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Our customers

The Customer Service Department strives to achieve excellence in customer service, providing an exceptional experience with high end business modes delivered through the latest technologies.

It also strives to provide you and all our customers with needed information and instructions, introduce you to new services and respond to all your suggestions, complaints and aspirations in the most accurate and efficient way.

The Main Customer Happiness Centre

The Main Centre is a state-of-the-art Customer Service and Happiness Centre designed according to the highest standards and latest technologies, always striving to deliver comprehensive services And in our continuous endeavour to provide you with the best services, and meet all your needs and aspirations through the latest high performing technologies in the most time efficient way, we developed the Services Procedures Manual covering all our services.

The Centre is located on Marrakech street, Um AL Romool, Al Rashidiya, next to RTA Headquarters.

The RTA Call Centre 8009090

As part of the Madinati program, RTA Call Centre 8009090 handles all your inquiries, notifications, suggestions, requests, complaints and urgent notifications. It also handles transactional services such as vehicle registration and renewal. All calls are well managed by our multilingual highly skilled agents and registered in the daily log for internal improvement purposes.RTA Strives to provide you with timely, efficient and accurate information 24 hours a day. Just call 8009090 and we're at your service…


In order to better highlight all our service channels, the Customer Service Department launched Labaih Campaign aiming at introducing and reinforcing our various communication Channels.

Phase 1 of the campaign focuses on spreading awareness through TV, radio and outdoor ads, while phase 2 focuses more on in-centre promotions, print and Social media.



Direct Complain
  • 1
    Service center

    I go to the service centre to apply for a service

  • 2
    Problem in service center

    I encounter a problem whilst there

  • 3
    Open door policy

    I notice that the service centre manager has an open door policy

  • 4
    Meeting with the service center manager

    I meet with the manager to explain my problem

  • 5
    Taking actions

    The manager takes the necessary actions to resolve my problem

  • 6
    Problem solved

    The manger makes sure the problem has been solved and I obtain the service

Contact Centre
  • 1
    Service center

    I go to the service centre to apply for a service

  • 2
    Problem in Service center

    I encounter a problem whilst there

  • 3
    Call to contact center

    I call the Call centre at 8009090

  • 4
    Explain problem

    I explain my problem to them

  • 5

    The Call centre agent informs me it takes 5 working days to handle the complaint

  • 6
    7 working days

    The complaint is handled within 5 working days

  • 7
    Call from Agent

    I receive a call from the agent to inform me about the action taken

VIA Email
  • 1
    Encounter a problem

    While using one of RTA's online services, I encountered a problem

  • 2
    Navigate through the website

    I navigated through the website

  • 3
    Ask RTA

    I find the support email

  • 4
    Sent complaint mail

    I send my complain via email

  • 5
    Recieve a reply

    I received the reply within 5 working days, and my problem is solved

Celebrating our customers.

The Customer Service Centre Team chooses a local or international occasion and randomly selects a number from the Queuing System to be honored on that day. This falls within our continuous effort to build bridges of trust and communication with our customers, close the gap between the employees and customers, and create celebratory atmospheres breaking the daily work routine.

Customer FeedBack System (CFS)

Customer Feedback System is a modern and unique system, collecting all the electronic feedback data submitted by the customers at the Main Service Centre.

We also honour every month the top users of this service in an effort to encourage feedback to assess and improve our services accordingly, and maintain good communication with our customers.


We receive notifications and complaints through our various offline and online channels. Through our state-of-the-art CRM system, we are able to track complaints progress from their initiation until their resolution, and address all types of notifications and complaints in a timely accurate manner following strict performance KPIs to ensure the utmost customer satisfaction.

Ideas and Suggestions

We want you to help us move to the next level, and welcome all your creative ideas and suggestions to improve our services
Submit your suggestion online, or call 8009090. We also welcome your ideas via fax, email and all our other communication channels. Make sure your ideas are new, creative, innovative, and will help in one of the below areas:


  • Best Utilization of Resources
  • Improve Major Processes
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Affects RTA Image
  • Improves work quality
Feasible Suggestions with Financial Outcomes

Submit your feasibility study or plan along with the suggestion for a better chance to win one of our awards based on the below criteria:

Customer Experience Strategy

Engage with Us

We are here for you. Do not hesitate to communicate with us via the following channels:

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