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#MyPreventionStory is a way for us to acknowledge our mental health and substance misuse prevention experiences.

Year-round, we encourage individuals and organizations to create and share a prevention story on social media—whether it’s telling how they are helping to prevent substance use or sharing the ways they’re promoting mental health. Be a part of the national conversation that celebrates prevention by using the hashtag #MyPreventionStory!

How You Can Create a Story

#MyPreventionStory is about capturing our collective mental health and substance misuse prevention experiences. Find ideas on how you can participate (PDF | 889 KB) and some thought starters that can inspire your story! All types of stories are welcome in any format, including videos, photographs, artwork, poems, and written stories — we want you to share your story in whichever medium feels most authentic to you. Additionally, you can print out this #MyPreventionStory speech bubble, write out your story on the page, and post a picture on social media using the hashtag #MyPreventionStory.

Looking for more #MyPreventionStory examples? You can download and fill out our Prevention Ad-Libs and Prevention Fill-It-In activities to help guide the creation of your #MyPreventionStory. You can also search #MyPreventionStory on social media to see what others are sharing online. Don’t forget to watch one advocate’s #MyPreventionStory (2 minutes, 48 seconds) as he addresses the fentanyl epidemic and shares his experience with substance misuse.

Last Updated
Last Updated: 10/12/2023
Last Updated