Commute Cost Calculator

Compare the actual cost of three different commuting modes.

Fill out this form to figure out your annual drive-alone commute cost. Compare it to the cost of carpooling and vanpooling. If your employer subsidizes commute options such as transit, carpooling, or vanpooling, or if you receive free HOV parking, the costs of other modes may be even lower.

1. How many days per month do you work? (21 is full time.)
2. What is your round-trip commute (in miles)?
Use Google Maps to help you calculate1
3. What is your cost per mile2 for fuel, maintenance, insurance, tires, license, registration, and taxes?
4. How much do you pay for monthly parking?
Your estimated cost of drive-alone commuting: Monthly
Compare the yearly cost of other commute options:
If you...
Carpool with one other person:
Vanpool3 five days/week with six other people:


  1. Register at and log a trip in the calendar—the system will calculate your round-trip miles based on your origin and destination to use for calculating costs.
  2. Cost per mile estimate based on AAA's "2019 Your Driving Costs" brochure.
  3. Cost of vanpooling based on King County Metro Vanpool Program 5-day work week Fare Schedule effective October 1, 2019. Please check with King County Metro for current vanpool fares, or with other state vanpool providers for their pricing. Vanpool fares are also available for non-standard workweek schedules and for various numbers of riders up to 15-passenger vans.