take you to a node details page.
The reports tab will take you to the Orion report Builder page. Building and customizing reports will be discussed in another video.
From the settings menu, you can access all of the settings for your Orion installation, manage nodes and perform discoveries.
Finally, over on the right, you will see a Notifications Bell. Pull down this menu and you will see all Orion notifications.
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