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Managing eRA User Accounts


Commons account holders who hold the following roles with your organization can manage accounts:

  • Account Administrator (AA)
  • Administrative Official (AO)
  • Business Official (BO)
  • Signing Official (SO)

AMS user accounts may have the following statuses:

  • Active — A valid account in good standing
  • Deactivated — Account has been disabled by an administrator
  • Locked due to inactivity — Locked by the system due to inactivity (no user activity for 120 days)
  • Pending Affiliation — An individual account that has not been linked to an organization
  • Profile Only — A user ID that is not associated to an account

To manage the accounts affiliated with your organization, log in to Commons and access Account Management System (AMS) by clicking Admin from the colored tiles located on the left side of the eRA Commons homepage, then click Accounts   Account Management sub-menu tab as shown below: 

grant account menu thumbnail

This will display the AMS Search Accounts screen.

search accounts thumbnail

Use Manage Accounts to Perform One or More of the Following Steps:

  1. Edit the Email addresses, if necessary.
  2. To add or delete roles click the + Add Roles button.
  3. To affiliate an account with an organization, click the Affiliate button, if displayed.
  4. If the Unaffiliate button is present, you can click it to unaffiliate an account.
  5. When your changes are complete, click Save to save the changes or click Close to discard your changes.
    When the Save button is clicked, the system displays the account manage screen with a confirmation message.

save screen with confirmation message

Add or Remove Role Assignments on Accounts Within Your Organization

  1. Search for the user with the username OR first and last name (not both). The account will appear under Search Results.
  2. Click Manage under the Action Column.
  3. When the Manage button is clicked, the Manage Accounts screen opens.
  4. Select ‘Add Roles' (opens a list of roles).

Add roles screen

  1. Scroll through the list and click to select the appropriate role(s). Click the Add Role(s) button. When you click Add Roles(s), the system returns to the Create Account or Manage Account screen and displays the newly added role(s) as shown here:add roles screen
    • To add additional roles, click the + Add Roles button and repeat the steps above.
    • To remove a role, click the appropriate Remove button in the Action column.

Unaffiliate an Account from Your Organization

  1. To remove the affiliation to your organization from an account, click the Unaffiliate button in the Roles section of the Manage Account screen.

    When the Unaffiliate button is clicked, an Account Unaffiliation pop-up screen displays.
    When the Unaffiliatebutton is clicked, an Account Unaffiliation pop-up screen displays
  2. Click the Yes button to unaffiliate the account, or click No to cancel the unaffiliation.

    When the Yes button is clicked, all roles assigned to the account are removed, the account is placed in ‘Pending Affiliation’ status, and the Affiliate button appears in the Roles section of the Manage Account screen, as shown here:
    manage roles thumbnail

Guidance Regarding AOR Credentials

  1. On the final step of application submission, the SO will need to enter the AOR (Authorized Representative) credentials. These are not the same as the eRA Commons User ID and password.
  2. To verify if you have the AOR role and that your account is active, log in to and select ‘My Account’ – ‘Manage Profile.’
  3. If you do have the role and are unable to submit your application, please try performing a password reset in
  4. If you have any questions about the AOR credentials, please contact directly:, 1-800-518-4726. Please be sure to state that you need the AOR credential information, not the login.
eRA Grants Contact

Need Help? Contact Us

Budget and grant-specific questions: Contact your assigned Grants Management Specialist (GMS)

Program-related questions: Contact your assigned Grants Project Officer (GPO)

General questions: Call SAMHSA's Division of Grants Management at 240-276-1400

Submitting applications questions: Contact the Helpdesk at

Technical questions: Contact the eRA Service Desk

Last Updated
Last Updated: 04/24/2023
Last Updated